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Comparing version 1.25.1 to 2.0.0



@@ -6,2 +6,50 @@ # Change Log

# [2.0.0]( (2020-01-27)
### Features
* **context:** add ContextEventListener and tidy up parent event handling ([beb41a7](
* **context:** index bindings by tag to speed up matching by tag ([566b9d9](
* **context:** keep binding tag pattern for BindingTagFilter ([856b62d](
* **context:** make bindings as event emitters to report changes ([dddddb9](
* **context:** refactor context observer subscription into a new class ([31ad9a5](
* **context:** set max listeners to Infinity by default ([0741e3b](
* **context:** use BindingEvent for binding event listeners ([ae5febc](
* **context:** Context events are now emitted as `ContextEvent` objects
instead of positional arguments. Context listener functions must switch from
the old style to new style as follows:
1. Old style
ctx.on('bind', (binding, context) => {
// ...
2. New style
ctx.on('bind', (event: ContextEvent) => {
// ...
ctx.on('bind', ({binding, context, type}) => {
// ...
## [1.25.1]( (2020-01-07)

@@ -8,0 +56,0 @@



@@ -46,6 +46,24 @@ import { Binding, BindingTag } from './binding';

* Binding filter function that holds a binding tag pattern. `Context.find()`
* uses the `bindingTagPattern` to optimize the matching of bindings by tag to
* avoid expensive check for all bindings.
export interface BindingTagFilter extends BindingFilter<unknown> {
* A special property on the filter function to provide access to the binding
* tag pattern which can be utilized to optimize the matching of bindings by
* tag in a context.
bindingTagPattern: BindingTag | RegExp;
* Type guard for BindingTagFilter
* @param filter - A BindingFilter function
export declare function isBindingTagFilter(filter?: BindingFilter): filter is BindingTagFilter;
* Create a binding filter for the tag pattern
* @param tagPattern - Binding tag name, regexp, or object
export declare function filterByTag(tagPattern: BindingTag | RegExp): BindingFilter;
export declare function filterByTag(tagPattern: BindingTag | RegExp): BindingTagFilter;

@@ -52,0 +70,0 @@ * Create a binding filter from key pattern

@@ -16,2 +16,16 @@ "use strict";

* Type guard for BindingTagFilter
* @param filter - A BindingFilter function
function isBindingTagFilter(filter) {
if (filter == null || !('bindingTagPattern' in filter))
return false;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const tagPattern = filter.bindingTagPattern;
return (tagPattern instanceof RegExp ||
typeof tagPattern === 'string' ||
typeof tagPattern === 'object');
exports.isBindingTagFilter = isBindingTagFilter;
* Create a binding filter for the tag pattern

@@ -21,13 +35,28 @@ * @param tagPattern - Binding tag name, regexp, or object

function filterByTag(tagPattern) {
if (typeof tagPattern === 'string' || tagPattern instanceof RegExp) {
const regexp = typeof tagPattern === 'string'
? wildcardToRegExp(tagPattern)
: tagPattern;
return b => Array.from(b.tagNames).some(t => regexp.test(t));
let filter;
let regex = undefined;
if (tagPattern instanceof RegExp) {
// RegExp for tag names
regex = tagPattern;
if (typeof tagPattern === 'string' &&
(tagPattern.includes('*') || tagPattern.includes('?'))) {
// Wildcard tag name
regex = wildcardToRegExp(tagPattern);
if (regex != null) {
// RegExp or wildcard match
filter = b => b.tagNames.some(t => regex.test(t));
else if (typeof tagPattern === 'string') {
// Plain tag string match
filter = b => b.tagNames.includes(tagPattern);
else {
return b => {
// Match tag name/value pairs
const tagMap = tagPattern;
filter = b => {
for (const t in tagPattern) {
// One tag name/value does not match
if (b.tagMap[t] !== tagPattern[t])
if (b.tagMap[t] !== tagMap[t])
return false;

@@ -39,2 +68,6 @@ }

// Set up binding tag for the filter
const tagFilter = filter;
tagFilter.bindingTagPattern = (regex !== null && regex !== void 0 ? regex : tagPattern);
return tagFilter;

@@ -41,0 +74,0 @@ exports.filterByTag = filterByTag;

@@ -0,1 +1,3 @@

/// <reference types="node" />
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { BindingAddress } from './binding-key';

@@ -111,6 +113,31 @@ import { Context } from './context';

* Information for a binding event
export declare type BindingEvent = {
* Event type
type: string;
* Source binding that emits the event
binding: Readonly<Binding<unknown>>;
* Operation that triggers the event
operation: string;
* Event listeners for binding events
export declare type BindingEventListener = (
* Binding event
event: BindingEvent) => void;
* Binding represents an entry in the `Context`. Each binding has a key and a
* corresponding value getter.
export declare class Binding<T = BoundValue> {
export declare class Binding<T = BoundValue> extends EventEmitter {
isLocked: boolean;

@@ -199,2 +226,7 @@ /**

* Emit a `changed` event
* @param operation - Operation that makes changes
private emitChangedEvent;
* Tag the binding with names or name/value objects. A tag has a name and

@@ -201,0 +233,0 @@ * an optional value. If not supplied, the tag name is used as the value.

