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Comparing version 3.17.2 to 4.0.0-next.0




@@ -1,150 +0,3 @@

import type { GeneratorOptions } from "@babel/core"
export declare type CatalogFormat =
| "lingui"
| "minimal"
| "po"
| "csv"
| "po-gettext"
export type CatalogFormatOptions = {
origins?: boolean
lineNumbers?: boolean
export declare type OrderBy = "messageId" | "origin"
declare type CatalogConfig = {
name?: string
path: string
include: string[]
exclude?: string[]
export type LocaleObject = {
[locale: string]: string[] | string
export type DefaultLocaleObject = {
default: string
export declare type FallbackLocales = LocaleObject | DefaultLocaleObject
declare type CatalogService = {
name: string
apiKey: string
declare type ExtractorType = {
match(filename: string): boolean
extract(filename: string, targetDir: string, options?: any): void
export declare type LinguiConfig = {
catalogs: CatalogConfig[]
compileNamespace: "es" | "cjs" | "ts" | string
extractBabelOptions: Record<string, unknown>
compilerBabelOptions: GeneratorOptions
fallbackLocales: FallbackLocales
format: CatalogFormat
extractors?: ExtractorType[]
prevFormat: CatalogFormat
formatOptions: CatalogFormatOptions
localeDir: string
locales: string[]
catalogsMergePath: string
orderBy: OrderBy
pseudoLocale: string
rootDir: string
| [source: string, identifier?: string]
| {
i18n?: [source: string, identifier?: string]
Trans?: [source: string, identifier?: string]
sourceLocale: string
service: CatalogService
export declare const defaultConfig: LinguiConfig
export declare function getConfig({
}?: {
cwd?: string
configPath?: string
skipValidation?: boolean
}): LinguiConfig
export declare function makeConfig(
userConfig: Partial<LinguiConfig>,
opts?: {
skipValidation?: boolean
): LinguiConfig
export declare const configValidation: {
exampleConfig: {
extractBabelOptions: {
extends: string
rootMode: string
plugins: string[]
presets: string[]
compilerBabelOptions: GeneratorOptions
catalogs: CatalogConfig[]
compileNamespace: "es" | "ts" | "cjs" | string
fallbackLocales: FallbackLocales
format: CatalogFormat
formatOptions: CatalogFormatOptions
locales: string[]
orderBy: OrderBy
pseudoLocale: string
rootDir: string
runtimeConfigModule: LinguiConfig["runtimeConfigModule"]
sourceLocale: string
service: CatalogService
deprecatedConfig: {
fallbackLocale: (
config: LinguiConfig & DeprecatedFallbackLanguage
) => string
localeDir: (config: LinguiConfig & DeprecatedLocaleDir) => string
srcPathDirs: (config: LinguiConfig & DeprecatedLocaleDir) => string
srcPathIgnorePatterns: (
config: LinguiConfig & DeprecatedLocaleDir
) => string
comment: string
export declare function replaceRootDir(
config: LinguiConfig,
rootDir: string
): LinguiConfig
* Replace fallbackLocale with fallbackLocales
* Released in lingui-conf 0.9
* Remove anytime after 4.x
declare type DeprecatedFallbackLanguage = {
fallbackLocale: string | null
export declare function fallbackLanguageMigration(
config: LinguiConfig & DeprecatedFallbackLanguage
): LinguiConfig
* Replace localeDir, srcPathDirs and srcPathIgnorePatterns with catalogs
* Released in @lingui/conf 3.0
* Remove anytime after 4.x
declare type DeprecatedLocaleDir = {
localeDir: string
srcPathDirs: string[]
srcPathIgnorePatterns: string[]
export declare function catalogMigration(
config: LinguiConfig & DeprecatedLocaleDir
): LinguiConfig
export {}
export { makeConfig } from "./makeConfig";
export { getConfig } from "./getConfig";
export * from "./types";
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.catalogMigration = catalogMigration;
exports.defaultConfig = exports.configValidation = void 0;
exports.fallbackLanguageMigration = fallbackLanguageMigration;
exports.getConfig = getConfig;
exports.makeConfig = makeConfig;
exports.replaceRootDir = replaceRootDir;
var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path"));
var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs"));
var _chalk = _interopRequireDefault(require("chalk"));
var _cosmiconfig = require("cosmiconfig");
var _jestValidate = require("jest-validate");
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
// Enforce posix path delimiters internally
const pathJoinPosix = (...values) => _path.default
// normalize double slashes
// convert platform specific path.sep to posix
const defaultConfig = {
catalogs: [{
path: pathJoinPosix("<rootDir>", "locale", "{locale}", "messages"),
