NPM project dev dependency packages
(used for eslint to work for vue files as well as js files and compiling js filed to es5 with babel-cli)
├── babel-core@^6.26.0
├── babel-preset-env@^1.6.1
├── babel-preset-react@^6.24.1
├── babel-preset-stage-0@^6.24.1
├── eslint@4.16.0
├── eslint-config-airbnb-base@12.1.0
├── eslint-config-standard@11.0.0-beta.0
├── eslint-plugin-import@2.8.0
├── eslint-plugin-node@5.2.1
├── eslint-plugin-promise@3.6.0
├── eslint-plugin-vue@4.2.2
├── grunt@^1.0.2
├── grunt-autoprefixer@^3.0.4
├── grunt-babel@^7.0.0
├── grunt-contrib-clean@^1.1.0
├── grunt-contrib-copy@^1.0.0
├── grunt-contrib-uglify@^3.3.0
├── grunt-contrib-watch@^1.0.0
├── grunt-execute@^0.2.2
├── grunt-mocha-test@4^0.13.3
├── grunt-sass@^2.1.0
├── load-grunt-tasks@^3.5.2
├── mocha@^5.0.1
├── chai@^^4.1.2
└── vue-eslint-parser@2.0.2
- Working source es6 js files are placed in ./js folder
- After change to es6 working js files run command
compile them to es5 code and get them outputted to the ./dist folder - Working VueJS files are placed in ./js/components and after running
they get copied to the dist folder - Grunt commmand executes uglify and outputs a final minified js file containing all the
js files content
- Default
command enters watch mode for scss, sass and js files from the folders
sass and js and rebuilds them to dist when they change - You can write tests and put them in a new folder in the root names ./specs and they and
run unit tests with mocha test runner by running
grunt test
command and
(you have chai package installed as well to use in the test files).