(lerna version
) - Version command [optional] 📑
Lerna-Lite Version command, bump version of packages changed since the last release.
npm install @lerna-lite/version -D
lerna version
Note please make sure that you have a lerna.json
config file and a version
property defined with either a fixed or independent mode (for example: "version": "independent"
). An error will be thrown if you're missing any of them.
lerna version 1.0.1
lerna version patch
lerna version
When run, this command does the following:
- Identifies packages that have been updated since the previous tagged release.
- Prompts for a new version.
- Modifies package metadata to reflect new release, running appropriate lifecycle scripts in root and per-package.
- Commits those changes and tags the commit.
- Pushes to the git remote.
semver bump
lerna version [major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease]
When this positional parameter is passed, lerna version
will skip the version selection prompt and increment the version by that keyword.
You must still use the --yes
flag to avoid all prompts.
If you have any packages with a prerelease version number (e.g. 2.0.0-beta.3
) and you run lerna version
with and a non-prerelease bump (major
, minor
, or patch
), it will publish those previously pre-released packages as well as the packages that have changed since the last release.
For projects using conventional commits, use the following flags for prerelease management:
Running lerna version --conventional-commits
without the above flags will release current changes as prerelease only if the version is already in prerelease.
lerna version
accepts all filter flags.
$ lerna version --scope my-component test
--allow-branch <glob>
A whitelist of globs that match git branches where lerna version
is enabled.
It is easiest (and recommended) to configure in lerna.json
, but it is possible to pass as a CLI option as well.
"command": {
"version": {
"allowBranch": "main"
With the configuration above, the lerna version
will fail when run from any branch other than main
It is considered a best-practice to limit lerna version
to the primary branch alone.
"command": {
"version": {
"allowBranch": ["main", "feature/*"]
With the preceding configuration, lerna version
will be allowed in any branch prefixed with feature/
Please be aware that generating git tags in feature branches is fraught with potential errors as the branches are merged into the primary branch. If the tags are "detached" from their original context (perhaps through a squash merge or a conflicted merge commit), future lerna version
executions will have difficulty determining the correct "diff since last release."
It is always possible to override this "durable" config on the command-line.
Please use with caution.
lerna version --allow-branch hotfix/oops-fix-the-thing
lerna version --allow-peer-dependencies-update
By default peer dependencies versions will not be bumped unless this flag is enabled. When the package to be bumped is found in regular dependencies
(or devDependencies
) and also in peerDependencies
, then it will bump both of them to the same version.
Note peer dependency that includes a semver range with an operator (ie >=2.0.0
) will never be mutated even if this flag is enabled.
Note peer dependencies that use workspace:
protocol will be bump even without enabling --allow-peer-dependencies-update
because that protocol always expect a version replacement with current version.
Note Please use with caution when enabling this option, it is not recommended for most users since the npm standard is to never mutate (bump) any peerDependencies
when publishing new version in an automated fashion, at least not without a user intervention, as explained by core Lerna maintainer:
Changes to a peer version range are always semver major, and should be as broad as possible.
Until we can get fancier, we should never automatically modify them to match the new version being published (which is the current incorrect behavior).
For the example shown below, we will consider the packages to have the following versions ("A": "1.2.0"
, "B": "0.4.0"
, "C": 2.0.0"
). The examples shown below includes very basic demo of what workspace:
can do, for more info on that subject please read workspace:
with flag enabled
with the new flag both deps would be updated and bumped, for example if we do a minor
"name": "B",
"dependencies": {
"A": "workspace:^1.2.0",
"B": "^0.4.0",
"C": "workspace:^"
"peerDependencies": {
"D": "workspace:^1.2.0",
"E": ">=0.2.0",
"F": "workspace:^"
without flag
without the flag peer dependencies are completely ignored except for workspace:
which are always bumped even without the flag and the reason is because workspace:
are always expected to be transformed.
"name": "B",
"dependencies": {
"A": "workspace:^1.2.0",
"B": "^0.4.0",
"C": "workspace:^"
"peerDependencies": {
"D": "workspace:^1.2.0",
"E": ">=0.2.0",
"F": "workspace:^",
"G": "^1.2.0"
Some Exclusions
with the flag enabled, it will update regular semver like these
but it will never update or change versions with ranges
>=1.0.0 <2.0.0
^1 | ^2 | ^3
lerna version --amend
When run with this flag, lerna version
will perform all changes on the current commit, instead of adding a new one.
