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@@ -7,1089 +7,44 @@ /**

/// <reference types="react" />
import { AdmonitionKind } from 'lexical';
import { ContentEditable } from '@lexical/react/LexicalContentEditable';
import { DecoratorNode } from 'lexical';
import type { DOMConversionMap } from 'lexical';
import type { DOMExportOutput } from 'lexical';
import { EditorConfig } from 'lexical';
import { EditorThemeClasses } from 'lexical';
import { ElementNode } from 'lexical';
import { FromMarkdownOptions } from 'mdast-util-from-markdown/lib';
import { Klass } from 'lexical';
import { LeafDirective } from 'mdast-util-directive';
import { LexicalEditor } from 'lexical';
import { LexicalNode } from 'lexical';
import * as Mdast from 'mdast';
import { MdxJsxAttribute } from 'mdast-util-mdx-jsx';
import { NodeKey } from 'lexical';
import { ParseOptions } from 'mdast-util-from-markdown/lib';
import * as RadixToolbar from '@radix-ui/react-toolbar';
import { RangeSelection } from 'lexical';
import { default as React_2 } from 'react';
import { RootNode } from 'lexical';
import { SandpackProvider } from '@codesandbox/sandpack-react';
import { SerializedEditorState } from 'lexical';
import { SerializedElementNode } from 'lexical';
import { SerializedLexicalNode } from 'lexical';
import { Spread } from 'lexical';
import { ToMarkdownExtension as ToMarkdownExtension_2 } from 'mdast-util-mdx';
import { Options as ToMarkdownOptions } from 'mdast-util-to-markdown';
import { ToMarkdownOptions as ToMarkdownOptions_2 } from 'mdast-util-mdx';
* Creates an {@link AdmonitionNode}.
* @param kind - The kind of admonition to create. Accepts `'note' | 'tip' | 'danger' | 'info' | 'caution'`
export declare function $createAdmonitionNode(kind?: AdmonitionKind): AdmonitionNode;
* Creates a {@link CodeBlockNode}.
* @param options - The code contents, the language (i.e. js, jsx, etc.), and the additional meta data of the block.
export declare function $createCodeBlockNode(options: CreateCodeBlockNodeOptions): CodeBlockNode;
* Creates a {@link FrontmatterNode}.
* @param yaml - The YAML string of the frontmatter.
export declare function $createFrontmatterNode(yaml: string): FrontmatterNode;
* Creates an {@link ImageNode}.
* @param options - The payload to create an image. The keys map to the img tag attributes.
export declare function $createImageNode(options: CreateImageNodeOptions): ImageNode;
* Creates a {@link JsxNode}.
* @param options - The payload necessary for the creation of a {@link JsxNode}.
* @see {@link CreateJsxNodeOptions} for more details.
export declare function $createJsxNode(options: CreateJsxNodeOptions): JsxNode;
* Creates an {@link LeafDirectiveNode}.
export declare function $createLeafDirectiveNode(mdastNode: LeafDirective): LeafDirectiveNode;
* Creates a {@link SandpackNode}.
export declare function $createSandpackNode(options: CreateSandpackNodeOptions): SandpackNode;
* Creates a {@link TableNode}
* @param mdastNode - The mdast node to create the {@link TableNode} from.
export declare function $createTableNode(mdastNode: Mdast.Table): TableNode;
* Returns `true` if the given node is an {@link AdmonitionNode}.
export declare function $isAdmonitionNode(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined): node is AdmonitionNode;
* Returns true if the given node is a {@link CodeBlockNode}.
export declare function $isCodeBlockNode(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined): node is CodeBlockNode;
* Returns `true` if the given node is a {@link FrontmatterNode}.
export declare function $isFrontmatterNode(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined): node is FrontmatterNode;
* Retruns true if the node is an {@link ImageNode}.
export declare function $isImageNode(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined): node is ImageNode;
* Returns true if a node is a {@link JsxNode}.
export declare function $isJsxNode(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined): node is JsxNode;
* Retruns true if the node is an {@link LeafDirectiveNode}.
export declare function $isLeafDirectiveNode(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined): node is LeafDirectiveNode;
* Returns true if the given node is a {@link SandpackNode}.
export declare function $isSandpackNode(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined): node is SandpackNode;
* Retruns true if the given node is a {@link TableNode}.
export declare function $isTableNode(node: LexicalNode | null | undefined): node is TableNode;
export { AdmonitionKind }
* A lexical node that represents the markdown directives (better known as admonitions, thanks to Docusaurus). Use {@link "$createAdmonitionNode"} to construct one.
* @remarks
* An admonition in markdown looks like this:
* ```md
* :::tip
* Some **content** with _Markdown_ `syntax`. Check [this `api`](#).
* :::
* ```
export declare class AdmonitionNode extends ElementNode {
__kind: AdmonitionKind;
static getType(): string;
getKind(): AdmonitionKind;
setKind(kind: AdmonitionKind): void;
static clone(node: AdmonitionNode): AdmonitionNode;
constructor(kind?: AdmonitionKind, key?: NodeKey);
createDOM(config: EditorConfig): HTMLElement;
updateDOM(_prevNode: AdmonitionNode, _dom: HTMLElement): boolean;
static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedAdmonitionNode): AdmonitionNode;
exportJSON(): SerializedElementNode;
insertNewAfter(_: RangeSelection, restoreSelection?: boolean): AdmonitionNode;
collapseAtStart(): true;
declare interface CodeBlockEditorProps extends SandpackEditorProps {
language: string;
* A lexical node that represents a fenced code block. Use {@link "$createCodeBlockNode"} to construct one.
