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Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Advanced tools
Copyright © Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. See LICENSE.md for license terms and full copyright notice.
The @itwin/frontend-devtools package contains various tools and widgets designed to help track information and diagnose issues related to the iTwin.js front-end display system. It is intended chiefly for use by developers.
Because this is a developer-only package, its functionality is not expected to ever be promoted from "beta" to "public".
- allows any tool to be executed by typing in its keyin string (with autocompletion).FpsTracker
- displays the average frames-per-second.TileStatisticsTracker
- displays the state of tile requests in the system.MemoryTracker
- displays statistics about GPU memory allocated by the display system.TileMemoryBreakdown
- breaks down GPU memory used by tiles based on their relationship to the set of displayed tiles.GpuProfiler
- displays GPU timing queries and allows recording for viewing in chrome://tracing. See https://aras-p.info/blog/2017/01/23/Chrome-Tracing-as-Profiler-Frontend/ for more information.DiagnosticsPanel
- combines all of the above widgets into a single panel.The package must be initialized before use. This can be done when your application starts up, or deferred until first use of the package. The packages' tools will not be registered until the package is initialized.
Example of initializing at start-up:
await IModelApp.startup();
await FrontendDevTools.initialize();
An easy way to use this package is to instantiate a DiagnosticsPanel
, supplying a Viewport
for which the panel will supply diagnostics and tools.
You can then integrate the panel into your UI by appending its element
HTMLElement to your DOM.
Alternatively, you can embed any configuration of the widgets into your DOM as you like.
Even if you use none of the widgets, initializing the package will make all of its tools available for use, ready to be associated with your own UI entry points or to be executed via key-in. The set of available key-ins can be found in /public/locales/en/FrontendDevTools.json.
The following key-ins are delivered with this package. Each begins with the prefix fdt
, short for "Front-end Dev Tools". Use FrontendDevTools.initialize
to register them for use in your application.
The key-ins below enable, disable, or toggle a specific feature. They take at most one argument (case-insensitive):
"on": Display the decoration.
"off": Stop displaying the decoration.
"toggle" or no arguments: Invert the current state.
fdt project extents
- Toggles display of a decoration illustrating the iModel's project extents.
fdt freeze scene
- Toggles scene freeze for the active viewport. While scene freeze is enabled, the same set of tiles will continue to be displayed until the scene is unfrozen - no new tiles will be loaded. Useful for zooming in or out to inspect geometry inside specific tiles.
fdt wiremesh
- Toggles the display of wiremesh overlay on surfaces in the selected viewport.
fdt section cut
- Specify whether a clip volume applied to the view should produce cut geometry at intersections with the design models. This controls ViewState.details.clipStyle.produceCutGeometry
fdt particle snow
- Toggle a particle effect simulating snowfall for the active viewport.
fdt frustum selected
- Toggles a decoration representing the current frustum of the selected viewport. The decoration is displayed in any other open viewports - so if no other viewports are open, this key-in has no effect.
fdt shadow frustum
- Like fdt frustum selected
, but visualizes the frustum used to select tiles for the shadow map (when shadows are enabled).
fdt frustum snapshot
- Toggles a decoration representing the current frustum of the active viewport. The decoration remains displayed until it is toggled back off. fdt frustum selected
is much more useful, but requires at least two open viewports. Including fdt snapshot preload
will also display the preload frustum decoration.
fdt tooltips
- Toggles debugging tooltips for element locate. When enabled, hovering over an element will display a tooltip containing information like element ID, subcategory ID, and model ID.
fdt metric
- Toggles use of metric quantity formatting, e.g. as used to format output from the measure tools. Turning metric "off" switches to use of imperial units.
fdt fadeout
- Toggles "fade-out" transparency mode for the selected viewport.
fdt tile requests
- When enabled, displays in each viewport the bounding boxes of all tiles currently requested for loading by the viewport that was selected at the time the key-in was executed. Green boxes indicate pending requests; red indicate requests being actively processed.
