Security News
Lazarus Strikes npm Again with New Wave of Malicious Packages
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Advanced tools
$ npm install @jiaminghi/c-render
Detailed documents and examples can be viewed on the HomePage.
import CRender from '@jiaminghi/c-redner'
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
// Instantiate CRender
const render = new CRender(canvas)
// Add graph to render
const circle = render.add({ name: 'circle', ... })
* @description Class of CRender
* @param {Object} canvas Canvas DOM
* @return {CRender} Instance of CRender
class CRender {
// ...
* @description Context of the canvas
* @type {Object}
* @example ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
* @description Width and height of the canvas
* @type {Array}
* @example area = [300,100]
* @description Whether render is in animation rendering
* @type {Boolean}
* @example animationStatus = true|false
* @description Added graph
* @type {[Graph]}
* @example graphs = [Graph, Graph, ...]
* @description Color plugin
* @type {Object}
* @description Bezier Curve plugin
* @type {Object}
Add graph to render.
Delete graph in render.
Delete all graph in render.
Draw all the graphs in the render.
Clear canvas drawing area.
Animate the graph whose animation queue is not empty and the animationPause is equal to false.
* @description Add graph to render
* @param {Object} config Graph configuration
* @return {Graph} Graph instance
CRender.prototype.add = function (config = {}) {
// ...
* @description Delete graph in render
* @param {Graph} graph The graph to be deleted
* @return {Undefined} Void
CRender.prototype.delGraph = function (graph) {
// ...
* @description Delete all graph in render
* @return {Undefined} Void
CRender.prototype.delAllGraph = function () {
// ...
* @description Draw all the graphs in the render
* @return {Undefined} Void
CRender.prototype.drawAllGraph = function () {
// ...
* @description Clear canvas drawing area
* @return {Undefined} Void
CRender.prototype.clearArea = function () {
// ...
* @description Animate the graph whose animation queue is not empty
* and the animationPause is equal to false
* @return {Promise} Animation Promise
CRender.prototype.launchAnimation = function () {
// ...
* @description Weather to render graph
* @type {Boolean}
* @default visible = true
* @description Graph shape data
* @type {Object}
* @description Graph style data (Instance of Style)
* @type {Style}
* @description Whether to enable drag
* @type {Boolean}
* @default drag = false
* @description Whether to enable hover
* @type {Boolean}
* @default hover = false
* @description Graph rendering index
* Give priority to index high graph in rendering
* @type {Number}
* @default index = 1
* @description Animation delay time(ms)
* @type {Number}
* @default animationDelay = 0
* @description Number of animation frames
* @type {Number}
* @default animationFrame = 30
* @description Animation dynamic curve
* @type {String}
* @default animationCurve = 'linear'
* @description Weather to pause graph animation
* @type {Boolean}
* @default animationPause = false
* @description Rectangular hover detection zone
* Use this method for hover detection first
* @type {Null|Array}
* @default hoverRect = null
* @example hoverRect = [0, 0, 100, 100] // [Rect start x, y, Rect width, height]
Update graph state.
Update graphics state (with animation).
Skip to the last frame of animation.
Pause animation behavior.
Try animation behavior.
* @description Update graph state
* @param {String} attrName Updated attribute name
* @param {Any} change Updated value
* @return {Undefined} Void
Graph.prototype.attr = function (attrName, change = undefined) {
// ...
* @description Update graphics state (with animation)
* Only shape and style attributes are supported
* @param {String} attrName Updated attribute name
* @param {Any} change Updated value
* @param {Boolean} wait Whether to store the animation waiting
* for the next animation request
* @return {Promise} Animation Promise
Graph.prototype.animation = async function (attrName, change, wait = false) {
// ...
* @description Skip to the last frame of animation
* @return {Undefined} Void
Graph.prototype.animationEnd = function () {
// ...
* @description Pause animation behavior
* @return {Undefined} Void
Graph.prototype.pauseAnimation = function () {
// ...
* @description Try animation behavior
* @return {Undefined} Void
Graph.prototype.playAnimation = function () {
// ...
When you add graph to the render, you can configure the following functions in the configuration, they will be called at a specific time.
The current graph instance will be passed in as a parameter,and the mousemove event will also be passed to beforeMove and moved.
