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@macro-plugin/core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1



@@ -1,12 +0,1224 @@

import { Node, Declaration, Expression, CatchClause, ClassDeclaration, ImportDeclaration, Param, ClassMethod, PrivateMethod, Statement, VariableDeclarator, ModuleItem, TsType, ParseOptions, Options, Program, ExportNamedDeclaration, TsModuleDeclaration, TsFunctionType, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, ArrowFunctionExpression, VariableDeclaration, TsTypeReference, ImportSpecifier, ImportDefaultSpecifier, ExportSpecifier, ExportNamespaceSpecifier } from '@swc/core';
import { Node as Node$1, Declaration as Declaration$1, Expression as Expression$1, CatchClause as CatchClause$1, ClassDeclaration as ClassDeclaration$1, ImportDeclaration as ImportDeclaration$1, Param as Param$1, ClassMethod as ClassMethod$1, PrivateMethod as PrivateMethod$1, Statement as Statement$1, VariableDeclarator as VariableDeclarator$1, ModuleItem as ModuleItem$1, TsType as TsType$1, ParseOptions, Options, Program as Program$1, ExportNamedDeclaration as ExportNamedDeclaration$1, TsModuleDeclaration as TsModuleDeclaration$1, TsFunctionType as TsFunctionType$1, FunctionDeclaration as FunctionDeclaration$1, FunctionExpression as FunctionExpression$1, ArrowFunctionExpression as ArrowFunctionExpression$1, VariableDeclaration as VariableDeclaration$1, TsTypeReference as TsTypeReference$1, ImportSpecifier as ImportSpecifier$1, ImportDefaultSpecifier as ImportDefaultSpecifier$1, ExportSpecifier as ExportSpecifier$1, ExportNamespaceSpecifier as ExportNamespaceSpecifier$1 } from '@swc/core';
export { Node, parseSync as parse, parse as parseAsync } from '@swc/core';
import { Visitor } from '@swc/core/Visitor';
interface Span {
start: number;
end: number;
ctxt: number;
interface Node {
type: string;
interface HasSpan {
span: Span;
interface HasDecorator {
decorators?: Decorator[];
interface Class extends HasSpan, HasDecorator {
body: ClassMember[];
superClass?: Expression;
isAbstract: boolean;
typeParams?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration;
superTypeParams?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation;
implements: TsExpressionWithTypeArguments[];
type ClassMember = Constructor | ClassMethod | PrivateMethod | ClassProperty | PrivateProperty | TsIndexSignature | EmptyStatement | StaticBlock;
interface ClassPropertyBase extends Node, HasSpan, HasDecorator {
value?: Expression;
typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation;
isStatic: boolean;
accessibility?: Accessibility;
isOptional: boolean;
isOverride: boolean;
readonly: boolean;
definite: boolean;
interface ClassProperty extends ClassPropertyBase {
type: "ClassProperty";
key: PropertyName;
isAbstract: boolean;
declare: boolean;
interface PrivateProperty extends ClassPropertyBase {
type: "PrivateProperty";
key: PrivateName;
interface Param extends Node, HasSpan, HasDecorator {
type: "Parameter";
pat: Pattern;
interface Constructor extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "Constructor";
key: PropertyName;
params: (TsParameterProperty | Param)[];
body?: BlockStatement;
accessibility?: Accessibility;
isOptional: boolean;
interface ClassMethodBase extends Node, HasSpan {
function: Fn;
kind: MethodKind;
isStatic: boolean;
accessibility?: Accessibility;
isAbstract: boolean;
isOptional: boolean;
isOverride: boolean;
interface ClassMethod extends ClassMethodBase {
type: "ClassMethod";
key: PropertyName;
interface PrivateMethod extends ClassMethodBase {
type: "PrivateMethod";
key: PrivateName;
interface StaticBlock extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "StaticBlock";
body: BlockStatement;
interface Decorator extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "Decorator";
expression: Expression;
type MethodKind = "method" | "getter" | "setter";
type Declaration = ClassDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | TsInterfaceDeclaration | TsTypeAliasDeclaration | TsEnumDeclaration | TsModuleDeclaration;
interface FunctionDeclaration extends Fn {
type: "FunctionDeclaration";
identifier: Identifier;
declare: boolean;
interface ClassDeclaration extends Class, Node {
type: "ClassDeclaration";
identifier: Identifier;
declare: boolean;
interface VariableDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "VariableDeclaration";
kind: VariableDeclarationKind;
declare: boolean;
declarations: VariableDeclarator[];
type VariableDeclarationKind = "var" | "let" | "const";
interface VariableDeclarator extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "VariableDeclarator";
id: Pattern;
init?: Expression;
definite: boolean;
type Expression = ThisExpression | ArrayExpression | ObjectExpression | FunctionExpression | UnaryExpression | UpdateExpression | BinaryExpression | AssignmentExpression | MemberExpression | SuperPropExpression | ConditionalExpression | CallExpression | NewExpression | SequenceExpression | Identifier | Literal | TemplateLiteral | TaggedTemplateExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression | ClassExpression | YieldExpression | MetaProperty | AwaitExpression | ParenthesisExpression | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName | JSXEmptyExpression | JSXElement | JSXFragment | TsTypeAssertion | TsConstAssertion | TsNonNullExpression | TsAsExpression | TsInstantiation | PrivateName | OptionalChainingExpression | Invalid;
interface ExpressionBase extends Node, HasSpan {
interface Identifier extends ExpressionBase {
type: "Identifier";
value: string;
optional: boolean;
interface OptionalChainingExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "OptionalChainingExpression";
questionDotToken: Span;
* Call expression or member expression.
base: MemberExpression | OptionalChainingCall;
interface OptionalChainingCall extends ExpressionBase {
type: "CallExpression";
callee: Expression;
arguments: ExprOrSpread[];
typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation;
interface ThisExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "ThisExpression";
interface ArrayExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "ArrayExpression";
elements: (ExprOrSpread | undefined)[];
interface ExprOrSpread {
spread?: Span;
expression: Expression;
interface ObjectExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "ObjectExpression";
properties: (SpreadElement | Property)[];
interface Argument {
spread?: Span;
expression: Expression;
interface SpreadElement extends Node {
type: "SpreadElement";
spread: Span;
arguments: Expression;
interface UnaryExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "UnaryExpression";
operator: UnaryOperator;
argument: Expression;
interface UpdateExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "UpdateExpression";
operator: UpdateOperator;
prefix: boolean;
argument: Expression;
interface BinaryExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "BinaryExpression";
operator: BinaryOperator;
left: Expression;
right: Expression;
interface FunctionExpression extends Fn, ExpressionBase {
type: "FunctionExpression";
identifier?: Identifier;
interface ClassExpression extends Class, ExpressionBase {
type: "ClassExpression";
identifier?: Identifier;
interface AssignmentExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "AssignmentExpression";
operator: AssignmentOperator;
left: Expression | Pattern;
right: Expression;
interface MemberExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "MemberExpression";
object: Expression;
property: Identifier | PrivateName | ComputedPropName;
interface SuperPropExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "SuperPropExpression";
obj: Super;
property: Identifier | ComputedPropName;
interface ConditionalExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "ConditionalExpression";
test: Expression;
