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Comparing version 1.0.0-alpha.20 to 1.0.0-alpha.21



@@ -10,2 +10,505 @@ /// <reference types="react" />

* Select an image to display inside the quote, to the left
type ImageSource = string;
* Copy text for the element
type TextContent = string;
* Optionally display the source for the quote
type Source = string;
* Optionally display a date for the quote
type Date = string;
* Text used on button
type Label = string;
* Choose one of the styles from the list
type ButtonStyle = "solid" | "solid-inverted" | "clear" | "clear-inverted" | "outline" | "outline-inverted";
* Choose a size between small, medium and large
type ButtonSize = "small" | "medium" | "large";
* Add additional css classes that should be applied to the button
type AdditionalClasses = string;
type IconIdentifier = string;
type AriaRole = string;
type AdditionalClass = string;
* Display icon before the button text
type IconBeforeButton = boolean;
* Display icon after the button text
type IconAfterButton = boolean;
* Overwrite the data-component to use for rendering
type DataComponentAttribute = string;
* Add fill animation on hover
type FillAnimation = boolean;
* Add icon animation on hover
type IconAnimation = boolean;
* Link used for button
type ButtonHref = string;
* Open link in new Tab
type OpenLinkInNewTab = boolean;
* Input id
type ID = string;
* Name
type Name = string;
* Toggle is checked
type Checked = boolean;
* Toggle is disabled
type Disabled = boolean;
* Text used on button
type Label1 = string;
* Choose one of the styles from the list
type ButtonStyle1 = "solid" | "solid-inverted" | "clear" | "clear-inverted" | "outline" | "outline-inverted";
* Choose a size between small, medium and large
type ButtonSize1 = "small" | "medium" | "large";
* Add additional css classes that should be applied to the button
type AdditionalClasses1 = string;
type IconIdentifier1 = string;
type AriaRole1 = string;
type AdditionalClass1 = string;
* Display icon before the button text
type IconBeforeButton1 = boolean;
* Display icon after the button text
type IconAfterButton1 = boolean;
* Overwrite the data-component to use for rendering
type DataComponentAttribute1 = string;
* Add fill animation on hover
type FillAnimation1 = boolean;
* Add icon animation on hover
type IconAnimation1 = boolean;
* Select the type attribute for the button
type TypeAttribute = "button" | "submit" | "reset";
* Define a value attribute for the button
type ValueAttribute = string;
* Define a name attribute for the button
type NameAttribute = string;
* Set the disabled attribute for the button
type DisabledAttribute = boolean;
* Text to display inside tag label
type Label2 = string;
* Choose a size to scale the tag label up or down
type Size = "s" | "m" | "l";
* Set optional href to link the tag
type LinkTarget = string;
* Choose whether the element is removable or not
type Removable = boolean;
type Height = "small" | "default" | "fullImage" | "fullScreen";
* Choose a media type between image, video and none
type MediaType = "image" | "video" | "none";
* Background image source for small screens
type MobileImageSource = string;
* Background image source for medium screens
type TabletImageSource = string;
* Background image source for large screens
type DesktopImageSource = string;
* Choose to indent the image horizontally on small screens
type ImageIndent = "none" | "left" | "right";
* Alt text to display for picture
type AltText = string;
* Background video source for small screens
type MobileVideoSource = string;
* Background video source for medium screens
type TabletVideoSource = string;
* Background video source for large screens
type DesktopVideoSource = string;
* Enable grid layer
type GridLayer = boolean;
* Toggles visibility of the box
type DisplayBox = boolean;
* Text box headline
type Headline = string;
* Text box copy text
type Text = string;
* Toggles visibility of the link
type DisplayLink = boolean;
* Text used on button
type Label3 = string;
* Choose one of the styles from the list
type ButtonStyle2 = "solid" | "solid-inverted" | "clear" | "clear-inverted" | "outline" | "outline-inverted";
* Choose a size between small, medium and large
type ButtonSize2 = "small" | "medium" | "large";
* Add additional css classes that should be applied to the button
type AdditionalClasses2 = string;
type IconIdentifier2 = string;
type AriaRole2 = string;
type AdditionalClass2 = string;
* Display icon before the button text
type IconBeforeButton2 = boolean;
* Display icon after the button text
type IconAfterButton2 = boolean;
* Overwrite the data-component to use for rendering
type DataComponentAttribute2 = string;
* Add fill animation on hover
type FillAnimation2 = boolean;
* Add icon animation on hover
type IconAnimation2 = boolean;
* Link used for button
type ButtonHref1 = string;
* Open link in new Tab
type OpenLinkInNewTab1 = boolean;
* The text box is aligned inside the content grid
