
A modern CSS preset
What's this?
is a CSS reset to baseline the browser styles to give you a uniform foundation for building your custom styles on top of it.
In Node.js, install with npm:
npm install @microflash/preset
In Deno, with unpkg.com:
import "https://unpkg.com/@microflash/preset"
In browsers, with unpkg.com or jsdelivr.net:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@microflash/preset">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@microflash/preset">
In Node.js or Deno, import the CSS in the entrypoint file of your application.
import "@microflash/preset"
import "https://unpkg.com/@microflash/preset"
Make sure that this is the first CSS import before including any other CSS files.
If you're using Sass, you can import Sass file instead of the compiled version. This is useful if you want to compile the CSS for custom browser targets.
You can import the Sass file in the entrypoint of your application as follows.
import "@microflash/preset/scss"
import "https://unpkg.com/@microflash/preset/src/preset.scss"
Alternatively, you can import it in your main Sass file before any other rules.
@use "@microflash/preset/scss";
In browser, including the <link>
before any other stylesheet should do the trick.
Browser support
supports modern browsers.
[1.0.0] - 2023-07-27
display: none
for undefined custom elements to prevent rendering them prematurely.
text-wrap: balance
for headings for more elegant handling of widows; see https://ishadeed.com/article/css-text-wrap-balance/
display: list-item
for summary element
- Default backdrop blur on dialog element
- Document overflow is now hidden when dialog is open (experimental)
- Table captions are now positioned at bottom by default
for every element is set to border-box
; earlier it was inheriting from parent (leading to unintended behavior in children due to cascade)
- Stroke customization is applied only on SVGs without fill; earlier it was being applied to all SVGs.
has been removed; see https://www.zachleat.com/web/font-smooth/
list-style: none
for lists with [role=list]
Some of the properties in the reset are now customizable through CSS properties. You can define these properties in :root
or html
to override the line-height
(fallback value: calc(0.3rem + 2ex + 0.3rem)
to control the indentation width of code block tabs (fallback value: 2
to override the stroke color of SVG with no fill (fallback value: currentColor
to override the backdrop filter of the dialog (fallback value: blur(25px)
to customize caption position of a table caption (fallback value: bottom