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ "use strict";

const debug_1 = __importDefault(require("debug"));
const events_1 = require("events");
const binding_key_1 = require("./binding-key");

@@ -120,4 +121,5 @@ const interception_proxy_1 = require("./interception-proxy");

class Binding {
class Binding extends events_1.EventEmitter {
constructor(key, isLocked = false) {
this.isLocked = isLocked;

@@ -231,2 +233,10 @@ /**

* Emit a `changed` event
* @param operation - Operation that makes changes
emitChangedEvent(operation) {
const event = { binding: this, operation, type: 'changed' };
this.emit('changed', event);
* Tag the binding with names or name/value objects. A tag has a name and

@@ -269,2 +279,3 @@ * an optional value. If not supplied, the tag name is used as the value.

return this;

@@ -286,2 +297,3 @@ }

this._scope = scope;
return this;

@@ -313,2 +325,3 @@ }


@@ -315,0 +328,0 @@ /**


import { Binding } from './binding';
import { BindingFilter } from './binding-filter';
import { Context } from './context';
import { ValueOrPromise } from './value-promise';
import { Context } from './context';

@@ -37,36 +37,1 @@ * Context event types. We support `bind` and `unbind` for now but

export declare type ContextEventObserver = ContextObserver | ContextObserverFn;
* Subscription of context events. It's modeled after
export interface Subscription {
* unsubscribe
unsubscribe(): void;
* Is the subscription closed?
closed: boolean;
* Event data for observer notifications
export declare type Notification = {
* Context event type - bind/unbind
eventType: ContextEventType;
* Binding added/removed
binding: Readonly<Binding<unknown>>;
* Owner context for the binding
context: Context;
* A snapshot of observers when the original event is emitted
observers: Set<ContextEventObserver>;

@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ /// <reference types="node" />

import { Context } from './context';
import { ContextEventType, ContextObserver, Subscription } from './context-observer';
import { ContextEventType, ContextObserver } from './context-observer';
import { Subscription } from './context-subscription';
import { Getter } from './inject';

@@ -10,0 +11,0 @@ import { ResolutionSession } from './resolution-session';

@@ -8,3 +8,6 @@ /// <reference types="node" />

import { BindingComparator } from './binding-sorter';
import { ContextEventObserver, ContextEventType, ContextObserver, Subscription } from './context-observer';
import { ContextEvent } from './context-event';
import { ContextEventObserver, ContextObserver } from './context-observer';
import { ContextSubscriptionManager, Subscription } from './context-subscription';
import { ContextTagIndexer } from './context-tag-indexer';
import { ContextView } from './context-view';

@@ -26,27 +29,18 @@ import { ResolutionOptions, ResolutionOptionsOrSession, ResolutionSession } from './resolution-session';

* Parent context
* Indexer for bindings by tag
protected _parent?: Context;
protected configResolver: ConfigurationResolver;
protected readonly tagIndexer: ContextTagIndexer;
* Event listeners for parent context keyed by event names. It keeps track
* of listeners from this context against its parent so that we can remove
* these listeners when this context is closed.
* Manager for observer subscriptions
protected _parentEventListeners: Map<string, (...args: any[]) => void> | undefined;
readonly subscriptionManager: ContextSubscriptionManager;
* A list of registered context observers. The Set will be created when the
* first observer is added.
* Parent context
protected observers: Set<ContextEventObserver> | undefined;
protected _parent?: Context;
* Internal counter for pending notification events which are yet to be
* processed by observers.
* Configuration resolver
private pendingNotifications;
protected configResolver: ConfigurationResolver;
* Queue for background notifications for observers
private notificationQueue;
* Create a new context.

@@ -75,2 +69,7 @@ *

* @internal
* Getter for ContextSubscriptionManager
get parent(): Context | undefined;
* Wrap the debug statement so that it always print out the context name

@@ -82,41 +81,13 @@ * as the prefix

* Set up an internal listener to notify registered observers asynchronously
* upon `bind` and `unbind` events. This method will be called lazily when
* the first observer is added.
* A strongly-typed method to emit context events
* @param type Event type
* @param event Context event
private setupEventHandlersIfNeeded;
emitEvent<T extends ContextEvent>(type: string, event: T): void;
* Add an event listener to its parent context so that this context will
* be notified of parent events, such as `bind` or `unbind`.
* @param event - Event name
* Emit an `error` event
* @param err Error
private addParentEventListener;
emitError(err: unknown): void;
* Handle errors caught during the notification of observers
* @param err - Error
private handleNotificationError;
* Start a background task to listen on context events and notify observers
private startNotificationTask;
* Process notification events as they arrive on the queue
private processNotifications;
* Listen on given event types and emit `notification` event. This method
* merge multiple event types into one for notification.
* @param eventTypes - Context event types
private setupNotification;
* Wait until observers are notified for all of currently pending notification
* events.
* This method is for test only to perform assertions after observers are
* notified for relevant events.
protected waitUntilPendingNotificationsDone(timeout?: number): Promise<void>;
* Create a binding with the given key in the context. If a locked binding

@@ -228,14 +199,2 @@ * already exists with the same key, an error will be thrown.