consequent: Expression;
alternate: Expression;
interface Super extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "Super";
interface Import extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "Import";
interface CallExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "CallExpression";
callee: Super | Import | Expression;
arguments: Argument[];
typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation;
interface NewExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "NewExpression";
callee: Expression;
arguments?: Argument[];
typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation;
interface SequenceExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "SequenceExpression";
expressions: Expression[];
interface ArrowFunctionExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression";
params: Pattern[];
body: BlockStatement | Expression;
async: boolean;
generator: boolean;
typeParameters?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration;
returnType?: TsTypeAnnotation;
interface YieldExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "YieldExpression";
argument?: Expression;
delegate: boolean;
interface MetaProperty extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "MetaProperty";
kind: "" | "import.meta";
interface AwaitExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "AwaitExpression";
argument: Expression;
interface TemplateLiteral extends ExpressionBase {
type: "TemplateLiteral";
expressions: Expression[];
quasis: TemplateElement[];
interface TaggedTemplateExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "TaggedTemplateExpression";
tag: Expression;
typeParameters?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation;
template: TemplateLiteral;
interface TemplateElement extends ExpressionBase {
type: "TemplateElement";
tail: boolean;
cooked?: string;
raw: string;
interface ParenthesisExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "ParenthesisExpression";
expression: Expression;
interface Fn extends HasSpan, HasDecorator {
params: Param[];
body?: BlockStatement;
generator: boolean;
async: boolean;
typeParameters?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration;
returnType?: TsTypeAnnotation;
interface PatternBase extends Node, HasSpan {
typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation;
interface PrivateName extends ExpressionBase {
type: "PrivateName";
id: Identifier;
type JSXObject = JSXMemberExpression | Identifier;
interface JSXMemberExpression extends Node {
type: "JSXMemberExpression";
object: JSXObject;
property: Identifier;
* XML-based namespace syntax:
interface JSXNamespacedName extends Node {
type: "JSXNamespacedName";
namespace: Identifier;
name: Identifier;
interface JSXEmptyExpression extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "JSXEmptyExpression";
interface JSXExpressionContainer extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "JSXExpressionContainer";
expression: JSXExpression;
type JSXExpression = JSXEmptyExpression | Expression;
interface JSXSpreadChild extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "JSXSpreadChild";
expression: Expression;
type JSXElementName = Identifier | JSXMemberExpression | JSXNamespacedName;
interface JSXOpeningElement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "JSXOpeningElement";
name: JSXElementName;
attributes: JSXAttributeOrSpread[];
selfClosing: boolean;
typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation;
type JSXAttributeOrSpread = JSXAttribute | SpreadElement;
interface JSXClosingElement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "JSXClosingElement";
name: JSXElementName;
interface JSXAttribute extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "JSXAttribute";
name: JSXAttributeName;
value?: JSXAttrValue;
type JSXAttributeName = Identifier | JSXNamespacedName;
type JSXAttrValue = Literal | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXElement | JSXFragment;
interface JSXText extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "JSXText";
value: string;
raw: string;
interface JSXElement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "JSXElement";
opening: JSXOpeningElement;
children: JSXElementChild[];
closing?: JSXClosingElement;
type JSXElementChild = JSXText | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXSpreadChild | JSXElement | JSXFragment;
interface JSXFragment extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "JSXFragment";
opening: JSXOpeningFragment;
children: JSXElementChild[];
closing: JSXClosingFragment;
interface JSXOpeningFragment extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "JSXOpeningFragment";
interface JSXClosingFragment extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "JSXClosingFragment";
type Literal = StringLiteral | BooleanLiteral | NullLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | RegExpLiteral | JSXText;
interface StringLiteral extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "StringLiteral";
value: string;
raw?: string;
interface BooleanLiteral extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "BooleanLiteral";
value: boolean;
interface NullLiteral extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "NullLiteral";
interface RegExpLiteral extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "RegExpLiteral";
pattern: string;
flags: string;
interface NumericLiteral extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "NumericLiteral";
value: number;
raw?: string;
interface BigIntLiteral extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "BigIntLiteral";
value: bigint;
raw?: string;
type ModuleDeclaration = ImportDeclaration | ExportDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportDefaultExpression | ExportAllDeclaration | TsImportEqualsDeclaration | TsExportAssignment | TsNamespaceExportDeclaration;
interface ExportDefaultExpression extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ExportDefaultExpression";
expression: Expression;
interface ExportDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ExportDeclaration";
declaration: Declaration;
interface ImportDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ImportDeclaration";
specifiers: ImportSpecifier[];
source: StringLiteral;
typeOnly: boolean;
asserts?: ObjectExpression;
interface ExportAllDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ExportAllDeclaration";
source: StringLiteral;
asserts?: ObjectExpression;
* - `export { foo } from 'mod'`
* - `export { foo as bar } from 'mod'`
interface ExportNamedDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ExportNamedDeclaration";
specifiers: ExportSpecifier[];
source?: StringLiteral;
typeOnly: boolean;
asserts?: ObjectExpression;
interface ExportDefaultDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ExportDefaultDeclaration";
decl: DefaultDecl;
type DefaultDecl = ClassExpression | FunctionExpression | TsInterfaceDeclaration;
type ImportSpecifier = NamedImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier;
* e.g. `import foo from 'mod.js'`
interface ImportDefaultSpecifier extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ImportDefaultSpecifier";
local: Identifier;
* e.g. `import * as foo from 'mod.js'`.
interface ImportNamespaceSpecifier extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ImportNamespaceSpecifier";
local: Identifier;
* e.g. - `import { foo } from 'mod.js'`
* local = foo, imported = None
* e.g. `import { foo as bar } from 'mod.js'`
* local = bar, imported = Some(foo) for
interface NamedImportSpecifier extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ImportSpecifier";
local: Identifier;
imported?: ModuleExportName;
isTypeOnly: boolean;
type ModuleExportName = Identifier | StringLiteral;
type ExportSpecifier = ExportNamespaceSpecifier | ExportDefaultSpecifier | NamedExportSpecifier;
