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A command line tool for working with JBrowse 2

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title: Command line tools id: cli toplevel: true

This document covers the CLI tools. Note: for @jbrowse/img static export tool, see


The command line tools can be installed globally using npm as follows

$ npm install -g @jbrowse/cli

A CLI tool called jbrowse should then be available in the path. You can test your installation with

$ jbrowse --version

It is also possible to do one-off executions using npx, e.g.

npx @jbrowse/cli create myfolder

It is likely preferable in most cases to install the tools globally with npm install @jbrowse/cli -g however


jbrowse add-assembly SEQUENCE

Add an assembly to a JBrowse 2 configuration

  $ jbrowse add-assembly SEQUENCE

      sequence file or URL

      If TYPE is indexedFasta or bgzipFasta, the index file defaults to <location>.fai
      and can be optionally specified with --faiLocation
      If TYPE is bgzipFasta, the gzip index file defaults to <location>.gzi and can be
      optionally specified with --gziLocation

  -a, --alias=alias
      An alias for the assembly name (e.g. "hg38" if the name of the assembly is "GRCh38");
      can be specified multiple times

  -f, --force
      Equivalent to `--skipCheck --overwrite`

  -h, --help
      show CLI help

  -l, --load=copy|symlink|move|inPlace
      Required flag when using a local file. Choose how to manage the data directory. Copy, symlink, or move the data
      directory to the JBrowse directory. Or use inPlace to modify the config without doing any file operations

  -n, --name=name
      Name of the assembly; if not specified, will be guessed using the sequence file name

  -t, --type=indexedFasta|bgzipFasta|twoBit|chromSizes|custom
      type of sequence, by default inferred from sequence file

      indexedFasta   An index FASTA (e.g. .fa or .fasta) file;
      can optionally specify --faiLocation

      bgzipFasta     A block-gzipped and indexed FASTA (e.g. .fa.gz or .fasta.gz) file;
      can optionally specify --faiLocation and/or --gziLocation

      twoBit         A twoBit (e.g. .2bit) file

      chromSizes     A chromosome sizes (e.g. .chrom.sizes) file

      custom         Either a JSON file location or inline JSON that defines a custom
      sequence adapter; must provide --name if using inline JSON

      The display name to specify for the assembly, e.g. "Homo sapiens (hg38)" while the name can be a shorter identifier
      like "hg38"

      [default: <fastaLocation>.fai] FASTA index file or URL

      [default: <fastaLocation>.gzi] FASTA gzip index file or URL

      synonym for target

      Overwrite existing assembly if one with the same name exists

      Reference sequence name aliases file or URL; assumed to be a tab-separated aliases
      file unless --refNameAliasesType is specified

      Type of aliases defined by --refNameAliases; if "custom", --refNameAliases is either
      a JSON file location or inline JSON that defines a custom sequence adapter

      A comma-separated list of color strings for the reference sequence names; will cycle
      through colors if there are fewer colors than sequences

      Don't check whether or not the sequence file or URL exists or if you are in a JBrowse directory

      path to config file in JB2 installation directory to write out to.
      Creates ./config.json if nonexistent

  # add assembly to installation in current directory. assumes .fai file also exists, and copies GRCh38.fa and
  GRCh38.fa.fai to current directory
  $ jbrowse add-assembly GRCh38.fa --load copy

  # add assembly to a specific jb2 installation path using --out, and copies the .fa and .fa.fai file to /path/to/jb2
  $ jbrowse add-assembly GRCh38.fa --out /path/to/jb2/ --load copy

  # force indexedFasta for add-assembly without relying on file extension
  $ jbrowse add-assembly --type indexedFasta --load copy

  # add displayName for an assembly
  $ jbrowse add-assembly myFile.fa.gz --name hg38 --displayName "Homo sapiens (hg38)"

  # use chrom.sizes file for assembly instead of a fasta file
  $ jbrowse add-assembly GRCh38.chrom.sizes --load inPlace

  # add assembly from preconfigured json file, expert option
  $ jbrowse add-assembly GRCh38.config.json --load copy

  # add assembly from a 2bit file, also note pointing direct to a URL so no --load flag needed
  $ jbrowse add-assembly

  # add a bgzip indexed fasta inferred by fa.gz extension. assumes .fa.gz.gzi and .fa.gz.fai files also exists
  $ jbrowse add-assembly myfile.fa.gz --load copy

See code: src/commands/add-assembly.ts

jbrowse add-connection CONNECTIONURLORPATH

Add a connection to a JBrowse 2 configuration

  $ jbrowse add-connection CONNECTIONURLORPATH

  CONNECTIONURLORPATH  URL of data directory
                       For hub file, usually called hub.txt
                       For JBrowse 1, location of JB1 data directory similar to

  -a, --assemblyName=assemblyName  Assembly name of the connection If none, will default to the assembly in your config

  -c, --config=config              Any extra config settings to add to connection in JSON object format, such as
                                   '{"uri":"url":""}, "locationType": "UriLocation"}'

  -f, --force                      Equivalent to `--skipCheck --overwrite`

  -h, --help                       show CLI help

  -n, --name=name                  Name of the connection. Defaults to connectionId if not provided

  -t, --type=type                  type of connection, ex. JBrowse1Connection, UCSCTrackHubConnection, custom

  --connectionId=connectionId      Id for the connection that must be unique to JBrowse.  Defaults to

  --out=out                        synonym for target

  --overwrite                      Overwrites any existing connections if same connection id

  --skipCheck                      Don't check whether or not the data directory URL exists or if you are in a JBrowse

  --target=target                  path to config file in JB2 installation directory to write out to.