* @description Rgba value of graph fill color
* @type {Array}
* @default fill = [0, 0, 0, 1]
* @description Rgba value of graph stroke color
* @type {Array}
* @default stroke = [0, 0, 0, 1]
* @description Opacity of graph
* @type {Number}
* @default opacity = 1
* @description LineCap of Ctx
* @type {String}
* @default lineCap = null
* @example lineCap = 'butt'|'round'|'square'
* @description Linejoin of Ctx
* @type {String}
* @default lineJoin = null
* @example lineJoin = 'round'|'bevel'|'miter'
* @description LineDash of Ctx
* @type {Array}
* @default lineDash = null
* @example lineDash = [10, 10]
* @description LineDashOffset of Ctx
* @type {Number}
* @default lineDashOffset = null
* @example lineDashOffset = 10
* @description ShadowBlur of Ctx
* @type {Number}
* @default shadowBlur = 0
* @description Rgba value of graph shadow color
* @type {Array}
* @default shadowColor = [0, 0, 0, 0]
* @description ShadowOffsetX of Ctx
* @type {Number}
* @default shadowOffsetX = 0
* @description ShadowOffsetY of Ctx
* @type {Number}
* @default shadowOffsetY = 0
* @description LineWidth of Ctx
* @type {Number}
* @default lineWidth = 0
* @description Stroke width is not scaled
* @type {Boolean}
* @default strokeNoScale = false
* @description Center point of the graph
* @type {Array}
* @default graphCenter = null
* @example graphCenter = [10, 10]
* @description Graph scale
* @type {Array}
* @default scale = null
* @example scale = [1.5, 1.5]
* @description Graph rotation degree
* @type {Number}
* @default rotate = null
* @example rotate = 10
* @description Graph translate distance
* @type {Array}
* @default translate = null
* @example translate = [10, 10]
* @description Cursor status when hover
* @type {String}
* @default hoverCursor = 'pointer'
* @example hoverCursor = 'default'|'pointer'|'auto'|'crosshair'|'move'|'wait'|...
* @description Font style of Ctx
* @type {String}
* @default fontStyle = 'normal'
* @example fontStyle = 'normal'|'italic'|'oblique'
* @description Font varient of Ctx
* @type {String}
* @default fontVarient = 'normal'
* @example fontVarient = 'normal'|'small-caps'
* @description Font weight of Ctx
* @type {String|Number}
* @default fontWeight = 'normal'
* @example fontWeight = 'normal'|'bold'|'bolder'|'lighter'|Number
* @description Font size of Ctx
* @type {Number}
* @default fontSize = 10
* @description Font family of Ctx
* @type {String}
* @default fontFamily = 'Arial'
* @description TextAlign of Ctx
* @type {String}
* @default textAlign = 'center'
* @example textAlign = 'start'|'end'|'left'|'right'|'center'
* @description TextBaseline of Ctx
* @type {String}
* @default textBaseline = 'middle'
* @example textBaseline = 'top'|'bottom'|'middle'|'alphabetic'|'hanging'
CRender provides some basic vector graph, examples are as follows.
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const circleConfig = {
name: 'circle',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
r: 50
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { r: 70 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { r: 50 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0 })
const circle = render.add(circleConfig)
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const ellipseConfig = {
name: 'ellipse',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
hr: 80,
vr: 30
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
scale: [1, 1],
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { scale: [1.5, 1.5], shadowBlur: 20 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { scale: [1, 1], shadowBlur: 0 })
const ellipse = render.add(ellipseConfig)
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const rectConfig = {
name: 'rect',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
x: w / 2 - rectWidth / 2,
y: h / 2 - rectHeight / 2,
w: rectWidth,
h: rectHeight
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer',
translate: [0, 0]
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { w: 400 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, translate: [-100, 0] })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { w: 200 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, translate: [0, 0] })
const rect = render.add(rectConfig)
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const ringConfig = {
name: 'ring',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
r: 50
style: {
stroke: '#9ce5f4',
lineWidth: 20,
hoverCursor: 'pointer',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, lineWidth: 30 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, lineWidth: 20 })
const ring = render.add(ringConfig)
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const arcConfig = {
name: 'arc',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
r: 60,
startAngle: 0,
endAngle: Math.PI / 3
style: {
stroke: '#9ce5f4',
lineWidth: 20,
shadowBlur: 0,
rotate: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, rotate: -30, lineWidth: 30 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI / 3 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0, lineWidth: 20 })
