
See http://jsreport.net/learn/studio
Studio development
git clone https://github.com/jsreport/jsreport
yarn install
set NODE_ENV=jsreport-development&&yarn start
Studio extension development
The documentation can be found here.
- fix Maximum call stack error when rendering a report that produces a lot of logs
- improvements to handle reports that produce big profiles
- improve the Profiler page
- improve the display of profile with big data
- improve the Startup page
- fix exe compilation
- remove socket.io, it is now only part of where it is actually used (fs-store)
- add entity definition button in entity tree item context menu
- fix loading of monaco editor icons
- improve styles for profiler logs
- fix studio editor linter error for top level await in script/helpers (add babel-eslint to our linter in studio)
- fix jsreport-studio-start when running with —runOnly in extension starter kit
- fix layout issue with profiler when a large base64 image is logged
Adaptations for the v3 APIs