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Comparing version 4.0.24 to 4.0.25


"version": "experimental",
"version": 1,
"tags": [
"name": "absolute-position-state-manager",
"description": "`absolute-position-state-manager`",
"name": "absolute-position-behavior",
"description": "`absolute-position-behavior`\nabstracts absolute positioning behavior to be resusable in other elements\n\nAttributes:\n\n * `allow-overlap` {`boolean`} - Element has absolututely positioned children, such as menus\nand tooltips that are allowed to overlap the target\n\n * `position-align` {`string`} - Aligns at the start, or end fo target. Default is centered.\n\n * `justify` {`boolean`} - \n\n * `auto` {`boolean`} - Element is positioned from connected to disconnected?\nOtherwise setPosition and unsetPosition must be called manually.\n\n * `fit-to-visible-bounds` {`boolean`} - If true, no parts of the tooltip will ever be shown offscreen.\n\n * `for` {`string`} - The id of the element that the tooltip is anchored to. This element\nmust be a sibling of the tooltip. If this property is not set,\nthen the tooltip will be centered to the parent node containing it.\n\n * `offset` {`number`} - The spacing between the top of the tooltip and the element it is\nanchored to.\n\n * `position` {`string`} - Positions the tooltip to the top, right, bottom, left of its content.\n\n * `target` - The actual target element\n\n * `sticky` {`boolean`} - Stays on screen while target is on screen\n\n * `hidden` {`boolean`} - If true, no parts of the tooltip will ever be shown offscreen.\n\n * `__positions` - The element's style\n\nProperties:\n\n * `allowOverlap` {`boolean`} - Element has absolututely positioned children, such as menus\nand tooltips that are allowed to overlap the target\n\n * `positionAlign` {`string`} - Aligns at the start, or end fo target. Default is centered.\n\n * `justify` {`boolean`} - \n\n * `auto` {`boolean`} - Element is positioned from connected to disconnected?\nOtherwise setPosition and unsetPosition must be called manually.\n\n * `fitToVisibleBounds` {`boolean`} - If true, no parts of the tooltip will ever be shown offscreen.\n\n * `for` {`string`} - The id of the element that the tooltip is anchored to. This element\nmust be a sibling of the tooltip. If this property is not set,\nthen the tooltip will be centered to the parent node containing it.\n\n * `offset` {`number`} - The spacing between the top of the tooltip and the element it is\nanchored to.\n\n * `position` {`string`} - Positions the tooltip to the top, right, bottom, left of its content.\n\n * `target` - The actual target element\n\n * `sticky` {`boolean`} - Stays on screen while target is on screen\n\n * `hidden` {`boolean`} - If true, no parts of the tooltip will ever be shown offscreen.\n\n * `__positions` - The element's style\n\n * `__observe` {`boolean`} - ",
"attributes": [
"name": "elements",
"description": "Stores an array of all elements using manager.",
"type": "array",
"default": "[]"
"properties": [
"name": "elements",
"attribute": "elements",
"description": "Stores an array of all elements using manager.",
"type": "array",
"default": "[]"
"name": "absolute-position-behavior",
"description": "`absolute-position-behavior`",
"properties": [
"name": "auto",
"type": "boolean",
"default": "false"
"name": "allow-overlap",
"description": "`allow-overlap` {`boolean`} - Element has absolututely positioned children, such as menus\nand tooltips that are allowed to overlap the target\n\nProperty: allowOverlap",
"valueSet": "v"
"name": "fitToVisibleBounds",
"type": "boolean",
"default": "false"
"name": "position-align",
"description": "`position-align` {`string`} - Aligns at the start, or end fo target. Default is centered.\n\nProperty: positionAlign"
"name": "for"
"name": "justify",
"description": "`justify` {`boolean`} - \n\nProperty: justify",
"valueSet": "v"
"name": "offset",
"type": "number",