* Publish an event to the registered observers. Please note the
* notification is queued and performed asynchronously so that we allow fluent
* APIs such as `ctx.bind('key').to(...).tag(...);` and give observers the
* fully populated binding.
* @param eventType - Event names: `bind` or `unbind`
* @param binding - Binding bound or unbound
* @param context - Owner context
* @param observers - Current set of context observers
protected notifyObservers(eventType: ContextEventType, binding: Readonly<Binding<unknown>>, context: Context, observers?: Set<ContextEventObserver> | undefined): Promise<void>;
* Check if a binding exists with the given key in the local context without

@@ -286,2 +245,7 @@ * delegating to the parent context

findByTag<ValueType = BoundValue>(tagFilter: BindingTag | RegExp): Readonly<Binding<ValueType>>[];
* Find bindings by tag leveraging indexes
* @param tag - Tag name pattern or name/value pairs
protected _findByTagIndex<ValueType = BoundValue>(tag: BindingTag | RegExp): Readonly<Binding<ValueType>>[];
protected _mergeWithParent<ValueType>(childList: Readonly<Binding<ValueType>>[], parentList?: Readonly<Binding<ValueType>>[]): Readonly<Binding<ValueType>>[];

@@ -288,0 +252,0 @@ /**

@@ -6,9 +6,2 @@ "use strict";

// License text available at
var __asyncValues = (this && this.__asyncValues) || function (o) {
if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
return m ? : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {

@@ -25,2 +18,4 @@ return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };

const binding_key_1 = require("./binding-key");
const context_subscription_1 = require("./context-subscription");
const context_tag_indexer_1 = require("./context-tag-indexer");
const context_view_1 = require("./context-view");

@@ -30,16 +25,2 @@ const keys_1 = require("./keys");

const value_promise_1 = require("./value-promise");
* Polyfill Symbol.asyncIterator as required by TypeScript for Node 8.x.
* See
if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
Symbol.asyncIterator = Symbol.for('Symbol.asyncIterator');
* WARNING: This following import must happen after the polyfill. The
* `auto-import` by an IDE such as VSCode may move the import before the
* polyfill. It must be then fixed manually.
const p_event_1 = require("p-event");
const debug = debug_1.default('loopback:context');

@@ -78,7 +59,7 @@ /**

this.registry = new Map();
* Internal counter for pending notification events which are yet to be
* processed by observers.
this.pendingNotifications = 0;
// The number of listeners can grow with the number of child contexts
// For example, each request can add a listener to the RestServer and the
// listener is removed when the request processing is finished.
// See
if (typeof _parent === 'string') {

@@ -90,4 +71,13 @@ name = _parent; = (name !== null && name !== void 0 ? name : uuid_1.v1());
this.tagIndexer = new context_tag_indexer_1.ContextTagIndexer(this);
this.subscriptionManager = new context_subscription_1.ContextSubscriptionManager(this);
* @internal
* Getter for ContextSubscriptionManager
get parent() {
return this._parent;
* Wrap the debug statement so that it always print out the context name

@@ -97,3 +87,2 @@ * as the prefix

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
_debug(...args) {

@@ -112,159 +101,17 @@ /* istanbul ignore if */

* Set up an internal listener to notify registered observers asynchronously
* upon `bind` and `unbind` events. This method will be called lazily when
* the first observer is added.
* A strongly-typed method to emit context events
* @param type Event type
* @param event Context event
setupEventHandlersIfNeeded() {
if (this.notificationQueue != null)
// The following are two async functions. Returned promises are ignored as
// they are long-running background tasks.
this.startNotificationTask().catch(err => {
let ctx = this._parent;
while (ctx) {
ctx = ctx._parent;
emitEvent(type, event) {
this.emit(type, event);
* Add an event listener to its parent context so that this context will
* be notified of parent events, such as `bind` or `unbind`.
* @param event - Event name
* Emit an `error` event
* @param err Error
addParentEventListener(event) {
var _a;
if (this._parent == null)
// Keep track of parent event listeners so that we can remove them
this._parentEventListeners = (_a = this._parentEventListeners, (_a !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : new Map()));
if (this._parentEventListeners.has(event))
const parentEventListener = (binding, context) => {
// Propagate the event to this context only if the binding key does not
// exist in this context. The parent binding is shadowed if there is a
// binding with the same key in this one.
if (this.contains(binding.key)) {
this._debug('Event %s %s is not re-emitted from %s to %s', event, binding.key,,;
this._debug('Re-emitting %s %s from %s to %s', event, binding.key,,;
this.emit(event, binding, context);
this._parentEventListeners.set(event, parentEventListener);
// Listen on the parent context events
this._parent.on(event, parentEventListener);
* Handle errors caught during the notification of observers
* @param err - Error
handleNotificationError(err) {
// Bubbling up the error event over the context chain
// until we find an error listener
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
let ctx = this;
while (ctx) {
if (ctx.listenerCount('error') === 0) {
// No error listener found, try its parent
ctx = ctx._parent;
this._debug('Emitting error to context %s',, err);
ctx.emit('error', err);
// No context with error listeners found
this._debug('No error handler is configured for the context chain', err);
// Let it crash now by emitting an error event
emitError(err) {
this.emit('error', err);
* Start a background task to listen on context events and notify observers
startNotificationTask() {
// Set up listeners on `bind` and `unbind` for notifications
this.setupNotification('bind', 'unbind');
// Create an async iterator for the `notification` event as a queue
this.notificationQueue = p_event_1.iterator(this, 'notification');
return this.processNotifications();
* Process notification events as they arrive on the queue
async processNotifications() {
var e_1, _a;
const events = this.notificationQueue;
if (events == null)
try {
for (var events_2 = __asyncValues(events), events_2_1; events_2_1 = await, !events_2_1.done;) {
const { eventType, binding, context, observers } = events_2_1.value;
// The loop will happen asynchronously upon events
try {
// The execution of observers happen in the Promise micro-task queue
await this.notifyObservers(eventType, binding, context, observers);
this._debug('Observers notified for %s of binding %s', eventType, binding.key);
this.emit('observersNotified', { eventType, binding });
catch (err) {
this._debug('Error caught from observers', err);
// Errors caught from observers. Emit it to the current context.
// If no error listeners are registered, crash the process.
this.emit('error', err);
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try {
if (events_2_1 && !events_2_1.done && (_a = events_2.return)) await;
finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
* Listen on given event types and emit `notification` event. This method
* merge multiple event types into one for notification.
* @param eventTypes - Context event types
setupNotification(...eventTypes) {
for (const eventType of eventTypes) {
this.on(eventType, (binding, context) => {
// No need to schedule notifications if no observers are present
if (!this.observers || this.observers.size === 0)
// Track pending events
// Take a snapshot of current observers to ensure notifications of this
// event will only be sent to current ones. Emit a new event to notify
// current context observers.
this.emit('notification', {
observers: new Set(this.observers),
* Wait until observers are notified for all of currently pending notification
* events.
* This method is for test only to perform assertions after observers are
* notified for relevant events.
async waitUntilPendingNotificationsDone(timeout) {
const count = this.pendingNotifications;
if (count === 0)
await p_event_1.multiple(this, 'observersNotified', { count, timeout });
* Create a binding with the given key in the context. If a locked binding

