Fozzie Updater
This node package is intended as a helper when updating any fozzie component
npm i -g @justeat/fozzie-updater
How to use
- Navigate to the root directory of the fozzie component
- Run
- Run the modifier commands (below) that state what changes have been made
- Performing the update with
when you are ready. It is advised to use the summary
command before performing run
Base Commands
Performs update
Displays output that will be added at the top of the
help [command...]
Provides help for a given command
Exits application
Modifier Commands
added <description...>
Adds a line to the Added
changelog section
changed <description...>
Adds a line to the Changed
changelog section
fixed <description...>
Adds a line to the Fixed
changelog section
removed <description...>
Adds a line to the Removed
changelog section
version [semver|major|minor|patch]
Sets the new version of the package being updated. The minor
version is bumped up one version by default
- Create tag
- Publish to npm
- Create a release on GitHub
- Tests