export declare class CodeBlockNode extends DecoratorNode<JSX.Element> {
__code: string;
__meta: string;
__language: string;
__focusEmitter: {
publish: () => void;
subscribe: (cb: () => void) => void;
static getType(): string;
static clone(node: CodeBlockNode): CodeBlockNode;
static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedCodeBlockNode): CodeBlockNode;
constructor(code: string, language: string, meta: string, key?: NodeKey);
exportJSON(): SerializedCodeBlockNode;
createDOM(_config: EditorConfig): HTMLDivElement;
updateDOM(): false;
getCode(): string;
getMeta(): string;
getLanguage(): string;
setCode(code: string): void;
setMeta(meta: string): void;
setLanguage(language: string): void;
select(): void;
decorate(_editor: LexicalEditor, { theme: { nodeDecoratorComponents: { CodeBlockEditor } } }: ExtendedEditorConfig): JSX.Element;
declare type CoordinatesSubscription = (coords: [colIndex: number, rowIndex: number]) => void;
* The options necessary to construct a {@link CodeBlockNode}.
export declare interface CreateCodeBlockNodeOptions {
* The code contents of the block.
code: string;
* The additional meta data of the block.
meta: string;
* The language of the code block (i.e. `js`, `jsx`, etc.). This is used for syntax highlighting.
language: string;
* The payload to create an {@link ImageNode}.
export declare interface CreateImageNodeOptions {
altText: string;
title?: string;
key?: NodeKey;
src: string;
* The payload to create a {@link JsxNode}.
export declare interface CreateJsxNodeOptions {
* The name of the JSX element.
name: string;
* The type of the element - markdown makes a distinction between text and flow elements.
kind: JsxKind;
* The attributes of the JSX element.
attributes: Array<MdxJsxAttribute>;
* The tree state of the children.
state?: SerializedEditorState;
* If passed, this function will be called with the root paragraph node of the editor.
updateFn?: updateFn;
* The options necessary to construct a {@link SandpackNode}.
export declare interface CreateSandpackNodeOptions {
code: string;
meta: string;
language: string;
export declare interface CustomLeafDirectiveEditor<T extends LeafDirective> {
testNode: (mdastNode: LeafDirective) => boolean;
Editor: React_2.ComponentType<LeafDirectiveEditorProps<T>>;
* The default set of lexical nodes used in the editor.
declare const defaultLexicalNodes: Record<string, Klass<LexicalNode>>;
* A structure that holds the default values for the options used in the markdown import/export steps.
* Most options are exported as records, so that you can pick a specific value using its name rather than its index which can change.
* The actual MDXEditor props accept arrays, so you should use the `Object.values` function to convert the records to arrays.
export declare type DefaultMdxOptionValues = {
/** The default values for the options used in the import step */
markdownParse: {
defaultVisitors: Record<string, MdastImportVisitor<Mdast.Content>>;
defaultSyntaxExtensions: Record<string, SyntaxExtension>;
defaultMdastExtensions: Record<string, MdastExtension>;
/** The default values for the options used in the markdown export step */
lexicalConvert: {
defaultVisitors: Record<string, LexicalExportVisitor<LexicalNode, Mdast.Content>>;
defaultExtensions: Record<string, ToMarkdownExtension_2>;
defaultMarkdownOptions: ToMarkdownOptions_2;
/** The default lexical nodes used by the underlying Lexical framework */
defaultLexicalNodes: typeof defaultLexicalNodes;
* Exports the default values for the options used in the markdown import/export steps.
export declare const defaultMdxOptionValues: DefaultMdxOptionValues;
declare interface DialogButtonProps {
autocompleteSuggestions?: string[];
onSubmit: (value: string) => void;
tooltipTitle: string;
buttonContent?: React_2.ReactNode;
dialogInputPlaceholder: string;
submitButtonTitle: string;
declare type ExtendedEditorConfig = EditorConfig & {
theme: EditorConfig['theme'] & {
nodeDecoratorComponents: NodeDecoratorComponents;
declare interface FrontmatterEditorProps {
yaml: string;
onChange: (yaml: string) => void;
* Represents {@link | the frontmatter} of the markdown document.
* Use {@link "$createFrontmatterNode"} to construct one.
export declare class FrontmatterNode extends DecoratorNode<JSX.Element> {
__yaml: string;
static getType(): string;
static clone(node: FrontmatterNode): FrontmatterNode;
static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedFrontmatterNode): FrontmatterNode;
constructor(code: string, key?: NodeKey);
exportJSON(): SerializedFrontmatterNode;
createDOM(_config: EditorConfig): HTMLDivElement;
updateDOM(): false;
getYaml(): string;
setYaml(yaml: string): void;
decorate(editor: LexicalEditor, { theme: { nodeDecoratorComponents: { FrontmatterEditor } } }: ExtendedEditorConfig): JSX.Element;
declare interface ImageEditorProps {
nodeKey: string;
src: string;
title?: string;
* A lexical node that represents an image. Use {@link "$createImageNode"} to construct one.
export declare class ImageNode extends DecoratorNode<JSX.Element> {
__src: string;
__altText: string;
__title: string | undefined;
static getType(): string;
static clone(node: ImageNode): ImageNode;
static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedImageNode): ImageNode;
exportDOM(): DOMExportOutput;
static importDOM(): DOMConversionMap | null;
constructor(src: string, altText: string, title: string | undefined, key?: NodeKey);
exportJSON(): SerializedImageNode;
createDOM(config: EditorConfig): HTMLElement;
updateDOM(): false;
getSrc(): string;
getAltText(): string;
getTitle(): string | undefined;
setTitle(title: string | undefined): void;
decorate(_parentEditor: LexicalEditor, { theme: { nodeDecoratorComponents: { ImageEditor } } }: ExtendedEditorConfig): JSX.Element;
declare const IS_BOLD: 1;
declare const IS_ITALIC: 2;
declare const IS_UNDERLINE: 8;
* Defines the structure of a JSX component that can be used within the markdown document.