This is useful during Continuous integration (CI) to reduce the number of commits in the project's history.
In order to prevent unintended overwrites, this command will skip git push
(i.e., it implies --no-push
lerna version --build-metadata 001
Build metadata must be SemVer compatible. When provided it will apply to all updated packages, irrespective of whether independent or fixed versioning is utilised. If prompted to choose package version bumps, you can request a custom version to alter or remove build metadata for specific packages.
lerna version --conventional-commits --changelog-preset angular-bitbucket
By default, the changelog preset is set to angular
In some cases you might want to change either use another preset or a custom one.
Presets are names of built-in or installable configuration for conventional changelog.
Presets may be passed as the full name of the package, or the auto-expanded suffix
(e.g., angular
is expanded to conventional-changelog-angular
This option can also be specified in lerna.json
"changelogPreset": "angular"
If the preset exports a builder function (e.g. conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits
), you can specify the preset configuration too:
"changelogPreset": {
"name": "conventionalcommits",
"issueUrlFormat": "{{host}}/{{owner}}/{{repository}}/issues/{{id}}"
Note the option changelogPreset.releaseCommitMessageFormat
is not supported and will throw, you can simply use --message
to have the same result.
v8 and higher is not currently supported because it had a lot of breaking changes, please use v7 or lower until this is resolved.
lerna version --conventional-commits
When run with this flag, lerna version
will use the Conventional Commits Specification to determine the version bump and generate CHANGELOG.md files.
Passing --no-changelog
will disable the generation (or updating) of CHANGELOG.md
lerna version --conventional-commits --conventional-graduate=package-2,package-4
lerna version --conventional-commits --conventional-graduate
When run with this flag, lerna version
will graduate the specified packages (comma-separated) or all packages using *
. This command works regardless of whether the current HEAD has been released, similar to --force-publish
, except that any non-prerelease packages are ignored. If changes are present for packages that are not specified (if specifying packages), or for packages that are not in prerelease, those packages will be versioned as they normally would using --conventional-commits
"Graduating" a package means bumping to the non-prerelease variant of a prerelease version, eg. package-1@1.0.0-alpha.0 => package-1@1.0.0
Note when specifying packages, dependents of specified packages will be released, but will not be graduated.
lerna version --conventional-commits --conventional-graduate=package-2,package-4 --force-conventional-graduate
lerna version --conventional-commits --conventional-graduate --force-conventional-graduate
When run with this flag, lerna version
will graduate all packages specified by --conventional-graduate
. Non-prerelease packages will not be ignored as it would be the case without the flag. In combination with single version mode this can be used to force all specified packages to be updated to a single version despite having no change or being a non-prerelease version. It works similar to --force-publish
but is not ignored when --conventional-commits
and --conventional-graduate
are enabled. This flag is only applicable when having --conventional-graduate
set, otherwise the option is ignored.
lerna version --conventional-commits --conventional-prerelease=package-2,package-4
lerna version --conventional-commits --conventional-prerelease
When run with this flag, lerna version
will release with prerelease versions the specified packages (comma-separated) or all packages using *
. Releases all unreleased changes as pre(patch/minor/major/release) by prefixing the version recommendation from conventional-commits
with pre
, eg. if present changes include a feature commit, the recommended bump will be minor
, so this flag will result in a preminor
release. If changes are present for packages that are not specified (if specifying packages), or for packages that are already in prerelease, those packages will be versioned as they normally would using --conventional-commits
--changelog-include-commits-git-author [msg]
Specify if we want to include the git commit author's name to the end of each changelog commit entry and wrapped in (...)
. You could also provide a custom format by using any of these tokens (%a
, %e
), see examples below.
: git author name, ie: ("Whitesource Renovate")
: git author email, ie: ("bot@renovateapp.com")
This option is only available when using --conventional-commits
with changelogs enabled.
Note the author name is what the user has configured in git, for more info please refer to Git Configuration. Also note, that is not the same as a remote client GitHub login username, Git does not store such information in its commit history, for that you will want to use the next option shown below.
lerna version --conventional-commits --changelog-include-commits-git-author
lerna version --conventional-commits --changelog-include-commits-git-author " (by _%a_)"
lerna version --conventional-commits --changelog-include-commits-client-login " by %a (%e)" --remote-client github
We recommend you first try it with the --dry-run
option so that you can validate your remote client access and inspect the changelog output. Make sure to revert your changes once you're satisfied with the output.