type Indent = boolean;
* Horizontal orientation of the box inside the keyvisual
type HorizontalOrientation = "left" | "center" | "right";
* Vertical orientation of the box inside the keyvisual
type VerticalOrientation = "top" | "center" | "bottom";
* Choose a style for the box
type StyleOfTheBox = "default" | "light" | "transparent";
* Custom css background color
type CustomBackgroundColor = string;
* The text box is in front of the image on small screens
type Inbox = boolean;
* Show skip button
type SkipButton = boolean;
type AdditionalClasses3 = string;
* Select an image to display inside the quote, to the left
type ImageSource1 = string;
* Copy text for the element
type TextContent1 = string;
* Optionally display the source for the quote
type Source1 = string;
* Optionally display a date for the quote
type Date1 = string;
* Automatically move to next slide after 4 seconds without user interaction
type AutoPlay = boolean;
type Height1 = "small" | "default" | "fullImage" | "fullScreen";
* Choose a media type between image, video and none
type MediaType1 = "image" | "video" | "none";
* Background image source for small screens
type MobileImageSource1 = string;
* Background image source for medium screens
type TabletImageSource1 = string;
* Background image source for large screens
type DesktopImageSource1 = string;
* Choose to indent the image horizontally on small screens
type ImageIndent1 = "none" | "left" | "right";
* Alt text to display for picture
type AltText1 = string;
* Background video source for small screens
type MobileVideoSource1 = string;
* Background video source for medium screens
type TabletVideoSource1 = string;
* Background video source for large screens
type DesktopVideoSource1 = string;
* Enable grid layer
type GridLayer1 = boolean;
* Toggles visibility of the box
type DisplayBox1 = boolean;
* Text box headline
type Headline1 = string;
* Text box copy text
type Text1 = string;
* Toggles visibility of the link
type DisplayLink1 = boolean;
* Text used on button
type Label4 = string;
* Choose one of the styles from the list
type ButtonStyle3 = "solid" | "solid-inverted" | "clear" | "clear-inverted" | "outline" | "outline-inverted";
* Choose a size between small, medium and large
type ButtonSize3 = "small" | "medium" | "large";
* Add additional css classes that should be applied to the button
type AdditionalClasses4 = string;
type IconIdentifier3 = string;
type AriaRole3 = string;
type AdditionalClass3 = string;
* Display icon before the button text
type IconBeforeButton3 = boolean;
* Display icon after the button text
type IconAfterButton3 = boolean;
* Overwrite the data-component to use for rendering
type DataComponentAttribute3 = string;
* Add fill animation on hover
type FillAnimation3 = boolean;
* Add icon animation on hover
type IconAnimation3 = boolean;
* Link used for button
type ButtonHref2 = string;
* Open link in new Tab
type OpenLinkInNewTab2 = boolean;
* The text box is aligned inside the content grid
type Indent1 = boolean;
* Horizontal orientation of the box inside the keyvisual
type HorizontalOrientation1 = "left" | "center" | "right";
* Vertical orientation of the box inside the keyvisual
type VerticalOrientation1 = "top" | "center" | "bottom";
* Choose a style for the box
type StyleOfTheBox1 = "default" | "light" | "transparent";
* Custom css background color
type CustomBackgroundColor1 = string;
* The text box is in front of the image on small screens
type Inbox1 = boolean;
* Show skip button
type SkipButton1 = boolean;
type AdditionalClasses5 = string;
* preview label
type SlidePreviewLabel = string;
* Picture source
type Source2 = string;
* Alt text to display for picture
type AltText2 = string;
* Width of the picture
type Width = number;
* Height of the picture
type Height2 = number;
* Name, company name, etc.
type Title = string;
* Position, profession, department, location, etc.
type Subtitle = string;
type PhoneNumber = string;
type EmailAddress = string;
type CopyText = string;
* Background image for the whole element
type BackgroundImage2 = string;
* Background color for the whole element
type BackgroundColor = string;
* Display a full sized version of the image
type FullSizeImage = boolean;
* Image source to use
type ImageSource2 = string;
* Select an aspect ratio to use for cropping and displaying the image
type ImageAspectRatio = "4:3" | "3:2" | "16:9" | "1:1" | "none";
* Select a vertical alignment for the image
type ImageVerticalAlignment = "center" | "top" | "top-edge" | "bottom" | "bottom-edge";
* Select a horizontal alignment for the image
type ImageHorizontalAlignment = "center" | "left" | "left-edge" | "right" | "right-edge";
* Switch to displaying the image after the text on mobile
type MobileImageAfterText = boolean;
* Switch to displaying the image after the text on desktop
type DesktopImageAfterText = boolean;
* Select the headline level to use, or p alternatively

