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kickstartDS Agency Starter is a specialized version of the kickstartDS Starter, tailored for digital agencies. It provides a set of content components that can be used to style marketing pages, while maintaining the flexibility and customizability of the

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kickstartDS Agency Starter

kickstartDS Agency Starter is a specialized version of the kickstartDS Starter, tailored for digital agencies. It provides a set of content components that can be used to style marketing pages, while maintaining the flexibility and customizability of the original starter.


  • Design System: A ready-to-use Design System, with pre-configured semantic token structure and example components.
  • Storybook Integration: Storybook is configured with best practices, kickstartDS integration, addons, and composition. Hot reload is enabled for all code changes.
  • Playroom Integration: Playroom is integrated for prototyping.
  • Bundling: The Design System is bundled for use with and without React.
  • Release Handling: Semantic release handling is configured using auto.
  • Content: Includes components, recipes, pages, and docs.


To install the Agency Starter, you need to have Node.js installed. We recommend managing your local Node.js versions using nvm.

Getting Started

To get started with the Agency Starter, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new repository based on this template.
  2. Update the package.json file with your project details.
  3. Add your own logo.
  4. Install the dependencies (npm install / yarn install).
  5. Start Storybook (npm start, yarn start).


The Agency Starter includes several components that are immediately useful for creating marketing pages. These components are built using the kickstartDS Starter and kickstartDS itself, showcasing its features and best practices:

ComponentDescriptionMain Properties
Blog AsideThis component provides meta info for a singular blog, social sharing links, reading time, and published date
Blog HeadThis component serves as the intro portion of a singular blog entry.published date, tags, headline, and cover image
Blog TeaserThis component is used to display a blog teaser with date, tags, headline, teaser text and, tags, headline, teaser text, image, link, reading time, and author
ButtonA basic button component for user interaction.label, target, variant, icon, size, and disabled state
CTAA Call to Action component.headline, subheadline, text, button, and alignment
FAQThis component is used to display a FAQ array of questions and answers
FeaturesThis component is used to display a set of features.layout and features
FooterA basic footer component.logo, navigation, and social links
GalleryThis component is used to display a gallery of images.images and captions
HeaderA basic header component.logo, navigation, and social links
LogosThis component is used to display a set of array of logos
Nav MainThis component is used for main array of navigation items
SectionThis component is used to layout components into pages.title, content, and layout
SplitThis component is used to create a split layout.left and right content
StatsThis component is used to display a set of array of stats
Teaser CardThis component is used to display a teaser card.image, headline, text, and link
TestimonialThis component is used to display a, quote, and image
TextA basic text component.content and variant
VisualThis component is used to display a visual element.image, alt text, and caption


Applying your Design / Brand

To apply your branding and corporate design to kickstartDS, you need to follow two main steps:

  1. Use a reduced set of Branding Token to generate your initial Design Token set in src/token/branding-token.json.
  2. Fine-tune the resulting Design Token set in src/token/dictionary to closely fit your corporate identity.

For a more in-depth overview of those tokens, have a look at our foundations page about Branding Token, detailing all values in use.

You can change some select values around to match your brand. For example, you might want to change the primary color to #05566a, the primary-inverted color to #ecff00, and the font-family to -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol' if you're trying to recreate the kickstartDS branding.

After you've selected your Branding Tokens, you can apply them by updating the branding-token.json file with your chosen values, and running npm run init-tokens / yarn init-tokens.

With this, you have completed your Design Token setup, and your branding should be successfully applied to kickstartDS!

Adding Your Own Component

To add your own component to this project, you can follow the guide "Create a component". Alternatively you can read about the ideas behind component creation. Here is a brief overview of the steps involved:

  1. Create your component file: This should be a .tsx file in the src/components directory. The component should be a functional component and should follow the structure of existing components. For example, if you're creating a MyComponent component, you would create a MyComponent.tsx file in the src/components/my-component directory.

  2. Create your component's JSON Schema: This should be a .schema.json file in the same directory as your component file. This file should define the component API for your component. For example, if you're creating a MyComponent component, you would create a my-component.schema.json file in the src/components/my-component directory. The .ts file for props will be generated based on this JSON Schema definition.

  3. Create your component's Storybook file: This should be a .stories.tsx file in the same directory as your component file. This file should define the Storybook stories for your component. For example, if you're creating a MyComponent component, you would create a MyComponent.stories.tsx file in the src/components/my-component directory.

  4. Add your component to the Playroom components: This involves adding an export statement for your component in the src/playroom/components.ts file.


Contributions are welcome. Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as below, without any additional terms or conditions.


This project is licensed under either of

at your option.

The SPDX license identifier for this project is MIT OR Apache-2.0.


Last updated on 15 Jan 2024

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