--changelog-include-commits-client-login [msg]
Specify if we want to include commit remote client login (ie GitHub login username) to the end of each changelog commit entry and wrapped in (@...)
. You could also provide a custom format by using any of these tokens (%l
, %a
, %e
), see examples below.
: remote client login, ie ("@renovate-bot")
: git author name, ie: ("Whitesource Renovate")
: git author email, ie: ("bot@renovateapp.com")
This option is only available when using --conventional-commits
with changelogs enabled. You must also provide 1 of these 2 options --create-release <type>
or --remote-client <type>
Note this will execute one or more client remote API calls (GH is limited to 100 per query), which at the moment is only supporting the GitHub client type. This option will also require a valid GH_TOKEN
) with read access permissions to the GitHub API so that it can execute the query to fetch all commit details since the last release, for more info refer to the Remote Client Auth Tokens
Note for this option to work properly, you must make sure that your local commits, on the current branch, are in sync with the remote server. It will then try to match all commits with their respective remote server commits and from there extract their associated remote client user login.
lerna version --conventional-commits --changelog-include-commits-client-login --create-release github
lerna version --conventional-commits --changelog-include-commits-client-login " by @%l" --remote-client github
lerna version --conventional-commits --changelog-include-commits-client-login " by @%l, %a (%e)" --remote-client github
We recommend you first try it with the --dry-run
option so that you can validate your remote client access and inspect the changelog output. Make sure to revert your changes once you're satisfied with the output.
Add a custom message at the top of all "changelog.md" files. This option is only available when using --conventional-commits
lerna version --conventional-commits --changelog-header-message "My Custom Header Message"
lerna version --conventional-commits --conventional-prerelease --conventional-bump-prerelease
When run with this flag, lerna version
will release with bumped prerelease versions even if already released packages are prereleases. Releases all unreleased changes as pre(patch/minor/major/release) by prefixing the version recommendation from conventional-commits
with pre
, eg. if present changes include a feature commit, the recommended bump will be minor
, so this flag will result in a preminor
release. If not used just a prerelease bump will be applied to prereleased packages.
- major: 1.0.0-alpha.0 => 2.0.0-alpha.0
- minor: 1.0.0-alpha.0 => 1.1.0-alpha.0
- patch: 1.0.0-alpha.0 => 1.0.1-alpha.0
--create-release <type>
lerna version --conventional-commits --create-release github
lerna version --conventional-commits --create-release gitlab
When run with this flag, lerna version
will create an official GitHub or GitLab release based on the changed packages. Requires --conventional-commits
to be passed so that changelogs can be generated.
Note to avoid creating too many "Version bump only for package x" when using independent mode, you could enable the option --skip-bump-only-releases
--create-release-discussion <name>
Create a discussion for this release, this will create both a Release and a Discussion. Conventional commits is required for this option to work.
lerna version --conventional-commits --create-release github --create-release-discussion announcement
Note this option is currently only available for GitHub Releases following this GitHub blog post You can now link discussions to new releases
When run with this flag, lerna version
will create an official GitHub release by automatically generating the name and body for the new release. Conventional commits is required for this option to work.
lerna version --conventional-commits --create-release github --generate-release-notes
Since GitHub automatically generates the name and body for the new release, you could skip the changelog creation if you wish.
lerna version --conventional-commits --no-changelog --create-release github --generate-release-notes
Note this option is currently only available for GitHub Releases, more info can be found in this GitHub documentation page Automatically generated release notes
When this option is enabled and a package version is only being bumped without any conventional commits detected, the GitHub/GitLab release will be skipped but only when using the independent mode. This will avoid creating releases with only "Version bump only for package x" in the release notes, however please note that each changelog are still going to be updated with the "version bump only" text.
lerna version --create-release github --skip-bump-only-releases
lerna version --create-release gitlab --skip-bump-only-releases
Note this option is only useful and can only be used with independent mode. Also please note that each changelogs are still going to be updated with the "version bump only" text and only the releases will be skipped.
--describe-tag <pattern>
When lerna version
is executed, it will identifies packages that have been updated since the previous tagged release. The rules it identifies are based on describe tag pattern (excuted git describe --match
behind the scenes).
The tag pattern defaults to *@*
(independent mode) or ""
(non-independent mode). You can configure describeTag
in lerna.json
to specify the tag pattern.