@@ -21,3 +524,3 @@ */

type Text = string;
type Text2 = string;

@@ -35,2 +538,582 @@ * Text content for the optional subheadline

type PageHeader = boolean;
* Text content to display inside the element
type Text3 = string;
* Switch text alignment between left and center
type TextAlignment = "left" | "center";
* Overwrite the color to use for the text content
type TextColor = string;
* Select a vertical alignment for the box
type BoxVerticalAlignment = "center" | "top" | "bottom";
* Select a horizontal alignment for the box
type BoxHorizontalAlignment = "center" | "left" | "right";
* Text used on button
type Label5 = string;
* Choose one of the styles from the list
type ButtonStyle4 = "solid" | "solid-inverted" | "clear" | "clear-inverted" | "outline" | "outline-inverted";
* Choose a size between small, medium and large
type ButtonSize4 = "small" | "medium" | "large";
* Add additional css classes that should be applied to the button
type AdditionalClasses6 = string;
type IconIdentifier4 = string;
type AriaRole4 = string;
type AdditionalClass4 = string;
* Display icon before the button text
type IconBeforeButton4 = boolean;
* Display icon after the button text
type IconAfterButton4 = boolean;
* Overwrite the data-component to use for rendering
type DataComponentAttribute4 = string;
* Add fill animation on hover
type FillAnimation4 = boolean;
* Add icon animation on hover
type IconAnimation4 = boolean;
* Link used for button
type ButtonHref3 = string;
* Open link in new Tab
type OpenLinkInNewTab3 = boolean;
* Include the text for the collapsible that should be visible before opening
type SummaryTextForTheCollapsible = string;
* Include the text for the collapsible that should be visible after opening
type ContentOfTheCollapsible = string;
* Final number to count to
type Number = number;
type IconIdentifier5 = string;
type AriaRole5 = string;
type AdditionalClass5 = string;
* Topic for the count-up box. Displayed before the text, in bold
type Topic = string;
* Copy text for the element
type TextContent2 = string;
* Text used on button
type Label6 = string;
* Choose one of the styles from the list
type ButtonStyle5 = "solid" | "solid-inverted" | "clear" | "clear-inverted" | "outline" | "outline-inverted";
* Choose a size between small, medium and large
type ButtonSize5 = "small" | "medium" | "large";
* Add additional css classes that should be applied to the button
type AdditionalClasses7 = string;
type IconIdentifier6 = string;
type AriaRole6 = string;
type AdditionalClass6 = string;
* Display icon before the button text
type IconBeforeButton5 = boolean;
* Display icon after the button text
type IconAfterButton5 = boolean;
* Overwrite the data-component to use for rendering
type DataComponentAttribute5 = string;
* Add fill animation on hover
type FillAnimation5 = boolean;
* Add icon animation on hover
type IconAnimation5 = boolean;
* Link used for button
type ButtonHref4 = string;
* Open link in new Tab
type OpenLinkInNewTab4 = boolean;
* Choose one of the set ratios, all ratios except `none` stretch the image to 100% width
type ImageRatio = "none" | "4:3" | "16:9" | "1:1";
* Choose an alignment for the box. For the image it only applies for a `ratio` value of `none`
type Alignment1 = "left" | "center" | "right";
* Select an image to display inside the content box, at the top
type ImageSource3 = string;
* Topic for the content box. Displayed before the text, in bold
type Topic1 = string;
* Text for the content box
type TextContent3 = string;
* Toggles visibility of the link
type DisplayLink2 = boolean;
* Text used on button
type Label7 = string;
* Choose one of the styles from the list
type ButtonStyle6 = "solid" | "solid-inverted" | "clear" | "clear-inverted" | "outline" | "outline-inverted";
* Choose a size between small, medium and large
type ButtonSize6 = "small" | "medium" | "large";
* Add additional css classes that should be applied to the button
type AdditionalClasses8 = string;
type IconIdentifier7 = string;
type AriaRole7 = string;
type AdditionalClass7 = string;
* Display icon before the button text
type IconBeforeButton6 = boolean;
* Display icon after the button text
type IconAfterButton6 = boolean;
* Overwrite the data-component to use for rendering
type DataComponentAttribute6 = string;
* Add fill animation on hover
type FillAnimation6 = boolean;
* Add icon animation on hover
type IconAnimation6 = boolean;
* Link used for button
type ButtonHref5 = string;
* Open link in new Tab
type OpenLinkInNewTab5 = boolean;
* Select the headline level to use, or p alternatively
type Level1 = "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "p";
* Choose an alignment for the headline
type Alignment2 = "left" | "center" | "right";
* Text content for the headline
type Text4 = string;
* Text content for the optional subheadline
type Subheadline1 = string;
* Add additional spacing to the bottom of the headline
type BottomSpacing1 = "none" | "small" | "large";
* Set the headline as a page header, triggering special css treatment
type PageHeader1 = boolean;
* Copy text for the element
type TextContent4 = string;
* In relation to the text content
type MediaAlignment = "above-left" | "above-center" | "above-right" | "beside-left" | "beside-right" | "intext-left" | "intext-right" | "below-left" | "below-center" | "below-right";
* Url (mp4) for the video to display
type Source3 = string;
* Use an iframe embed
type EmbeddedIframe = boolean;
* Title to use for the video
type VideoTitle = string;
* Width of the video
type Width1 = number;
* Height of the video
type Height3 = number;
* Display media item over full width