  $ jbrowse add-connection
  $ jbrowse add-connection --type JBrowse1Connection
  $ jbrowse add-connection --assemblyName hg19
  $ jbrowse add-connection --type UCSCTrackHubConnection --assemblyName
  $ jbrowse add-connection --type custom --config
  '{"uri":{"url":""}, "locationType": "UriLocation"}' --assemblyName hg19
  $ jbrowse add-connection --connectionId newId --name newName --target

See code: src/commands/add-connection.ts

jbrowse add-track TRACK

Add a track to a JBrowse 2 configuration

  $ jbrowse add-track TRACK

  TRACK  Track file or URL

  -a, --assemblyNames=assemblyNames     Assembly name or names for track as comma separated string. If none, will
                                        default to the assembly in your config file

  -d, --description=description         Optional description of the track

  -f, --force                           Equivalent to `--skipCheck --overwrite`

  -h, --help                            show CLI help

  -l, --load=copy|symlink|move|inPlace  Required flag when using a local file. Choose how to manage the track. Copy,
                                        symlink, or move the track to the JBrowse directory. Or inPlace to leave track

  -n, --name=name                       Name of the track. Will be defaulted to the trackId if none specified

  -t, --trackType=trackType             Type of track, by default inferred from track file

  --category=category                   Optional Comma separated string of categories to group tracks

  --config=config                       Any extra config settings to add to a track. i.e '{"defaultRendering":

  --indexFile=indexFile                 Optional index file for the track

  --out=out                             synonym for target

  --overwrite                           Overwrites existing track if it shares the same trackId

  --protocol=protocol                   [default: uri] Force protocol to a specific value

  --skipCheck                           Skip check for whether or not the file or URL exists or if you are in a JBrowse

  --subDir=subDir                       when using --load a file, output to a subdirectory of the target dir

  --target=target                       path to config file in JB2 installation to write out to.

  --trackId=trackId                     trackId for the track, by default inferred from filename, must be unique
                                        throughout config

  # copy /path/to/my.bam and /path/to/my.bam.bai to current directory and adds track to config.json
  $ jbrowse add-track /path/to/my.bam --load copy

  # copy my.bam and my.bam.bai to /path/to/jb2/bam and adds track entry to /path/to/jb2/bam/config.json
  $ jbrowse add-track my.bam --load copy --out /path/to/jb2 --subDir bam

  # same as above, but specify path to bai file. needed for if the bai file does not have the extension .bam.bai
  $ jbrowse add-track my.bam --indexFile my.bai --load copy

  # creates symlink for /path/to/my.bam and adds track to config.json
  $ jbrowse add-track /path/to/my.bam --load symlink

  # add track from URL to config.json, no --load flag needed
  $ jbrowse add-track

  # --load inPlace adds a track without doing file operations
  $ jbrowse add-track /url/relative/path.bam --load inPlace

See code: src/commands/add-track.ts

jbrowse add-track-json TRACK

Add a track configuration directly from a JSON hunk to the JBrowse 2 configuration

  $ jbrowse add-track-json TRACK

  TRACK  track JSON file or command line arg blob

  -u, --update     update the contents of an existing track, matched based on trackId
  --out=out        synonym for target

  --target=target  path to config file in JB2 installation directory to write out to.
                   Creates ./config.json if nonexistent

  $ jbrowse add-track-json track.json
  $ jbrowse add-track-json track.json --update

See code: src/commands/add-track-json.ts

jbrowse admin-server

Start up a small admin server for JBrowse configuration

  $ jbrowse admin-server

  -h, --help                     show CLI help

  -p, --port=port                Specifified port to start the server on;
                                 Default is 9090.

  --bodySizeLimit=bodySizeLimit  [default: 25mb] Size limit of the update message; may need to increase if config is
                                 Argument is passed to bytes library for parsing:

  --root=root                    path to the root of the JB2 installation.
                                 Creates ./config.json if nonexistent. note that you can navigate to
                                 ?config=path/to/subconfig.json in the web browser and it will write to

  $ jbrowse admin-server
  $ jbrowse admin-server -p 8888

See code: src/commands/admin-server.ts

jbrowse create LOCALPATH

Downloads and installs the latest JBrowse 2 release

  $ jbrowse create LOCALPATH

  LOCALPATH  Location where JBrowse 2 will be installed

  -f, --force         Overwrites existing JBrowse 2 installation if present in path
  -h, --help          show CLI help
  -l, --listVersions  Lists out all versions of JBrowse 2

  -t, --tag=tag       Version of JBrowse 2 to install. Format is v1.0.0.
                      Defaults to latest