include: ["<rootDir>"],
exclude: ["*/node_modules/*"]
catalogsMergePath: "",
compileNamespace: "cjs",
compilerBabelOptions: {
minified: true,
jsescOption: {
minimal: true
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
extractBabelOptions: {
plugins: [],
presets: []
fallbackLocales: {},
format: "po",
formatOptions: {
origins: true,
lineNumbers: true
locales: [],
orderBy: "messageId",
pseudoLocale: "",
rootDir: ".",
runtimeConfigModule: ["@lingui/core", "i18n"],
sourceLocale: "",
service: {
name: "",
apiKey: ""
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __exportStar = (this && this.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) {
for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p);
exports.defaultConfig = defaultConfig;
function configExists(path) {
return path && _fs.default.existsSync(path);
function TypeScriptLoader() {
let loaderInstance;
return (filepath, content) => {
if (!loaderInstance) {
const {
} = require("cosmiconfig-typescript-loader");
loaderInstance = TypeScriptLoader();
return loaderInstance(filepath, content);
function getConfig({
skipValidation = false
} = {}) {
const defaultRootDir = cwd || process.cwd();
const moduleName = "lingui";
const configExplorer = (0, _cosmiconfig.cosmiconfigSync)(moduleName, {
searchPlaces: ["package.json", `.${moduleName}rc`, `.${moduleName}rc.json`, `.${moduleName}rc.yaml`, `.${moduleName}rc.yml`, `.${moduleName}rc.ts`, `.${moduleName}rc.js`, `${moduleName}.config.ts`, `${moduleName}.config.js`],
loaders: {
".ts": TypeScriptLoader()
const result = configExists(configPath) ? configExplorer.load(configPath) :;
const userConfig = result ? result.config : {};
return makeConfig({
rootDir: result ? _path.default.dirname(result.filepath) : defaultRootDir,
}, {
function makeConfig(userConfig, opts = {}) {
const config = {
if (!opts.skipValidation) {
(0, _jestValidate.validate)(config, configValidation);
return pipe(
// List config migrations from oldest to newest
fallbackLanguageMigration, catalogMigration,
// Custom validation
// `replaceRootDir` should always be the last
config => replaceRootDir(config, config.rootDir))(config);
} else {
return replaceRootDir(config, config.rootDir);
const exampleConfig = {
extractors: (0, _jestValidate.multipleValidOptions)([], ["babel"], [{
match: fileName => false,
extract: (filename, targetDir, options) => {}
runtimeConfigModule: (0, _jestValidate.multipleValidOptions)({
i18n: ["@lingui/core", "i18n"],
Trans: ["@lingui/react", "Trans"]
}, ["@lingui/core", "i18n"]),
fallbackLocales: (0, _jestValidate.multipleValidOptions)({}, {
"en-US": "en"
}, {
"en-US": ["en"]
}, {
default: "en"
}, false),
extractBabelOptions: {
extends: "babelconfig.js",
rootMode: "rootmode",
plugins: ["plugin"],
presets: ["preset"],
targets: (0, _jestValidate.multipleValidOptions)({}, "> 0.5%", ["> 0.5%", "not dead"], undefined),
assumptions: (0, _jestValidate.multipleValidOptions)({}, undefined),
browserslistConfigFile: (0, _jestValidate.multipleValidOptions)(true, undefined),
browserslistEnv: (0, _jestValidate.multipleValidOptions)(".browserslistrc", undefined)
const deprecatedConfig = {
fallbackLocale: config => ` Option ${_chalk.default.bold("fallbackLocale")} was replaced by ${_chalk.default.bold("fallbackLocales")}
You can find more information here:
@lingui/cli now treats your current configuration as:
${_chalk.default.bold('"fallbackLocales"')}: {
default: ${_chalk.default.bold(`"${config.fallbackLocale}"`)}
Please update your configuration.
localeDir: config => ` Option ${_chalk.default.bold("localeDir")} is deprecated. Configure source paths using ${_chalk.default.bold("catalogs")} instead.
@lingui/cli now treats your current configuration as:
${_chalk.default.bold('"catalogs"')}: ${JSON.stringify(catalogMigration(config).catalogs, null, 2)}
Please update your configuration.
srcPathDirs: config => ` Option ${_chalk.default.bold("srcPathDirs")} is deprecated. Configure source paths using ${_chalk.default.bold("catalogs")} instead.
@lingui/cli now treats your current configuration as:
${_chalk.default.bold('"catalogs"')}: ${JSON.stringify(catalogMigration(config).catalogs, null, 2)}
Please update your configuration.
srcPathIgnorePatterns: config => ` Option ${_chalk.default.bold("srcPathIgnorePatterns")} is deprecated. Configure excluded source paths using ${_chalk.default.bold("catalogs")} instead.