type FullWidthMedia = boolean;
* Picture source
type Source4 = string;
* Use a srcSet to display picture
type PictureSourceset = string;
* Alt text to display for picture
type AltText3 = string;
* Width of the picture
type Width2 = number;
* Height of the picture
type Height4 = number;
* Add additional css classes that should be applied to the button
type AdditionalClasses9 = string;
* Add id attribute to the image
type Id = string;
* Define an itemprop attribute for the picture
type ItempropAttribute = string;
* Define a style attribute for the picture
type StyleAttribute = string;
* Select a value for the picture object fit
type ObjectFit = "contain" | "cover" | "fill" | "none" | "scale-down";
* Render noscript fallback
type Noscript = boolean;
* Load the picture lazily
type Lazy = boolean;
* Use a srcSet to display picture
type PictureSourceset1 = string;
type TODOMEDIATITLE = string;
type TODOTYPETITLE = string;
* Additional sources. This will result in a `picture`-Element
type Sources = {
srcSet?: PictureSourceset1;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Set additional class(es) to the picture
type ClassAttribute = string;
* Display media item over full width
type FullWidthMedia1 = boolean;
* Thumbnail Source
type ThumbnailSource = string;
* Lightbox Image Source
type LightboxImageSource = string;
* Width
type Width3 = number;
* height
type Height5 = number;
* Hover Zoom Icon
type HoverZoomIcon = boolean;
* Caption
type Caption = string;
* Hide caption visually
type HideCaptionVisually = boolean;
* Gallery identifier
type GalleryIdentifier = string;
* ID
type ID1 = string;
* Additional Image Class
type AdditionalImageClass = string;
* Display media item over full width
type FullWidthMedia2 = boolean;
* Collection of media items to display
type Media = ({
video?: Video;
full?: FullWidthMedia;
[k: string]: unknown;
} | {
image?: Picture;
full?: FullWidthMedia1;
[k: string]: unknown;
} | {
lightboxImage?: LazyLightboxImage;
full?: FullWidthMedia2;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Topic for the teaser box. Displayed before the text, in bold
type Topic2 = string;
* Text for the teaser box
type TextContent5 = string;
* Optionally use this to apply a dark variant to the box
type DarkVariant = boolean;
* Text used on button
type Label8 = string;
* Choose one of the styles from the list
type ButtonStyle7 = "solid" | "solid-inverted" | "clear" | "clear-inverted" | "outline" | "outline-inverted";
* Choose a size between small, medium and large
type ButtonSize7 = "small" | "medium" | "large";
* Add additional css classes that should be applied to the button
type AdditionalClasses10 = string;
type IconIdentifier8 = string;
type AriaRole8 = string;
type AdditionalClass8 = string;
* Display icon before the button text
type IconBeforeButton7 = boolean;
* Display icon after the button text
type IconAfterButton7 = boolean;
* Overwrite the data-component to use for rendering
type DataComponentAttribute7 = string;
* Add fill animation on hover
type FillAnimation7 = boolean;
* Add icon animation on hover
type IconAnimation7 = boolean;
* Link used for button
type ButtonHref6 = string;
* Open link in new Tab
type OpenLinkInNewTab6 = boolean;
* Hides the link. The box as a whole keeps being clickable
type HideLink = boolean;
* Select an image to display inside the teaser box, at the top
type ImageSource4 = string;
* Choose the ratio used to crop and display the image
type ImageRatio1 = "4:3" | "16:9" | "1:1";
* Optionally add inner spacing to the displayed image
type ImageSpacing = boolean;
* Picture source
type Source5 = string;
* Alt text to display for picture
type AltText4 = string;
* Width of the picture
type Width4 = number;
* Height of the picture
type Height6 = number;
type Logos = LogoImage[];
* Topic for the teaser box. Displayed before the text, in bold
type Topic3 = string;
* Text for the teaser box
type TextContent6 = string;
* Optionally use this to apply a dark variant to the box
type DarkVariant1 = boolean;
* Text used on button
type Label9 = string;
* Choose one of the styles from the list
type ButtonStyle8 = "solid" | "solid-inverted" | "clear" | "clear-inverted" | "outline" | "outline-inverted";
* Choose a size between small, medium and large
type ButtonSize8 = "small" | "medium" | "large";
* Add additional css classes that should be applied to the button
type AdditionalClasses11 = string;
type IconIdentifier9 = string;
type AriaRole9 = string;
type AdditionalClass9 = string;
* Display icon before the button text
type IconBeforeButton8 = boolean;
* Display icon after the button text
type IconAfterButton8 = boolean;
* Overwrite the data-component to use for rendering
type DataComponentAttribute8 = string;
* Add fill animation on hover
type FillAnimation8 = boolean;
* Add icon animation on hover
type IconAnimation8 = boolean;
* Link used for button
type ButtonHref7 = string;
* Open link in new Tab
type OpenLinkInNewTab7 = boolean;
* Hides the link. The box as a whole keeps being clickable
type HideLink1 = boolean;
* Select the headline level to use, or p alternatively
type Level2 = "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "p";
* Choose an alignment for the headline
type Alignment3 = "left" | "center" | "right";
* Text content for the headline
type Text5 = string;
* Text content for the optional subheadline
type Subheadline2 = string;
* Add additional spacing to the bottom of the headline
type BottomSpacing2 = "none" | "small" | "large";
* Set the headline as a page header, triggering special css treatment
type PageHeader2 = boolean;
interface SectionProps {