fdt 3dmanip
- Change the allow3dManipulations
flag for the 3d view associated with the active viewport.
fdt tiletree bounds
- When enabled, draws bounding boxes representing the volume of each tile tree displayed in the active viewport.
fdt toggle readpixels
- Toggles "read pixels" mode on the active viewport. In this mode, geometry is rendered to the screen as if it was being rendered off-screen for element locate purposes.
fdt dpi lod
- Toggles whether device pixel ratio should be taken into account when computing LOD for tiles and decoration graphics.
fdt attachments
- Toggles display of view attachments in the sheet view associated with the active viewport.
fdt attachment bounds
- Toggles display of bounding boxes around each view attachment in the active viewport.
fdt drawing graphics
- When enabled, 2d graphics in any drawing view will not be displayed. Useful for inspecting 3d graphics of attached section view, if any.
fdt sectiondrawing spatial view
- When enabled, 3d graphics for a section drawing will be displayed in the drawing view, even if they otherwise wouldn't be.
fdt toggle drapefrustum
- Toggles display of frustum that is used to drape classifiers and background map.
fdt toggle maskfrustum
- Toggles display of frustum that is used for planar masks.
fdt toggle reality preload
- Toggles the display of preloaded reality tile bounding boxes.
fdt toggle reality freeze
- Toggles the freezing of reality tile loading, when the reality tiles are frozen new reality tiles are not downloaded or purged.
fdt toggle reality logging
- Toggle the logging of reality tile loading and selection diagnostics to the console.
fdt toggle reality bounds
- Toggle the display of bounding boxes for reality tiles.
fdt set building display
Toggle the display of the worldwide OpenStreetMap worldwide buildingslayer by attaching or displaying as a reality model in the current viewport. The OSM buildings are aggregated and supplied from Cesium Ion https://cesium.com/content/cesium-osm-buildings/. The first argument is required on|off - the second optional argument is a value for transparency between 0 and 1.
fdt wow ignore background
Toggle whether the background color needs to be white for white-on-white reversal to apply.
This package supplies several examples of screen-space post-processing effects that alter the image presented by a Viewport, exposed via the following key-ins:
fdt effect add
- append the specified effect to the selected viewport's list of effects. Effects are applied in the order in which they appear in that list. Available effect names are:
fdt effect clear
- remove all effects from the selected viewport.fdt effect config saturation
- configure the saturation effect. Accepts one argument of the form multiplier=x
where x
is a floating point number by which to multiply each color's saturation. The default multiplier is 2.0.fdt effect config vignette
- configure the vignette effect - see VignetteConfig
for details on the setting. Accepts any combination of the following arguments where each takes a floating point value in [0..1]; if an argument is omitted then the corresponding setting retains its current value: "width", "height", "smoothness", "roundness". e.g., fdt effect config vignette smoothness=0.5
.fdt effect config flip
- configure the "flip" effect. Accepts any combination of the following arguments; any argument omitted defaults to 0.
fdt effect config lensdistortion
- configure the lens distortion effect. Accepts any combination of the following arguments, any argument omitted defaults to 0.5.
This package supplies a couple of examples illustrating how to implement particle effects using decorators, exposed via the following key-ins:
fdt particle snow
- Toggle a snowfall effect for the active viewport.This package provides several keyins to control model overrides. These overrides are stored in the display style and control how the model is displayed (or located) when that display style is used.
