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A small, flexible, and expandable JSON query language

  • 1.6.0
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JSON Query

JSON Query Logo

A small, flexible, and expandable JSON query language.

Try it out on the online playground:

JSON Query Overview


  • Small (just 1.6 kB when minified and gzipped!)
  • Expressive
  • Easy to understand and remember
  • Serializable (it is JSON)
  • Feature rich (40+ powerful functions and operators)
  • Expandable


On this page:

External links:


npm install @jsonquerylang/jsonquery


import { jsonquery } from '@jsonquerylang/jsonquery'

const data = {
  "friends": [
    { "name": "Chris", "age": 23, "city": "New York" },
    { "name": "Emily", "age": 19, "city": "Atlanta" },
    { "name": "Joe", "age": 32, "city": "New York" },
    { "name": "Kevin", "age": 19, "city": "Atlanta" },
    { "name": "Michelle", "age": 27, "city": "Los Angeles" },
    { "name": "Robert", "age": 45, "city": "Manhattan" },
    { "name": "Sarah", "age": 31, "city": "New York" }

// get the array containing the friends from the object, filter the friends that live in New York,
// sort them by age, and pick just the name and age out of the objects.
const names = jsonquery(data, [
  ["filter", "city", "==", "New York"],
  ["sort", "age"],
  ["pick", "name", "age"]
// names = [
//   { "name": "Chris", "age": 23 },
//   { "name": "Sarah", "age": 31 },
//   { "name": "Joe", "age": 32 }
// ]

// get the array containing the friends from the object, then create an object with
// properties `names`, `count`, and `averageAge` containing the results of their query:
// a list with names, the total number of array items, and the average value of the
// properties `age` in all items.
const result = jsonquery(data, [
    "names": ["map", "name"],
    "count": ["size"],
    "averageAge": [
      ["map", "age"],
// result = {
//   "names": ["Chris", "Emily", "Joe", "Kevin", "Michelle", "Robert", "Sarah"],
//   "count": 7,
//   "averageAge": 28
// }

// use operators + - * / to do calculations
const shoppingCart = [
  { "name": "bread", "price": 2.5, "quantity": 2 },
  { "name": "milk", "price": 1.2, "quantity": 3 }
const totalPrice = jsonquery(shoppingCart, [
  ["map", ["price", "*", "quantity"]],
// totalPrice = 8.6

The build in functions can be extended with custom functions, like times in the following example:

import { jsonquery } from '@jsonquerylang/jsonquery'

const customFunctions = {
  times: (value) => (data) => => item * value)

const data = [1, 2, 3]
const result = jsonquery(data, ["times", 3], customFunctions)
// [3, 6, 9]


The jsonquery query language is written in JSON and has the following building blocks: functions, operators, properties, paths, pipes, and objects. When writing a JSON Query, you compose a "pipe" or a "chain" of operations to be applied to the data. It resembles chaining like in Lodash or just in JavaScript itself using methods like map and filter.

The examples in the following section are based on querying the following data:

  { "name": "Chris", "age": 23, "address": { "city": "New York" } },
  { "name": "Emily", "age": 19, "address": { "city": "Atlanta" } },
  { "name": "Joe", "age": 32, "address": { "city": "New York" } },
  { "name": "Kevin", "age": 19, "address": { "city": "Atlanta" } },
  { "name": "Michelle", "age": 27, "address": { "city": "Los Angeles" } },
  { "name": "Robert", "age": 45, "address": { "city": "Manhattan" } },
  { "name": "Sarah", "age": 31, "address": { "city": "New York" } }

Syntax overview:

Function[name, argument1, argument2, ...]["sort", ["address", "city"], "asc"]
Operator[left, operator, right][["address", "city"], "==", "New York"]
Path[property1, property2, ...]["address", "city"]
Pipe[query1, query1, ...][["sort", "age"], ["pick", "name", "age"]]
Object{"prop1": query1, "prop2": query2, ...}{"names": ["map", "name"], "total": ["sum"]}

The following sections explain the syntax in more detail.