@@ -40,15 +1123,346 @@ width?: "full" | "max" | "wide" | "default" | "narrow";

mode?: "default" | "tile" | "list";
content?: (QuotesSlider | LinkButton | ToggleSwitch | Button | TagLabel | Visual | Quote1 | VisualSlider | Contact | Storytelling | CollapsibleBox | CountUp | ContentBox | Headline3 | TextMedia | TeaserBox | LogoTiles | TeaserRow)[];
background?: "default" | "accent" | "dark";
"space-before"?: "default" | "small" | "none";
"space-after"?: "default" | "small" | "none";
spaceBefore?: "default" | "small" | "none";
spaceAfter?: "default" | "small" | "none";
headline?: Headline4;
[k: string]: unknown;
interface QuotesSlider {
slides?: Quote[];
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to display a rich quote
interface Quote {
image?: ImageSource;
text: TextContent;
source?: Source;
date?: Date;
[k: string]: unknown;
* link-button
interface LinkButton {
label: Label;
variant: ButtonStyle;
size: ButtonSize;
className?: AdditionalClasses;
icon?: Icon;
iconBefore?: IconBeforeButton;
iconAfter?: IconAfterButton;
dataComponent?: DataComponentAttribute;
fillAnimation?: FillAnimation;
iconAnimation?: IconAnimation;
href: ButtonHref;
newTab?: OpenLinkInNewTab;
* Icon
interface Icon {
icon?: IconIdentifier;
role?: AriaRole;
className?: AdditionalClass;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Toggle Switch
interface ToggleSwitch {
id: ID;
name: Name;
checked: Checked;
disabled: Disabled;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to display links and call-to-actions
interface Button {
label: Label1;
variant: ButtonStyle1;
size: ButtonSize1;
className?: AdditionalClasses1;
icon?: Icon1;
iconBefore?: IconBeforeButton1;
iconAfter?: IconAfterButton1;
dataComponent?: DataComponentAttribute1;
fillAnimation?: FillAnimation1;
iconAnimation?: IconAnimation1;
type: TypeAttribute;
value?: ValueAttribute;
name?: NameAttribute;
disabled?: DisabledAttribute;
* Icon
interface Icon1 {
icon?: IconIdentifier1;
role?: AriaRole1;
className?: AdditionalClass1;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to render a pill / tag / label
interface TagLabel {
label: Label2;
size: Size;
link?: LinkTarget;
removable?: Removable;
* visual
interface Visual {
height?: Height;
media?: MediaWrapper;
overlay?: GridLayer;
box?: TextBox;
backgroundColor?: CustomBackgroundColor;
inbox?: Inbox;
skipButton?: SkipButton;
className?: AdditionalClasses3;
* Wrapper for all media types
interface MediaWrapper {
mode?: MediaType;
image?: BackgroundImage;
video?: BackgroundVideo;
* Sources of background images for different screen sizes
interface BackgroundImage {
srcMobile: MobileImageSource;
srcTablet: TabletImageSource;
srcDesktop: DesktopImageSource;
indent?: ImageIndent;
alt?: AltText;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Sources of background videos for different screen sizes
interface BackgroundVideo {
srcMobile: MobileVideoSource;
srcTablet: TabletVideoSource;
srcDesktop: DesktopVideoSource;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Content and style configuration for the text box
interface TextBox {
enabled?: DisplayBox;
headline?: Headline;
text?: Text;
link?: Link;
indent?: Indent;
horizontal?: HorizontalOrientation;
vertical?: VerticalOrientation;
background?: StyleOfTheBox;
* Text box link configuration
interface Link {
enabled?: DisplayLink;
label: Label3;
variant: ButtonStyle2;
size: ButtonSize2;
className?: AdditionalClasses2;
icon?: Icon2;
iconBefore?: IconBeforeButton2;
iconAfter?: IconAfterButton2;
dataComponent?: DataComponentAttribute2;
fillAnimation?: FillAnimation2;
iconAnimation?: IconAnimation2;
href: ButtonHref1;
newTab?: OpenLinkInNewTab1;
* Icon
interface Icon2 {
icon?: IconIdentifier2;
role?: AriaRole2;
className?: AdditionalClass2;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to display a rich quote
interface Quote1 {
image?: ImageSource1;
text: TextContent1;
source?: Source1;
date?: Date1;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Visual Slider
interface VisualSlider {
autoplay?: AutoPlay;
slides: Visual1[];
[k: string]: unknown;
* visual
interface Visual1 {
height?: Height1;
media?: MediaWrapper1;
overlay?: GridLayer1;
box?: TextBox1;
backgroundColor?: CustomBackgroundColor1;
inbox?: Inbox1;
skipButton?: SkipButton1;
className?: AdditionalClasses5;
label?: SlidePreviewLabel;
* Wrapper for all media types
interface MediaWrapper1 {
mode?: MediaType1;
image?: BackgroundImage1;
video?: BackgroundVideo1;
* Sources of background images for different screen sizes
interface BackgroundImage1 {
srcMobile: MobileImageSource1;
srcTablet: TabletImageSource1;
srcDesktop: DesktopImageSource1;
indent?: ImageIndent1;
alt?: AltText1;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Sources of background videos for different screen sizes
interface BackgroundVideo1 {
srcMobile: MobileVideoSource1;
srcTablet: TabletVideoSource1;
srcDesktop: DesktopVideoSource1;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Content and style configuration for the text box
interface TextBox1 {
enabled?: DisplayBox1;
headline?: Headline1;
text?: Text1;
link?: Link1;
indent?: Indent1;
horizontal?: HorizontalOrientation1;
vertical?: VerticalOrientation1;
background?: StyleOfTheBox1;
* Text box link configuration
interface Link1 {
enabled?: DisplayLink1;
label: Label4;
variant: ButtonStyle3;
size: ButtonSize3;
className?: AdditionalClasses4;
icon?: Icon3;
iconBefore?: IconBeforeButton3;
iconAfter?: IconAfterButton3;
dataComponent?: DataComponentAttribute3;
fillAnimation?: FillAnimation3;
iconAnimation?: IconAnimation3;
href: ButtonHref2;
newTab?: OpenLinkInNewTab2;
* Icon
interface Icon3 {
icon?: IconIdentifier3;
role?: AriaRole3;
className?: AdditionalClass3;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to show contact information
interface Contact {
image?: Image;
title?: Title;
subtitle?: Subtitle;
phone?: PhoneNumber;
email?: EmailAddress;
copy?: CopyText;
[k: string]: unknown;
interface Image {
src?: Source2;
alt?: AltText2;
width?: Width;
height?: Height2;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to present rich combinations of text and media, best used sequentially
interface Storytelling {
backgroundImage?: BackgroundImage2;
backgroundColor?: BackgroundColor;
full?: FullSizeImage;
image: Image1;
box: TextBox2;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Image displayed alongside the text content
interface Image1 {
source?: ImageSource2;
ratio?: ImageAspectRatio;
vAlign?: ImageVerticalAlignment;
hAlign?: ImageHorizontalAlignment;
order?: Order;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Choose what comes first on mobile and desktop: image or text
interface Order {
mobileImageLast?: MobileImageAfterText;
desktopImageLast?: DesktopImageAfterText;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Text content to display
interface TextBox2 {
headline?: Headline2;
text?: Text3;
textAlign?: TextAlignment;
textColor?: TextColor;
vAlign?: BoxVerticalAlignment;
hAlign?: BoxHorizontalAlignment;
link?: LinkButton1;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Headline
interface Headline {
interface Headline2 {
level: Level;
align: Alignment;
content?: Text;
content?: Text2;
subheadline?: Subheadline;

