Omnichannel Chat SDK
Headless Chat SDK to build your own chat widget against Dynamics 365 Omnichannel Services.
npm install @microsoft/omnichannel-chat-sdk --save
High Level Overview
OmnichannelChatSDK.initialize() | Initializes ChatSDK internal data | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.startChat() | Starts OC chat, handles prechat response | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.endChat() | Ends OC chat | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.getPreChatSurvey() | Adaptive card data of PreChat survey | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.getLiveChatConfig() | Get live chat config | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.getCurrentLiveChatContext() | Get current live chat context information to reconnect to the same chat | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.getChatToken() | Get chat token | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.getMessages() | Get all messages | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.sendMessage() | Send message | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.onNewMessage() | Handles system message, client/agent messages, adaptive cards, attachments to download | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.onTypingEvent() | Handles agent typing event | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.onAgentEndSession() | Handler when agent ends session | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.sendTypingEvent() | Sends customer typing event | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.emailLiveChatTranscript() | Email transcript | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.getLiveChatTranscript() | Get transcript data (JSON) | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.uploadFileAttachment() | Send file attachment | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.downloadFileAttachment() | Download file attachment | |
OmnichannelChatSDK.createChatAdapter() | Get IC3Adapter (Web only) | |
import OmnichannelChatSDK from '@microsoft/omnichannel-chat-sdk';
const omnichannelConfig = {
orgUrl: "",
orgId: "",
widgetId: ""
const chatSDKConfig = {
DataMasking: {
disable: false,
maskingCharacter: '#'
const chatSDK = new OmnichannelChatSDK.OmnichannelChatSDK(omnichannelConfig, chatSDKConfig);
await chatSDK.initialize();
Get Current Live Chat Context
const liveChatContext = await chatSDK.getCurrentLiveChatContext();
Get Chat Token
const chatToken = await chatSDK.getChatToken();
Get Live Chat Config
const liveChatConfig = await chatSDK.getLiveChatConfig();
Get PreChat Survey
Option 1
const preChatSurvey = await getPreChatSurvey();
Option 2
const parseToJSON = false;
const preChatSurvey = await getPreChatSurvey(parseToJSON);
Start Chat
const optionalParams = {
preChatResponse: '',
liveChatContext: {}
await chatSDK.startChat(optionalParams);
End Chat
await chatSDK.endChat();
On New Message Handler
chatSDK.onNewMessage((message) => {
console.log(`[NewMessage] ${message.content}`);
On Agent End Session
chatSDK.onAgentEndSession(() => {
console.log("Session ended!");
On Typing Event
chatSDK.onTypingEvent(() => {
console.log("Agent is typing...");
Get Messages
const messages = await chatSDK.getMessages();
Send Message
import {DeliveryMode, MessageContentType, MessageType, PersonType} from '@microsoft/omnichannel-chat-sdk';
const displayName = "Contoso"
const message = "Sample message from customer";
const messageToSend = {
content: message
await chatSDK.sendMessage(messageToSend);
Send Typing
await chatSDK.sendTypingEvent();
Upload Attachment
const fileInfo = {
name: '',
type: '',
size: '',
data: ''
await chatSDK.uploadFileAttachment(fileInfo);
Download Attachment
const blobResponse = await chatsdk.downloadFileAttachment(message.fileMetadata);
const fileReaderInstance = new FileReader();
fileReaderInstance.onload = () => {
const base64data = fileReaderInstance.result;
return <Image source={{uri: base64data}}/>
Get Live Chat Transcript
await chatSDK.getLiveChatTranscript();
Email Live Chat Transcript
const body = {
emailAddress: '',
attachmentMessage: 'Attachment Message',
locale: 'en-us'
await chatSDK.emailLiveChatTranscript(body);
import * as AdaptiveCards, { Action } from "adaptivecards";
const preChatSurvey = await chatSDK.getPreChatSurvey();
const renderPreChatSurvey = () => {
const adaptiveCard = new AdaptiveCards.AdaptiveCard();
adaptiveCard.onExecuteAction = async (action: Action) => {
const preChatResponse = (action as any).data;
const optionalParams: any = {};
if (preChatResponse) {
optionalParams.preChatResponse = preChatResponse;
await chatSDK.startChat(optionalParams);
const renderedCard = adaptiveCard.render();
return <div ref={(n) => { // Returns React element
n && n.firstChild && n.removeChild(n.firstChild); // Removes duplicates fix
renderedCard && n && n.appendChild(renderedCard);
}} />
Reconnect to existing Chat
await chatSDK.startChat();
const liveChatContext = await chatSDK.getCurrentLiveChatContext();
const liveChatContext = cache.loadChatContext()
const optionalParams = {};
optionalParams.liveChatContext = liveChatContext;
await chatSDK.startChat(optionalParams);
const messages = await chatSDK.getMessages();
messages.reverse().forEach((message: any) => renderMessage(message));
Authenticated Chat
const chatSDKConfig = {
getAuthToken: async () => {
const response = await fetch("");
if (response.ok) {
return await response.text();
else {
return null
const chatSDK = new OmnichannelChatSDK.OmnichannelChatSDK(omnichannelConfig, chatSDKConfig);
await chatSDK.initialize();
NOTE: Currently supported on web only
import OmnichannelChatSDK from '@microsoft/omnichannel-chat-sdk';
import ReactWebChat from 'botframework-webchat';
const chatSDK = new OmnichannelChatSDK.OmnichannelChatSDK(omnichannelConfig, chatSDKConfig);
await chatSDK.initialize();
const optionalParams = {
preChatResponse: ''
await chatSDK.startChat(optionalParams);
const chatAdapter = await chatSDK.createChatAdapter();
chatSDK.onNewMessage((message) => {
console.log(`[NewMessage] ${message.content}`);
(chatAdapter as any).activity$.subscribe((activity: any) => {
if (activity.type === "message") {
console.log("[Message activity]");
Feature Comparisons
Features | | |
Chat Widget UI | Not provided | Basic chat client provided |
Data Masking | Embedded | Requires Attachment Middleware implementation |
Send Typing indicator | Embedded | Requires sendTypingIndicator flag set to true |
PreChat Survey | Requires Adaptive Cards renderer | Requires Adaptive Cards renderer |
Display Attachments | Requires implementation | Provided & Customizable |
Incoming messages handling | IC3 protocol message data | DirectLine activity data |
React Native
Features | | | Currently not supported |
Chat Widget UI | Not provided | Basic chat client provided | X |
Data Masking | Embedded | Embedded | X |
Send Typing indicator | Embedded | WIP | X |
PreChat Survey | Requires Adaptive Cards renderer | Requires Adaptive Cards renderer | X |
Display Attachments | Requires implementation | Embedded | X |
Incoming messages handling | IC3 protocol message data | IC3 protocol message data | X |
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