@lingui/cli now treats your current configuration as:
${_chalk.default.bold('"catalogs"')}: ${JSON.stringify(catalogMigration(config).catalogs, null, 2)}
Please update your configuration.
const configValidation = {
comment: "Documentation:"
exports.configValidation = configValidation;
function validateLocales(config) {
if (!Array.isArray(config.locales) || !config.locales.length) {
console.error("No locales defined!\n");
console.error(`Add ${_chalk.default.yellow("'locales'")} to your configuration. See ${_chalk.default.underline("")}`);
return config;
function replaceRootDir(config, rootDir) {
return function replaceDeep(value, rootDir) {
const replace = s => s.replace("<rootDir>", rootDir);
if (value == null) {
return value;
} else if (typeof value === "string") {
return replace(value);
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return => replaceDeep(item, rootDir));
} else if (typeof value === "object") {
Object.keys(value).forEach(key => {
const newKey = replaceDeep(key, rootDir);
value[newKey] = replaceDeep(value[key], rootDir);
if (key !== newKey) delete value[key];
return value;
}(config, rootDir);
* Replace fallbackLocale, by the new standard fallbackLocales
* -
* - Remove anytime after 4.x
function fallbackLanguageMigration(config) {
const {
} = config;
if (fallbackLocales === false) return {
fallbackLocales: null
const DEFAULT_FALLBACK = (fallbackLocales === null || fallbackLocales === void 0 ? void 0 : fallbackLocales.default) || fallbackLocale;
if (!config.fallbackLocales) config.fallbackLocales = {};
config.fallbackLocales.default = DEFAULT_FALLBACK;
if (config.fallbackLocales !== false && !config.fallbackLocales.default) {
config.locales.forEach(locale => {
const fl = getCldrParentLocale(locale.toLowerCase());
if (fl && !config.fallbackLocales[locale]) {
config.fallbackLocales = {
[locale]: fl
return config;
function getCldrParentLocale(sourceLocale) {
return {
"en-ag": "en",
"en-ai": "en",
"en-au": "en",
"en-bb": "en",
"en-bm": "en",
"en-bs": "en",
"en-bw": "en",
"en-bz": "en",
"en-ca": "en",
"en-cc": "en",
"en-ck": "en",
"en-cm": "en",
"en-cx": "en",
"en-cy": "en",
"en-dg": "en",
"en-dm": "en",
"en-er": "en",
"en-fj": "en",
"en-fk": "en",
"en-fm": "en",
"en-gb": "en",
"en-gd": "en",
"en-gg": "en",
"en-gh": "en",
"en-gi": "en",
"en-gm": "en",
"en-gy": "en",
"en-hk": "en",
"en-ie": "en",
"en-il": "en",
"en-im": "en",
"en-in": "en",
"en-io": "en",
"en-je": "en",
"en-jm": "en",
"en-ke": "en",
"en-ki": "en",
"en-kn": "en",
"en-ky": "en",
"en-lc": "en",
"en-lr": "en",
"en-ls": "en",
"en-mg": "en",
"en-mo": "en",
"en-ms": "en",
"en-mt": "en",
"en-mu": "en",
"en-mw": "en",
"en-my": "en",
"en-na": "en",
"en-nf": "en",
"en-ng": "en",
"en-nr": "en",
"en-nu": "en",
"en-nz": "en",
"en-pg": "en",
"en-ph": "en",
"en-pk": "en",
"en-pn": "en",
"en-pw": "en",
"en-rw": "en",
"en-sb": "en",
"en-sc": "en",
"en-sd": "en",
"en-sg": "en",
"en-sh": "en",
"en-sl": "en",
"en-ss": "en",
"en-sx": "en",
"en-sz": "en",
"en-tc": "en",
"en-tk": "en",
"en-to": "en",
"en-tt": "en",
"en-tv": "en",
"en-tz": "en",
"en-ug": "en",
"en-us": "en",
"en-vc": "en",
"en-vg": "en",
"en-vu": "en",
"en-ws": "en",
"en-za": "en",
"en-zm": "en",
"en-zw": "en",
"en-at": "en",
"en-be": "en",
"en-ch": "en",
"en-de": "en",
"en-dk": "en",
"en-fi": "en",
"en-nl": "en",
"en-se": "en",
"en-si": "en",
"es-ar": "es",
"es-bo": "es",
"es-br": "es",
"es-bz": "es",
"es-cl": "es",
"es-co": "es",
"es-cr": "es",
"es-cu": "es",
"es-do": "es",
"es-ec": "es",
"es-es": "es",
"es-gt": "es",
"es-hn": "es",
"es-mx": "es",
"es-ni": "es",
"es-pa": "es",