@@ -59,5 +1473,290 @@ spaceAfter: BottomSpacing;

* link-button
interface LinkButton1 {
label: Label5;
variant: ButtonStyle4;
size: ButtonSize4;
className?: AdditionalClasses6;
icon?: Icon4;
iconBefore?: IconBeforeButton4;
iconAfter?: IconAfterButton4;
dataComponent?: DataComponentAttribute4;
fillAnimation?: FillAnimation4;
iconAnimation?: IconAnimation4;
href: ButtonHref3;
newTab?: OpenLinkInNewTab3;
* Icon
interface Icon4 {
icon?: IconIdentifier4;
role?: AriaRole4;
className?: AdditionalClass4;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to conditionally show additional info
interface CollapsibleBox {
summary: SummaryTextForTheCollapsible;
text: ContentOfTheCollapsible;
* Component to to increase a number up to a final value
interface CountUp {
to: Number;
icon?: Icon5;
topic?: Topic;
text?: TextContent2;
link?: LinkButton2;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Icon
interface Icon5 {
icon?: IconIdentifier5;
role?: AriaRole5;
className?: AdditionalClass5;
[k: string]: unknown;
* link-button
interface LinkButton2 {
label: Label6;
variant: ButtonStyle5;
size: ButtonSize5;
className?: AdditionalClasses7;
icon?: Icon6;
iconBefore?: IconBeforeButton5;
iconAfter?: IconAfterButton5;
dataComponent?: DataComponentAttribute5;
fillAnimation?: FillAnimation5;
iconAnimation?: IconAnimation5;
href: ButtonHref4;
newTab?: OpenLinkInNewTab4;
* Icon
interface Icon6 {
icon?: IconIdentifier6;
role?: AriaRole6;
className?: AdditionalClass6;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to display content in a condensed, boxed form
interface ContentBox {
ratio: ImageRatio;
alignement: Alignment1;
image?: ImageSource3;
topic?: Topic1;
text?: TextContent3;
link?: Link2;
* Content box link configuration
interface Link2 {
enabled?: DisplayLink2;
label: Label7;
variant: ButtonStyle6;
size: ButtonSize6;
className?: AdditionalClasses8;
icon?: Icon7;
iconBefore?: IconBeforeButton6;
iconAfter?: IconAfterButton6;
dataComponent?: DataComponentAttribute6;
fillAnimation?: FillAnimation6;
iconAnimation?: IconAnimation6;
href: ButtonHref5;
newTab?: OpenLinkInNewTab5;
* Icon
interface Icon7 {
icon?: IconIdentifier7;
role?: AriaRole7;
className?: AdditionalClass7;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Headline
interface Headline3 {
level: Level1;
align: Alignment2;
content?: Text4;
subheadline?: Subheadline1;
spaceAfter: BottomSpacing1;
pageHeader?: PageHeader1;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to display copy text, including media
interface TextMedia {
text: TextContent4;
mediaAlignment: MediaAlignment;
media?: Media;
* Video item to display
interface Video {
src: Source3;
iframe?: EmbeddedIframe;
title?: VideoTitle;
width: Width1;
height: Height3;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Base component to display a picture
interface Picture {
src?: Source4;
srcSet?: PictureSourceset;
alt?: AltText3;
width?: Width2;
height?: Height4;
className?: AdditionalClasses9;
id?: Id;
itemProp?: ItempropAttribute;
style?: StyleAttribute;
objectFit?: ObjectFit;
noscript?: Noscript;
lazy?: Lazy;
sources?: Sources;
pictureClassName?: ClassAttribute;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Lazy Lightbox Image
interface LazyLightboxImage {
thumb?: ThumbnailSource;
image?: LightboxImageSource;
width?: Width3;
height?: Height5;
zoomIcon?: HoverZoomIcon;
caption?: Caption;
hideCaption?: HideCaptionVisually;
gallery?: GalleryIdentifier;
id?: ID1;
class?: AdditionalImageClass;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to tease external content
interface TeaserBox {
topic?: Topic2;
text?: TextContent5;
darkStyle?: DarkVariant;
link?: LinkButton3;
image?: ImageSource4;
ratio: ImageRatio1;
imageSpacing?: ImageSpacing;
* link-button
interface LinkButton3 {
label: Label8;
variant: ButtonStyle7;
size: ButtonSize7;
className?: AdditionalClasses10;
icon?: Icon8;
iconBefore?: IconBeforeButton7;
iconAfter?: IconAfterButton7;
dataComponent?: DataComponentAttribute7;
fillAnimation?: FillAnimation7;
iconAnimation?: IconAnimation7;
href: ButtonHref6;
newTab?: OpenLinkInNewTab6;
hidden?: HideLink;
* Icon
interface Icon8 {
icon?: IconIdentifier8;
role?: AriaRole8;
className?: AdditionalClass8;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to list logos or seals
interface LogoTiles {
logos?: Logos;
[k: string]: unknown;
interface LogoImage {
src?: Source5;
alt?: AltText4;
width?: Width4;
height?: Height6;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Component to tease external content
interface TeaserRow {
topic?: Topic3;
text?: TextContent6;
darkStyle?: DarkVariant1;
link?: LinkButton4;
* link-button
interface LinkButton4 {
label: Label9;
variant: ButtonStyle8;
size: ButtonSize8;
className?: AdditionalClasses11;
icon?: Icon9;
iconBefore?: IconBeforeButton8;
iconAfter?: IconAfterButton8;
dataComponent?: DataComponentAttribute8;
fillAnimation?: FillAnimation8;
iconAnimation?: IconAnimation8;
href: ButtonHref7;
newTab?: OpenLinkInNewTab7;
hidden?: HideLink1;
* Icon
interface Icon9 {
icon?: IconIdentifier9;
role?: AriaRole9;
className?: AdditionalClass9;
[k: string]: unknown;
* Headline
interface Headline4 {
level: Level2;
align: Alignment3;
content?: Text5;
subheadline?: Subheadline2;
spaceAfter: BottomSpacing2;
pageHeader?: PageHeader2;
[k: string]: unknown;
declare const SectionContextDefault: FunctionComponent<SectionProps & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
