JSON Schema Dereferencer
Otherwise known as a ref parser, this tool will replace json schema using $ref with the underlying reference, returning relevant errors otherwise.
Built using @json-schema-tools/traverse
- minimal dependencies
- simple & fast
- cycle detection/handling
- switchable recusive dereferencing
- works in node & in browser (isomorphic)
- handles:
- relative pointer refs
- http/https uris
- local filesystem references
- configurable
- optionally de-reference internal references only, keeping it synchronous
- ignore refs that match a set of patterns
- extensible
- dependency injectable fetch and filesystem
- middleware allows you to easily implement new $ref values.
- easily add behaviors for custom reference locations
- option for mutating in place or returning a copy
Getting Started
npm install @json-schema-tools/dereferencer
const JsonSchemaDereferencer = require("@json-schema-tools/dereferencer").default;
const mySchema = {
type: "object",
properties: {
foo: { anyOf: [
{ $ref: "#/properties/bar" },
{ type: "string" }
bar: { $ref: "#/properties/foo" },
baz: { $ref: "../myschemas/baz.json" },
jsonSchemaMetaSchema: { $ref: "https://meta.json-schema.tools" }
additionalProperties: {
type: "array",
items: [
{ type: "array", items: { $ref: "#" } },
{ type: "boolean" }
const dereferencer = new JsonSchemaDereferencer(mySchema);
console.log(await dereferencer.resolve());
Add custom protocol handling
import JsonSchemaDereferencer from "@json-schema-tools/dereferencer";
const mySchema = {
type: "object",
properties: {
foo: { $ref: "ipfs://39420398420384" }
const dereferencer = new JsonSchemaDereferencer(mySchema, {
protocolHandlerMap: {
"ipfs": (ref) => Promise.resolve({ type: "string", title: "pretend we got this from ipfs" })
console.log(await dereferencer.resolve());
How to contribute, build and release are outlined in CONTRIBUTING.md, BUILDING.md and RELEASING.md respectively. Commits in this repository follow the CONVENTIONAL_COMMITS.md specification.