* `export * as foo from 'src';`
interface ExportNamespaceSpecifier extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ExportNamespaceSpecifier";
name: ModuleExportName;
interface ExportDefaultSpecifier extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ExportDefaultSpecifier";
exported: Identifier;
interface NamedExportSpecifier extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ExportSpecifier";
orig: ModuleExportName;
* `Some(bar)` in `export { foo as bar }`
exported?: ModuleExportName;
isTypeOnly: boolean;
interface HasInterpreter {
* e.g. `/usr/bin/node` for `#!/usr/bin/node`
interpreter: string;
type Program = Module | Script;
interface Module extends Node, HasSpan, HasInterpreter {
type: "Module";
body: ModuleItem[];
interface Script extends Node, HasSpan, HasInterpreter {
type: "Script";
body: Statement[];
type ModuleItem = ModuleDeclaration | Statement;
type BinaryOperator = "==" | "!=" | "===" | "!==" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "|" | "^" | "&" | "||" | "&&" | "in" | "instanceof" | "**" | "??";
type AssignmentOperator = "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | ">>>=" | "|=" | "^=" | "&=" | "**=" | "&&=" | "||=" | "??=";
type UpdateOperator = "++" | "--";
type UnaryOperator = "-" | "+" | "!" | "~" | "typeof" | "void" | "delete";
type Pattern = BindingIdentifier | ArrayPattern | RestElement | ObjectPattern | AssignmentPattern | Invalid | Expression;
interface BindingIdentifier extends PatternBase {
type: "Identifier";
value: string;
optional: boolean;
interface ArrayPattern extends PatternBase {
type: "ArrayPattern";
elements: (Pattern | undefined)[];
optional: boolean;
interface ObjectPattern extends PatternBase {
type: "ObjectPattern";
properties: ObjectPatternProperty[];
optional: boolean;
interface AssignmentPattern extends PatternBase {
type: "AssignmentPattern";
left: Pattern;
right: Expression;
interface RestElement extends PatternBase {
type: "RestElement";
rest: Span;
argument: Pattern;
type ObjectPatternProperty = KeyValuePatternProperty | AssignmentPatternProperty | RestElement;
* `{key: value}`
interface KeyValuePatternProperty extends Node {
type: "KeyValuePatternProperty";
key: PropertyName;
value: Pattern;
* `{key}` or `{key = value}`
interface AssignmentPatternProperty extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "AssignmentPatternProperty";
key: Identifier;
value?: Expression;
/** Identifier is `a` in `{ a, }` */
type Property = Identifier | KeyValueProperty | AssignmentProperty | GetterProperty | SetterProperty | MethodProperty;
interface PropBase extends Node {
key: PropertyName;
interface KeyValueProperty extends PropBase {
type: "KeyValueProperty";
value: Expression;
interface AssignmentProperty extends Node {
type: "AssignmentProperty";
key: Identifier;
value: Expression;
interface GetterProperty extends PropBase, HasSpan {
type: "GetterProperty";
typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation;
body?: BlockStatement;
interface SetterProperty extends PropBase, HasSpan {
type: "SetterProperty";
param: Pattern;
body?: BlockStatement;
interface MethodProperty extends PropBase, Fn {
type: "MethodProperty";
type PropertyName = Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | ComputedPropName | BigIntLiteral;
interface ComputedPropName extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "Computed";
expression: Expression;
interface BlockStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "BlockStatement";
stmts: Statement[];
interface ExpressionStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ExpressionStatement";
expression: Expression;
type Statement = BlockStatement | EmptyStatement | DebuggerStatement | WithStatement | ReturnStatement | LabeledStatement | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | IfStatement | SwitchStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | WhileStatement | DoWhileStatement | ForStatement | ForInStatement | ForOfStatement | Declaration | ExpressionStatement;
interface EmptyStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "EmptyStatement";
interface DebuggerStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "DebuggerStatement";
interface WithStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "WithStatement";
object: Expression;
body: Statement;
interface ReturnStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ReturnStatement";
argument?: Expression;
interface LabeledStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "LabeledStatement";
label: Identifier;
body: Statement;
interface BreakStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "BreakStatement";
label?: Identifier;
interface ContinueStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ContinueStatement";
label?: Identifier;
interface IfStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "IfStatement";
test: Expression;
consequent: Statement;
alternate?: Statement;
interface SwitchStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "SwitchStatement";
discriminant: Expression;
cases: SwitchCase[];
interface ThrowStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ThrowStatement";
argument: Expression;
interface TryStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TryStatement";
block: BlockStatement;
handler?: CatchClause;
finalizer?: BlockStatement;
interface WhileStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "WhileStatement";
test: Expression;
body: Statement;
interface DoWhileStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "DoWhileStatement";
test: Expression;
body: Statement;
interface ForStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ForStatement";
init?: VariableDeclaration | Expression;
test?: Expression;
update?: Expression;
body: Statement;
interface ForInStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ForInStatement";
left: VariableDeclaration | Pattern;
right: Expression;
body: Statement;
interface ForOfStatement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "ForOfStatement";
* Span of the await token.
* es2018 for-await-of statements, e.g., `for await (const x of xs) {`
await?: Span;
left: VariableDeclaration | Pattern;
right: Expression;
body: Statement;
interface SwitchCase extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "SwitchCase";
* Undefined for default case
test?: Expression;
consequent: Statement[];
interface CatchClause extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "CatchClause";
* The param is `undefined` if the catch binding is omitted. E.g., `try { foo() } catch {}`
param?: Pattern;
body: BlockStatement;
interface TsTypeAnnotation extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTypeAnnotation";
typeAnnotation: TsType;
interface TsTypeParameterDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTypeParameterDeclaration";
parameters: TsTypeParameter[];
interface TsTypeParameter extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTypeParameter";
name: Identifier;
in: boolean;
out: boolean;
constraint?: TsType;
default?: TsType;
interface TsTypeParameterInstantiation extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTypeParameterInstantiation";
params: TsType[];
interface TsParameterProperty extends Node, HasSpan, HasDecorator {
type: "TsParameterProperty";
accessibility?: Accessibility;
override: boolean;
readonly: boolean;
param: TsParameterPropertyParameter;
type TsParameterPropertyParameter = BindingIdentifier | AssignmentPattern;
interface TsQualifiedName extends Node {
type: "TsQualifiedName";
left: TsEntityName;
right: Identifier;
type TsEntityName = TsQualifiedName | Identifier;
type TsTypeElement = TsCallSignatureDeclaration | TsConstructSignatureDeclaration | TsPropertySignature | TsGetterSignature | TsSetterSignature | TsMethodSignature | TsIndexSignature;
interface TsCallSignatureDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsCallSignatureDeclaration";