"default": "0"
"name": "position",
"type": "string",
"default": "\"bottom\""
"name": "target"
"name": "absolute-position-behavior",
"description": "`absolute-position-behavior`",
"attributes": [
"name": "auto",
"description": "Element is positioned from connected to disconnected?\nOtherwise setPosition and unsetPosition must be called manually.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": "false"
"description": "`auto` {`boolean`} - Element is positioned from connected to disconnected?\nOtherwise setPosition and unsetPosition must be called manually.\n\nProperty: auto\n\nDefault: false",
"valueSet": "v"
"name": "fit-to-visible-bounds",
"description": "If true, no parts of the tooltip will ever be shown offscreen.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": "false"
"description": "`fit-to-visible-bounds` {`boolean`} - If true, no parts of the tooltip will ever be shown offscreen.\n\nProperty: fitToVisibleBounds\n\nDefault: false",
"valueSet": "v"
"name": "for",
"description": "The id of the element that the tooltip is anchored to. This element\nmust be a sibling of the tooltip. If this property is not set,\nthen the tooltip will be centered to the parent node containing it.",
"type": "string"
"description": "`for` {`string`} - The id of the element that the tooltip is anchored to. This element\nmust be a sibling of the tooltip. If this property is not set,\nthen the tooltip will be centered to the parent node containing it.\n\nProperty: for\n\nDefault: null"
"name": "offset",
"description": "The spacing between the top of the tooltip and the element it is\nanchored to.",
"type": "number",
"default": "0"
"description": "`offset` {`number`} - The spacing between the top of the tooltip and the element it is\nanchored to.\n\nProperty: offset\n\nDefault: 0"
"name": "position",
"description": "Positions the tooltip to the top, right, bottom, left of its content.",
"type": "string",
"default": "\"bottom\""
"description": "`position` {`string`} - Positions the tooltip to the top, right, bottom, left of its content.\n\nProperty: position\n\nDefault: bottom"
"name": "target",
"description": "The actual target element",
"type": "object"
"properties": [
"name": "auto",
"attribute": "auto",
"description": "Element is positioned from connected to disconnected?\nOtherwise setPosition and unsetPosition must be called manually.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": "false"
"description": "`target` - The actual target element\n\nProperty: target\n\nDefault: null"
"name": "fitToVisibleBounds",
"attribute": "fit-to-visible-bounds",
"description": "If true, no parts of the tooltip will ever be shown offscreen.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": "false"
"name": "sticky",
"description": "`sticky` {`boolean`} - Stays on screen while target is on screen\n\nProperty: sticky\n\nDefault: false",
"valueSet": "v"
"name": "for",
"attribute": "for",
"description": "The id of the element that the tooltip is anchored to. This element\nmust be a sibling of the tooltip. If this property is not set,\nthen the tooltip will be centered to the parent node containing it.",
"type": "string"
"name": "hidden",
"description": "`hidden` {`boolean`} - If true, no parts of the tooltip will ever be shown offscreen.\n\nProperty: hidden\n\nDefault: false",
"valueSet": "v"
"name": "offset",
"attribute": "offset",
"description": "The spacing between the top of the tooltip and the element it is\nanchored to.",
"type": "number",
"default": "0"
"name": "position",
"attribute": "position",
"description": "Positions the tooltip to the top, right, bottom, left of its content.",
"type": "string",
"default": "\"bottom\""
"name": "target",
"attribute": "target",
"description": "The actual target element",
"type": "object"
"name": "__positions",
"description": "`__positions` - The element's style\n\nProperty: __positions\n\nDefault: [object Object]"