@@ -300,5 +147,9 @@ * already exists with the same key, an error will be thrown.

if (existingBinding != null) {
this.emit('unbind', existingBinding, this);
this.emitEvent('unbind', {
binding: existingBinding,
context: this,
type: 'unbind',
this.emit('bind', binding, this);
this.emitEvent('bind', { binding, context: this, type: 'bind' });

@@ -412,3 +263,3 @@ return this;

this.emit('unbind', binding, this);
this.emitEvent('unbind', { binding, context: this, type: 'unbind' });
return true;

@@ -421,7 +272,3 @@ }

subscribe(observer) {
var _a;
this.observers = (_a = this.observers, (_a !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : new Set()));
return new ContextSubscription(this, observer);
return this.subscriptionManager.subscribe(observer);

@@ -433,5 +280,3 @@ /**

unsubscribe(observer) {
if (!this.observers)
return false;
return this.observers.delete(observer);
return this.subscriptionManager.unsubscribe(observer);

@@ -449,16 +294,4 @@ /**

this._debug('Closing context...');
this.observers = undefined;
if (this.notificationQueue != null) {
// Cancel the notification iterator
this.notificationQueue.return(undefined).catch(err => {
this.notificationQueue = undefined;
if (this._parent && this._parentEventListeners) {
for (const [event, listener] of this._parentEventListeners) {
this._parent.removeListener(event, listener);
this._parentEventListeners = undefined;

@@ -470,5 +303,3 @@ /**

isSubscribed(observer) {
if (!this.observers)
return false;
return this.observers.has(observer);
return this.subscriptionManager.isSubscribed(observer);

@@ -486,25 +317,2 @@ /**

* Publish an event to the registered observers. Please note the
* notification is queued and performed asynchronously so that we allow fluent
* APIs such as `ctx.bind('key').to(...).tag(...);` and give observers the
* fully populated binding.
* @param eventType - Event names: `bind` or `unbind`
* @param binding - Binding bound or unbound
* @param context - Owner context
* @param observers - Current set of context observers
async notifyObservers(eventType, binding, context, observers = this.observers) {
if (!observers || observers.size === 0)
for (const observer of observers) {
if (typeof observer === 'function') {
await observer(eventType, binding, context);
else if (!observer.filter || observer.filter(binding)) {
await observer.observe(eventType, binding, context);
* Check if a binding exists with the given key in the local context without

@@ -557,2 +365,6 @@ * delegating to the parent context

find(pattern) {
// Optimize if the binding filter is for tags
if (typeof pattern === 'function' && binding_filter_1.isBindingTagFilter(pattern)) {
return this._findByTagIndex(pattern.bindingTagPattern);
const bindings = [];

@@ -584,2 +396,12 @@ const filter = binding_filter_1.filterByKey(pattern);

* Find bindings by tag leveraging indexes
* @param tag - Tag name pattern or name/value pairs
_findByTagIndex(tag) {
var _a;
const currentBindings = this.tagIndexer.findByTagIndex(tag);
const parentBindings = this._parent && ((_a = this._parent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a._findByTagIndex(tag));
return this._mergeWithParent(currentBindings, parentBindings);
_mergeWithParent(childList, parentList) {

@@ -715,19 +537,2 @@ if (!parentList)

* An implementation of `Subscription` interface for context events
class ContextSubscription {
constructor(context, observer) {
this.context = context; = observer;
this._closed = false;
unsubscribe() {
this._closed = true;
get closed() {
return this._closed;
* Policy to control if a binding should be created for the context

@@ -734,0 +539,0 @@ */

@@ -10,3 +10,5 @@ export * from '@loopback/metadata';

export * from './context';
export * from './context-event';
export * from './context-observer';
export * from './context-subscription';
export * from './context-view';

@@ -13,0 +15,0 @@ export * from './inject';