export declare interface JsxComponentDescriptor {
* The tag name
name: string;
* Wether the component is a flow or text component (inline or block)
kind: 'flow' | 'text';
* The module path from which the component can be imported
source: string;
* Wether the component is the default export of the module
defaultExport?: boolean;
* The properties that can be applied to the component
props: Array<JsxPropertyDescriptor>;
declare interface JsxEditorProps {
kind: JsxKind;
attributes: MdxJsxAttribute[];
componentName: string;
onSubmit: (values: Record<string, string>) => void;
theme: EditorThemeClasses;
editor: LexicalEditor;
declare type JsxKind = 'text' | 'flow';
* A lexical node that represents a JSX element. Use {@link "$createJsxNode"} to construct one.
export declare class JsxNode extends DecoratorNode<JSX.Element> {
__kind: JsxKind;
__name: string;
__attributes: Array<MdxJsxAttribute>;
__editor: LexicalEditor;
static getType(): string;
static clone(node: JsxNode): JsxNode;
static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedJsxNode): JsxNode;
constructor({ name, kind, attributes, state, updateFn, key }: JsxNodeConstructorParams);
exportJSON(): SerializedJsxNode;
inNestedEditor(callback: () => void): void;
getChildren(): Array<LexicalNode>;
createDOM(): HTMLElement;
updateDOM(): false;
getName(): string;
getKind(): JsxKind;
getAttributes(): MdxJsxAttribute[];
updateAttributes(attributeValues: Record<string, string>): void;
decorate(_parentEditor: LexicalEditor, { theme: { nodeDecoratorComponents: { JsxEditor } } }: ExtendedEditorConfig): JSX.Element;
* The parameters of the {@link JsxNode} constructor.
export declare interface JsxNodeConstructorParams extends CreateJsxNodeOptions {
key?: NodeKey;
* Defines the structure of a JSX component property.
export declare interface JsxPropertyDescriptor {
* The name of the property
name: string;
* The type of the property
type: 'string' | 'number';
* Wether the property is required
required?: boolean;
export declare interface LeafDirectiveEditorProps<T extends LeafDirective> {
/** The Lexical editor that contains the node */
parentEditor: LexicalEditor;
/** The Lexical node that is being edited */
leafDirective: LeafDirectiveNode;
/** The MDAST node that is being edited */
mdastNode: T;
* A lexical node that represents an image. Use {@link "$createLeafDirectiveNode"} to construct one.
export declare class LeafDirectiveNode extends DecoratorNode<JSX.Element> {
__mdastNode: LeafDirective;
static getType(): string;
static clone(node: LeafDirectiveNode): LeafDirectiveNode;
static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedLeafDirectiveNode): LeafDirectiveNode;
constructor(mdastNode: LeafDirective, key?: NodeKey);
getMdastNode(): LeafDirective;
exportJSON(): SerializedLeafDirectiveNode;
createDOM(): HTMLElement;
updateDOM(): false;
setMdastNode(mdastNode: LeafDirective): void;
decorate(parentEditor: LexicalEditor, { theme: { nodeDecoratorComponents: { LeafDirectiveEditor } } }: ExtendedEditorConfig): JSX.Element;
isInline(): boolean;
isKeyboardSelectable(): boolean;
* Configures how the lexical tree is converted to a mdast tree and then to markdown.
export declare interface LexicalConvertOptions {
* The visitors to use when processing the lexical tree
visitors?: LexicalVisitor[];
* the markdown extensions to use
toMarkdownExtensions?: Array<ToMarkdownExtension>;
* The options to pass to `toMarkdown`
toMarkdownOptions?: ToMarkdownOptions;
* Implement this interface in order to process mdast node(s) into a lexical tree.
* This is part of the process that converts the editor contents to markdown.
export declare interface LexicalExportVisitor<LN extends LexicalNode, UN extends Mdast.Content> {
* Return true if the given node is of the type that this visitor can process.
* You can safely use the node type guard functions (as in $isParagraphNode, $isLinkNode, etc.) here.
testLexicalNode?(lexicalNode: LexicalNode): lexicalNode is LN;
* Process the given node and manipulate the mdast tree accordingly.
* @see {@link LexicalNodeVisitParams} and {@link LexicalVisitActions} for more information.
visitLexicalNode?(params: LexicalNodeVisitParams<LN>): void;
* Return true if the current node should be joined with the previous node.
* This is necessary due to some inconsistencies between the lexical tree and the mdast tree when it comes to formatting.
shouldJoin?(prevNode: Mdast.Content, currentNode: UN): boolean;
* Join the current node with the previous node, returning the resulting new node
* For this to be called by the tree walk, shouldJoin must return true.
join?<T extends Mdast.Content>(prevNode: T, currentNode: T): T;
* The params passed to the {@link LexicalExportVisitor.visitLexicalNode} method.
export declare interface LexicalNodeVisitParams<T extends LexicalNode> {
* The lexical node that is being visited.
lexicalNode: T;
* The mdast parent node that the result of the lexical node conversion should be appended to.
mdastParent: Mdast.Parent;
* A set of actions that can be used to manipulate the mdast tree.
* These are "convenience" utilities that avoid the repetitive boilerplate of creating mdast nodes.
actions: LexicalVisitActions<T>;
* A set of covenience utilities to manipulate the mdast tree when processing lexical nodes.
export declare interface LexicalVisitActions<T extends LexicalNode> {
* Iterate over the immediate children of a lexical node with the given mdast node as a parent.
visitChildren(node: T, mdastParent: Mdast.Parent): void;
* Create a new mdast node with the given type, and props.
* Iterate over the immediate children of the current lexical node with the new mdast node as a parent.
* @param hasChildren - true by default. Pass false to skip iterating over the lexical node children.
addAndStepInto(type: string, props?: Record<string, unknown>, hasChildren?: boolean): void;
* Append a new mdast node to a parent node.
* @param parentNode - the mdast parent node to append the new node to.
