What is @mui/styles?
@mui/styles is a styling solution for React applications that is part of the Material-UI library. It provides a set of utilities to help you style your components using JavaScript, allowing for dynamic and theme-based styling.
What are @mui/styles's main functionalities?
This feature allows you to define styles using JavaScript objects. The `makeStyles` function generates a hook that you can use to apply these styles to your components.
const useStyles = makeStyles({
root: {
background: 'linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)',
border: 0,
borderRadius: 3,
boxShadow: '0 3px 5px 2px rgba(255, 105, 135, .3)',
color: 'white',
height: 48,
padding: '0 30px',
function MyComponent() {
const classes = useStyles();
return <button className={classes.root}>Styled Button</button>;
Theming allows you to define a theme object that can be used to provide consistent styling across your application. The `ThemeProvider` component makes the theme available to all components within its subtree.
const theme = createTheme({
palette: {
primary: {
main: '#1976d2',
secondary: {
main: '#dc004e',
function ThemedComponent() {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Button color="primary">Primary Button</Button>
<Button color="secondary">Secondary Button</Button>
Styled Components
Styled Components allow you to create custom-styled components using the `styled` function. This approach provides a more component-centric way of applying styles.
const MyButton = styled('button')({
background: 'linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)',
border: 0,
borderRadius: 3,
boxShadow: '0 3px 5px 2px rgba(255, 105, 135, .3)',
color: 'white',
height: 48,
padding: '0 30px',
function MyComponent() {
return <MyButton>Styled Button</MyButton>;
Other packages similar to @mui/styles
Styled-components is a popular library for styling React applications using tagged template literals. It allows you to write plain CSS in your JavaScript and provides a way to create component-level styles. Compared to @mui/styles, styled-components offers a more flexible and modern approach to styling with a focus on component-based design.
Emotion is a performant and flexible CSS-in-JS library. It provides both a styled API similar to styled-components and a css function for writing styles. Emotion is known for its high performance and flexibility, making it a strong alternative to @mui/styles for dynamic and theme-based styling.
Aphrodite is a lightweight CSS-in-JS library developed by Khan Academy. It focuses on performance and ease of use, providing a straightforward API for defining and applying styles. While it may not offer as many features as @mui/styles, it is a good choice for projects that require a simple and efficient styling solution.
The legacy styling solution for Material UI, now deprecated and not recommended for use.
Install the package in your project directory with:
npm install @mui/styles
Visit https://mui.com/system/styles/basics/ to view the full documentation.