declare const SectionContext: import("react").Context<FunctionComponent<SectionProps & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>>;
declare const Section: typeof SectionContextDefault;
export { Level, Alignment, Text, Subheadline, BottomSpacing, PageHeader, SectionProps, Headline, SectionContextDefault, SectionContext, Section };
export { ImageSource, TextContent, Source, Date, Label, ButtonStyle, ButtonSize, AdditionalClasses, IconIdentifier, AriaRole, AdditionalClass, IconBeforeButton, IconAfterButton, DataComponentAttribute, FillAnimation, IconAnimation, ButtonHref, OpenLinkInNewTab, ID, Name, Checked, Disabled, Label1, ButtonStyle1, ButtonSize1, AdditionalClasses1, IconIdentifier1, AriaRole1, AdditionalClass1, IconBeforeButton1, IconAfterButton1, DataComponentAttribute1, FillAnimation1, IconAnimation1, TypeAttribute, ValueAttribute, NameAttribute, DisabledAttribute, Label2, Size, LinkTarget, Removable, Height, MediaType, MobileImageSource, TabletImageSource, DesktopImageSource, ImageIndent, AltText, MobileVideoSource, TabletVideoSource, DesktopVideoSource, GridLayer, DisplayBox, Headline, Text, DisplayLink, Label3, ButtonStyle2, ButtonSize2, AdditionalClasses2, IconIdentifier2, AriaRole2, AdditionalClass2, IconBeforeButton2, IconAfterButton2, DataComponentAttribute2, FillAnimation2, IconAnimation2, ButtonHref1, OpenLinkInNewTab1, Indent, HorizontalOrientation, VerticalOrientation, StyleOfTheBox, CustomBackgroundColor, Inbox, SkipButton, AdditionalClasses3, ImageSource1, TextContent1, Source1, Date1, AutoPlay, Height1, MediaType1, MobileImageSource1, TabletImageSource1, DesktopImageSource1, ImageIndent1, AltText1, MobileVideoSource1, TabletVideoSource1, DesktopVideoSource1, GridLayer1, DisplayBox1, Headline1, Text1, DisplayLink1, Label4, ButtonStyle3, ButtonSize3, AdditionalClasses4, IconIdentifier3, AriaRole3, AdditionalClass3, IconBeforeButton3, IconAfterButton3, DataComponentAttribute3, FillAnimation3, IconAnimation3, ButtonHref2, OpenLinkInNewTab2, Indent1, HorizontalOrientation1, VerticalOrientation1, StyleOfTheBox1, CustomBackgroundColor1, Inbox1, SkipButton1, AdditionalClasses5, SlidePreviewLabel, Source2, AltText2, Width, Height2, Title, Subtitle, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress, CopyText, BackgroundImage2, BackgroundColor, FullSizeImage, ImageSource2, ImageAspectRatio, ImageVerticalAlignment, ImageHorizontalAlignment, MobileImageAfterText, DesktopImageAfterText, Level, Alignment, Text2, Subheadline, BottomSpacing, PageHeader, Text3, TextAlignment, TextColor, BoxVerticalAlignment, BoxHorizontalAlignment, Label5, ButtonStyle4, ButtonSize4, AdditionalClasses6, IconIdentifier4, AriaRole4, AdditionalClass4, IconBeforeButton4, IconAfterButton4, DataComponentAttribute4, FillAnimation4, IconAnimation4, ButtonHref3, OpenLinkInNewTab3, SummaryTextForTheCollapsible, ContentOfTheCollapsible, Number, IconIdentifier5, AriaRole5, AdditionalClass5, Topic, TextContent2, Label6, ButtonStyle5, ButtonSize5, AdditionalClasses7, IconIdentifier6, AriaRole6, AdditionalClass6, IconBeforeButton5, IconAfterButton5, DataComponentAttribute5, FillAnimation5, IconAnimation5, ButtonHref4, OpenLinkInNewTab4, ImageRatio, Alignment1, ImageSource3, Topic1, TextContent3, DisplayLink2, Label7, ButtonStyle6, ButtonSize6, AdditionalClasses8, IconIdentifier7, AriaRole7, AdditionalClass7, IconBeforeButton6, IconAfterButton6, DataComponentAttribute6, FillAnimation6, IconAnimation6, ButtonHref5, OpenLinkInNewTab5, Level1, Alignment2, Text4, Subheadline1, BottomSpacing1, PageHeader1, TextContent4, MediaAlignment, Source3, EmbeddedIframe, VideoTitle, Width1, Height3, FullWidthMedia, Source4, PictureSourceset, AltText3, Width2, Height4, AdditionalClasses9, Id, ItempropAttribute, StyleAttribute, ObjectFit, Noscript, Lazy, PictureSourceset1, TODOMEDIATITLE, TODOTYPETITLE, Sources, ClassAttribute, FullWidthMedia1, ThumbnailSource, LightboxImageSource, Width3, Height5, HoverZoomIcon, Caption, HideCaptionVisually, GalleryIdentifier, ID1, AdditionalImageClass, FullWidthMedia2, Media, Topic2, TextContent5, DarkVariant, Label8, ButtonStyle7, ButtonSize7, AdditionalClasses10, IconIdentifier8, AriaRole8, AdditionalClass8, IconBeforeButton7, IconAfterButton7, DataComponentAttribute7, FillAnimation7, IconAnimation7, ButtonHref6, OpenLinkInNewTab6, HideLink, ImageSource4, ImageRatio1, ImageSpacing, Source5, AltText4, Width4, Height6, Logos, Topic3, TextContent6, DarkVariant1, Label9, ButtonStyle8, ButtonSize8, AdditionalClasses11, IconIdentifier9, AriaRole9, AdditionalClass9, IconBeforeButton8, IconAfterButton8, DataComponentAttribute8, FillAnimation8, IconAnimation8, ButtonHref7, OpenLinkInNewTab7, HideLink1, Level2, Alignment3, Text5, Subheadline2, BottomSpacing2, PageHeader2, SectionProps, QuotesSlider, Quote, LinkButton, Icon, ToggleSwitch, Button, Icon1, TagLabel, Visual, MediaWrapper, BackgroundImage, BackgroundVideo, TextBox, Link, Icon2, Quote1, VisualSlider, Visual1, MediaWrapper1, BackgroundImage1, BackgroundVideo1, TextBox1, Link1, Icon3, Contact, Image, Storytelling, Image1, Order, TextBox2, Headline2, LinkButton1, Icon4, CollapsibleBox, CountUp, Icon5, LinkButton2, Icon6, ContentBox, Link2, Icon7, Headline3, TextMedia, Video, Picture, LazyLightboxImage, TeaserBox, LinkButton3, Icon8, LogoTiles, LogoImage, TeaserRow, LinkButton4, Icon9, Headline4, SectionContextDefault, SectionContext, Section };

