What is @microsoft/applicationinsights-dependencies-js?
@microsoft/applicationinsights-dependencies-js is a JavaScript library that provides automatic collection of dependency telemetry for applications using Application Insights. It helps in tracking HTTP dependencies and AJAX calls, allowing developers to monitor the performance and reliability of their web applications.
What are @microsoft/applicationinsights-dependencies-js's main functionalities?
Track HTTP Dependencies
This feature allows you to track HTTP dependencies automatically. By integrating the AjaxPlugin with Application Insights, you can monitor all HTTP requests made by your application.
const { ApplicationInsights } = require('@microsoft/applicationinsights-web');
const { AjaxPlugin } = require('@microsoft/applicationinsights-dependencies-js');
const appInsights = new ApplicationInsights({
config: {
instrumentationKey: 'YOUR_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY',
extensions: [new AjaxPlugin()]
Track AJAX Calls
This feature allows you to track AJAX calls made by your application. The AjaxPlugin automatically captures and logs these calls, providing insights into the performance and reliability of your AJAX requests.
const { ApplicationInsights } = require('@microsoft/applicationinsights-web');
const { AjaxPlugin } = require('@microsoft/applicationinsights-dependencies-js');
const appInsights = new ApplicationInsights({
config: {
instrumentationKey: 'YOUR_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY',
extensions: [new AjaxPlugin()]
// Example AJAX call
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', 'https://api.example.com/data', true);
Other packages similar to @microsoft/applicationinsights-dependencies-js
Axios is a popular promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js. While it does not provide automatic telemetry collection like @microsoft/applicationinsights-dependencies-js, it is often used in conjunction with monitoring tools to manually track HTTP requests.
Fetch-mock is a library for mocking HTTP requests made using the Fetch API. It is useful for testing and development purposes but does not provide automatic telemetry collection. It can be used alongside monitoring tools to simulate and track HTTP requests.
Superagent is a small, progressive client-side HTTP request library. It provides a flexible API for making HTTP requests but does not include built-in telemetry collection. Developers often use it with other monitoring tools to track and log HTTP requests.
Microsoft Application Insights JavaScript SDK - Dependencies Plugin

Dependencies Plugin for the Application Insights Javascript SDK
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
npm run build --silent
Run unit tests:
npm run test
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