params: TsFnParameter[];
typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation;
typeParams?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration;
interface TsConstructSignatureDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsConstructSignatureDeclaration";
params: TsFnParameter[];
typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation;
typeParams?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration;
interface TsPropertySignature extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsPropertySignature";
readonly: boolean;
key: Expression;
computed: boolean;
optional: boolean;
init?: Expression;
params: TsFnParameter[];
typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation;
typeParams?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration;
interface TsGetterSignature extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsGetterSignature";
readonly: boolean;
key: Expression;
computed: boolean;
optional: boolean;
typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation;
interface TsSetterSignature extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsSetterSignature";
readonly: boolean;
key: Expression;
computed: boolean;
optional: boolean;
param: TsFnParameter;
interface TsMethodSignature extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsMethodSignature";
readonly: boolean;
key: Expression;
computed: boolean;
optional: boolean;
params: TsFnParameter[];
typeAnn?: TsTypeAnnotation;
typeParams?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration;
interface TsIndexSignature extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsIndexSignature";
params: TsFnParameter[];
typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation;
readonly: boolean;
static: boolean;
type TsType = TsKeywordType | TsThisType | TsFnOrConstructorType | TsTypeReference | TsTypeQuery | TsTypeLiteral | TsArrayType | TsTupleType | TsOptionalType | TsRestType | TsUnionOrIntersectionType | TsConditionalType | TsInferType | TsParenthesizedType | TsTypeOperator | TsIndexedAccessType | TsMappedType | TsLiteralType | TsTypePredicate | TsImportType;
type TsFnOrConstructorType = TsFunctionType | TsConstructorType;
interface TsKeywordType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsKeywordType";
kind: TsKeywordTypeKind;
type TsKeywordTypeKind = "any" | "unknown" | "number" | "object" | "boolean" | "bigint" | "string" | "symbol" | "void" | "undefined" | "null" | "never" | "intrinsic";
interface TsThisType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsThisType";
type TsFnParameter = BindingIdentifier | ArrayPattern | RestElement | ObjectPattern;
interface TsFunctionType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsFunctionType";
params: TsFnParameter[];
typeParams?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration;
typeAnnotation: TsTypeAnnotation;
interface TsConstructorType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsConstructorType";
params: TsFnParameter[];
typeParams?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration;
typeAnnotation: TsTypeAnnotation;
isAbstract: boolean;
interface TsTypeReference extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTypeReference";
typeName: TsEntityName;
typeParams?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation;
interface TsTypePredicate extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTypePredicate";
asserts: boolean;
paramName: TsThisTypeOrIdent;
typeAnnotation?: TsTypeAnnotation;
type TsThisTypeOrIdent = TsThisType | Identifier;
interface TsImportType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsImportType";
argument: StringLiteral;
qualifier?: TsEntityName;
typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation;
* `typeof` operator
interface TsTypeQuery extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTypeQuery";
exprName: TsTypeQueryExpr;
typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation;
type TsTypeQueryExpr = TsEntityName | TsImportType;
interface TsTypeLiteral extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTypeLiteral";
members: TsTypeElement[];
interface TsArrayType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsArrayType";
elemType: TsType;
interface TsTupleType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTupleType";
elemTypes: TsTupleElement[];
interface TsTupleElement extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTupleElement";
label?: Pattern;
ty: TsType;
interface TsOptionalType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsOptionalType";
typeAnnotation: TsType;
interface TsRestType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsRestType";
typeAnnotation: TsType;
type TsUnionOrIntersectionType = TsUnionType | TsIntersectionType;
interface TsUnionType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsUnionType";
types: TsType[];
interface TsIntersectionType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsIntersectionType";
types: TsType[];
interface TsConditionalType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsConditionalType";
checkType: TsType;
extendsType: TsType;
trueType: TsType;
falseType: TsType;
interface TsInferType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsInferType";
typeParam: TsTypeParameter;
interface TsParenthesizedType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsParenthesizedType";
typeAnnotation: TsType;
interface TsTypeOperator extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTypeOperator";
op: TsTypeOperatorOp;
typeAnnotation: TsType;
type TsTypeOperatorOp = "keyof" | "unique" | "readonly";
interface TsIndexedAccessType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsIndexedAccessType";
readonly: boolean;
objectType: TsType;
indexType: TsType;
type TruePlusMinus = true | "+" | "-";
interface TsMappedType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsMappedType";
readonly?: TruePlusMinus;
typeParam: TsTypeParameter;
nameType?: TsType;
optional?: TruePlusMinus;
typeAnnotation?: TsType;
interface TsLiteralType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsLiteralType";
literal: TsLiteral;
type TsLiteral = NumericLiteral | StringLiteral | BooleanLiteral | BigIntLiteral | TsTemplateLiteralType;
interface TsTemplateLiteralType extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TemplateLiteral";
types: TsType[];
quasis: TemplateElement[];
interface TsInterfaceDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsInterfaceDeclaration";
id: Identifier;
declare: boolean;
typeParams?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration;
extends: TsExpressionWithTypeArguments[];
body: TsInterfaceBody;
interface TsInterfaceBody extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsInterfaceBody";
body: TsTypeElement[];
interface TsExpressionWithTypeArguments extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsExpressionWithTypeArguments";
expression: Expression;
typeArguments?: TsTypeParameterInstantiation;
interface TsTypeAliasDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsTypeAliasDeclaration";
declare: boolean;
id: Identifier;
typeParams?: TsTypeParameterDeclaration;
typeAnnotation: TsType;
interface TsEnumDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsEnumDeclaration";
declare: boolean;
isConst: boolean;
id: Identifier;
members: TsEnumMember[];
interface TsEnumMember extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsEnumMember";
id: TsEnumMemberId;
init?: Expression;
type TsEnumMemberId = Identifier | StringLiteral;
interface TsModuleDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsModuleDeclaration";
declare: boolean;
global: boolean;
id: TsModuleName;
body?: TsNamespaceBody;
* `namespace A.B { }` is a namespace named `A` with another TsNamespaceDecl as its body.