At the core of the query language, we have a function call which described by an array with the function name as first item followed by optional function arguments. The following example will look up the sort function and then call it like sort(data, 'age', 'asc'). Here, data is the input and should be an array with objects which will be sorted in ascending by the property age:

["sort", "age", "asc"]

Nested properties can be specified using a path: an array with properties. The following example will sort an array in descending order by a nested property city inside an object address:

["sort", ["address", "city"], "desc"]

See section Function reference for a detailed overview of all available functions.


An operator is an array with a left side value, the operator, and a right side value. In the following example, the operator describes that the property age of an object must be 18 or larger:

["age", ">", 18]

or here an example where an operator checks whether a nested property city inside an object address has the value "New York".

[["address", "city"], "==", "New York"]

Operators are mostly used inside the "filter" function, for example:

["filter", [["address", "city"], "==", "New York"]]

See section Operator reference for a detailed overview of all available operators.

Special cases regarding operators

There are two special cases regarding operators: relational operators interpret the left side as a property when it is a string, and interpret the right side as a text when it is a string.

  1. All relational operators (==, >, >=, <, <=, !=) will interpret a string on the right side as a text and not as a property because this is a very common use case (like the "New York" example above). To specify a property on the right side of an operator, it must be changed into a path by enclosing it in brackets.

    // WRONG: "age" is interpreted as text
    ["filter", [18, "<", "age"]]
    // RIGHT: "age" is interpreted as property
    ["filter", [18, "<", ["age"]]]
    ["filter", ["age", ">", 18]]
  2. In order to specify a text on the left side of an operator instead of having it interpreted as a property, the string function can be used:

    // WRONG: "New York" is interpreted as property
    ["filter", ["New York", "==", ["address", "city"]]]
    // RIGHT: "New York" is interpreted as text
    ["filter", [["string", "New York"], "==", ["address", "city"]]]
    ["filter", [["address", "city"], "==", "New York"]]

Properties and paths

A property is a string pointing to a value inside an object. For example the following property refers to the value of property age in an object:


A path is an array with properties. The following path for example describes the value of a nested property city inside an object address:

["address", "city"]

Note that a path containing a single property is equivalent to just the property itself:

// path ["age"] is equivalent to property "age":
["sort", ["age"]]
["sort", "age"]
Special cases regarding paths

There is one special case regarding paths:

  1. When having a path where the first property is a function name like ["sort"], it will be interpreted as a function and not as a path. To parse this as a path, use the function get:

    const data = { sort: 42 }
    jsonquery(data, ["get", "sort"]) // 42


A pipe is an array containing a series of functions, operators, properties, objects, or pipes. The entries in the pipeline are executed one by one, and the output of the first is the input for the next. The following example will first filter the items of an array that have a nested property city in the object address with the value "New York", and next, sort the filtered items by the property age:

  ["filter", [["address", "city"], "==", "New York"]],
  ["sort", "age"]


An object is defined as a regular JSON object with a property name as key, and a function, pipe, or object as value. Objects can be used to transform data or to execute multiple query pipelines in parallel.

The following example will map over the items of the array and create a new object with properties firstName and city for every item:

["map", {
  "firstName": "name",
  "city": ["address", "city"]

The following example will output an object with properties names, count, and averageAge containing the results of their query: a list with names, the total number of array items, and the average value of the properties age in all items:

  "names": ["map", "name"],
  "count": ["size"],
  "averageAge": [
    ["map", "age"], 

JavaScript API


The jsonquery library has one core function where you pass the data, the query, and optionally an object with custom functions to extend the built-in functions:

jsonquery(data: JSON, query: JSONQuery, options: JSONQueryOptions) : JSON


  • data is the JSON document that will be queried, often an array with objects.
  • query is a JSON document containing a JSON query as described in the section below.
  • options is an optional object that can contain the following properties:
    • functions is an optional map with custom function creators. A function creator has optional arguments as input and must return a function that can be used to process the query data. For example:

      const options = {
        functions: {
          // usage example: ["times", 3]
          times: (value) => (data) => => item * value)

      If the parameters are not a primitive value but can be a query themselves, the function compile can be used to compile them. For example, the actual implementation of the function filter is the following:

      const options = {
        functions: {
          // usage example: ["filter", ["age", ">", 20 ]]
          filter: (predicate) => {
            const _predicate = compile(predicate)
            return (data) => data.filter(_predicate)

      You can have a look at the source code of the functions in /src/functions.ts for more examples.

