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- Can be combined with the build plug-in to share basic dependencies according to policies to reduce the number of module downloads and improve the loading speed of modules. - Only consume part of the export of the remote module and will not fully downloa

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  • Can be combined with the build plug-in to share basic dependencies according to policies to reduce the number of module downloads and improve the loading speed of modules.
  • Only consume part of the export of the remote module and will not fully download the remote module
  • The runtime calling process can be extended through the module-runtime plug-in mechanism


// Can load modules using only the runtime SDK without relying on build plugins
// When not using build plugins, shared dependencies cannot be automatically reused
import { init, loadRemote } from '@module-federation/runtime';

    name: '@demo/app-main',
    remotes: [
            name: "@demo/app2",
            entry: "http://localhost:3006/remoteEntry.js",
            alias: "app2"

// Load by alias
loadRemote<{add: (...args: Array<number>)=> number }>("app2/util").then((md)=>{


  • Type: init(options: InitOptions): void
  • Create runtime instance , it can dynamically register remotes by re-call , but only one instance will exist.
  • InitOptions:
type InitOptions {
    //The name of the current host
    name: string;
    // The version of the current host will use the host version of the corresponding version online.
    // remoteInfo in remotes will use the online version
    version?: string;
    // In the area where the module is deployed, the consumer will transparently transmit this data to the producer
    //After setting, when the producer data fails to be obtained normally, the backup data will be automatically obtained according to this configuration.
    region?: `EnhancedRegion`;
    // List of dependent remote modules
    // tip: The remotes configured at runtime are not completely consistent with the types and data passed in the build plugin, and the passed in * ^ ~ version rules are not supported at runtime.
    remotes: Array<RemoteInfo>;
    // List of dependencies that need to be shared by the current host
    // When using the build plugin, users can configure the dependencies that need to be shared in the build plugin, and the build plugin will inject the dependencies that need to be shared into the runtime shared configuration.
    // Shared must be manually passed in the version instance reference when it is passed in at runtime, because it cannot be directly passed in at runtime.
    shared?: ShareInfos;

type RemoteInfo = (RemotesWithEntry | RemotesWithVersion) & {
   alias?: string;

interface RemotesWithVersion {
   name: string;
   version: string;

interface RemotesWithEntry {
   name: string;
   entry: string;

type ShareInfos = {
   // Dependent package name, dependent basic information, and sharing strategy
   [pkgName: string]: Share;

type Share = {
   // Versions of shared dependencies
   version: string;
   //Which modules consume the current shared dependencies?
   useIn?: Array<string>;
   //Which module does the shared dependency come from?
   from?: string;
   // Get the factory function of the shared dependency instance. When the cached shared instance cannot be loaded, its own shared dependency will be loaded.
   lib: () => Module;
   // Sharing strategy, what strategy will be used to determine the reuse of shared dependencies
   shareConfig?: SharedConfig;
   // Dependencies between shares
   deps?: Array<string>;
   // Under what scope the current shared dependencies are placed, the default is default
   scope?: string | Array<string>;


  • Type: loadRemote(id: string)

  • Used to load initialized remote modules, when used with build plugins, it can be loaded directly through native import("remoteName/expose") syntax, and the build plugin will automatically convert it into loadRemote usage.

  • Example

import { init, loadRemote } from '@module-federation/runtime';

  name: '@demo/main-app',
  remotes: [
      name: '@demo/app2',
      alias: 'app2',
      entry: 'http://localhost:3006/remoteEntry.js',

// remoteName + expose
loadRemote('@demo/app2/util').then((m) => m.add(1, 2, 3));

// alias + expose
loadRemote('app2/util').then((m) => m.add(1, 2, 3));


  • Type: loadShare(pkgName: string)

  • Gets the share dependency. When there are share dependencies that match the current host in the global environment, the existing and satisfying share dependencies will be reused first. Otherwise, load its own dependencies and store them in the global cache.

  • This API is generally not called directly by users, but is used by build plugins to convert their own dependencies.

  • Example

import { init, loadRemote, loadShare } from '@module-federation/runtime';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

  name: '@demo/main-app',
  remotes: [],
  shared: {
    react: {
      version: '17.0.0',
      scope: 'default',
      lib: () => React,
      shareConfig: {
        singleton: true,
        requiredVersion: '^17.0.0',
    'react-dom': {
      version: '17.0.0',
      scope: 'default',
      lib: () => ReactDOM,
      shareConfig: {
        singleton: true,
        requiredVersion: '^17.0.0',

loadShare('react').then((reactFactory) => {


  • Type: preloadRemote(preloadOptions: Array<PreloadRemoteArgs>)

  • Used to preload remote assets like remoteEntry.js .