type TsNamespaceBody = TsModuleBlock | TsNamespaceDeclaration;
interface TsModuleBlock extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsModuleBlock";
body: ModuleItem[];
interface TsNamespaceDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsNamespaceDeclaration";
declare: boolean;
global: boolean;
id: Identifier;
body: TsNamespaceBody;
type TsModuleName = Identifier | StringLiteral;
interface TsImportEqualsDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsImportEqualsDeclaration";
declare: boolean;
isExport: boolean;
isTypeOnly: boolean;
id: Identifier;
moduleRef: TsModuleReference;
type TsModuleReference = TsEntityName | TsExternalModuleReference;
interface TsExternalModuleReference extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsExternalModuleReference";
expression: StringLiteral;
interface TsExportAssignment extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsExportAssignment";
expression: Expression;
interface TsNamespaceExportDeclaration extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsNamespaceExportDeclaration";
id: Identifier;
interface TsAsExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "TsAsExpression";
expression: Expression;
typeAnnotation: TsType;
interface TsInstantiation extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "TsInstantiation";
expression: Expression;
typeArguments: TsTypeParameterInstantiation;
interface TsTypeAssertion extends ExpressionBase {
type: "TsTypeAssertion";
expression: Expression;
typeAnnotation: TsType;
interface TsConstAssertion extends ExpressionBase {
type: "TsConstAssertion";
expression: Expression;
interface TsNonNullExpression extends ExpressionBase {
type: "TsNonNullExpression";
expression: Expression;
type Accessibility = "public" | "protected" | "private";
interface Invalid extends Node, HasSpan {
type: "Invalid";
declare class Visitor {
visitProgram(n: Program): Program;
visitModule(m: Module): Module;
visitScript(m: Script): Script;
visitModuleItems(items: ModuleItem[]): ModuleItem[];
visitModuleItem(n: ModuleItem): ModuleItem;
visitModuleDeclaration(n: ModuleDeclaration): ModuleDeclaration;
visitTsNamespaceExportDeclaration(n: TsNamespaceExportDeclaration): ModuleDeclaration;
visitTsExportAssignment(n: TsExportAssignment): TsExportAssignment;
visitTsImportEqualsDeclaration(n: TsImportEqualsDeclaration): ModuleDeclaration;
visitTsModuleReference(n: TsModuleReference): TsModuleReference;
visitTsExternalModuleReference(n: TsExternalModuleReference): TsExternalModuleReference;
visitExportAllDeclaration(n: ExportAllDeclaration): ModuleDeclaration;
visitExportDefaultExpression(n: ExportDefaultExpression): ModuleDeclaration;
visitExportNamedDeclaration(n: ExportNamedDeclaration): ModuleDeclaration;
visitExportSpecifiers(nodes: ExportSpecifier[]): ExportSpecifier[];
visitExportSpecifier(n: ExportSpecifier): ExportSpecifier;
visitNamedExportSpecifier(n: NamedExportSpecifier): ExportSpecifier;
visitModuleExportName(n: ModuleExportName): ModuleExportName;
visitExportNamespaceSpecifier(n: ExportNamespaceSpecifier): ExportSpecifier;
visitExportDefaultSpecifier(n: ExportDefaultSpecifier): ExportSpecifier;
visitOptionalStringLiteral(n: StringLiteral | undefined): StringLiteral | undefined;
visitExportDefaultDeclaration(n: ExportDefaultDeclaration): ModuleDeclaration;
visitDefaultDeclaration(n: DefaultDecl): DefaultDecl;
visitFunctionExpression(n: FunctionExpression): FunctionExpression;
visitClassExpression(n: ClassExpression): ClassExpression;
visitExportDeclaration(n: ExportDeclaration): ModuleDeclaration;
visitArrayExpression(e: ArrayExpression): Expression;
visitArrayElement(e: ExprOrSpread | undefined): ExprOrSpread | undefined;
visitExprOrSpread(e: ExprOrSpread): ExprOrSpread;
visitExprOrSpreads(nodes: ExprOrSpread[]): ExprOrSpread[];
visitSpreadElement(e: SpreadElement): SpreadElement;
visitOptionalExpression(e: Expression | undefined): Expression | undefined;
visitArrowFunctionExpression(e: ArrowFunctionExpression): Expression;
visitArrowBody(body: BlockStatement | Expression): BlockStatement | Expression;
visitBlockStatement(block: BlockStatement): BlockStatement;
visitStatements(stmts: Statement[]): Statement[];
visitStatement(stmt: Statement): Statement;
visitSwitchStatement(stmt: SwitchStatement): Statement;
visitSwitchCases(cases: SwitchCase[]): SwitchCase[];
visitSwitchCase(c: SwitchCase): SwitchCase;
visitIfStatement(stmt: IfStatement): Statement;
visitOptionalStatement(stmt: Statement | undefined): Statement | undefined;
visitBreakStatement(stmt: BreakStatement): Statement;
visitWhileStatement(stmt: WhileStatement): Statement;
visitTryStatement(stmt: TryStatement): Statement;
visitCatchClause(handler: CatchClause | undefined): CatchClause | undefined;
visitThrowStatement(stmt: ThrowStatement): Statement;
visitReturnStatement(stmt: ReturnStatement): Statement;
visitLabeledStatement(stmt: LabeledStatement): Statement;
visitForStatement(stmt: ForStatement): Statement;
visitForOfStatement(stmt: ForOfStatement): Statement;
visitForInStatement(stmt: ForInStatement): Statement;
visitEmptyStatement(stmt: EmptyStatement): EmptyStatement;
visitDoWhileStatement(stmt: DoWhileStatement): Statement;
visitDebuggerStatement(stmt: DebuggerStatement): Statement;
visitWithStatement(stmt: WithStatement): Statement;
visitDeclaration(decl: Declaration): Declaration;
visitVariableDeclaration(n: VariableDeclaration): VariableDeclaration;
visitVariableDeclarators(nodes: VariableDeclarator[]): VariableDeclarator[];
visitVariableDeclarator(n: VariableDeclarator): VariableDeclarator;
visitTsTypeAliasDeclaration(n: TsTypeAliasDeclaration): Declaration;
visitTsModuleDeclaration(n: TsModuleDeclaration): Declaration;
visitTsModuleName(n: TsModuleName): TsModuleName;
visitTsNamespaceBody(n: TsNamespaceBody): TsNamespaceBody | undefined;
visitTsNamespaceDeclaration(n: TsNamespaceDeclaration): TsModuleBlock | TsNamespaceDeclaration;
visitTsModuleBlock(n: TsModuleBlock): TsModuleBlock | TsNamespaceDeclaration;
visitTsInterfaceDeclaration(n: TsInterfaceDeclaration): TsInterfaceDeclaration;
visitTsInterfaceBody(n: TsInterfaceBody): TsInterfaceBody;
visitTsTypeElements(nodes: TsTypeElement[]): TsTypeElement[];
visitTsTypeElement(n: TsTypeElement): TsTypeElement;
visitTsCallSignatureDeclaration(n: TsCallSignatureDeclaration): TsCallSignatureDeclaration;
visitTsConstructSignatureDeclaration(n: TsConstructSignatureDeclaration): TsConstructSignatureDeclaration;
visitTsPropertySignature(n: TsPropertySignature): TsPropertySignature;
visitTsGetterSignature(n: TsGetterSignature): TsGetterSignature;
visitTsSetterSignature(n: TsSetterSignature): TsSetterSignature;
visitTsMethodSignature(n: TsMethodSignature): TsMethodSignature;
visitTsEnumDeclaration(n: TsEnumDeclaration): Declaration;
visitTsEnumMembers(nodes: TsEnumMember[]): TsEnumMember[];
visitTsEnumMember(n: TsEnumMember): TsEnumMember;
visitTsEnumMemberId(n: TsEnumMemberId): TsEnumMemberId;
visitFunctionDeclaration(decl: FunctionDeclaration): Declaration;
visitClassDeclaration(decl: ClassDeclaration): Declaration;
visitClassBody(members: ClassMember[]): ClassMember[];
visitClassMember(member: ClassMember): ClassMember;
visitTsIndexSignature(n: TsIndexSignature): TsIndexSignature;
visitTsFnParameters(params: TsFnParameter[]): TsFnParameter[];
visitTsFnParameter(n: TsFnParameter): TsFnParameter;
visitPrivateProperty(n: PrivateProperty): ClassMember;
visitPrivateMethod(n: PrivateMethod): ClassMember;
visitPrivateName(n: PrivateName): PrivateName;
visitConstructor(n: Constructor): ClassMember;
visitConstructorParameters(nodes: (Param | TsParameterProperty)[]): (Param | TsParameterProperty)[];
visitConstructorParameter(n: Param | TsParameterProperty): Param | TsParameterProperty;
visitStaticBlock(n: StaticBlock): StaticBlock;
visitTsParameterProperty(n: TsParameterProperty): TsParameterProperty | Param;