    • operators is an optional map with custom operator creators. An operator creator receives the left and right side queries as input, and must return a function that implements the operator. Example:

      const options = {
        operators: {
          // a loosely equal operator
          // usage example: ["value", "~=", 2] 
          '~=': (left, right) => {
              const a = compile(left)
              const b = compile(right)
              return (data) => a(data) == b(data)

      You can have a look at the source code of the functions in /src/operators.ts for more examples.

Here an example of using the function jsonquery:

import { jsonquery } from '@jsonquerylang/jsonquery'

const data = [
  { "name": "Chris", "age": 23 },
  { "name": "Emily", "age": 19 },
  { "name": "Joe", "age": 32 }

const result = jsonquery(data, ["filter", "age", ">", 20])
// result = [
//   { "name": "Chris", "age": 23 },
//   { "name": "Joe", "age": 32 }
// ]


The JavaScript library also exports a compile function:

compile(query: JSONQuery, options: JSONQueryOptions) => (data: JSON) => JSON


import { compile } from '@jsonquerylang/jsonquery'

const queryIt = compile(["filter", "age", ">", 20])

const data = [
  { "name": "Chris", "age": 23 },
  { "name": "Emily", "age": 19 },
  { "name": "Joe", "age": 32 }

const result = queryIt(data)
// result = [
//   { "name": "Chris", "age": 23 },
//   { "name": "Joe", "age": 32 }
// ]

error handling

When executing a query throws an error, the library attaches a stack to the error message which can give insight in what went wrong. The stack can be found at the property error.jsonquery and has type Array<{ data: unknown, query: JSONQuery }>.

const data = [
  { "name": "Chris", "age": 23, "scores": [7.2, 5, 8.0] },
  { "name": "Emily", "age": 19 }, // scores is missing here!
  { "name": "Joe", "age": 32, "scores": [6.1, 8.1] }

try {
  jsonquery(data, [
    ["pick", "age", "scores"],
    ["map", ["scores", ["sum"]]]
} catch (err) {
  // error stack:
  // [
  //   {
  //     "data": [
  //       { "name": "Chris", "age": 23, "scores": [7.2, 5, 8.0] },
  //       { "name": "Emily", "age": 19 },
  //       { "name": "Joe", "age": 32, "scores": [6.1, 8.1] }
  //     ],
  //     "query": [
  //       ["pick", "age", "scores"],
  //       ["map", ["scores", ["sum"]]]
  //     ]
  //   },
  //   {
  //     "data": [
  //       { "age": 23, "scores": [7.2, 5, 8.0] },
  //       { "age": 19 },
  //       { "age": 32, "scores": [6.1, 8.1] }
  //     ],
  //     "query": ["map", ["scores", ["sum"]]]
  //   },
  //   {
  //     "data": {"age": 19},
  //     "query": ["scores", ["sum"]]
  //   },
  //   {
  //     "data" : undefined,
  //     "query": ["sum"]
  //   }
  // ]


The JSON Query language has some limitations, pitfalls, and gotchas.

Though the language is easy to learn and understand, it is relatively verbose due to the need for quotes around all keys, and the need for a lot of arrays in square brackets [...]. This is a consequence of expressing a query using JSON whilst wanting to keep the language concise.

The use of arrays [...] is quite overloaded. An array can hold a function call, operator, pipe, or path with properties. Given a query being an array containing three strings [string, string, string] for example, it's meaning can only be determined by looking up whether the first string matches a known function, then looking up whether the second string matches a known operator, and lastly conclude that it is a path with properties. When making a mistake, the error message you get is mostly unhelpful, and the best way to debug is to build your query step by step, validating that it works after every step.

