open | boolean | Determines if the Tooltip will appear as open or close. | false |
setOpen | function | Callback to change the open state of the Tooltip. | (boolean) => boolean |
refEl | HTMLElement | Reference to an element that the tooltip should be positioned against. | null |
numberOfSteps | number | Used to determine which tooltip will be shown. If numberOfSteps > 1 then the multi-step tooltip will be shown else the stand-alone tooltip will be shown. This number will only be displayed in the multi-step tooltip. | 1 |
currentStep | number | Used to display the current step. If numberOfSteps === 1 this number will not display. | 1 |
darkMode | boolean | Determines whether the Tooltip will appear in dark mode. | false |
title | string | Title to appear inside of Tooltip. | '' |
children | React.ReactNode | Body content to appear inside the tooltip, under the title. | '' |
buttonText | string | Text to appear inside the primary button. The default text for the stand-alone tooltip is Got it . The default text for the multi-step tooltip varies on the numberOfSteps and currentStep . If numberOfSteps === currentStep the text is Got it else it is `Next. | 'Next' |
onDismiss | function | Callback fired when the dismiss(X) button is clicked or when the Esc key is pressed. This only applies to the multi-step tooltip. | () => {} |
onPrimaryButtonClick | function | Callback fired when the bottom primary button is clicked. This applies to both the stand-alone and multi-step tooltip. This is also fired when the Esc key is pressed in the stand-alone tooltip. | () => {} |
tooltipClassName | string | ClassName to be applied to the tooltip element. | '' |
tooltipAlign | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | Determines the alignment of the tooltip. | top |
tooltipJustify | 'start' | 'middle' | 'end' | Determines the justification of the tooltip. | middle |
beaconAlign | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'center-horizontal' | 'center-vertical' | Determines the alignment of the beacon(animated pulsing circle that appears on top of the trigger element). This only applies to the multi-step tooltip. | center-horizontal |
portalContainer | HTMLElement | null | Sets the container used for the popover's portal. NOTE: If using a scrollContainer make sure that the portalContainer is contained within the scrollContainer . E.g, passing the same refrence to scrollContainer and portalContainer . | |
scrollContainer | HTMLElement | null | If the popover portal has a scrollable ancestor other than the window, this prop allows passing a reference to that element to allow the portal to position properly. | |
portalClassName | string | Passes the given className to the popover's portal container if the default portal container is being used. | |
popoverZIndex | number | Sets the z-index CSS property for the popover. | |
... | native div attributes | Any other props will be spread on the tooltip div element | |