@@ -19,2 +19,3 @@ "use strict";


@@ -21,0 +22,0 @@ __export(require("./inject"));

@@ -175,3 +175,3 @@ import { MetadataMap } from '@loopback/metadata';

const tag: (bindingTag: string | RegExp | import("./value-promise").MapObject<any>, metadata?: InjectionMetadata | undefined) => (target: Object, member: string | undefined, methodDescriptorOrParameterIndex?: number | TypedPropertyDescriptor<any> | undefined) => void;
const tag: (bindingTag: string | RegExp | Record<string, any>, metadata?: InjectionMetadata | undefined) => (target: Object, member: string | undefined, methodDescriptorOrParameterIndex?: number | TypedPropertyDescriptor<any> | undefined) => void;

@@ -178,0 +178,0 @@ * Inject matching bound values by the filter function

@@ -14,3 +14,2 @@ "use strict";

const binding_decorator_1 = require("./binding-decorator");
const binding_filter_1 = require("./binding-filter");
const binding_sorter_1 = require("./binding-sorter");

@@ -31,5 +30,6 @@ const interceptor_chain_1 = require("./interceptor-chain");

getGlobalInterceptorBindingKeys() {
const bindings = this.find(binding => binding_filter_1.filterByTag(keys_1.ContextTags.GLOBAL_INTERCEPTOR)(binding) &&
// Only include interceptors that match the source type of the invocation
let bindings = this.findByTag(keys_1.ContextTags.GLOBAL_INTERCEPTOR);
bindings = bindings.filter(binding =>
// Only include interceptors that match the source type of the invocation

@@ -36,0 +36,0 @@ const keys = => b.key);

@@ -30,3 +30,2 @@ import { Context } from './context';

export declare class InvocationContext extends Context {
readonly parent: Context;
readonly target: object;

@@ -33,0 +32,0 @@ readonly methodName: string;

@@ -33,8 +33,4 @@ "use strict";

// Make `parent` public so that the interceptor can add bindings to
// the request context, for example, tracing id
parent, target, methodName, args, source) {
constructor(parent, target, methodName, args, source) {
this.parent = parent; = target;

@@ -41,0 +37,0 @@ this.methodName = methodName;

@@ -20,5 +20,3 @@ /**

export declare type ValueOrPromise<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>;
export declare type MapObject<T> = {
[name: string]: T;
export declare type MapObject<T> = Record<string, T>;

@@ -25,0 +23,0 @@ * Check whether a value is a Promise-like instance.

"name": "@loopback/context",
"version": "1.25.1",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "LoopBack's container for Inversion of Control",

@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ "engines": {

"dependencies": {
"@loopback/metadata": "^1.3.10",
"@loopback/metadata": "^1.4.0",
"debug": "^4.1.1",
"p-event": "^4.1.0",
"uuid": "^3.3.3"
"uuid": "^3.4.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@loopback/build": "^3.0.1",
"@loopback/eslint-config": "^5.0.1",
"@loopback/testlab": "^1.10.1",
"@loopback/build": "^3.1.0",
"@loopback/eslint-config": "^5.0.2",
"@loopback/testlab": "^1.10.2",
"@types/bluebird": "^3.5.29",

@@ -59,3 +59,3 @@ "@types/debug": "^4.1.5",

"gitHead": "598baf6e84de3917bb67aff47a1ab1cb1111e3d2"
"gitHead": "d08f135a0d1040edc61497739a8d86a866e4e29a"

@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ // Copyright IBM Corp. 2019. All Rights Reserved.

import {BindingAddress} from './binding-key';
import {MapObject} from './value-promise';

@@ -64,17 +65,64 @@ /**

* Binding filter function that holds a binding tag pattern. `Context.find()`
* uses the `bindingTagPattern` to optimize the matching of bindings by tag to
* avoid expensive check for all bindings.
export interface BindingTagFilter extends BindingFilter<unknown> {
* A special property on the filter function to provide access to the binding
* tag pattern which can be utilized to optimize the matching of bindings by
* tag in a context.
bindingTagPattern: BindingTag | RegExp;
* Type guard for BindingTagFilter
* @param filter - A BindingFilter function
export function isBindingTagFilter(
filter?: BindingFilter,
): filter is BindingTagFilter {
if (filter == null || !('bindingTagPattern' in filter)) return false;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const tagPattern = (filter as any).bindingTagPattern;
return (
tagPattern instanceof RegExp ||
typeof tagPattern === 'string' ||
typeof tagPattern === 'object'
* Create a binding filter for the tag pattern
* @param tagPattern - Binding tag name, regexp, or object
export function filterByTag(tagPattern: BindingTag | RegExp): BindingFilter {
if (typeof tagPattern === 'string' || tagPattern instanceof RegExp) {
const regexp =
typeof tagPattern === 'string'
? wildcardToRegExp(tagPattern)
: tagPattern;
return b => Array.from(b.tagNames).some(t => regexp!.test(t));
export function filterByTag(tagPattern: BindingTag | RegExp): BindingTagFilter {
let filter: BindingFilter;
let regex: RegExp | undefined = undefined;
if (tagPattern instanceof RegExp) {
// RegExp for tag names
regex = tagPattern;
if (
typeof tagPattern === 'string' &&
(tagPattern.includes('*') || tagPattern.includes('?'))
) {
// Wildcard tag name
regex = wildcardToRegExp(tagPattern);
if (regex != null) {
// RegExp or wildcard match
filter = b => b.tagNames.some(t => regex!.test(t));
} else if (typeof tagPattern === 'string') {
// Plain tag string match
filter = b => b.tagNames.includes(tagPattern);
} else {
return b => {
// Match tag name/value pairs
const tagMap = tagPattern as MapObject<unknown>;
filter = b => {
for (const t in tagPattern) {
// One tag name/value does not match
if (b.tagMap[t] !== tagPattern[t]) return false;
if (b.tagMap[t] !== tagMap[t]) return false;