visitTsParameterPropertyParameter(n: TsParameterPropertyParameter): TsParameterPropertyParameter;
visitPropertyName(key: PropertyName): PropertyName;
visitAccessibility(n: Accessibility | undefined): Accessibility | undefined;
visitClassProperty(n: ClassProperty): ClassMember;
visitClassMethod(n: ClassMethod): ClassMember;
visitComputedPropertyKey(n: ComputedPropName): ComputedPropName;
visitClass<T extends Class>(n: T): T;
visitFunction<T extends Fn>(n: T): T;
visitTsExpressionsWithTypeArguments(nodes: TsExpressionWithTypeArguments[]): TsExpressionWithTypeArguments[];
visitTsExpressionWithTypeArguments(n: TsExpressionWithTypeArguments): TsExpressionWithTypeArguments;
visitTsTypeParameterInstantiation(n: TsTypeParameterInstantiation | undefined): TsTypeParameterInstantiation | undefined;
visitTsTypes(nodes: TsType[]): TsType[];
visitTsEntityName(n: TsEntityName): TsEntityName;
visitTsQualifiedName(n: TsQualifiedName): TsQualifiedName;
visitDecorators(nodes: Decorator[] | undefined): Decorator[] | undefined;
visitDecorator(n: Decorator): Decorator;
visitExpressionStatement(stmt: ExpressionStatement): Statement;
visitContinueStatement(stmt: ContinueStatement): Statement;
visitExpression(n: Expression): Expression;
visitOptionalChainingExpression(n: OptionalChainingExpression): Expression;
visitMemberExpressionOrOptionalChainingCall(n: MemberExpression | OptionalChainingCall): MemberExpression | OptionalChainingCall;
visitOptionalChainingCall(n: OptionalChainingCall): OptionalChainingCall;
visitAssignmentExpression(n: AssignmentExpression): Expression;
visitPatternOrExpression(n: Pattern | Expression): Pattern | Expression;
visitYieldExpression(n: YieldExpression): Expression;
visitUpdateExpression(n: UpdateExpression): Expression;
visitUnaryExpression(n: UnaryExpression): Expression;
visitTsTypeAssertion(n: TsTypeAssertion): Expression;
visitTsConstAssertion(n: TsConstAssertion): Expression;
visitTsInstantiation(n: TsInstantiation): TsInstantiation;
visitTsNonNullExpression(n: TsNonNullExpression): Expression;
visitTsAsExpression(n: TsAsExpression): Expression;
visitThisExpression(n: ThisExpression): Expression;
visitTemplateLiteral(n: TemplateLiteral): Expression;
visitParameters(n: Param[]): Param[];
visitParameter(n: Param): Param;
visitTaggedTemplateExpression(n: TaggedTemplateExpression): Expression;
visitSequenceExpression(n: SequenceExpression): Expression;
visitRegExpLiteral(n: RegExpLiteral): Expression;
visitParenthesisExpression(n: ParenthesisExpression): Expression;
visitObjectExpression(n: ObjectExpression): Expression;
visitObjectProperties(nodes: (Property | SpreadElement)[]): (Property | SpreadElement)[];
visitObjectProperty(n: Property | SpreadElement): Property | SpreadElement;
visitProperty(n: Property): Property | SpreadElement;
visitSetterProperty(n: SetterProperty): Property | SpreadElement;
visitMethodProperty(n: MethodProperty): Property | SpreadElement;
visitKeyValueProperty(n: KeyValueProperty): Property | SpreadElement;
visitGetterProperty(n: GetterProperty): Property | SpreadElement;
visitAssignmentProperty(n: AssignmentProperty): Property | SpreadElement;
visitNullLiteral(n: NullLiteral): NullLiteral;
visitNewExpression(n: NewExpression): Expression;
visitTsTypeArguments(n: TsTypeParameterInstantiation | undefined): TsTypeParameterInstantiation | undefined;
visitArguments(nodes: Argument[]): Argument[];
visitArgument(n: Argument): Argument;
visitMetaProperty(n: MetaProperty): Expression;
visitMemberExpression(n: MemberExpression): MemberExpression;
visitSuperPropExpression(n: SuperPropExpression): Expression;
visitCallee(n: Expression | Super | Import): Expression | Super | Import;
visitJSXText(n: JSXText): JSXText;
visitJSXNamespacedName(n: JSXNamespacedName): JSXNamespacedName;
visitJSXMemberExpression(n: JSXMemberExpression): JSXMemberExpression;
visitJSXObject(n: JSXObject): JSXObject;
visitJSXFragment(n: JSXFragment): JSXFragment;
visitJSXClosingFragment(n: JSXClosingFragment): JSXClosingFragment;
visitJSXElementChildren(nodes: JSXElementChild[]): JSXElementChild[];
visitJSXElementChild(n: JSXElementChild): JSXElementChild;
visitJSXExpressionContainer(n: JSXExpressionContainer): JSXExpressionContainer;
visitJSXSpreadChild(n: JSXSpreadChild): JSXElementChild;
visitJSXOpeningFragment(n: JSXOpeningFragment): JSXOpeningFragment;
visitJSXEmptyExpression(n: JSXEmptyExpression): Expression;
visitJSXElement(n: JSXElement): JSXElement;
visitJSXClosingElement(n: JSXClosingElement | undefined): JSXClosingElement | undefined;
visitJSXElementName(n: JSXElementName): JSXElementName;
visitJSXOpeningElement(n: JSXOpeningElement): JSXOpeningElement;
visitJSXAttributes(attrs: JSXAttributeOrSpread[] | undefined): JSXAttributeOrSpread[] | undefined;
visitJSXAttributeOrSpread(n: JSXAttributeOrSpread): JSXAttributeOrSpread;
visitJSXAttributeOrSpreads(nodes: JSXAttributeOrSpread[]): JSXAttributeOrSpread[];
visitJSXAttribute(n: JSXAttribute): JSXAttributeOrSpread;
visitJSXAttributeValue(n: JSXAttrValue | undefined): JSXAttrValue | undefined;
visitJSXAttributeName(n: JSXAttributeName): JSXAttributeName;
visitConditionalExpression(n: ConditionalExpression): Expression;
visitCallExpression(n: CallExpression): Expression;
visitBooleanLiteral(n: BooleanLiteral): BooleanLiteral;
visitBinaryExpression(n: BinaryExpression): Expression;
visitAwaitExpression(n: AwaitExpression): Expression;
visitTsTypeParameterDeclaration(n: TsTypeParameterDeclaration | undefined): TsTypeParameterDeclaration | undefined;
visitTsTypeParameters(nodes: TsTypeParameter[]): TsTypeParameter[];
visitTsTypeParameter(n: TsTypeParameter): TsTypeParameter;
visitTsTypeAnnotation(a: TsTypeAnnotation | undefined): TsTypeAnnotation | undefined;
visitTsType(n: TsType): TsType;
visitPatterns(nodes: Pattern[]): Pattern[];
visitImportDeclaration(n: ImportDeclaration): ImportDeclaration;
visitImportSpecifiers(nodes: ImportSpecifier[]): ImportSpecifier[];
visitImportSpecifier(node: ImportSpecifier): ImportSpecifier;
visitNamedImportSpecifier(node: NamedImportSpecifier): NamedImportSpecifier;
visitImportNamespaceSpecifier(node: ImportNamespaceSpecifier): ImportNamespaceSpecifier;
visitImportDefaultSpecifier(node: ImportDefaultSpecifier): ImportSpecifier;
visitBindingIdentifier(i: BindingIdentifier): BindingIdentifier;
visitIdentifierReference(i: Identifier): Identifier;
visitLabelIdentifier(label: Identifier): Identifier;
visitIdentifier(n: Identifier): Identifier;
visitStringLiteral(n: StringLiteral): StringLiteral;
visitNumericLiteral(n: NumericLiteral): NumericLiteral;
visitBigIntLiteral(n: BigIntLiteral): BigIntLiteral;
visitPattern(n: Pattern): Pattern;
visitRestElement(n: RestElement): RestElement;
visitAssignmentPattern(n: AssignmentPattern): Pattern;
visitObjectPattern(n: ObjectPattern): Pattern;
visitObjectPatternProperties(nodes: ObjectPatternProperty[]): ObjectPatternProperty[];
visitObjectPatternProperty(n: ObjectPatternProperty): ObjectPatternProperty;
visitKeyValuePatternProperty(n: KeyValuePatternProperty): ObjectPatternProperty;
visitAssignmentPatternProperty(n: AssignmentPatternProperty): ObjectPatternProperty;
visitArrayPattern(n: ArrayPattern): Pattern;
visitArrayPatternElements(nodes: (Pattern | undefined)[]): (Pattern | undefined)[];
visitArrayPatternElement(n: Pattern | undefined): Pattern | undefined;
type ScopeVar = {
name: string;
private?: boolean;
value?: Node;
value?: Node$1;
marker?: unknown;
type BaseNode = Declaration | Expression | CatchClause | ClassDeclaration | ImportDeclaration | Param | ClassMethod | PrivateMethod | Statement | VariableDeclarator | ModuleItem;
type BaseNode = Declaration$1 | Expression$1 | CatchClause$1 | ClassDeclaration$1 | ImportDeclaration$1 | Param$1 | ClassMethod$1 | PrivateMethod$1 | Statement$1 | VariableDeclarator$1 | ModuleItem$1;
type WalkContext = {