  • Type

async function preloadRemote(preloadOptions: Array<PreloadRemoteArgs>) {}

type depsPreloadArg = Omit<PreloadRemoteArgs, 'depsRemote'>;
type PreloadRemoteArgs = {
  // Preload the name and alias of the remote
  nameOrAlias: string;
  // Expose to be preloaded
  // Default to preload all exposes
  // Only the required expose will be loaded when an expose is provided
  exposes?: Array<string>; // Default request
  // Default is sync, only load synchronous code referenced in the expose
  // Set to all to load synchronous and asynchronous references
  resourceCategory?: 'all' | 'sync';
  // Load all dependencies when no value is configured
  // Only the resources needed will be loaded after configuring the dependency
  depsRemote?: boolean | Array<depsPreloadArg>;
  // No filtering of resources when not configured
  // Will filter out unwanted resources after configuring
  filter?: (assetUrl: string) => boolean;
  • Details

Info: Only if the entry is manifest can more resources be loaded. The manifest plugin will be supported in 2024.Q1

Through preloadRemote, module resources can be preloaded at an earlier stage to avoid waterfall requests. preloadRemote can preload the following content:

  • The remoteEntry of remote
  • expose assets of remote
  • Synchronous resources or asynchronous resources of remote
  • remote resources that remote depends on
  • Example
import { init, preloadRemote } from '@module-federation/runtime';

  name: '@demo/preload-remote',
  remotes: [
      name: '@demo/sub1',
      entry: 'http://localhost:2001/vmok-manifest.json',
      name: '@demo/sub2',
      entry: 'http://localhost:2001/vmok-manifest.json',
      name: '@demo/sub3',
      entry: 'http://localhost:2001/vmok-manifest.json',

// Preload @demo/sub1 module
// Filter resource information that contains ignore in the resource name
// Only preload sub-dependent @demo/sub1-button modules
    nameOrAlias: '@demo/sub1',
    filter(assetUrl) {
      return assetUrl.indexOf('ignore') === -1;
    depsRemote: [{ nameOrAlias: '@demo/sub1-button' }],

// Preload @demo/sub2 module
// Preload all exposes under @demo/sub2
// Preload the synchronous resources and asynchronous resources of @demo/sub2
    nameOrAlias: '@demo/sub2',
    resourceCategory: 'all',

// Preload expose of @demo/sub3 module
    nameOrAlias: '@demo/sub3',
    resourceCategory: 'all',
    exposes: ['add'],


Lifecycle hooks for FederationHost interaction.

  • example
import { init } from '@module-federation/runtime';
import type { FederationRuntimePlugin } from '@module-federation/runtime';

const runtimePlugin: () => FederationRuntimePlugin = function () {
  return {
    name: 'my-runtime-plugin',
    beforeInit(args) {
      console.log('beforeInit: ', args);
      return args;
    beforeRequest(args) {
      console.log('beforeRequest: ', args);
      return args;
    afterResolve(args) {
      console.log('afterResolve', args);
      return args;
    onLoad(args) {
      console.log('onLoad: ', args);
      return args;
    async loadShare(args) {
      console.log('loadShare:', args);
    async beforeLoadShare(args) {
      console.log('beforeloadShare:', args);
      return args;

  name: '@demo/app-main',
  remotes: [
      name: '@demo/app2',
      entry: 'http://localhost:3006/remoteEntry.js',
      alias: 'app2',
  plugins: [runtimePlugin()],



Updates Federation Host configurations before the initialization process of remote containers.

  • type
function beforeInit(args: BeforeInitOptions): BeforeInitOptions;

type BeforeInitOptions = {
  userOptions: UserOptions;
  options: FederationRuntimeOptions;
  origin: FederationHost;
  shareInfo: ShareInfos;

interface FederationRuntimeOptions {
  id?: string;
  name: string;
  version?: string;
  remotes: Array<Remote>;
  shared: ShareInfos;
  plugins: Array<FederationRuntimePlugin>;
  inBrowser: boolean;



Called during the initialization of remote containers.

  • type
function init(args: InitOptions): void;

type InitOptions = {
  options: FederationRuntimeOptions;
  origin: FederationHost;



Invoked before resolving a remote container, useful for injecting the container or updating something ahead of the lookup.

  • type
async function beforeRequest(args: BeforeRequestOptions): Promise<BeforeRequestOptions>;

type BeforeRequestOptions = {
  id: string;
  options: FederationRuntimeOptions;
  origin: FederationHost;



Called after resolving a container, allowing redirection or modification of resolved information.

  • type
async function afterResolve(args: AfterResolveOptions): Promise<AfterResolveOptions>;

type AfterResolveOptions = {
  id: string;
  pkgNameOrAlias: string;
  expose: string;
  remote: Remote;
  options: FederationRuntimeOptions;
  origin: FederationHost;
  remoteInfo: RemoteInfo;
  remoteSnapshot?: ModuleInfo;



Triggered once a federated module is loaded, allowing access and modification to the exports of the loaded file.