@@ -23,2 +23,63 @@ {

"default": "default"
"content": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"anyOf": [
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""
"$ref": ""

@@ -40,3 +101,3 @@ }

"space-before": {
"spaceBefore": {
"type": "string",

@@ -46,3 +107,3 @@ "enum": ["default", "small", "none"],

"space-after": {
"spaceAfter": {
"type": "string",

@@ -49,0 +110,0 @@ "enum": ["default", "small", "none"],



@@ -61,5 +61,5 @@ {

"items": {
"type": "object",
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {

@@ -119,2 +119,3 @@ "video": {

"type": "object",
"properties": {

@@ -247,2 +248,3 @@ "image": {

"type": "object",
"properties": {

@@ -249,0 +251,0 @@ "lightboxImage": {

@@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ {

"items": {
"type": "object",
"anyOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {

@@ -89,2 +89,3 @@ "video": {

"type": "object",
"properties": {

@@ -100,2 +101,3 @@ "image": {

"type": "object",
"properties": {

@@ -102,0 +104,0 @@ "lightboxImage": {

"name": "@kickstartds/base",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.20",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.21",
"description": "kickstartDS Base Module",

@@ -49,3 +49,3 @@ "author": "ruhmesmeile GmbH <> (",

"gitHead": "194565e639a831178510b537595d8a17052dd264"
"gitHead": "ec6bda888b5432118ae6ac678c9baeb5ddcad0fa"

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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