@@ -27,3 +1239,3 @@ /** Get current script source code */

/** Replace matched node with new node, equals to `return node` */
replace(newNode: Node | Node[]): void;
replace(newNode: Node$1 | Node$1[]): void;
/** Track last variable with name */

@@ -37,11 +1249,11 @@ track(name: string): ScopeVar | undefined;

/** Prepend some statement after imports */
prepend(stmts: ModuleItem[]): void;
prepend(stmts: ModuleItem$1[]): void;
/** Append some statement before exports */
append(stmts: ModuleItem[]): void;
append(stmts: ModuleItem$1[]): void;
/** decalre module in `` */
declareModule(id: string, body: ModuleItem | ModuleItem[]): void;
declareModule(id: string, body: ModuleItem$1 | ModuleItem$1[]): void;
/** declare global types in `` */
declareGlobal(body: ModuleItem | ModuleItem[]): void;
declareGlobal(body: ModuleItem$1 | ModuleItem$1[]): void;
/** decalre global const types in ``, shorthand for `declareGlobal(genConstType(...))` */
declareGlobalConst(name: string, ty: string | TsType): void;
declareGlobalConst(name: string, ty: string | TsType$1): void;
/** declare <reference /> in `` */

@@ -53,17 +1265,17 @@ declareReference({ types, path }: {

/** prepend declarations after references in `` */
declarePrepend(stmts: ModuleItem[]): void;
declarePrepend(stmts: ModuleItem$1[]): void;
/** append declarations after all declarations in `` */
declareAppend(stmts: ModuleItem[]): void;
declareAppend(stmts: ModuleItem$1[]): void;
/** Convert source code to node list */
parse(src: string, options?: ParseOptions): ModuleItem[];
parse(src: string, options?: ParseOptions): ModuleItem$1[];
/** Convert expression to ast */
parseExpr(src: string, options?: ParseOptions): Expression;
parseExpr(src: string, options?: ParseOptions): Expression$1;
/** Convert type expression to ast */
parseType(ty: string, options?: ParseOptions): TsType;
parseType(ty: string, options?: ParseOptions): TsType$1;
/** Convert current ast node to source code */
print(ast?: Node | Node[]): string;
print(ast?: Node$1 | Node$1[]): string;
/** Convert an expression node to source code */
printExpr(expr?: Node): string;
printExpr(expr?: Node$1): string;
/** Convert a type node to source code */
printType(ty?: TsType): string;
printType(ty?: TsType$1): string;
/** Add new macro plugins to the ast walker */

@@ -77,3 +1289,3 @@ addPlugin(macro: MacroPlugin | MacroPlugin[]): void;

type TrackFunc = (this: WalkContext, name: string) => ScopeVar | undefined;
type WalkFunc = (this: WalkContext, node: Node, parent?: Node, prop?: string, index?: number) => Node | Node[] | undefined | void;
type WalkFunc = (this: WalkContext, node: Node$1, parent?: Node$1, prop?: string, index?: number) => Node$1 | Node$1[] | undefined | void;
type WalkPlugin = {

@@ -84,6 +1296,6 @@ enter?: WalkFunc;

type ExprMacro = (this: WalkContext, args: Expression[], typeParams?: TsType[], optional?: boolean) => BaseNode | BaseNode[] | void | undefined;
type TypeMacro = (this: WalkContext, typeParams?: TsType[], optional?: boolean) => BaseNode | BaseNode[] | void | undefined;
type TmplMacro = (this: WalkContext, strings: string[], ...expressions: Expression[]) => BaseNode | BaseNode[] | void | undefined;
type LabeledMacro = (this: WalkContext, stmt: Statement, parent?: BaseNode, prop?: string, index?: number) => BaseNode | BaseNode[] | void | undefined;
type ExprMacro = (this: WalkContext, args: Expression$1[], typeParams?: TsType$1[], optional?: boolean) => BaseNode | BaseNode[] | void | undefined;
type TypeMacro = (this: WalkContext, typeParams?: TsType$1[], optional?: boolean) => BaseNode | BaseNode[] | void | undefined;
type TmplMacro = (this: WalkContext, strings: string[], ...expressions: Expression$1[]) => BaseNode | BaseNode[] | void | undefined;
type LabeledMacro = (this: WalkContext, stmt: Statement$1, parent?: BaseNode, prop?: string, index?: number) => BaseNode | BaseNode[] | void | undefined;
type GlobalMacro<T = BaseNode> = (this: WalkContext, ast: T, parent?: BaseNode, prop?: string, index?: number) => void | undefined | BaseNode | BaseNode[];

@@ -151,4 +1363,4 @@ type SliceVisit<T> = T extends `visit${infer R}` ? R : never;

declare function createSwcPlugin(config: Config, src?: string, spanOffset?: number): (program: Program) => Program;
declare function transformAst(ast: Program, config: Config, src?: string, spanOffset?: number): Program & {
declare function createSwcPlugin(config: Config, src?: string, spanOffset?: number): (program: Program$1) => Program$1;
declare function transformAst(ast: Program$1, config: Config, src?: string, spanOffset?: number): Program$1 & {
dts?: string;

@@ -163,3 +1375,3 @@ };

declare function transform(code: string, config: Config): {
ast: Program;
ast: Program$1;
dts: string | undefined;

@@ -176,3 +1388,3 @@ code: string;

declare function transformAsync(code: string, config: Config): Promise<{
ast: Program;
ast: Program$1;
dts: string | undefined;

@@ -183,15 +1395,15 @@ code: string;

declare function parseExpr(expr: string, options?: ParseOptions): Expression;
declare function parseType(ty: string, options?: ParseOptions): TsType;
declare function parseExpr(expr: string, options?: ParseOptions): Expression$1;
declare function parseType(ty: string, options?: ParseOptions): TsType$1;
declare class Walker {
src: string | undefined;
node: Node;
node: Node$1;
data: Record<string, unknown>;
imports: ImportDeclaration[];
exports: ExportNamedDeclaration[];
prepends: ModuleItem[];
appends: ModuleItem[];
globalDts: ModuleItem[];
moduleDts: TsModuleDeclaration[];
imports: ImportDeclaration$1[];
exports: ExportNamedDeclaration$1[];
prepends: ModuleItem$1[];
appends: ModuleItem$1[];
globalDts: ModuleItem$1[];
moduleDts: TsModuleDeclaration$1[];
references: {

@@ -201,4 +1413,4 @@ types?: string;

prependDts: ModuleItem[];
appendDts: ModuleItem[];
prependDts: ModuleItem$1[];
appendDts: ModuleItem$1[];
importHashes: Record<string, true>;

@@ -214,8 +1426,8 @@ exportHashes: Record<string, true>;

export: (pkg: string | string[], source?: string | null, isNamespace?: boolean) => void;
prepend: (stmts: ModuleItem[]) => number;
append: (stmts: ModuleItem[]) => number;
prepend: (stmts: ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
append: (stmts: ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
addPlugin: (macro: MacroPlugin | MacroPlugin[]) => void;
declareModule: (id: string, body: ModuleItem | ModuleItem[]) => number;
declareGlobal: (body: ModuleItem | ModuleItem[]) => number;
declareGlobalConst: (name: string, ty: string | TsType) => number;
declareModule: (id: string, body: ModuleItem$1 | ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
declareGlobal: (body: ModuleItem$1 | ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
declareGlobalConst: (name: string, ty: string | TsType$1) => number;
declareReference: ({ types, path }: {

@@ -225,4 +1437,4 @@ types?: string | undefined;

}) => number;
declarePrepend: (stmts: ModuleItem[]) => number;
declareAppend: (stmts: ModuleItem[]) => number;
declarePrepend: (stmts: ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
declareAppend: (stmts: ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
defaultContext: {

@@ -235,16 +1447,16 @@ span: () => [number, number];

export: (pkg: string | string[], source?: string | null, isNamespace?: boolean) => void;
prepend: (stmts: ModuleItem[]) => number;
append: (stmts: ModuleItem[]) => number;
prepend: (stmts: ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
append: (stmts: ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
parseExpr: typeof parseExpr;
parseType: typeof parseType;
parse: (src: string, options: ParseOptions) => ModuleItem[];
printExpr: (expr: Node) => string;
printType: (ty: TsType) => string;
parse: (src: string, options: ParseOptions) => ModuleItem$1[];
printExpr: (expr: Node$1) => string;
printType: (ty: TsType$1) => string;
addPlugin: (macro: MacroPlugin | MacroPlugin[]) => void;
startTracking: () => boolean;
stopTracking: () => boolean;
declareAppend: (stmts: ModuleItem[]) => number;
declareGlobal: (body: ModuleItem | ModuleItem[]) => number;
declareModule: (id: string, body: ModuleItem | ModuleItem[]) => number;
declarePrepend: (stmts: ModuleItem[]) => number;
declareAppend: (stmts: ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
declareGlobal: (body: ModuleItem$1 | ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
declareModule: (id: string, body: ModuleItem$1 | ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
declarePrepend: (stmts: ModuleItem$1[]) => number;
declareReference: ({ types, path }: {