  • type
async function onLoad(args: OnLoadOptions): Promise<void>;

type OnLoadOptions = {
  id: string;
  expose: string;
  pkgNameOrAlias: string;
  remote: Remote;
  options: ModuleOptions;
  origin: FederationHost;
  exposeModule: any;
  exposeModuleFactory: any;
  moduleInstance: Module;

type ModuleOptions = {
  remoteInfo: RemoteInfo;
  host: FederationHost;

interface RemoteInfo {
  name: string;
  version?: string;
  buildVersion?: string;
  entry: string;
  type: RemoteEntryType;
  entryGlobalName: string;
  shareScope: string;



Handles preloading logic for federated modules.

  • type
function handlePreloadModule(args: HandlePreloadModuleOptions): void;

type HandlePreloadModuleOptions = {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  remoteSnapshot: ModuleInfo;
  preloadConfig: PreloadRemoteArgs;



Invoked if loading a federated module fails, enabling custom error handling.

  • type
async function errorLoadRemote(args: ErrorLoadRemoteOptions): Promise<void | unknown>;

type ErrorLoadRemoteOptions = {
  id: string;
  error: unknown;
  from: 'build' | 'runtime';
  origin: FederationHost;
  • example
import { init, loadRemote } from '@module-federation/runtime';

import type { FederationRuntimePlugin } from '@module-federation/runtime';

const fallbackPlugin: () => FederationRuntimePlugin = function () {
  return {
    name: 'fallback-plugin',
    errorLoadRemote(args) {
      const fallback = 'fallback';
      return fallback;

  name: '@demo/app-main',
  remotes: [
      name: '@demo/app2',
      entry: 'http://localhost:3006/remoteEntry.js',
      alias: 'app2',
  plugins: [fallbackPlugin()],

loadRemote('app2/un-existed-module').then((mod) => {



Called before attempting to load or negotiate shared modules between federated apps.

  • type
async function beforeLoadShare(args: BeforeLoadShareOptions): Promise<BeforeLoadShareOptions>;

type BeforeLoadShareOptions = {
  pkgName: string;
  shareInfo?: Shared;
  shared: Options['shared'];
  origin: FederationHost;



Allows manual resolution of shared module requests.

  • type
function resolveShare(args: ResolveShareOptions): ResolveShareOptions;

type ResolveShareOptions = {
  shareScopeMap: ShareScopeMap;
  scope: string;
  pkgName: string;
  version: string;
  GlobalFederation: Federation;
  resolver: () => Shared | undefined;
  • example
import { init, loadRemote } from '@module-federation/runtime';

import type { FederationRuntimePlugin } from '@module-federation/runtime';

const customSharedPlugin: () => FederationRuntimePlugin = function () {
  return {
    name: 'custom-shared-plugin',
    resolveShare(args) {
      const { shareScopeMap, scope, pkgName, version, GlobalFederation } = args;

      if (pkgName !== 'react') {
        return args;

      args.resolver = function () {
        shareScopeMap[scope][pkgName][version] = window.React; // replace local share scope manually with desired module
        return shareScopeMap[scope][pkgName][version];
      return args;

  name: '@demo/app-main',
  shared: {
    react: {
      version: '17.0.0',
      scope: 'default',
      lib: () => React,
      shareConfig: {
        singleton: true,
        requiredVersion: '^17.0.0',
  plugins: [customSharedPlugin()],

window.React = () => 'Desired Shared';

loadShare('react').then((reactFactory) => {



Invoked before any preload logic is executed by the preload handler.

  • type
async function beforePreloadRemote(args: BeforePreloadRemoteOptions): BeforePreloadRemoteOptions;

type BeforePreloadRemoteOptions = {
  preloadOps: Array<PreloadRemoteArgs>;
  options: Options;
  origin: FederationHost;



Called for generating preload assets based on configurations.

  • type
async function generatePreloadAssets(args: GeneratePreloadAssetsOptions): Promise<PreloadAssets>;

type GeneratePreloadAssetsOptions = {
  origin: FederationHost;
  preloadOptions: PreloadOptions[number];
  remote: Remote;
  remoteInfo: RemoteInfo;
  remoteSnapshot: ModuleInfo;
  globalSnapshot: GlobalModuleInfo;

interface PreloadAssets {
  cssAssets: Array<string>;
  jsAssetsWithoutEntry: Array<string>;
  entryAssets: Array<EntryAssets>;


Plugin system for module loading operations.



  • type
function createScript(args: CreateScriptOptions): HTMLScriptElement | void;

type CreateScriptOptions = {
  url: string;
  • example
import { init } from '@module-federation/runtime';
import type { FederationRuntimePlugin } from '@module-federation/runtime';

const changeScriptAttributePlugin: () => FederationRuntimePlugin = function () {
  return {
    name: 'change-script-attribute',
    createScript({ url }) {
      if (url === testRemoteEntry) {
        let script = document.createElement('script');
        script.src = testRemoteEntry;
        script.setAttribute('loader-hooks', 'isTrue');
        script.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
        return script;


Package last updated on 01 Mar 2024

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