* @param node - the mdast node to append.
appendToParent<T extends Mdast.Parent>(parentNode: T, node: T['children'][number]): T['children'][number] | Mdast.Root;
* Used when processing JSX nodes so that later, the correct import statement can be added to the document.
* @param componentName - the name of the component that has to be imported.
* @see {@link JsxComponentDescriptor}
registerReferredComponent(componentName: string): void;
declare type LexicalVisitor = LexicalExportVisitor<LexicalNode, Mdast.Content>;
* Options that control how the the markdown input string is parsed into a tree.
* @see {@link | fromMarkdown}
export declare interface MarkdownParseOptions {
* The visitors to process the markdown AST with.
visitors?: MdastImportVisitor<Mdast.Content>[];
* The extensions to use for the markdown parser. Passed as the `extensions` option to the `fromMarkdown` function.
syntaxExtensions?: NonNullable<ParseOptions['extensions']>;
* The mdast extensions to use for the markdown parser. Passed as the `mdastExtensions` option to the `fromMarkdown` function.
mdastExtensions?: NonNullable<FromMarkdownOptions['mdastExtensions']>;
declare interface MarkdownParseOptions_2 extends Omit<MdastTreeImportOptions, 'mdastRoot'> {
markdown: string;
syntaxExtensions: NonNullable<ParseOptions['extensions']>;
mdastExtensions: NonNullable<FromMarkdownOptions['mdastExtensions']>;
* An extension for the `fromMarkdown` utility tree construction.
declare type MdastExtension = MarkdownParseOptions_2['mdastExtensions'][number];
* Implement this interface to convert certian mdast nodes into lexical nodes.
* @typeParam UN - The type of the mdast node that is being visited.
export declare interface MdastImportVisitor<UN extends Mdast.Content> {
* The test function that determines if this visitor should be used for the given node.
* As a convenience, you can also pass a string here, which will be compared to the node's type.
testNode: ((mdastNode: Mdast.Content | Mdast.Root) => boolean) | string;
* The function that is called when the node is visited. See {@link MdastVisitParams} for details.
visitNode(params: MdastVisitParams<UN>): void;
* The options of the tree import utility. Not meant to be used directly.
export declare interface MdastTreeImportOptions {
root: RootNode;
visitors: Array<MdastImportVisitor<Mdast.Content>>;
mdastRoot: Mdast.Root;
* A set of actions that can be used to modify the lexical tree while visiting the mdast tree.
export declare interface MdastVisitActions {
* Iterate the children of the node with the lexical node as the parent.
visitChildren(node: Mdast.Parent, lexicalParent: LexicalNode): void;
* Add the given node to the lexical tree, and iterate the current mdast node's children with the newly created lexical node as a parent.
addAndStepInto(lexicalNode: LexicalNode): void;
* Adds formatting as a context for the current node and its children.
* This is necessary due to mdast treating formatting as a node, while lexical considering it an attribute of a node.
addFormatting(format: typeof IS_BOLD | typeof IS_ITALIC | typeof IS_UNDERLINE): void;
* Access the current formatting context.
getParentFormatting(): number;
* Parameters passe to the {@link MdastImportVisitor.visitNode} function.
* @param mdastNode - The node that is currently being visited.
* @param lexicalParent - The parent lexical node to which the results of the processing should be added.
* @param actions - A set of convenience utilities that can be used to add nodes to the lexical tree.
* @typeParam T - The type of the mdast node that is being visited.
export declare interface MdastVisitParams<T extends Mdast.Content> {
mdastNode: T;
lexicalParent: LexicalNode;
actions: MdastVisitActions;
* The MDXEditor React component. See {@link MDXEditorProps} for the list of available props and the {@link MDXEditorMethods} for the methods exposed through the ref.
export declare const MDXEditor: React_2.ForwardRefExoticComponent<MDXEditorProps & React_2.RefAttributes<MDXEditorMethods>>;
* The interface for the {@link MDXEditor} object reference.
* @example
* ```tsx
* const mdxEditorRef = React.useRef<MDXEditorMethods>(null)
* <MDXEditor ref={mdxEditorRef} />
* ```
export declare interface MDXEditorMethods {
* Gets the current markdown value.
getMarkdown: () => string;
* Updates the markdown value of the editor.
setMarkdown: (value: string) => void;
* The properties of the {@link MDXEditor} react component
export declare interface MDXEditorProps {
* The markdown content to be edited.
* Notice: this is the initial value of the editor.
* If you want to change the value of the editor, use the `setMarkdown` method.
markdown: string;
* The configuration for the sandpack editor that's used for the fenced code blocks.
* @see the {@link SandpackConfig} interface for more details.
sandpackConfig?: SandpackConfig;
* The markdown content to use for the diff view mode. If not provided, the contents of the `markdown` prop will be used.
headMarkdown?: string;
* The configuration for the JSX components used in the markdown content.
* @see the {@link JsxComponentDescriptor} interface for more details.
jsxComponentDescriptors?: JsxComponentDescriptor[];
* The list of suggestions to be shown in the link autocomplete dialog dropdown.
linkAutocompleteSuggestions?: string[];
* The list of suggestions to be shown in the image autocomplete dialog dropdown.
imageAutoCompleteSuggestions?: string[];
* The set of components to be rendered in the toolbar.
toolbarComponents?: React_2.ComponentType[];
* The initial view mode for the editor. Defaults to `ViewMode.editor`.
viewMode?: ViewMode;
* Triggered when the markdown content changes.
onChange?: (markdown: string) => void;
* The CSS class name to be applied to the wrapper element of the component.
className?: string;
* The CSS class name to be applied to the content editable element.
contentEditableClassName?: string;
* The options to be used when parsing the markdown content.
* @see the {@link MarkdownParseOptions} interface for more details.
markdownParseOptions?: MarkdownParseOptions;
* The {@link | Lexical nodes} used by the editor.
lexicalNodes?: Klass<LexicalNode>[];
* The options used when converting the lexical tree to markdown.