@@ -85,2 +133,6 @@ // All tag name/value pairs match

// Set up binding tag for the filter
const tagFilter = filter as BindingTagFilter;
tagFilter.bindingTagPattern = regex ?? tagPattern;
return tagFilter;

@@ -87,0 +139,0 @@

@@ -7,2 +7,3 @@ // Copyright IBM Corp. 2017,2019. All Rights Reserved.

import debugFactory from 'debug';
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
import {BindingAddress, BindingKey} from './binding-key';

@@ -143,2 +144,30 @@ import {Context} from './context';

* Information for a binding event
export type BindingEvent = {
* Event type
type: string;
* Source binding that emits the event
binding: Readonly<Binding<unknown>>;
* Operation that triggers the event
operation: string;
* Event listeners for binding events
export type BindingEventListener = (
* Binding event
event: BindingEvent,
) => void;
type ValueGetter<T> = (

@@ -153,3 +182,3 @@ ctx: Context,

export class Binding<T = BoundValue> {
export class Binding<T = BoundValue> extends EventEmitter {

@@ -205,2 +234,3 @@ * Key of the binding

constructor(key: BindingAddress<T>, public isLocked: boolean = false) {

@@ -332,2 +362,11 @@ this.key = key.toString();

* Emit a `changed` event
* @param operation - Operation that makes changes
private emitChangedEvent(operation: string) {
const event: BindingEvent = {binding: this, operation, type: 'changed'};
this.emit('changed', event);
* Tag the binding with names or name/value objects. A tag has a name and

@@ -370,2 +409,3 @@ * an optional value. If not supplied, the tag name is used as the value.

return this;

@@ -388,2 +428,3 @@ }

this._scope = scope;
return this;

@@ -419,2 +460,3 @@ }


@@ -421,0 +463,0 @@

@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ // Copyright IBM Corp. 2019. All Rights Reserved.

import {BindingFilter} from './binding-filter';
import {Context} from './context';
import {ValueOrPromise} from './value-promise';
import {Context} from './context';

@@ -52,38 +52,1 @@ /**

export type ContextEventObserver = ContextObserver | ContextObserverFn;
* Subscription of context events. It's modeled after
export interface Subscription {
* unsubscribe
unsubscribe(): void;
* Is the subscription closed?
closed: boolean;
* Event data for observer notifications
export type Notification = {
* Context event type - bind/unbind
eventType: ContextEventType;
* Binding added/removed
binding: Readonly<Binding<unknown>>;
* Owner context for the binding
context: Context;
* A snapshot of observers when the original event is emitted
observers: Set<ContextEventObserver>;

@@ -13,7 +13,4 @@ // Copyright IBM Corp. 2019. All Rights Reserved.

import {Context} from './context';
import {
} from './context-observer';
import {ContextEventType, ContextObserver} from './context-observer';
import {Subscription} from './context-subscription';
import {Getter} from './inject';

@@ -20,0 +17,0 @@ import {ResolutionSession} from './resolution-session';

@@ -14,12 +14,14 @@ // Copyright IBM Corp. 2017,2019. All Rights Reserved.

} from './binding-config';
import {BindingFilter, filterByKey, filterByTag} from './binding-filter';
import {
} from './binding-filter';
import {BindingAddress, BindingKey} from './binding-key';
import {BindingComparator} from './binding-sorter';
import {
} from './context-observer';
import {ContextEvent} from './context-event';
import {ContextEventObserver, ContextObserver} from './context-observer';
import {ContextSubscriptionManager, Subscription} from './context-subscription';
import {ContextTagIndexer} from './context-tag-indexer';
import {ContextView} from './context-view';

@@ -40,17 +42,2 @@ import {ContextBindings} from './keys';

* Polyfill Symbol.asyncIterator as required by TypeScript for Node 8.x.
* See
if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
(Symbol as any).asyncIterator = Symbol.for('Symbol.asyncIterator');
* WARNING: This following import must happen after the polyfill. The
* `auto-import` by an IDE such as VSCode may move the import before the
* polyfill. It must be then fixed manually.
import {iterator, multiple} from 'p-event';
const debug = debugFactory('loopback:context');

@@ -73,39 +60,22 @@

* Parent context
* Indexer for bindings by tag
protected _parent?: Context;
protected readonly tagIndexer: ContextTagIndexer;
protected configResolver: ConfigurationResolver;
* Event listeners for parent context keyed by event names. It keeps track
* of listeners from this context against its parent so that we can remove
* these listeners when this context is closed.
* Manager for observer subscriptions
protected _parentEventListeners:
| Map<
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
(...args: any[]) => void
| undefined;
readonly subscriptionManager: ContextSubscriptionManager;
* A list of registered context observers. The Set will be created when the
* first observer is added.
* Parent context
protected observers: Set<ContextEventObserver> | undefined;
protected _parent?: Context;
* Internal counter for pending notification events which are yet to be
* processed by observers.
* Configuration resolver
private pendingNotifications = 0;
protected configResolver: ConfigurationResolver;
* Queue for background notifications for observers
private notificationQueue: AsyncIterableIterator<Notification> | undefined;
* Create a new context.