@@ -140,37 +65,31 @@ ]

"name": "tag"
"name": "absolute-position-behavior",
"description": "`absolute-position-behavior`",
"properties": [
"name": "absolute-position-state-manager",
"description": "`absolute-position-state-manager`\nmanages state of multiple absolute-positioned elements on a page\n\nAttributes:\n\n * `__timeout2` - resize timeout\n\n * `elements` {`any[]`} - Stores an array of all elements using manager.\n\n * `__timeout` - resize timeout\n\n * `__observer` - mutation observer\n\nProperties:\n\n * `__timeout2` - resize timeout\n\n * `elements` {`any[]`} - Stores an array of all elements using manager.\n\n * `__timeout` - resize timeout\n\n * `__observer` - mutation observer",
"attributes": [
"name": "auto",
"type": "boolean",
"default": "false"
"name": "__timeout2",
"description": "`__timeout2` - resize timeout\n\nProperty: __timeout2"
"name": "fitToVisibleBounds",
"type": "boolean",
"default": "false"
"name": "elements",
"description": "`elements` {`any[]`} - Stores an array of all elements using manager.\n\nProperty: elements\n\nDefault: "
"name": "for"
"name": "__timeout",
"description": "`__timeout` - resize timeout\n\nProperty: __timeout\n\nDefault: false"
"name": "offset",
"type": "number",
"default": "0"
"name": "position",
"type": "string",
"default": "\"bottom\""
"name": "target"
"name": "__observer",
"description": "`__observer` - mutation observer\n\nProperty: __observer"
"name": "absolute-position-behavior",
"description": "`absolute-position-behavior`\nabstracts absolute positioning behavior to be resusable in other elements\n\nProperties:\n\n * `auto` {`boolean`} - \n\n * `fitToVisibleBounds` {`boolean`} - \n\n * `for` - \n\n * `offset` {`number`} - \n\n * `position` {`string`} - \n\n * `target` - \n\n * `sticky` {`boolean`} - \n\n * `hidden` {`boolean`} - \n\n * `__positions` - \n\n * `__observe` {`boolean`} - ",
"attributes": []
"globalAttributes": [],
"valueSets": []

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ {

"version": "4.0.24",
"version": "4.0.25",
"description": "Abstracting the positioning behavior from paper-tooltip to be resusable in other elements",

@@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ "repository": {

"start": "yarn run dev",
"build": "gulp --gulpfile=gulpfile.cjs && node --experimental-json-modules ../../node_modules/.bin/rollup --config && prettier --ignore-path ../../.prettierignore --write \"**/*.{js,json}\" && wca analyze \"**/*.js\" --format vscode --outFile vscode-html-custom-data.json",
"build": "gulp --gulpfile=gulpfile.cjs && node --experimental-json-modules ../../node_modules/.bin/rollup --config && prettier --ignore-path ../../.prettierignore --write \"**/*.{js,json}\" && wca analyze \"**/*.js\" --format vscode --outFile custom-elements.json",
"dev": "concurrently --kill-others \"yarn run watch\" \"yarn run serve\"",
"watch": "gulp dev --gulpfile=gulpfile.cjs",
"serve": "web-dev-server -c ../../web-dev-server.config.js",
"serve": "web-dev-server -c ../../web-dev-server.config.mjs",
"lighthouse": "gulp lighthouse --gulpfile=gulpfile.cjs",

@@ -47,3 +47,3 @@ "test:watch": "web-test-runner \"test/**/*.test.js\" --node-resolve --config=../../web-test-runner.config.mjs --playwright --browsers chromium firefox --watch",

"dependencies": {
"lit": "^2.2.2"
"lit": "^2.2.5"

@@ -55,3 +55,3 @@ "devDependencies": {

"@polymer/iron-demo-helpers": "3.1.0",
"@web/dev-server": "0.1.30",
"@web/dev-server": "0.1.31",
"@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs": "2.6.0",

@@ -72,3 +72,3 @@ "concurrently": "7.0.0",

"gitHead": "dfb2cd70d6c85d3ac0792679b3120c20923d5ada"
"gitHead": "0af870d14d29af2e5f834389cc9b00a5d250b4da"

@@ -94,2 +94,2 @@ {

"valueSets": []
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