* @see the {@link LexicalConvertOptions} interface for more details.
lexicalConvertOptions?: LexicalConvertOptions;
* The supported code block languages.
codeBlockLanguages?: Record<string, string>;
* Implement this so that users can drag and drop or paste images into the editor.
* Pass an implementation that takes a file as an argument, and returns Promise<string>, where string is the url of the image to be inserted.
* @example
* ```
*async function imageUploadHandler(image: File) {
* const formData = new FormData()
* formData.append('image', image)
* const response = await fetch('/uploads/new', { method: 'POST', body: formData })
* const json = (await response.json()) as { url: string }
* return json.url
* ```
imageUploadHandler?: (image: File) => Promise<string>;
customLeafDirectiveEditors?: CustomLeafDirectiveEditor<any>[];
* A nested editor React component that allows editing of the contents of complex markdown nodes that have nested markdown content (for example, custom directives or JSX elements). See the {@link NestedEditorProps} for more details on the compoment props.
* @example
* You can use a type param to specify the type of the mdast node
* ```tsx
* interface CalloutDirectiveNode extends LeafDirective {
* name: 'callout'
* children: Mdast.PhrasingContent[]
* }
* return <NestedEditor<CalloutDirectiveNode> getContent={node => node.children} getUpdatedMdastNode={(node, children) => ({ ...node, children })} />
* ```
export declare const NestedEditor: <T extends Mdast.Content>(props: NestedEditorProps<T>) => React_2.JSX.Element;
* The properties of the {@link NestedEditor} React Component.
* @typeParam T - The type of the mdast node of the editor.
export declare interface NestedEditorProps<T extends Mdast.Content> {
* A function that returns the phrasing content of the mdast node. In most cases, this will be the `children` property of the mdast node, but you can also have multiple nested nodes with their own children.
getContent: (mdastNode: T) => Mdast.PhrasingContent[];
* A function that should return the updated mdast node based on the original mdast node and the new content (serialized as mdast tree) produced by the editor.
getUpdatedMdastNode: (mdastNode: T, children: Mdast.PhrasingContent[]) => T;
* Props passed to the {@link | ContentEditable} component.
contentEditableProps?: React_2.ComponentProps<typeof ContentEditable>;
declare interface NodeDecoratorComponents {
FrontmatterEditor: React.FC<FrontmatterEditorProps>;
JsxEditor: React.FC<JsxEditorProps>;
SandpackEditor: React.FC<SandpackEditorProps>;
CodeBlockEditor: React.FC<CodeBlockEditorProps>;
TableEditor: React.FC<TableEditorProps>;
ImageEditor: React.FC<ImageEditorProps>;
LeafDirectiveEditor: React.FC<LeafDirectiveEditorProps<LeafDirective>>;
* The configuration for the available sandpack presets.
export declare interface SandpackConfig {
* The name of the default preset that will be used if no meta (other than live) is set.
defaultPreset: string;
* The list of sandpack presets that can be used.
presets: Array<SandpackPreset>;
declare interface SandpackEditorProps {
code: string;
nodeKey: string;
meta: string;
onChange: (code: string) => void;
focusEmitter: VoidEmitter;
* A lexical node that represents a live code block that gets a preview. Use {@link "$createSandpackNode"} to construct one.
export declare class SandpackNode extends DecoratorNode<JSX.Element> {
__code: string;
__meta: string;
__language: string;
__focusEmitter: {
publish: () => void;
subscribe: (cb: () => void) => void;
static getType(): string;
static clone(node: SandpackNode): SandpackNode;
static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedSandpackNode): SandpackNode;
constructor(code: string, language: string, meta: string, key?: NodeKey);
exportJSON(): SerializedSandpackNode;
createDOM(_config: EditorConfig): HTMLDivElement;
updateDOM(): false;
getCode(): string;
getMeta(): string;
getLanguage(): string;
setCode(code: string): void;
setMeta(meta: string): void;
setLanguage(language: string): void;
select(): void;
decorate(_parentEditor: LexicalEditor, { theme: { nodeDecoratorComponents: { SandpackEditor } } }: ExtendedEditorConfig): JSX.Element;
* Defines a single preset that can be used to create a sandbox.
export declare interface SandpackPreset {
* The name of the preset - use this to reference the preset from the defaultPreset field.
name: string;
* The label of the preset, displayed in the sandpack button dropdown.
label: string;
* The meta string that will be used to identify the preset from the fenced code block. e.g. "live react"
meta: string;
* The sandpack template that will be used to create the sandbox. e.g. "react", "react-ts", "vanilla".
sandpackTemplate: SandpackProviderProps['template'];
* The sandpack theme that will be used to create the sandbox. e.g. "light", "dark".
sandpackTheme: SandpackProviderProps['theme'];
* The name of the file that will be created in the sandbox. e.g. "/App.js".
snippetFileName: string;
* The dependencies that will be added to the sandbox, just like in package.json.
dependencies?: Record<string, string>;
* The files that will be added to the sandbox (read-only).
* The key is the name of the file, and the value is the contents of the file.
files?: Record<string, string>;
* The language used in the editable snippet. e.g. "jsx", "tsx", etc.
snippetLanguage?: string;
* The initial content of the editable snippet.
initialSnippetContent?: string;
declare type SandpackProviderProps = React_2.ComponentProps<typeof SandpackProvider>;
* A serialized representation of an {@link AdmonitionNode}.
export declare type SerializedAdmonitionNode = Spread<{
type: 'admonition';
kind: AdmonitionKind;
version: 1;
}, SerializedElementNode>;
* A serialized representation of an {@link CodeBlockNode}.
export declare type SerializedCodeBlockNode = Spread<CreateCodeBlockNodeOptions & {
type: 'codeblock';
version: 1;
}, SerializedLexicalNode>;
* A serialized representation of an {@link FrontmatterNode}.