The describeTag
will also take effect under lerna publish
, for example lerna publish --canary
, but it will not take effect under lerna publish from-git
lerna version --describe-tag "*lerna-project*"
Remote Client Auth Tokens
GitHub Auth Token
To authenticate with GitHub, the following environment variables can be defined.
: Your GitHub authentication token (under Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens), please give it the repo:public_repo
scope when creating the token (for more info, refer to GitHub - Creating a personal access token).
: When using GitHub Enterprise, an absolute URL to the API.
: When using GitHub Enterprise, the currently installed GHE version. Supports the following versions.
Note even though GH_TOKEN
) is the preferred way to automate the creation of a GitHub Release (especially in a CI environment), we are also providing a more manual mode when the GH_TOKEN
could not be found or read. For that use case (when token cannot be read), we will create a link that once clicked it will open the GitHub web interface form with the fields pre-populated. This mode is enabled automatically when --create-release github
is enabled without providing a valid GH_TOKEN
environment variable.
GitLab Auth Token
To authenticate with GitLab, the following environment variables can be defined.
(required): Your GitLab authentication token (under User Settings > Access Tokens).
: An absolute URL to the API, including the version. (Default: https://gitlab.com/api/v4)
Note When using this option, you cannot pass --no-changelog
except when used with --generate-release-notes
lerna version --exact
When run with this flag, lerna version
will specify updated dependencies in updated packages exactly (with no punctuation), instead of as semver compatible (with a ^
For more information, see the package.json dependencies documentation.
lerna version --independent-subpackages
If package B
, being a child of package A
, has changes they will normally both get bumped although package A
itself is eventually unchanged. If this flag is enabled and only package B
was actually changed, package A
will not get bumped if it does not have any changes on its own.
lerna version --force-publish=package-2,package-4
lerna version --force-publish
When run with this flag, lerna version
will force publish the specified packages (comma-separated) or all packages using *
This will skip the lerna changed
check for changed packages and forces a package that didn't have a git diff
change to be updated.
NOTE: When used in combination with --conventional-commits
and --conventional-graduate
this option will be ignored.
Displays the git command that would be performed without actually executing it, however please note that it will still create all the changelogs. This could be helpful for troubleshooting and also to see changelog changes without committing them to Git.
Note changelogs will still be created (when enabled) even in dry-run mode, so it could be useful to see what gets created without them being committed (however, make sure to revert the changes and roll back your version in lerna.json
once you're satisfied with the output).
$ lerna run watch --dry-run
--git-tag-command <cmd>
Allows users to specify a custom command to be used when applying git tags. For example, this may be useful for providing a wrapper command in CI/CD pipelines that have no direct write access.
lerna version --git-tag-command "git gh-tag %s -m %s"
This can also be configured in lerna.json
"command": {
"version": {
"gitTagCommand": "git gh-tag %s -m %s"
Customize the tag version separator used when creating tags for independent versioning, defaults to "@".
lerna version --tag-version-separator "__"
--git-remote <name>
lerna version --git-remote upstream
When run with this flag, lerna version
will push the git changes to the specified remote instead of origin
Ignore changes in files matched by glob(s) when detecting changed packages.
lerna version --ignore-changes '**/*.md' '**/__tests__/**'
This option is best specified as root lerna.json
configuration, both to avoid premature shell evaluation of the globs and to share the config with lerna diff
and lerna changed
"ignoreChanges": ["**/__fixtures__/**", "**/__tests__/**", "**/*.md"]
Pass --no-ignore-changes
to disable any existing durable configuration.
In the following cases, a package will always be published, regardless of this option:
- The latest release of the package is a
version (i.e. 1.0.0-alpha
, 1.0.0–0.3.7
, etc.).
- One or more linked dependencies of the package have changed.
When passed, this flag will disable running lifecycle scripts during lerna version
lerna version --include-merged-tags
Include tags from merged branches when detecting changed packages.
--message <msg>
This option is aliased to -m
for parity with git commit
lerna version -m "chore(release): publish %s"
lerna version -m "chore(release): publish %v"
lerna version -m "chore(release): publish"
When run with this flag, lerna version
will use the provided message when committing the version updates
for publication. Useful for integrating lerna into projects that expect commit messages to adhere
to certain guidelines, such as projects which use commitizen and/or semantic-release.
If the message contains %s
, it will be replaced with the new global version version number prefixed with a "v".