fdt set model color"
Set a color override for a model. The first three arguments are the red, green and blue color values in [0..255]. The fourth argument if supplied is the model name, if not supplied the override will be applied to all models.fdt set model transparency
Set a transparency override for a model. The first argument is transparency in [0..1]. The second argument if supplied is the model name, if not supplied the override will be applied to all models.fdt set model locatable
. Set locatable override for a model. Models are locatable by default. The first argument must be true
, false
, on
or off
. The second argument if supplied is the model name, if not supplied the override will be applied to all models.fdt set model emphasized
. Sets a model to be emphasized. The first argument must be true
, false
, on
or off
. The second argument if supplied is the model name, if not supplied the override will be applied to all models.fdt set model line weight
. Sets a model to line weight override. The first argument must weight in [0..31]. The second argument if supplied is the model name, if not supplied the override will be applied to all models.fdt set model line code
. Sets a model line code override. The first argument must be line code in [0..7]. The second argument if supplied is the model name, if not supplied the override will be applied to all models.fdt set model ignores materials
. Sets a model to be ignore materials. The first argument must be true
, false
, on
or off
. The second argument if supplied is the model name, if not supplied the override will be applied to all models.fdt clear reality model overrides
Clears appearance overrides for a model. The fist argument if supplied is the model name, if not supplied the override will be applied to all models.This package provides several keyins to control the display of background maps, map layers and terrain. These settings are stored in the display style and control how the background map is displayed when that display style is used.
fdt toggle terrain
- Toggle terrain display for background maps.
fdt attach maplayer <name>
- Attach a background map layer from name within the map layer source list. Partial names may be used.
fdt attach mapoverlay <name>
- Attach an overlay map layer from name within the map layer source list. Partial names may be used.
fdt attach model maplayer <name>
- Attach a model map layer for each unique model of the currently selected elements.
fdt set map base <name>
- Set the background base map from name within the map layer source list. Partial names may be used.
fdt set map base color <red, green, blue>
- Set map base color by red, green and blue values [0..255].
fdt set map base transparency <transparency>
- Set map base transparency [0..1].
fdt detach maplayers
- Detach all map layers.
fdt set mapLayer transparency <index, transparency>
. Set the map layer to the supplied transparency value [0..1].
fdt set mapLayer visibility <index, on|off>
. Set the map layer visibility.
fdt reorder maplayer <fromIndex, toIndex>
. Move the map layer at fromIndex
to toIndex
fdt zoom maplayer <index>
Zoom to map layer. If index is omitted layer 0 is used.
Several keyins enable attaching map layers of a particular format. Each takes the following arguments -- only the URL is required:
- The URL for the map layer.name
- The map layer name. (if not supplied the URL is used)username
- User Name (only required if credentials are required by server)password
- Password (only required if credentials are required by server)These keyins take the form fdt attach <format> maplayer <arguments>
where format
is one of the following:
- a very common OGC standard Web Map Service that produces images on demand.WMTS
- a Web Map Tile Service that produces cached tiles.ArcGIS
- uses the ArcGIS REST API directly. The URL typically ends with "MapServer".ArcGISFeature
- obtains vector data from the ArcGIS REST API and converts it to tiles. (Requires `@itwin/map-layers-formats)TileURL
- obtains tailes directly from a file server using a supplied URL template.OgcApiFeatures
- obtains vector data from a OGC API - Feature server converts it to tiles (Requires `@itwin/map-layers-formats)Reality models can be attached to a display style to provide context when that display style is used. These are sometimes referred to as "contextual" reality models to differentiate them from reality models that are attached to the project as spatial models. The keyins below provide methods to attach, detach and control their display.
fdt attach reality model
- Attach a "context" reality model to the currently selected viewport.
fdt attach cesium asset
- Attach a "context" reality model from Cesium ion.
fdt detach reality model
- Detach a (contextual) reality model. First argument if supplied is the reality model index, if not supplied then the tool detaches all reality models.fdt set reality model transparency
- Set the transparency for a (contextual) reality model. The first argument is transparency in [0..1]. Second argument if supplied is the reality model index, if not supplied then the the tool applies to all reality models.fdt set reality model locatable
- Set the whether a (contextual) reality model can be located. The first argument must be true
, false
, on
or off
. Second argument if supplied is the reality model index, if not supplied then the the tool applies to all reality models.fdt set reality model emphasized
- Set the whether a (contextual) reality model is emphasized. The first argument must be true
, false
, on
or off
. Second argument if supplied is the reality model index, if not supplied then the the tool applies to all reality models.fdt set reality model color
- Set the reality model color. The first three arguments are red, green and blue components in [0,255]. Second argument if supplied is the reality model index, if not supplied then the the tool applies to all reality models.fdt clear reality model overrides
. Clears the appearance overrides for a (contextual) reality model. First argument if supplied is the reality model index, if not supplied then the the tool applies to all reality models.fdt attach reality properties
- Attach a "context" reality model from properties JSON (generally saved from fdt save reality properties
fdt save reality modelproperties
keyin.fdt save reality properties
- Save reality model properties to the clipboard. These can then be used by the fdt attach reality properties
fdt reality transition
Creates a rendering schedule to transition between reality model and BIM model display.