export declare type SerializedFrontmatterNode = Spread<{
yaml: string;
version: 1;
}, SerializedLexicalNode>;
* A serialized representation of an {@link ImageNode}.
export declare type SerializedImageNode = Spread<{
altText: string;
title?: string;
src: string;
type: 'image';
version: 1;
}, SerializedLexicalNode>;
* A serialized representation of a {@link JsxNode}.
export declare type SerializedJsxNode = Spread<Omit<CreateJsxNodeOptions, 'updateFn'> & {
version: 1;
type: 'jsx';
}, SerializedLexicalNode>;
* A serialized representation of an {@link LeafDirectiveNode}.
export declare type SerializedLeafDirectiveNode = Spread<{
mdastNode: LeafDirective;
type: 'leafDirective';
version: 1;
}, SerializedLexicalNode>;
* A serialized representation of an {@link SandpackNode}.
export declare type SerializedSandpackNode = Spread<CreateSandpackNodeOptions & {
type: 'sandpack';
version: 1;
}, SerializedLexicalNode>;
* A serialized representation of a {@link TableNode}.
export declare type SerializedTableNode = Spread<{
mdastNode: Mdast.Table;
}, SerializedLexicalNode>;
* An extension for the `fromMarkdown` utility markdown parse.
declare type SyntaxExtension = MarkdownParseOptions_2['syntaxExtensions'][number];
declare interface TableEditorProps {
parentEditor: LexicalEditor;
lexicalTable: TableNode;
mdastNode: Mdast.Table;
* A lexical node that represents a table, with features specific to the markdown tables.
* Use {@link "$createTableNode"} to construct one.
export declare class TableNode extends DecoratorNode<JSX.Element> {
__mdastNode: Mdast.Table;
focusEmitter: {
publish: (coords: [colIndex: number, rowIndex: number]) => void;
subscribe: (cb: CoordinatesSubscription) => void;
static getType(): string;
static clone(node: TableNode): TableNode;
static importJSON(serializedNode: SerializedTableNode): TableNode;
exportJSON(): SerializedTableNode;
getMdastNode(): Mdast.Table;
getRowCount(): number;
getColCount(): number;
constructor(mdastNode?: Mdast.Table, key?: NodeKey);
createDOM(): HTMLElement;
updateDOM(): false;
updateCellContents(colIndex: number, rowIndex: number, children: Mdast.PhrasingContent[]): void;
insertColumnAt(colIndex: number): void;
deleteColumnAt(colIndex: number): void;
insertRowAt(y: number): void;
deleteRowAt(rowIndex: number): void;
addRowToBottom(): void;
addColumnToRight(): void;
setColumnAlign(colIndex: number, align: Mdast.AlignType): void;
decorate(parentEditor: LexicalEditor, { theme: { nodeDecoratorComponents: { TableEditor } } }: ExtendedEditorConfig): JSX.Element;
select(coords: [colIndex: number, rowIndex: number]): void;
isInline(): false;
declare type ToMarkdownExtension = NonNullable<ToMarkdownOptions['extensions']>[number];
export { ToMarkdownOptions }
* A dictionary with all built-in Toolbar components that can be used within the toolbar.
* @see To customize the toolbar, pass an array of what you need to the {@link MDXEditorProps.toolbarComponents}.
export declare const ToolbarComponents: {
BlockTypeSelect: () => React_2.JSX.Element;
BoldItalicUnderlineButtons: React_2.FC<{}>;
CodeBlockButton: React_2.FC<{}>;
CodeFormattingButton: React_2.FC<{}>;
FrontmatterButton: React_2.FC<{}>;
GroupGroup: React_2.FC<{
children: React_2.ReactNode;
HorizontalRuleButton: React_2.FC<{}>;
LinkButton: React_2.FC<{}>;
ListButtons: React_2.FC<{}>;
SandpackButton: React_2.FC<{}>;
TableButton: React_2.FC<{}>;
ToggleItem: React_2.ForwardRefExoticComponent<RadixToolbar.ToolbarToggleItemProps & {
title: string;
} & React_2.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>;
ToggleSingleGroup: React_2.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Omit<RadixToolbar.ToolbarToggleGroupSingleProps, "type"> & React_2.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
ToggleSingleGroupWithItem: React_2.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Omit<RadixToolbar.ToolbarToggleGroupSingleProps, "type"> & {
on: boolean;
title: string;
} & React_2.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
ToolbarButton: React_2.ForwardRefExoticComponent<RadixToolbar.ToolbarButtonProps & {
title: string;
} & React_2.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>;
ToolbarSeparator: React_2.ForwardRefExoticComponent<RadixToolbar.ToolbarSeparatorProps & React_2.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
ImageButton: React_2.ForwardRefExoticComponent<Omit<Record<string, never>, "ref"> & React_2.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>;
DialogButton: React_2.ForwardRefExoticComponent<DialogButtonProps & React_2.RefAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>>;
export declare type updateFn = (node: LexicalNode) => void;
* A hook that returns a function that can be used to update the mdast node. Use this in your custom editor components.
export declare function useMdastNodeUpdater<T extends Mdast.Content>(): (node: T) => void;
* The editor view mode.
* editor - The default rich text view mode.
* markdown - plain text markdown edit mode.