If the message contains %v
, it will be replaced with the new global version version number without the leading "v".
Note that this placeholder interpolation only applies when using the default "fixed" versioning mode, as there is no "global" version to interpolate when versioning independently.
This can be configured in lerna.json
, as well:
"command": {
"version": {
"message": "chore(release): publish %s"
lerna version --conventional-commits --no-changelog
When using conventional-commits
, do not generate any CHANGELOG.md
Note When using this option, you cannot pass --create-release
By default, lerna version
will allow git commit hooks to run when committing version changes.
Pass --no-commit-hooks
to disable this behavior.
This option is analogous to the npm version
option --commit-hooks
, just inverted.
By default, lerna version
will commit changes to package.json files and tag the release.
Pass --no-git-tag-version
to disable the behavior.
This option is analogous to the npm version
option --git-tag-version
, just inverted.
By default, lerna version
will git add
only the leaf package manifests (and possibly changelogs) that have changed during the versioning process. This yields the equivalent of git add -- packages/*/package.json
, but tailored to exactly what changed.
If you know you need different behavior, you'll understand: Pass --no-granular-pathspec
to make the git command literally git add -- .
This option makes the most sense configured in lerna.json
, as you really don't want to mess it up:
"version": "independent",
"granularPathspec": false
The root-level configuration is intentional, as this also covers the identically-named option in lerna publish
By default, lerna version
will include private packages when choosing versions, making commits, and tagging releases.
Pass --no-private
to disable this behavior.
Note that this option does not exclude private scoped packages, only those with a "private": true
field in their package.json file.
By default, lerna version
will push the committed and tagged changes to the configured git remote.
Pass --no-push
to disable this behavior.
When using pnpm or npm >= 7, the default config is to have Lerna-Lite update the npm package-lock.json
directly and even though that does work, it came with some drawback and you can now disable this option via this flag
lerna version --no-manually-update-root-lockfile
A newer and better option is to this use the new flag --sync-workspace-lock which will to rely on your package manager client to do the work (via install lockfile-only
) which is a lot more reliable, future proof and requires a lot less code in Lerna-Lite itself.
This option allows arguments to be passed to the npm install
that lerna version
performs to update the lockfile (when --sync-workspace-lock
is enabled).
For example:
lerna version 3.3.3 --sync-workspace-lock --npm-client-args=--legacy-peer-deps
lerna version 3.3.3 --sync-workspace-lock --npm-client-args="--legacy-peer-deps,--force"
lerna version 3.3.3 --sync-workspace-lock --npm-client-args="--legacy-peer-deps --force"
This can also be set in lerna.json
"npmClientArgs": ["--legacy-peer-deps", "--production"]
or specifically for the version command:
"command": {
"version": {
"npmClientArgs": ["--legacy-peer-deps", "--production"]
lerna version prerelease
lerna version prepatch --preid next
When run with this flag, lerna version
will increment premajor
, preminor
, prepatch
, or prerelease
bumps using the specified prerelease identifier.
This option allows you to control how lerna handles bumping versions for packages with a
version (packages that have not had a major release, e.g. "version": "0.2.4"
when non-breaking changes are detected.
Breaking changes in premajor
packages will always trigger a minor
lerna version --conventional-commits
lerna version --conventional-commits --premajor-version-bump default
lerna version --conventional-commits --premajor-version-bump force-patch
This option will push all git tags one by one to overcome a GitHub limitation, which can happen when using independent
mode and too many tags are pushed at once.
Note please be aware that there is a performance impact to push each tag one at a time since this action is purposely limited to a concurrency of 1.
--remote-client <type>
Define which remote client type is used, this option is only useful with the option --changelog-include-commits-client-login [msg]
lerna version --conventional-commits --remote-client github
lerna version --conventional-commits --remote-client gitlab
For remote client authentication tokens, like GH_TOKEN
), refer to Remote Client Auth Tokens
By default, lerna version
skips any lifecycle script when syncing the package-lock file after the version bump (when using NPM as npmClient
With this option it will run prepare
, postinstall
, etc.
Adds the --signoff
flag to the git commit done by lerna version when executed.
Note This is different from --sign-git-commit
which is about gpg signatures.
This option is analogous to the npm version
option of the same name.
This option is analogous to the npm version
option of the same name.
This option replaces any existing tag instead of failing.
