Build task for Joinbox' Drupal projects that provides command line actions running with reasonable
defaults for JavaScripts and SASS.
Tasks include multiple options, the ability to emit notifications on success and source maps.
npm i -D @joinbox/build-task core-js regenerator-runtime
and regenerator-runtime
are required to inline the corresponding polyfills.
- Converts SASS to CSS
- Adds autoprefixes through postcss
- Accepts globs for input files; use quotation marks around
paths in this case
- Supports compression
- Generates source maps
- Creates output directory if it doesn't exist
- Displays notification on success
- Watches files
npx @joinbox/build-task styles -n -c -s src/scss -d dist/css -w "**/*.scss, other-path/*.scss" "**/*.scss"
Make sure to use quotation marks around paths if you use globs (in order for them to be resolved
through JS instead of CLI)
To see all available options, call the styles build task with the help option (-h
or --help
npx @joinbox/build-task styles -h
npx @joinbox/build-task scripts -m -t es5 -e "ie 11" -s src/js -d dist/js -w "**/*.js, other-path/*.js" "**/*.js"
Make sure to use quotation marks around paths if you use globs (in order for them to be resolved
through JS instead of CLI)
To see all available options, call the scripts build task with the help option (-h
or --help
npx @joinbox/build-task scripts -h
Complete Build Task for Projects
Use the following setup for Drupal projects:
- Install all additional modules:
npm i -D chokidar-cli npm-run-all @babel/eslint-parser @joinbox/eslint-config-joinbox eslint @joinbox/stylelint-config-joinbox stylelint
- Add the following
property to your package.json
scripts: {
"dev:styles": "npm run lint:styles ; npx @joinbox/build-task styles -n -s src/scss -d dist/css -w \"src/scss/**/*.scss, template-library/**/*.scss\" main.scss",
"live:styles": "npx @joinbox/build-task styles -n -c -s src/scss -d dist/css main.scss",
"dev:scripts": "npm run lint:scripts ; npx @joinbox/build-task scripts -n -s src/js -d dist/js -w \"src/js/**/*.js, template-library/**/*.js\" main.js",
"live:scripts": "npx @joinbox/build-task scripts -n -m -s src/js -d dist/js main.js",
"copy:fonts": "mkdir -p dist/webfonts && cp -r src/webfonts dist/webfonts",
"watch:fonts": "npx chokidar \"src/webfonts/**/*.*\" -c \"npm run copy:fonts\"",
"copy:media": "mkdir -p dist/media && cp -r src/media dist/media",
"watch:media": "npx chokidar \"src/media/**/*.*\" -c \"npm run copy:media\"",
"clean": "(rm -r dist || true)",
"lint:styles": "npx stylelint src/**/*.scss template-library/**/*.scss --config .stylelintrc",
"lint:scripts": "npx eslint src/**/*.js template-library/**/*.js -c node_modules/@joinbox/eslint-config-joinbox/index.js",
"dev": "npm-run-all clean -p copy:* dev:* watch:*",
"live": "npm-run-all clean -p copy:* live:*"
Update from Earlier Versions
If you update from earlier versions, make sure to
- remove all unnecessary NPM packages from package.json (especially
, browser-sync
, @babel/eslint-parser
, gulp
, postcss
- remove unnecessary
from package.json
- remove
- update
to newest version and follow this README's instructions