  -u, --url=url       A direct URL to a JBrowse 2 release

  --branch=branch     Download a development build from a named git branch

  --nightly           Download the latest development build from the main branch

  # Download latest release from github, and put in specific path
  $ jbrowse create /path/to/new/installation

  # Download latest release from github and force overwrite existing contents at path
  $ jbrowse create /path/to/new/installation --force

  # Download latest release from a specific URL
  $ jbrowse create /path/to/new/installation --url

  # Download a specific tag from github
  $ jbrowse create /path/to/new/installation --tag v1.0.0

  # List available versions
  $ jbrowse create --listVersions

See code: src/commands/create.ts

jbrowse help [COMMAND]

display help for jbrowse

  $ jbrowse help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

jbrowse set-default-session

Set a default session with views and tracks

  $ jbrowse set-default-session

  -c, --currentSession   List out the current default session
  -h, --help             show CLI help
  -n, --name=name        [default: New Default Session] Give a name for the default session
  -s, --session=session  set path to a file containing session in json format
  -t, --tracks=tracks    Track id or track ids as comma separated string to put into default session

  -v, --view=view        View type in config to be added as default session, i.e LinearGenomeView, CircularView,
                         Must be provided if no default session file provided

  --delete               Delete any existing default session.

  --out=out              synonym for target

  --target=target        path to config file in JB2 installation directory to write out to

  --viewId=viewId        Identifier for the view. Will be generated on default

  $ jbrowse set-default-session --session /path/to/default/session.json
  $ jbrowse set-default-session --target /path/to/jb2/installation/config.json --view LinearGenomeView --tracks track1,
  track2, track3
  $ jbrowse set-default-session --view LinearGenomeView, --name newName --viewId view-no-tracks
  $ jbrowse set-default-session --currentSession # Prints out current default session

See code: src/commands/set-default-session.ts

jbrowse text-index

Make a text-indexing file for any given track(s).

  $ jbrowse text-index

  -a, --assemblies=assemblies  Specify the assembl(ies) to create an index for. If unspecified, creates an index for
                               each assembly in the config

  -h, --help                   show CLI help

  -q, --quiet                  Hide the progress bars

  --attributes=attributes      [default: Name,ID] Comma separated list of attributes to index

  --dryrun                     Just print out tracks that will be indexed by the process, without doing any indexing

  --exclude=exclude            [default: CDS,exon] Adds gene type to list of excluded types

  --file=file                  File or files to index (can be used to create trix indexes for embedded component use
                               cases not using a config.json for example)

  --force                      Overwrite previously existing indexes

  --out=out                    Synonym for target

  --perTrack                   If set, creates an index per track

  --target=target              Path to config file in JB2 installation directory to read from.

  --tracks=tracks              Specific tracks to index, formatted as comma separated trackIds. If unspecified, indexes
                               all available tracks

  # indexes all tracks that it can find in the current directory's config.json
  $ jbrowse text-index

  # indexes specific trackIds that it can find in the current directory's config.json
  $ jbrowse text-index --tracks=track1,track2,track3

  # indexes all tracks in a directory's config.json or in a specific config file
  $ jbrowse text-index --out /path/to/jb2/

  # indexes only a specific assembly, and overwrite what was previously there using force (which is needed if a previous
   index already existed)
  $ jbrowse text-index -a hg19 --force

  # create index for some files for use in @jbrowse/react-linear-genome-view or similar
  $ jbrowse text-index --file myfile.gff3.gz --file myfile.vcfgz --out indexes

See code: src/commands/text-index.ts

jbrowse upgrade [LOCALPATH]

Upgrades JBrowse 2 to latest version

  $ jbrowse upgrade [LOCALPATH]

  LOCALPATH  [default: .] Location where JBrowse 2 is installed

  -h, --help          show CLI help
  -l, --listVersions  Lists out all versions of JBrowse 2

  -t, --tag=tag       Version of JBrowse 2 to install. Format is v1.0.0.
                      Defaults to latest

  -u, --url=url       A direct URL to a JBrowse 2 release

  --branch=branch     Download a development build from a named git branch

  --nightly           Download the latest development build from the main branch

  # Upgrades current directory to latest jbrowse release
  $ jbrowse upgrade

  # Upgrade jbrowse instance at a specific filesystem path
  $ jbrowse upgrade /path/to/jbrowse2/installation

  # Upgrade to a specific tag
  $ jbrowse upgrade /path/to/jbrowse2/installation --tag v1.0.0

  # List versions available on github
  $ jbrowse upgrade --listVersions

  # Upgrade from a specific URL
  $ jbrowse upgrade --url

  # Get nightly release from main branch
  $ jbrowse upgrade --nightly

See code: src/commands/upgrade.ts


Debug logs (provided by debug) can be printed by setting the DEBUG environment variable. Setting DEBUG=* will print all debug logs. Setting DEBUG=jbrowse* will print only logs from this tool, and setting e.g. DEBUG=jbrowse:add-assembly will print only logs from the add-assembly command.




Package last updated on 18 Feb 2022

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