@@ -134,2 +104,7 @@ *

// The number of listeners can grow with the number of child contexts
// For example, each request can add a listener to the RestServer and the
// listener is removed when the request processing is finished.
// See
if (typeof _parent === 'string') {

@@ -141,5 +116,15 @@ name = _parent; = name ?? uuidv1();
this.tagIndexer = new ContextTagIndexer(this);
this.subscriptionManager = new ContextSubscriptionManager(this);
* @internal
* Getter for ContextSubscriptionManager
get parent() {
return this._parent;
* Wrap the debug statement so that it always print out the context name

@@ -149,4 +134,3 @@ * as the prefix

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
private _debug(...args: any[]) {
private _debug(...args: unknown[]) {
/* istanbul ignore if */

@@ -163,90 +147,15 @@ if (!debug.enabled) return;

* Set up an internal listener to notify registered observers asynchronously
* upon `bind` and `unbind` events. This method will be called lazily when
* the first observer is added.
* A strongly-typed method to emit context events
* @param type Event type
* @param event Context event
private setupEventHandlersIfNeeded() {
if (this.notificationQueue != null) return;
// The following are two async functions. Returned promises are ignored as
// they are long-running background tasks.
this.startNotificationTask().catch(err => {
let ctx = this._parent;
while (ctx) {
ctx = ctx._parent;
emitEvent<T extends ContextEvent>(type: string, event: T) {
this.emit(type, event);
* Add an event listener to its parent context so that this context will
* be notified of parent events, such as `bind` or `unbind`.
* @param event - Event name
* Emit an `error` event
* @param err Error
private addParentEventListener(event: string) {
if (this._parent == null) return;
// Keep track of parent event listeners so that we can remove them
this._parentEventListeners = this._parentEventListeners ?? new Map();
if (this._parentEventListeners.has(event)) return;
const parentEventListener = (
binding: Readonly<Binding<unknown>>,
context: Context,
) => {
// Propagate the event to this context only if the binding key does not
// exist in this context. The parent binding is shadowed if there is a
// binding with the same key in this one.
if (this.contains(binding.key)) {
'Event %s %s is not re-emitted from %s to %s',
'Re-emitting %s %s from %s to %s',
this.emit(event, binding, context);
this._parentEventListeners.set(event, parentEventListener);
// Listen on the parent context events
this._parent.on(event, parentEventListener);
* Handle errors caught during the notification of observers
* @param err - Error
private handleNotificationError(err: unknown) {
// Bubbling up the error event over the context chain
// until we find an error listener
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
let ctx: Context | undefined = this;
while (ctx) {
if (ctx.listenerCount('error') === 0) {
// No error listener found, try its parent
ctx = ctx._parent;
this._debug('Emitting error to context %s',, err);
ctx.emit('error', err);
// No context with error listeners found
this._debug('No error handler is configured for the context chain', err);
// Let it crash now by emitting an error event
emitError(err: unknown) {
this.emit('error', err);

@@ -256,81 +165,2 @@ }

* Start a background task to listen on context events and notify observers
private startNotificationTask() {
// Set up listeners on `bind` and `unbind` for notifications
this.setupNotification('bind', 'unbind');
// Create an async iterator for the `notification` event as a queue
this.notificationQueue = iterator(this, 'notification');
return this.processNotifications();
* Process notification events as they arrive on the queue
private async processNotifications() {
const events = this.notificationQueue;
if (events == null) return;
for await (const {eventType, binding, context, observers} of events) {
// The loop will happen asynchronously upon events
try {
// The execution of observers happen in the Promise micro-task queue
await this.notifyObservers(eventType, binding, context, observers);
'Observers notified for %s of binding %s',
this.emit('observersNotified', {eventType, binding});
} catch (err) {
this._debug('Error caught from observers', err);
// Errors caught from observers. Emit it to the current context.
// If no error listeners are registered, crash the process.
this.emit('error', err);
* Listen on given event types and emit `notification` event. This method
* merge multiple event types into one for notification.
* @param eventTypes - Context event types
private setupNotification(...eventTypes: ContextEventType[]) {
for (const eventType of eventTypes) {
this.on(eventType, (binding, context) => {
// No need to schedule notifications if no observers are present
if (!this.observers || this.observers.size === 0) return;
// Track pending events
// Take a snapshot of current observers to ensure notifications of this
// event will only be sent to current ones. Emit a new event to notify
// current context observers.
this.emit('notification', {
observers: new Set(this.observers),
* Wait until observers are notified for all of currently pending notification
* events.
* This method is for test only to perform assertions after observers are
* notified for relevant events.
protected async waitUntilPendingNotificationsDone(timeout?: number) {
const count = this.pendingNotifications;
if (count === 0) return;
await multiple(this, 'observersNotified', {count, timeout});
* Create a binding with the given key in the context. If a locked binding

@@ -368,5 +198,9 @@ * already exists with the same key, an error will be thrown.