This package supplies several keyins to control planar masking for background maps and reality models. These masks provide a two and a half dimensional method for masking the regions where the background map, reality models and BIM geometry overlap. Planar masks include an optional transparency override. If a transparency values is specified, a value of 0 will completely mask the reality model - the masked portion will be omitted completely, higher values will produce less masking and a semit translucent display of the masked geometry. If no transparency is included then the transparency value from the mask elements is used. An additional argument boolean argument will invert the mask and mask the area outside the mask geometry rather than inside.
These keyins control the planar masking of the background map.
fdt set map mask by priority
Set the background map to be masked based on priority. Masking by priority will mask by higher priority models. By default background map have lowest priorty (-2048) Unless their priority is overridden reality models are higher priority and BIM models are always higher priority, therefore if priority masking is selected then the background map will be masked by all reality and BIM models. A value for transparency may optionally be included.
: (optional) - A value for the mask transparency override. [0...1]invert
: (optional) - If on
or true
then the mask sense is inverted and the area outside the mask geometry will be masked and the area inside the mask is displayed.fdt set map mask elements
Set the background map to be masked by one or more elements. If elements are already selected they are used for the mask, otherwise the mask elements may be selected individually.
: (optional) - A value for the mask transparency override. [0...1]invert
: (optional) - If on
or true
then the mask sense is inverted and the area outside the mask geometry will be masked and the area inside the mask is displayed.fdt set map mask exclude elements
Set the background map to be masked by all elements except the selected (or individually picked) excluded elements.
: (optional) - A value for the mask transparency override. [0...1]invert
: (optional) - If on
or true
then the mask sense is inverted and the area outside the mask geometry will be masked and the area inside the mask is displayed.fdt set map mask models
Set the background map to be masked by the selected models. The selected models can come from either the current selection set or can be picked individually.
: (optional) - A value for the mask transparency override. [0...1]invert
: (optional) - If on
or true
then the mask sense is inverted and the area outside the mask geometry will be masked and the area inside the mask is displayed.fdt set map mask subcategory
Set the background map to be masked by one or more picked subcategories.
: (optional) - A value for the mask transparency override. [0...1]invert
: (optional) - If on
or true
then the mask sense is inverted and the area outside the mask geometry will be masked and the area inside the mask is displayed.fdt unmask map
Removes the current background map masks.These keysins control the planar masking of reality models.
fdt set reality model mask by priority
Set the reality model to masked based on priority. Masking by priority will cause the masked model to be masked by all higher priority models. By default global reality models (such as the OpenStreetMap building layer) have a priority of -1024 and standard reality models have a priority of zero. BIM models have a priority of 1024. Therefore with default priorities reality models are always masked by BIM model and global reality models are masked by standard reality models. By specifying a priority bias for the when creating the masks for a reality model the masking of reality models by other reality models can be controlled.
: (optional) - A value for the mask transparency override. [0...1]priority
: (optional) - A bias to be applied to the default reality model priority. As lower priority models are masked by higher priority ones, specifying a priority of -1 would cause the reality model to be masked by other reality models.invert
: (optional) - If on
or true
then the mask sense is inverted and the area outside the mask geometry will be masked and the area inside the mask is displayed.fdt set reality model mask models
: (optional)- A value for the mask transparency override. A value of 0 (the default) will completely mask the reality model, higher values will produce less masking and more more map display [0..1] If no transparency is included then the transparency value from the mask elements is used.invert
: (optional) - If on
or true
then the mask sense is inverted and the area outside the mask geometry will be masked and the area inside the mask is displayed.fdt set reality model mask elements
Set the reality model to be masked by one or more elements. If elements are already selected they are used for the mask, otherwise the mask elements may be selected individually.