* diff - side by side comparison with the original markdown (passed as `headMarkdown`).
declare type ViewMode = 'editor' | 'markdown' | 'diff';
declare interface VoidEmitter {
publish: () => void;
subscribe: (callback: () => void) => void;
export { }
export * from './MDXEditor';
export * from './plugins/headings';
export * from './plugins/thematic-break';
export * from './plugins/lists';
export * from './plugins/table';
export * from './plugins/link';
export * from './plugins/image';
export * from './plugins/frontmatter';
export * from './plugins/quote';
export * from './plugins/jsx';
export * from './jsx-editors/GenericJsxEditor';
export * from './plugins/sandpack';
export * from './plugins/codemirror';
export * from './plugins/codeblock';
export * from './plugins/directives';
export * from './directive-editors/AdmonitionDirectiveDescriptor';
export * from './directive-editors/GenericDirectiveEditor';
export * from './plugins/link-dialog';
export * from './plugins/toolbar';
export * from './plugins/diff-source';
export * from './plugins/markdown-shortcut';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/BlockTypeSelect';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/BoldItalicUnderlineToggles';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/ChangeAdmonitionType';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/ChangeCodeMirrorLanguage';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/CodeToggle';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/CreateLink';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/DiffSourceToggleWrapper';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/InsertAdmonition';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/InsertCodeBlock';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/InsertFrontmatter';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/InsertImage';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/InsertSandpack';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/InsertTable';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/InsertThematicBreak';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/ListsToggle';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/ShowSandpackInfo';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/UndoRedo';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/components/KitchenSinkToolbar';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/primitives/toolbar';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/primitives/DialogButton';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/primitives/TooltipWrap';
export * from './plugins/toolbar/primitives/select';

@@ -1,74 +0,135 @@

import { d, g, j, l, m, x, p, w, f, h, k, $, n, y, q, v, A, C, F, I, J, L, M, b, o, r, T, z, c } from "./index-ce0832cc.js";
import { AdmonitionKind } from "lexical";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalComposer";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalContentEditable";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalErrorBoundary";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalHorizontalRulePlugin";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalLinkPlugin";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalListPlugin";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalRichTextPlugin";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalTabIndentationPlugin";
import "classnames";
import "react";
import "@lexical/code";
import "@lexical/link";
import "@lexical/list";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalHorizontalRuleNode";
import "@lexical/rich-text";
import "mdast-util-directive";
import "mdast-util-from-markdown";
import "mdast-util-frontmatter";
import "mdast-util-gfm-table";
import "mdast-util-mdx";
import "micromark-extension-directive";
import "micromark-extension-frontmatter";
import "micromark-extension-gfm-table";
import "micromark-extension-mdxjs";
import "@lexical/utils";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalComposerContext";
import "@lexical/selection";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalHistoryPlugin";
import "mdast-util-to-markdown";
import "@radix-ui/react-popover";
import "@radix-ui/react-tooltip";
import "downshift";
import "@lexical/markdown";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalMarkdownShortcutPlugin";
import "react-diff-view";
import "unidiff";
import "@radix-ui/react-toolbar";
import "@radix-ui/react-select";
import "@radix-ui/react-dialog";
import "@lexical/react/LexicalNestedComposer";
import "./styles/globals.css.js";
import { MDXEditor } from "./MDXEditor.js";
import { headingsPlugin, headingsSystem } from "./plugins/headings/index.js";
import { thematicBreakPlugin, thematicBreakPluginHooks, thematicBreakSystem } from "./plugins/thematic-break/index.js";
import { listsPlugin, listsPluginHooks, listsSystem } from "./plugins/lists/index.js";
import { tablePlugin, tablePluginHooks, tableSystem } from "./plugins/table/index.js";
import { linkPlugin, linkSystem } from "./plugins/link/index.js";
import { INSERT_IMAGE_COMMAND, imagePlugin, imagePluginHooks, imageSystem } from "./plugins/image/index.js";
import { frontmatterPlugin, frontmatterPluginHooks, frontmatterSystem } from "./plugins/frontmatter/index.js";
import { quotePlugin, quotePluginHooks } from "./plugins/quote/index.js";
import { jsxPlugin, jsxPluginHooks, jsxSystem } from "./plugins/jsx/index.js";
import { GenericJsxEditor } from "./jsx-editors/GenericJsxEditor.js";
import { sandpackPlugin, sandpackPluginHooks, sandpackSystem } from "./plugins/sandpack/index.js";
import { codeMirrorHooks, codeMirrorPlugin, codeMirrorSystem } from "./plugins/codemirror/index.js";
import { codeBlockPlugin, codeBlockPluginHooks, codeBlockSystem } from "./plugins/codeblock/index.js";
import { directivesPlugin, directivesPluginHooks, directivesSystem } from "./plugins/directives/index.js";
import { ADMONITION_TYPES, AdmonitionDirectiveDescriptor } from "./directive-editors/AdmonitionDirectiveDescriptor.js";
import { GenericDirectiveEditor } from "./directive-editors/GenericDirectiveEditor.js";
import { linkDialogPlugin, linkDialogPluginHooks } from "./plugins/link-dialog/index.js";
import { toolbarPlugin, toolbarPluginHooks, toolbarSystem } from "./plugins/toolbar/index.js";
import { diffSourcePlugin, diffSourcePluginHooks, diffSourceSystem } from "./plugins/diff-source/index.js";
import { markdownShortcutPlugin } from "./plugins/markdown-shortcut/index.js";
import { BlockTypeSelect } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/BlockTypeSelect.js";
import { BoldItalicUnderlineToggles } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/BoldItalicUnderlineToggles.js";
import { ChangeAdmonitionType } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/ChangeAdmonitionType.js";
import { ChangeCodeMirrorLanguage } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/ChangeCodeMirrorLanguage.js";
import { CodeToggle } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/CodeToggle.js";
import { CreateLink } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/CreateLink.js";
import { DiffSourceToggleWrapper } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/DiffSourceToggleWrapper.js";
import { InsertAdmonition } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertAdmonition.js";
import { InsertCodeBlock } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertCodeBlock.js";
import { InsertFrontmatter } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertFrontmatter.js";
import { InsertImage } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertImage.js";
import { InsertSandpack } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertSandpack.js";
import { InsertTable } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertTable.js";
import { InsertThematicBreak } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertThematicBreak.js";
import { ListsToggle } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/ListsToggle.js";
import { ShowSandpackInfo } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/ShowSandpackInfo.js";
import { UndoRedo } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/UndoRedo.js";
import { KitchenSinkToolbar } from "./plugins/toolbar/components/KitchenSinkToolbar.js";
import { Button, ButtonOrDropdownButton, ButtonWithTooltip, ConditionalContents, MultipleChoiceToggleGroup, Root, Separator, SingleChoiceToggleGroup, SingleToggleGroup, ToggleSingleGroupWithItem, ToolbarToggleItem } from "./plugins/toolbar/primitives/toolbar.js";
import { DialogButton } from "./plugins/toolbar/primitives/DialogButton.js";
import { TooltipWrap } from "./plugins/toolbar/primitives/TooltipWrap.js";
import { Select, SelectButtonTrigger, SelectContent, SelectItem, SelectTrigger } from "./plugins/toolbar/primitives/select.js";
import { useCodeBlockEditorContext } from "./plugins/codeblock/CodeBlockNode.js";
export {
d as $createAdmonitionNode,
g as $createCodeBlockNode,
j as $createFrontmatterNode,
l as $createImageNode,