What can also be confusing at first is to understand how data is piped through the query. A traditional function call is for example abs(myValue), so you may expect to have to write this in JSON Query like ["abs", "myValue"]. However, JSON Query has a functional approach where we create a pipeline like: data -> abs -> result. So, to get the absolute value of a property myValue, you will have to write a pipe first getting this property and then calling abs: [["get", "myValue"], ["abs"]]".


Here some gotchas.

  1. Having an problem halfway the query, resulting in a vague error. In the following example, the first part of the query results in undefined, and then we try to filter that, resulting in an error:

    const data = {
      "friends": [
        {"name": "Chris", "age": 23, "city": "New York"},
        {"name": "Emily", "age": 19, "city": "Atlanta"},
        {"name": "Joe", "age": 16, "city": "New York"}
    const result = jsonquery(data, [
      ["get", "friiends"],
      ["filter", ["city", "==", "New York"]]
    // result: "Error: e is undefined" 
    // expected: an array with two items
  2. Making a typo in a function name, which then is interpreted as getting a property. This results in vague output or in an error. In the following example, the property "filte" is read from the data, resulting in undefined. After that, the property "city" is read from undefined, resulting in undefined, and lastly, we check whether undefined is equal to the string "New York", which is not the case, so, the query returns false.

    const data = [
      {"name": "Chris", "age": 23, "city": "New York"},
      {"name": "Emily", "age": 19, "city": "Atlanta"},
      {"name": "Joe", "age": 16, "city": "New York"}
    const result = jsonquery(data, ["filte", ["city", "==", "New York"]]) 
    // result: the boolean value false 
    // expected: an array with two items
  3. Making a typo in a property name, resulting in unexpected results.

    const data = [
      {"name": "Chris", "age": 23, "city": "New York"},
      {"name": "Emily", "age": 19, "city": "Atlanta"},
      {"name": "Joe", "age": 16, "city": "New York"}
    const result = jsonquery(data, ["filter", ["cities", "==", "New York"]]) 
    // result: an empty array 
    // expected: an array with two items
  4. Forgetting brackets around a nested query. In the following example, the filter condition has no brackets. Therefore, the property "city" is used as condition and the arguments "==" and "New York" are ignored.

    const data = [
      {"name": "Chris", "age": 23, "city": "New York"},
      {"name": "Emily", "age": 19, "city": "Atlanta"},
      {"name": "Joe", "age": 16, "city": "New York"}
    const result = jsonquery(data, ["filter", "age", ">", 18]) 
    // result: the original data
    // expected: an array with two items


To develop, check out the repo, install dependencies once, and then use the following scripts:

npm run test
npm run test-ci
npm run lint
npm run format
npm run build
npm run build-and-test

Note that a new package is published on npm and GitHub on changes pushed to the main branch. This is done using semantic-release, and we do not use the version number in the package.json file. A changelog can be found by looking at the releases on GitHub.


There are many powerful query languages out there, so why the need to develop jsonquery? There are a couple of reasons for this.

  1. Syntax

    Most JSON query languages have a syntax that is simple for very basic queries, but complex for more advanced queries. Their syntax is typically very compact but includes special characters and notations (like @, $, |, ?, :, *, &), almost feeling like Regex which is infamously hard to read. The syntax is hard to remember unless you use the query language on a daily basis.

  2. Size

    Most of the JSON query languages are quite big when looking at the bundle size. This can make them unsuitable for use in a web application where every kilobyte counts.

  3. Expressiveness

    The expressiveness of most query languages is limited. Since a long time, my favorite JSON query language is JavaScript+Lodash because it is so flexible. The downside however is that it is not safe to store or share queries written in JavaScript: executing arbitrary JavaScript can be a security risk.

The jsonquery language is inspired by JavaScript+Lodash, JSON Patch, and MongoDB aggregates. It is basically a JSON notation to describe making a series of function calls. It has no magic syntax except for the need to be familiar with JSON, making it flexible and easy to understand. The library is extremely small thanks to smartly utilizing built-in JavaScript functions and the built-in JSON parser, requiring very little code to make the query language work.


Released under the ISC license.



Package last updated on 02 Sep 2024

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