Table of Contents
About The Project
Getting Started
- Usage
- FAQs
- Roadmap
- Contributing
- License
- Acknowledgments
About The Project
- Both redis & cluster are supported: You can also specify multiple instances.
- Health: Checks health of redis & cluster server.
- Rigorously tested: With 100+ tests and 100% code coverage.
- Services: Retrieves redis & cluster connection via
, ClusterService
Test coverage
Statements | Branches | Functions | Lines |
| | | |
Getting Started
This lib requires Node.js >=16.13.0, NestJS ^10.0.0, ioredis ^5.0.0.
- If you depend on ioredis 5 & NestJS 10, please use version 10 of the lib.
- If you depend on ioredis 5 & NestJS 9, please use version 9 of the lib.
- If you depend on ioredis 5, NestJS 7 or 8, please use version 8 of the lib.
- If you depend on ioredis 4, please use version 7 of the lib.
npm install @liaoliaots/nestjs-redis ioredis
yarn add @liaoliaots/nestjs-redis ioredis
pnpm add @liaoliaots/nestjs-redis ioredis
Circular dependency ⚠️
Click to expand
A circular dependency might also be caused when using "barrel files"/index.ts files to group imports. Barrel files should be omitted when it comes to module/provider classes. For example, barrel files should not be used when importing files within the same directory as the barrel file, i.e. cats/cats.controller
should not import cats
to import the cats/cats.service
file. For more details please also see this github issue.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".
Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.