Wire Service
This is the implementation of Lightning Web Component's wire service. It enables declarative binding of services to a LWC component using the @wire
decorator. It fulfills the goals of the data service proposal.
The @wire
decorator provides LWC components with a declarative mechanism to express their data requirements. Imperative access (eg for DML) is not part of the wire service. A summary of the wire service follows:
- Loading data is expressed declaratively by a component using
@wire([adapterId], [adapterConfig])
refers to the identity of a wire adapter.
is an optional parameter, of type object, that defines wire adapter-specific configuration.
may contain static values or reactive references.
- A reactive reference is identified with a
prefix. The remainder of the string identifies a class property. A change to a referenced class property causes new data to be requested from the wire adapter.
- The wire service delegates to
wire adapters
to source, manage, and provision data. The wire service sits between wire adapters and LWC components.
- It's all data from the wire service's perspective. Nothing is metadata.
- It is assumed all data mutates over time yet a given snapshot of data is immutable.
- A component receiving data does not own that data. It is comparable to a component receiving props does not own the props.
Example Use Of @wire
Consider a component that wants to display the details of a todo item. It uses @wire
to declare its data requirements.
import { LightningElement, api, wire } from 'lwc';
import { getTodo } from 'todo-api';
export default class TodoViewer extends LightningElement {
@api id;
@wire(getTodo, { id: '$id' })
<template if:true="{todo}">
<input type="checkbox" checked="{todo.completed}" /> {todo.title}
Wire Adapter Specification
The following is a summary of the wire adapter RFC.
A wire adapter
provisions data to a wired property or method using an Event Target. A factory function is registered for declarative @wire
use by a component.
type WireAdapterId = Function|Symbol;
type WireAdapterFactory = (eventTarget: WireEventTarget) => void;
interface ValueChangedEvent {
value: any;
new(value: any) : ValueChangedEvent;
type EventType = 'config' | 'connect' | 'disconnect';
type Listener = (config?: { [key: string]: any ) => void;
// Target of the @wire
interface WireEventTarget extends EventTarget {
dispatchEvent(event: ValueChangedEvent): boolean;
addEventListener(type: EventType, listener: Listener): void;
removeEventListener(type: EventType, listener: Listener): void;
In the component's wiring
lifecycle, the wire service invokes the wireAdapterFactory
function to configure an instance of the wire adapter for each @wire
instance (which is per component instance).
is an implementation of Event Target that supports listeners for the following events:
is delivered when the resolved configuration changes. A singular argument is provided: the resolved configuration.
is delivered when the component is connected.
is delivered when the component is disconnected.
The wire service remains responsible for resolving the configuration object. eventTarget
delivers a config
event when the resolved configuration changes. The value of the configuration is specific to the wire adapter. The wire adapter must treat the object as immutable.
The wire adapter is responsible for provisioning values by dispatching a ValueChangedEvent
to the event target. ValueChangedEvent
's constructor accepts a single argument: the value to provision. There is no limitation to the shape or contents of the value to provision. The event target handles property assignment or method invocation based on the target of the @wire
The wire adapter is responsible for maintaining any context it requires. For example, tracking the values it provisions and the originating resolved configuration is shown in the basic example below.
Registering A Wire Adapter
A wire adapter must be registered with the wire service. The wire-service
module provides a registration function.
register(adapterId: WireAdapterId, wireAdapterFactory: WireAdapterFactory);
Example Wire Adapter Implementation
import { register, ValueChangedEvent } from 'wire-service';
export function getTodo(config) {
return getObservable(config)
register(getTodo, function getTodoWireAdapterFactory(eventTarget) {
let subscription;
let config;
eventTarget.addListener('config', newConfig => {
config = newConfig;
eventTarget.addListener('connected', () => {
subscription = getObservable(config)
next: data =>
new ValueChangedEvent({ data, error: undefined })
error: error =>
new ValueChangedEvent({ data: undefined, error })
eventTarget.addListener('disconnected', () => {
Contributing To The Wire Service
Build & run the playground
A playground of LWC components using @wire is included. They're served from a basic node server and accessible in your browser.
yarn start
Load the examples in a browser:
open http://localhost:3000/