: (optional) - A value for the mask transparency override. [0...1]invert
: (optional) - If on
or true
then the mask sense is inverted and the area outside the mask geometry will be masked and the area inside the mask is displayed.fdt set reality model mask exclude elements
Set a reality model to be masked by all elements except the selected (or individually picked) excluded elements.
: (optional) - A value for the mask transparency override. [0...1]invert
: (optional) - If on
or true
then the mask sense is inverted and the area outside the mask geometry will be masked and the area inside the mask is displayed.fdt set reality model mask subcategory
Set a reality mdel to be masked by one or more picked subcategories.
: (optional) - A value for the mask transparency override. [0...1]invert
: (optional) - If on
or true
then the mask sense is inverted and the area outside the mask geometry will be masked and the area inside the mask is displayedfdt unmask reality model
Removes the masks from the selected reality model.fdt save view
- Copies to the clipboard a JSON representation of the view currently displayed in the active viewport. Accepts a single optional argument:
: format the result so it can be directly parsed by fdt apply view
as a single quoted string argument.fdt apply view
- Given a saved view as a JSON string (see fdt save view
), applies it to the active view. Takes a single required argument: the JSON string, in quotes, with interior quotation marks escaped as ""
. Use the quote=1
argument to fdt save view
to enquote and escape the JSON.fdt apply viewid
- Accepts the Id of a persistent ViewDefinition in hexadecimal format and applies that view to the active viewport.fdt save rendering style
- Outputs selected aspects of the active viewport's display style as JSON. See DisplayStyleSettings.toOverrides
. Each argument is of the format "option=value" where value
is 0 for false or 1 for true. All arguments default to false.
: include all settings.imodel
: include iModel-specific settings.project
: include project-specific settings.map
: include background map settings.drawingaids
: include drawing aid decoration settings.copy
: copy result to system clipboard.quote
: format the result so it can be directly parsed by fdt apply rendering style
as a single quoted string argument.fdt apply rendering style
- Given a rendering style as a JSON string (see fdt save rendering style
), applies it to the active viewport's display style. See DisplayStyleSettings.applyOverrides
. Takes a single required argument: the JSON string.fdt bgcolor
- change the background color for the active viewport. It requires a single argument - the string representation of the color. See ColorDef.fromString for supported formats.fdt change viewflags
- Changes any number of ViewFlags for the active viewport. Each argument is of the format "flag=value". For boolean flags, the value is 0
for false
or 1
for true
. Flag names are case-insensitive.