This option allows to provide custom prefix instead of the default one: v
Keep in mind that currently you have to supply it twice: for version
command and for publish
lerna version --tag-version-prefix=''
lerna publish from-git --tag-version-prefix=''
This flag will leverage your package manager client to update the project lock file (ie npm install --package-lock-only
) it relies heavily on the npmClient defined in your lerna.json config (pnpm
, yarn
or npm
which is default) so make sure you have it configured correctly, this process will also include the lock file as part of your git change history once processed. This technique should be much more future proof and safer than having Lerna-Lite doing the actual work of updating the lock file which is not always ideal, neither safe, this flag is one of two solutions (the best option when available) to update the lock file. It might not be the best solution for your use case (ie it doesn't work with yarn classic), see all client notes below:
Notes for each client:
users: we recommend using the workspace:
protocol since it will prefer local dependencies and will make it less likely to fetch packages accidentally from the registry.
users: please note that this will only work with Yarn Berry 3.x and higher since it uses yarn install --mode update-lockfile
(this will not work with yarn 1.x classic)
lerna version --sync-workspace-lock
Depending on the npmClient
defined, it will perform the following:
npm install --package-lock-only
pnpm install --lockfile-only --ignore-scripts
yarn install --mode update-lockfile
lerna version --yes
When run with this flag, lerna version
will skip all confirmation prompts.
Useful in Continuous integration (CI) to automatically answer the publish confirmation prompt.
Generating Initial Changelogs
If you start using the --conventional-commits
option after the monorepo has been active for awhile, you can still generate changelogs for previous releases using conventional-changelog-cli
and lerna exec
npm i -D conventional-changelog-cli
npx conventional-changelog --preset angular --release-count 0 --outfile ./CHANGELOG.md --verbose
lerna exec --concurrency 1 --stream -- 'conventional-changelog --preset angular --release-count 0 --commit-path $PWD --pkg $PWD/package.json --outfile $PWD/CHANGELOG.md --verbose'
lerna exec --concurrency 1 --stream -- 'conventional-changelog --preset angular --release-count 0 --commit-path $PWD --pkg $PWD/package.json --outfile $PWD/CHANGELOG.md --verbose --lerna-package $LERNA_PACKAGE_NAME'
If you use a custom --changelog-preset
, you should change --preset
value accordingly in the example above.
Lifecycle Scripts
lerna will run npm lifecycle scripts during lerna version
in the following order:
- Detect changed packages, choose version bump(s)
- Run
lifecycle in root
- For each changed package, in topological order (all dependencies before dependents):
- Run
- Update version in package.json
- Run
- Run
lifecycle in root
- Add changed files to index, if enabled
- Create commit and tag(s), if enabled
- For each changed package, in lexical order (alphabetical according to directory structure):
- Run
- Run
lifecycle in root
- Push commit and tag(s) to remote, if enabled
- Create release, if enabled
The pnpm catalog:
protocol (pnpm catalogs which is only available in pnpm) is also supported by Lerna-Lite, here's a quote from pnpm docs that best describes the feature.
"Catalogs" are a workspace feature for defining dependency version ranges as reusable constants. Constants defined in catalogs can later be referenced in package.json
Lerna-Lite will replace all catalog:
protocol with the version ranges defined in the pnpm-workspace.yaml
global catalog(s).
Note Lerna-Lite will only read the catalog (to get versions), but it will never write to it. If you want version bump then you should use workspace:
for local dependencies.
For more info take a look at the lerna publish#catalog
The workspace:
protocol (pnpm workspace, yarn workspace) is also supported by Lerna-Lite. You could also use this in combo with the new --sync-workspace-lock
flag to properly update your root project lock file. When versioning workspace:
dependencies, it will do the following:
- fixed target workspace will remain untouched (if you use
, workspace:~
, or workspace:^
- semver range workspace will be bumped (if you use
So for example, if we have foo
, bar
, qar
, zoo
in the workspace and they are all at version 1.5.0
and a minor
bump is requested, then the following:
"dependencies": {
"foo": "workspace:*",
"bar": "workspace:~",
"qar": "workspace:^",
"zoo": "workspace:^1.5.0"
Will apply the following updates to your package.json
(assuming a minor
version was requested):
"dependencies": {
"foo": "workspace:*",
"bar": "workspace:~",
"qar": "workspace:^",
"zoo": "workspace:^1.6.0"
Note semver range with an operator (ie workspace:>=2.0.0
) are also supported but will never be mutated.