if (existingBinding != null) {
this.emit('unbind', existingBinding, this);
this.emitEvent('unbind', {
binding: existingBinding,
context: this,
type: 'unbind',
this.emit('bind', binding, this);
this.emitEvent('bind', {binding, context: this, type: 'bind'});

@@ -517,3 +351,3 @@ return this;

this.emit('unbind', binding, this);
this.emitEvent('unbind', {binding, context: this, type: 'unbind'});
return true;

@@ -527,6 +361,3 @@ }

subscribe(observer: ContextEventObserver): Subscription {
this.observers = this.observers ?? new Set();
return new ContextSubscription(this, observer);
return this.subscriptionManager.subscribe(observer);

@@ -539,4 +370,3 @@

unsubscribe(observer: ContextEventObserver): boolean {
if (!this.observers) return false;
return this.observers.delete(observer);
return this.subscriptionManager.unsubscribe(observer);

@@ -555,16 +385,4 @@

this._debug('Closing context...');
this.observers = undefined;
if (this.notificationQueue != null) {
// Cancel the notification iterator
this.notificationQueue.return!(undefined).catch(err => {
this.notificationQueue = undefined;
if (this._parent && this._parentEventListeners) {
for (const [event, listener] of this._parentEventListeners) {
this._parent.removeListener(event, listener);
this._parentEventListeners = undefined;

@@ -577,4 +395,3 @@

isSubscribed(observer: ContextObserver) {
if (!this.observers) return false;
return this.observers.has(observer);
return this.subscriptionManager.isSubscribed(observer);

@@ -597,30 +414,2 @@

* Publish an event to the registered observers. Please note the
* notification is queued and performed asynchronously so that we allow fluent
* APIs such as `ctx.bind('key').to(...).tag(...);` and give observers the
* fully populated binding.
* @param eventType - Event names: `bind` or `unbind`
* @param binding - Binding bound or unbound
* @param context - Owner context
* @param observers - Current set of context observers
protected async notifyObservers(
eventType: ContextEventType,
binding: Readonly<Binding<unknown>>,
context: Context,
observers = this.observers,
) {
if (!observers || observers.size === 0) return;
for (const observer of observers) {
if (typeof observer === 'function') {
await observer(eventType, binding, context);
} else if (!observer.filter || observer.filter(binding)) {
await observer.observe(eventType, binding, context);
* Check if a binding exists with the given key in the local context without

@@ -676,2 +465,7 @@ * delegating to the parent context

): Readonly<Binding<ValueType>>[] {
// Optimize if the binding filter is for tags
if (typeof pattern === 'function' && isBindingTagFilter(pattern)) {
return this._findByTagIndex(pattern.bindingTagPattern);
const bindings: Readonly<Binding<ValueType>>[] = [];

@@ -708,2 +502,14 @@ const filter = filterByKey(pattern);

* Find bindings by tag leveraging indexes
* @param tag - Tag name pattern or name/value pairs
protected _findByTagIndex<ValueType = BoundValue>(
tag: BindingTag | RegExp,
): Readonly<Binding<ValueType>>[] {
const currentBindings = this.tagIndexer.findByTagIndex(tag);
const parentBindings = this._parent && this._parent?._findByTagIndex(tag);
return this._mergeWithParent(currentBindings, parentBindings);
protected _mergeWithParent<ValueType>(

@@ -1014,23 +820,2 @@ childList: Readonly<Binding<ValueType>>[],

* An implementation of `Subscription` interface for context events
class ContextSubscription implements Subscription {
protected context: Context,
protected observer: ContextEventObserver,
) {}
private _closed = false;
unsubscribe() {
this._closed = true;
get closed() {
return this._closed;
* Policy to control if a binding should be created for the context

@@ -1037,0 +822,0 @@ */

@@ -15,3 +15,5 @@ // Copyright IBM Corp. 2017,2018. All Rights Reserved.

export * from './context';
export * from './context-event';
export * from './context-observer';
export * from './context-subscription';
export * from './context-view';

@@ -18,0 +20,0 @@ export * from './inject';

@@ -18,3 +18,2 @@ // Copyright IBM Corp. 2019. All Rights Reserved.

import {bind} from './binding-decorator';
import {filterByTag} from './binding-filter';
import {BindingSpec} from './binding-inspector';

@@ -51,8 +50,10 @@ import {sortBindingsByPhase} from './binding-sorter';

getGlobalInterceptorBindingKeys(): string[] {
const bindings: Readonly<Binding<Interceptor>>[] = this.find(
binding =>
filterByTag(ContextTags.GLOBAL_INTERCEPTOR)(binding) &&
// Only include interceptors that match the source type of the invocation
let bindings: Readonly<Binding<Interceptor>>[] = this.findByTag(
bindings = bindings.filter(binding =>
// Only include interceptors that match the source type of the invocation

@@ -59,0 +60,0 @@ const keys = => b.key);

@@ -58,5 +58,3 @@ // Copyright IBM Corp. 2019. All Rights Reserved.

// Make `parent` public so that the interceptor can add bindings to
// the request context, for example, tracing id
public readonly parent: Context,
parent: Context,
public readonly target: object,

@@ -63,0 +61,0 @@ public readonly methodName: string,

@@ -32,3 +32,3 @@ // Copyright IBM Corp. 2018,2019. All Rights Reserved.

export type MapObject<T> = {[name: string]: T};
export type MapObject<T> = Record<string, T>;

@@ -35,0 +35,0 @@ /**

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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