@@ -254,12 +1466,12 @@ types?: string | undefined;

}) => number;
declareGlobalConst: (name: string, ty: string | TsType) => number;
declareGlobalConst: (name: string, ty: string | TsType$1) => number;
constructor({ enter, leave }: WalkPlugin, src?: string, enableTracker?: boolean);
walkSingle(n: Node, parent?: Node, prop?: string, index?: number): number;
walkMany(nodes: Node[], parent?: Node, prop?: string): void;
walk(n: Node | Node[], spanOffset?: number): Node | Node[];
walkSingle(n: Node$1, parent?: Node$1, prop?: string, index?: number): number;
walkMany(nodes: Node$1[], parent?: Node$1, prop?: string): void;
walk(n: Node$1 | Node$1[], spanOffset?: number): Node$1 | Node$1[];
emit(): string;
track(name: string): ScopeVar | undefined;
declare function walk(n: Node | Node[], plugin: WalkPlugin): Node | Node[];
declare function walk(n: Node$1 | Node$1[], plugin: WalkPlugin): Node$1 | Node$1[];

@@ -311,7 +1523,7 @@ declare var $Macro: (f: MacroPlugin) => void;

declare function printType(ty: TsType, options?: Options): {
declare function printType(ty: TsType$1, options?: Options): {
code: string;
map: string | undefined;
declare function printTypeAsync(ty: TsType, options?: Options): Promise<{
declare function printTypeAsync(ty: TsType$1, options?: Options): Promise<{
code: string;

@@ -324,16 +1536,16 @@ map: string | undefined;

declare function createProxyMacro(macro: MacroPlugin): MacroPluginWithProxy;
declare function createLitMacro(map: Record<string, unknown>, typeAnnotations?: Record<string, string | TsType>): MacroPlugin;
declare function createLitMacro<T>(key: string, value: T, typeAnnotation?: string | TsType): MacroPlugin;
declare function createLitMacro(map: Record<string, unknown>, typeAnnotations?: Record<string, string | TsType$1>): MacroPlugin;
declare function createLitMacro<T>(key: string, value: T, typeAnnotation?: string | TsType$1): MacroPlugin;
declare function createExprMacro(name: string, f: Function | ExprMacro | {
enter?: ExprMacro;
leave?: ExprMacro;
}, fnType?: TsFunctionType | string): MacroPluginWithProxy;
}, fnType?: TsFunctionType$1 | string): MacroPluginWithProxy;
declare function createTypeMacro(name: string, f: TypeMacro | {
enter?: TypeMacro;
leave?: TypeMacro;
}, fnType?: TsFunctionType | string): MacroPlugin;
}, fnType?: TsFunctionType$1 | string): MacroPlugin;
declare function createTmplMacro(tag: string, f: TmplMacro | {
enter?: TmplMacro;
leave?: TmplMacro;
}, returnType?: string | TsType): MacroPlugin;
}, returnType?: string | TsType$1): MacroPlugin;
declare function createLabeledMacro(label: string, f: LabeledMacro | {

@@ -361,3 +1573,3 @@ enter?: LabeledMacro;

declare var $Concat: MacroPluginWithProxy;
declare const printTmpl: (strings: string[], exprs: Expression[]) => string;
declare const printTmpl: (strings: string[], exprs: Expression$1[]) => string;
declare const printRawTmpl: (strings: string[], exprs: unknown[]) => string;

@@ -383,13 +1595,13 @@ declare var $Expr: MacroPlugin;

declare function evalExpr<T = unknown>(expr: string): T;
declare function evalAst<F = Function>(expr: Expression): F;
declare function evalAst<F = Function>(expr: Expression$1): F;
declare function createLit(this: WalkContext, value: unknown): BaseNode;
declare function flatExpr(f: Function | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression, args: Expression[], typeParams?: TsType[], optional?: boolean): Expression;
declare function flatExpr(f: Function | FunctionDeclaration$1 | FunctionExpression$1 | ArrowFunctionExpression$1, args: Expression$1[], typeParams?: TsType$1[], optional?: boolean): Expression$1;
declare function createWalkPlugin(plugins: MacroPlugin | MacroPlugin[]): WalkPlugin;
declare function genConstType(name: string, typeAnnotation: TsType): VariableDeclaration;
declare function genTypeImport(lib: string, mod: string, kind?: string): VariableDeclaration;
declare function genTsRef(name: string): TsTypeReference;
declare function guessType(value: unknown): TsType;
declare function genImportSpecifier(name: string, isDefault?: boolean): ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier;
declare function genExportSpecifier(name: string, isNamespace?: boolean): ExportSpecifier | ExportNamespaceSpecifier;
declare function genConstType(name: string, typeAnnotation: TsType$1): VariableDeclaration$1;
declare function genTypeImport(lib: string, mod: string, kind?: string): VariableDeclaration$1;
declare function genTsRef(name: string): TsTypeReference$1;
declare function guessType(value: unknown): TsType$1;
declare function genImportSpecifier(name: string, isDefault?: boolean): ImportSpecifier$1 | ImportDefaultSpecifier$1;
declare function genExportSpecifier(name: string, isNamespace?: boolean): ExportSpecifier$1 | ExportNamespaceSpecifier$1;
export { $Ast, $Column, $Concat, $Env, $Eval, $Expr, $ExprMacro, $ID, $Include, $IncludeJSON, $IncludeStr, $LabeledMacro, $Line, $LitMacro, $Macro, $Quote, $Span, $Stringify, $TmplMacro, $Todo, $TypeMacro, $UnImplemented, $UnReachable, $WriteFile, BaseNode, Config, ExprMacro, GlobalMacro, GlobalMacroPlugin, LabeledMacro, MacroOptions, MacroPlugin, MacroPluginWithProxy, ScopeVar, TmplMacro, TrackFunc, TypeMacro, WalkContext, WalkFunc, WalkPlugin, Walker, createExprMacro, createLabeledBlock, createLabeledExpr, createLabeledMacro, createLit, createLitMacro, createMacro, createProxyMacro, createSwcPlugin, createTmplMacro, createTypeMacro, createWalkPlugin, defineConfig, evalAst, evalExpr, flatExpr, genConstType, genExportSpecifier, genImportSpecifier, genTsRef, genTypeImport, getSpanOffset, guessType, hash, hashMap, isMacroPlugin, isMacroProxy, isNode, isRegExp, macro, markedNode, noop, parseExpr, parseType, print, printAst, printAsync, printExpr, printExprAsync, printRawTmpl, printTmpl, printType, printTypeAsync, span, transform, transformAst, transformAsync, unMarkNode, walk };


"name": "@macro-plugin/core",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.1",
"description": "Macro system for JavaScript and TypeScript.",

@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"scripts": {
"build": "rollup -c ../../rollup.config.mjs"
"dependencies": {
"@swc/core": "^1.3.40"
"homepage": "",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"sideEffects": false,

@@ -45,3 +47,6 @@ "exports": {

"author": "Raven Satir",
"license": "MIT"
"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {
"build": "rollup -c ../../rollup.config.mjs"

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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