"es-pe": "es",
"es-pr": "es",
"es-py": "es",
"es-sv": "es",
"es-us": "es",
"es-uy": "es",
"es-ve": "es",
"pt-ao": "pt",
"pt-ch": "pt",
"pt-cv": "pt",
"pt-fr": "pt",
"pt-gq": "pt",
"pt-gw": "pt",
"pt-lu": "pt",
"pt-mo": "pt",
"pt-mz": "pt",
"pt-pt": "pt",
"pt-st": "pt",
"pt-tl": "pt",
"az-arab": "az",
"az-cyrl": "az",
"blt-latn": "blt",
"bm-nkoo": "bm",
"bs-cyrl": "bs",
"byn-latn": "byn",
"cu-glag": "cu",
"dje-arab": "dje",
"dyo-arab": "dyo",
"en-dsrt": "en",
"en-shaw": "en",
"ff-adlm": "ff",
"ff-arab": "ff",
"ha-arab": "ha",
"hi-latn": "hi",
"iu-latn": "iu",
"kk-arab": "kk",
"ks-deva": "ks",
"ku-arab": "ku",
"ky-arab": "ky",
"ky-latn": "ky",
"ml-arab": "ml",
"mn-mong": "mn",
"mni-mtei": "mni",
"ms-arab": "ms",
"pa-arab": "pa",
"sat-deva": "sat",
"sd-deva": "sd",
"sd-khoj": "sd",
"sd-sind": "sd",
"shi-latn": "shi",
"so-arab": "so",
"sr-latn": "sr",
"sw-arab": "sw",
"tg-arab": "tg",
"ug-cyrl": "ug",
"uz-arab": "uz",
"uz-cyrl": "uz",
"vai-latn": "vai",
"wo-arab": "wo",
"yo-arab": "yo",
"yue-hans": "yue",
"zh-hant": "zh",
"zh-hant-hk": "zh",
"zh-hant-mo": "zh-hant-hk"
* Replace localeDir, srcPathDirs and srcPathIgnorePatterns with catalogs
* Released in @lingui/conf 3.0
* Remove anytime after 4.x
function catalogMigration(config) {
let {
} = config;
if (localeDir || srcPathDirs || srcPathIgnorePatterns) {
// Replace missing values with default ones
if (localeDir === undefined) localeDir = pathJoinPosix("<rootDir>", "locale", "{locale}", "messages");
if (srcPathDirs === undefined) srcPathDirs = ["<rootDir>"];
if (srcPathIgnorePatterns === undefined) srcPathIgnorePatterns = ["**/node_modules/**"];
let newLocaleDir = localeDir.split(_path.default.sep).join("/");
if (newLocaleDir.slice(-1) !== _path.default.sep) {
newLocaleDir += "/";
if (!Array.isArray(newConfig.catalogs)) {
newConfig.catalogs = [];
path: pathJoinPosix(newLocaleDir, "{locale}", "messages"),
include: srcPathDirs,
exclude: srcPathIgnorePatterns
return newConfig;
const pipe = (...functions) => args => functions.reduce((arg, fn) => fn(arg), args);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.getConfig = exports.makeConfig = void 0;
var makeConfig_1 = require("./makeConfig");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "makeConfig", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return makeConfig_1.makeConfig; } });
var getConfig_1 = require("./getConfig");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "getConfig", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return getConfig_1.getConfig; } });
__exportStar(require("./types"), exports);
"name": "@lingui/conf",
"version": "3.17.2",
"version": "4.0.0-next.0",
"sideEffects": false,

@@ -18,11 +18,16 @@ "description": "Get lingui configuration from package.json",

"main": "build/index.js",
"types": "build/index.d.ts",
"engines": {
"node": ">=14.0.0"
"node": ">=16.0.0"
"scripts": {
"build": "rimraf ./build && tsc"
"dependencies": {
"@babel/core": "7.20.12",
"@babel/runtime": "^7.20.13",
"chalk": "^4.1.0",
"cosmiconfig": "^8.0.0",
"cosmiconfig-typescript-loader": "^4.3.0",
"jest-validate": "^26.5.2",
"jest-validate": "^29.4.3",
"jiti": "^1.17.1",
"lodash.get": "^4.4.2"

@@ -33,21 +38,8 @@ },

"devDependencies": {
"ts-node": "^10.9.1"
"@lingui/jest-mocks": "^3.0.3"
"peerDependencies": {
"ts-node": ">=10",
"typescript": ">=4"
"peerDependenciesMeta": {
"ts-node": {
"optional": true
"typescript": {
"optional": true
"gitHead": "31dcab5a9a8f88bfa8b3a2c7cd12aa2d908a1d80"
"gitHead": "637f5cf6beda9d4ebce4e15cd9fdaa23e404b660"
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