fdt inspect element
- Creates a readable text summary of a geometric element or geometry part. The keyin takes the following arguments (only the first character of each is checked), all of which are optional:
- can also specify as a comma-separated list of any number of elementIds;1
indicates detailed symbology information should be included in the output;1
indicates detailed geometric element placement should be included; andverbosity=2
can produce megabytes of data for certain types of geometric primitives like large meshes.1
indicates that if the element is a geometry part, the output should include a list of all geometric elements which reference that geometry part. This is extremely inefficient and may take a very long time to process in iModels containing many geometric elements.1
indicates the output should be displayed in a modal dialog.1
indicates the output should be copied to the system clipboard.1
indicates that a summary of the geometry of each geometry part reference should also be output.fdt select elements
- given a list of element Ids separated by whitespace, replace the contents of the selection set with those Ids.fdt dump selection
- Dump the Ids of the currently select elements, optionally formatting and/or copying to the clipboard. Optional arguments:
, copy the result to the system clipboard.0x123 0x456 0x789
.["0x123", "0x456", "0x789"]
fdt toggle skybox
- If the active viewport is displaying a spatial view, toggles display of the skybox.fdt sky sphere
- set the image used for the skybox as a Url or texture Id.fdt sky cube
- set the images used for the skybox, mapping each to one or more faces of the box. Each image is specified as a Url or texture Id. The images are mapped in the following orders based on how many are supplied:
fdt emphasize selection
- Emphasizes all elements in the selection set, and de-emphasizes all other elements by making them semi-transparent and grey. If the selection set is empty, clear the effects of any previous use of this key-in. Accepts one of the following arguments:
fdt emphasize visible
- Determines the set of elements considered currently visible in the selected viewport and emphasizes them, de-emphasizing everything else. It takes one required argument and one optional argument:
indicates non-locatable geometry should be considered. By default it is ignored.fdt clear emphasized
- Undo the effects of fdt emphasize selection
or fdt emphasize visible
.fdt isolate selection
- Causes all elements except those currently in the selection set to stop drawing.fdt clear isolate
- Reverse the effects of fdt isolate selection
.fdt test clip style ON|OFF
- Toggles a ClipStyle for the active viewport with hard-coded symbology overrides
fdt test clip style ON {"viewflags":{"renderMode":6,"lighting":false},"appearance":{"rgb":{"r":255,"g":128,"b":0}}}
fdt tile bounds
- Sets the type of bounding volume decorations that will be displayed for each tile displayed in the view. Accepts at most one argument; if none is specified, it defaults to "volume", unless tile bounds are already displayed, in which it toggles them back off.
fdt time tile load
- Purges all tile trees from memory and reloads the contents of the selected viewport. Outputs to the notifications center the time elapsed once all tiles required for the view are loaded and displayed.fdt hilite mode
- Changes the ModelSubCategoryHiliteMode for the HiliteSet associated with the selected viewport. It takes a single argument: "union" or "intersection".fdt hilite settings
- Modifies the hilite settings for the selected viewport. If no arguments are specified, it resets them to the defaults. Otherwise, each argument modifies an aspect of the current settings:
fdt emphasis settings
- Modifies the hilite settings used for emphasized elements in the selected viewport. If no arguments are specified, it does nothing. See fdt hilite settings
for supported arguments.fdt flash settings
- Modifies the FlashSettings used in the selected viewport. If no arguments are supplied, it does nothing. If "default" is supplied as the only argument, it resets to the default settings. Otherwise, it accepts any combination of the following arguments in the form "name=value", where name
is case-insensitive and only the first character matters:
fdt gpu mem limit
- Changes the value of TileAdmin.gpuMemoryLimit
controlling how much GPU memory can be allocated to tile graphics before graphics of least-recently-drawn tiles begin to be discarded. Accepts one integer greater than or equal to zero representing the amount of memory in bytes; or one of "default", "relaxed", "aggressive", or "none". Any other input is treated as "none".fdt tilesize default
- Changes the default tile size modifier used by viewports that don't explicitly override it. Accepts a floating point number greater than zero.fdt tilesize viewport
- Overrides the tile size modifier for the selected viewport (if a floating point number is supplied) or clears the override (if the string "reset" is supplied). The modifier must be greater than zero.fdt webgl report compatibility
- Opens a modal dialog with information about the client's level of support for various features of the iTwin.js display system.fdt webgl lose context
- Force a webgl context loss.fdt compile shaders
- Compile all un-compiled registered shader programs and report whether any errors occurred. Useful for testing/debugging platform-specific shader issues.fdt animation interval
- Changes the IModelApp.animationInterval
settings. Specify milliseconds in non-negative milliseconds; or anything not parseable as an integer to disable the interval callback entirely.fdt query schedule script
- Queries the schedule script associated with the RenderTimeline or DisplayStyle element specified by Id. All arguments are optional:
fdt set schedule script
- Sets or clears the schedule script associated with the selected viewport. The script is supplied as a JSON string complying with the format of RenderSchedule.ScriptProps. If no script is supplied, any existing script is removed from the viewport.fdt reverse schedule script
- If a schedule script is associated with the selected viewport, replaces it with a script that reverses the script's element timelines.fdt visibility
- Controls whether instanced, un-instanced (batched), or all geometry is displayed in the active viewport. Accepts at most one argument; defaults to "all" if none is specified:
fdt aspect skew
- Change the aspect ratio skew of the active viewport. Accepts the floating point skew; defaults to 1.fdt subcat ovr
- Change the appearance overrides for one or more subcategories in the active viewport. All arguments except the list of Ids are optional.