m as $createJsxNode,
x as $createLeafDirectiveNode,
p as $createSandpackNode,
w as $createTableNode,
f as $isAdmonitionNode,
h as $isCodeBlockNode,
k as $isFrontmatterNode,
$ as $isImageNode,
n as $isJsxNode,
y as $isLeafDirectiveNode,
q as $isSandpackNode,
v as $isTableNode,
A as AdmonitionNode,
C as CodeBlockNode,
F as FrontmatterNode,
I as ImageNode,
J as JsxNode,
L as LeafDirectiveNode,
M as MDXEditor,
b as NestedEditor,
o as SandpackNode,
r as TableNode,
T as ToolbarComponents,
z as defaultMdxOptionValues,
c as useMdastNodeUpdater

@@ -12,15 +12,3 @@ {

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"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
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"version": "0.10.0-alpha.1",
"description": "React component for rich text markdown editing",

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@@ -137,2 +126,3 @@ "dev": "LADLE=true ladle dev",

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"import": "./dist/MDXEditor.js",
"types": "./dist/MDXEditor.d.ts"
"./directive-editors/AdmonitionDirectiveDescriptor": {
"import": "./dist/directive-editors/AdmonitionDirectiveDescriptor.js",
"types": "./dist/directive-editors/AdmonitionDirectiveDescriptor.d.ts"
"./directive-editors/GenericDirectiveEditor": {
"import": "./dist/directive-editors/GenericDirectiveEditor.js",
"types": "./dist/directive-editors/GenericDirectiveEditor.d.ts"
"./jsx-editors/GenericJsxEditor": {
"import": "./dist/jsx-editors/GenericJsxEditor.js",
"types": "./dist/jsx-editors/GenericJsxEditor.d.ts"
"./plugins/codeblock": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/codeblock/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/codeblock/index.js"
"./plugins/codemirror": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/codemirror/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/codemirror/index.js"
"./plugins/core": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/core/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/core/index.js"
"./plugins/diff-source": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/diff-source/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/diff-source/index.js"
"./plugins/directives": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/directives/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/directives/index.js"
"./plugins/frontmatter": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/frontmatter/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/frontmatter/index.js"
"./plugins/headings": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/headings/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/headings/index.js"
"./plugins/image": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/image/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/image/index.js"
"./plugins/jsx": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/jsx/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/jsx/index.js"
"./plugins/link": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/link/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/link/index.js"
"./plugins/link-dialog": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/link-dialog/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/link-dialog/index.js"
"./plugins/lists": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/lists/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/lists/index.js"
"./plugins/markdown-shortcut": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/markdown-shortcut/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/markdown-shortcut/index.js"
"./plugins/quote": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/quote/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/quote/index.js"
"./plugins/sandpack": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/sandpack/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/sandpack/index.js"
"./plugins/table": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/table/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/table/index.js"
"./plugins/thematic-break": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/thematic-break/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/thematic-break/index.js"
"./plugins/toolbar": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/index.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/BlockTypeSelect": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/BlockTypeSelect.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/BlockTypeSelect.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/BoldItalicUnderlineToggles": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/BoldItalicUnderlineToggles.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/BoldItalicUnderlineToggles.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/ChangeAdmonitionType": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/ChangeAdmonitionType.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/ChangeAdmonitionType.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/ChangeCodeMirrorLanguage": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/ChangeCodeMirrorLanguage.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/ChangeCodeMirrorLanguage.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/CodeToggle": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/CodeToggle.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/CodeToggle.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/CreateLink": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/CreateLink.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/CreateLink.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/DiffSourceToggleWrapper": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/DiffSourceToggleWrapper.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/DiffSourceToggleWrapper.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertAdmonition": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertAdmonition.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertAdmonition.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertCodeBlock": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertCodeBlock.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertCodeBlock.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertFrontmatter": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertFrontmatter.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertFrontmatter.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertImage": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertImage.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertImage.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertSandpack": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertSandpack.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertSandpack.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertTable": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertTable.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertTable.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/InsertThematicBreak": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertThematicBreak.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/InsertThematicBreak.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/KitchenSinkToolbar": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/KitchenSinkToolbar.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/KitchenSinkToolbar.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/ListsToggle": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/ListsToggle.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/ListsToggle.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/ShowSandpackInfo": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/ShowSandpackInfo.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/ShowSandpackInfo.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/components/UndoRedo": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/UndoRedo.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/components/UndoRedo.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/primitives/DialogButton": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/primitives/DialogButton.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/primitives/DialogButton.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/primitives/TooltipWrap": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/primitives/TooltipWrap.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/primitives/TooltipWrap.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/primitives/select": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/primitives/select.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/primitives/select.js"
"./plugins/toolbar/primitives/toolbar": {
"types": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/primitives/toolbar.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/plugins/toolbar/primitives/toolbar.js"

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