const arc = render.add(arcConfig)
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const sectorConfig = {
name: 'sector',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
r: 60,
startAngle: 0,
endAngle: Math.PI / 3
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
rotate: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI, r: 70 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, rotate: -30, lineWidth: 30 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI / 3, r: 60 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0, lineWidth: 20 })
const sector = render.add(sectorConfig)
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const regPolygonConfig = {
name: 'regPolygon',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
r: 60,
side: 6
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
hoverCursor: 'pointer',
shadowBlur: 0,
rotate: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI, r: 100 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, rotate: 180 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI / 3, r: 60 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0 })
const regPolygon = render.add(regPolygonConfig)
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const top = h / 3
const bottom = h / 3 * 2
const gap = w / 10
const beginX = w / 2 - gap * 2
const points = new Array(5).fill('').map((t, i) =>
[beginX + gap * i, i % 2 === 0 ? top : bottom])
const polylineConfig = {
name: 'polyline',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
style: {
stroke: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
lineWidth: 10,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 })
const polyline = render.add(polylineConfig)
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const top = h / 3
const bottom = h / 3 * 2
const gap = w / 10
const beginX = w / 2 - gap * 2
const points = new Array(5).fill('').map((t, i) =>
[beginX + gap * i, i % 2 === 0 ? top : bottom])
points[2][1] += top * 1.3
const polylineClosedConfig = {
name: 'polyline',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
close: true
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
lineWidth: 10,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20 }, true)
const pointsCloned = deepClone(this.shape.points)
pointsCloned[2][1] += top * 0.3
this.animation('shape', { points: pointsCloned })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0 }, true)
const pointsCloned = deepClone(this.shape.points)
pointsCloned[2][1] -= top * 0.3
this.animation('shape', { points: pointsCloned })
const polylineClosed = render.add(polylineClosedConfig)
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const top = h / 3
const bottom = h / 3 * 2
const gap = w / 10
const beginX = w / 2 - gap * 2
const points = new Array(5).fill('').map((t, i) =>
[beginX + gap * i, i % 2 === 0 ? top : bottom])
const smoothlineConfig = {
name: 'smoothline',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
style: {
stroke: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
lineWidth: 10,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 })
const smoothline = render.add(smoothlineConfig)
import { getCircleRadianPoint } from '../../CRender/lib/util'
function getPoints (radius, centerPoint, pointNum) {
const PIDived = Math.PI * 2 / pointNum
const points = new Array(pointNum).fill('')
.map((foo, i) =>
getCircleRadianPoint(...centerPoint, radius, PIDived * i)
return points
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const radius = h / 3
const centerPoint = [w / 2, h / 2]
const smoothlineClosedConfig = {
name: 'smoothline',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
points: getPoints(radius, centerPoint, 3),
close: true
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
lineWidth: 10,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20, rotate: 120 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0 })
setGraphCenter (e, { style }) {
if (e) {
const { movementX, movementY } = e
const [cx, cy] = style.graphCenter
style.graphCenter = [cx + movementX, cy + movementY]
} else {
style.graphCenter = [...centerPoint]
const smoothlineClosed = render.add(smoothlineClosedConfig)
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const offsetX = w / 2
const offsetY = h / 2
const points = [
[-100 + offsetX, -50 + offsetY],
[0 + offsetX, -50 + offsetY],
[0 + offsetX, 50 + offsetY],
[100 + offsetX, 50 + offsetY]
const bezierCurveConfig = {
name: 'bezierCurve',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
style: {
lineWidth: 10,
stroke: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 })
const bezierCurve = render.add(bezierCurveConfig)
import { getCircleRadianPoint } from '../../CRender/lib/util'
function getPetalPoints (insideRadius, outsideRadius, petalNum, petalCenter) {
const PI2Dived = Math.PI * 2 / (petalNum * 3)
let points = new Array(petalNum * 3).fill('')
.map((foo, i) =>
i % 3 === 0 ? insideRadius : outsideRadius,
PI2Dived * i)
const startPoint = points.shift()
points = new Array(petalNum).fill('')