fdt layer dump
- Dump to the notification manager a JSON representation of the current plan projection settings for the selected viewport. Optional argument copy
also copies the JSON to the clipboard.fdt layer set
- change plan projection settings for the selected viewport. The first argument is required and specifies the plan projection model(s) to be affected, either as all
or as a comma-separated list of model Ids (e.g., 0x1c,0x9a
). Subsequent arguments are optional and are used to build a PlanProjectionSettings. Any arguments omitted will get their default values. Only the first character of each argument is significant; the name of the setting is separated from the value by an =
: transparency in [0..1].elevation=
: elevation in meters.overlay=
: 1 to draw as an overlay, 0 to draw normally (with depth).priority=
: 1 to enforce subcategory display priority, 0 to ignore.fdt subcat priority
- Override display priority of one or more subcategories. Only has an effect on plan projection models. The first argument is a comma-separated list of subcategory Ids; the second is the integer priority value. Omit the second argument to clear the overrides for the specified subcategories.fdt clip color
- Specify or unspecify a clip color to use for pixels inside or outside the clip region. <color string>
must be in one of the following forms: "rgb(255,0,0)", "rgba(255,0,0,255)", "rgb(100%,0%,0%)", "hsl(120,50%,50%)", "#rrbbgg", "blanchedAlmond" (see possible values from ColorByName
; case insensitive). At least one argument must be specified. Arguments can be:
<color string>
| clear": Set or clear an inside clip color<color string>
| clear": Set or clear an outside clip colorfdt clip intersection
- Specify or unspecify an intersection style to be applied to geometry intersecting the defined clip planes. Geometry at this intersection will be colorized with the defined color at the defined width. <color string>
must be in one of the following forms: "rgb(255,0,0)", "rgba(255,0,0,255)", "rgb(100%,0%,0%)", "hsl(120,50%,50%)", "#rrbbgg", "blanchedAlmond" (see possible values from ColorByName
; case insensitive). If no argument is specified, the most recently defined intersection style will be applied (or the default style if no style has been defined). Arguments can be:
<color string>
": define the color to apply to the intersection style<number>
": define the number of pixels considered to be intersecting the clip planefdt sourceId from elemId
and fdt elemId from sourceId
- Converts between the Id of an element in the iModel and the corresponding object in the source document from which it originated. Outputs the result to IModelApp.notifications.
: the source aspect Id or element Id.copy=
: (optional) 1 to copy the resultant Id to the system clipboard.fdt aasamples <nSamples>
- Sets the number of antialias samples for the current viewport where nSamples is the number of samples to use; if 1 or less then antialiasing is turned off, if > 1 then antialiasing is turned on and it will attempt to use that many samples (restricted by the given hardware constraints)
The following arguments can also be supplied:
: (optional) sets it for all open viewports as well as all future viewportsfdt toggle normalmaps
- toggles the display of normal maps.FAQs
Debug menu and supporting UI widgets
The npm package @itwin/frontend-devtools receives a total of 3,320 weekly downloads. As such, @itwin/frontend-devtools popularity was classified as popular.
We found that @itwin/frontend-devtools demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.
Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Security News
Socket CEO Feross Aboukhadijeh discusses the open web, open source security, and how Socket tackles software supply chain attacks on The Pair Program podcast.
Security News
Opengrep continues building momentum with the alpha release of its Playground tool, demonstrating the project's rapid evolution just two months after its initial launch.