.map(foo => points.splice(0, 3))
return points
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const petalCenter = [w / 2, h / 2]
const [raidus1, raidus2, raidus3, raidus4] = [h / 6, h / 2.5, h / 3, h / 2]
const bezierCurveClosedConfig = {
name: 'bezierCurve',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
points: getPetalPoints(raidus1, raidus2, 6, petalCenter),
close: true
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e, { style: { graphCenter } }) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 }, true)
this.animation('shape', { points: getPetalPoints(raidus3, raidus4, 6, graphCenter) })
mouseOuter (e, { style: { graphCenter } }) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 }, true)
this.animation('shape', { points: getPetalPoints(raidus1, raidus2, 6, graphCenter) })
setGraphCenter (e, { style }) {
if (e) {
const { movementX, movementY } = e
const [cx, cy] = style.graphCenter
style.graphCenter = [cx + movementX, cy + movementY]
} else {
style.graphCenter = [...petalCenter]
const bezierCurveClosed = render.add(bezierCurveClosedConfig)
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const centerPoint = [w / 2, h / 2]
const hoverRect = [w / 2 - 100, h / 2 - 30 ,200, 60]
const textConfig = {
name: 'text',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
content: 'CRender',
position: centerPoint,
maxWidth: 200
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
fontSize: 50,
shadowBlur: 0,
rotate: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer',
scale: [1, 1],
rotate: 0
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, scale: [1.5, 1.5], rotate: 30 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, scale: [1, 1], rotate: 0 })
moved (e, { hoverRect }) {
const { movementX, movementY } = e
hoverRect[0] += movementX
hoverRect[1] += movementY
const text = render.add(textConfig)
CRender provides a Function to extend new graph,you can customize the graphics you want.
import { extendNewGraph } from '@jiaminghi/c-render'
const graphName = 'newGraph'
const graphConfig = {
shape: { ... },
// ...
extendNewGraph(graphName, graphConfig)
* @description Extend new graph
* @param {String} name Name of Graph
* @param {Object} config Configuration of Graph
* @return {Undefined} Void
function extendNewGraph (name, config) {
// ...
* @type {Object}
* @description Graph shape data
* @type {Function}
* @description Graph configuration check
* Automatically invoked when the graph is added,
* and when the return value is false,
* the add behavior is terminated
* @param {Graph} Current graph instance
* @return {Boolean} Whether the configuration is legal
* @type {Function}
* @description Graph plotter
* @param {CRender} Current CRender instance
* @param {Graph} Current graph instance
* @return {Undefined} Void
* @type {Function}
* @description According to the mouse event to detect
* whether the current graphics are in the hover state,
* support for mouseEnter, mouseOuter, drag, click
* @param {[Number]} Position of mouse
* @param {Graph} Current graph instance
* @return {Boolean} Whether it is in hover
* @type {Function}
* @description Set the center point of the graph to
* support rotate, scale and translate.
* Add graph and drag behavior will be called.
* @param {Event} Mouse move Event (Called when adding a graphic, the value is null)
* @param {Graph} Current graph instance
* @return {Undefined} Void
* @type {Function}
* @description Moving graph,support for drag
* @param {Event} Mouse move Event
* @param {Graph} Current graph instance
* @return {Undefined} Void
import { extendNewGraph } from '@jiaminghi/c-render'
const circle = {
shape: {
rx: 0,
ry: 0,
r: 0
validator ({ shape }) {
const { rx, ry, r } = shape
if (typeof rx !== 'number' || typeof ry !== 'number' || typeof r !== 'number') {
console.error('Shape configuration is abnormal!')
return false
return true
draw ({ ctx }, { shape }) {
const { rx, ry, r } = shape
ctx.arc(rx, ry, r, 0, Math.PI * 2)
hoverCheck (position, { shape }) {
const { rx, ry, r } = shape
return checkPointIsInCircle(rx, ry, r, position)
setGraphCenter (e, { shape, style }) {
const { rx, ry } = shape
style.graphCenter = [rx, ry]
move ({ movementX, movementY }, { shape }) {
this.attr('shape', {
rx: shape.rx + movementX,
ry: shape.ry + movementY
extendNewGraph('circle', circle)
Provide animation transition data(animationCurve).
If you want to extend the new animation curve, you can use the method provided by transition.
import { injectNewCurve } from '@jiaminghi/c-render'
injectNewCurve('newCurve', curveData)
Provides support for bezierCurve, such as curve length calculation, conversion between curve and polyline.
Provides calculation of color values.
0.2.11-alpha (2019-05-29)
Canvas-based vector graphics rendering plugin
The npm package @jiaminghi/c-render receives a total of 1,848 weekly downloads. As such, @jiaminghi/c-render popularity was classified as popular.
We found that @jiaminghi/c-render demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
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