is web component for uploading files to Mux.
is an optional supporting container-style web component for drag and drop. You can always configure your own drag and drop with <mux-uploader>
If you are looking for a direct upload interface and a progress bar, you're in the right place.
If you're using npm
or yarn
, install that way:
Package manager
yarn add @mux/mux-uploader
npm i @mux/mux-uploader
Then, import the library into your application with either import
or require
import '@mux/mux-uploader';
CDN option
Alternatively, use the CDN hosted version of this package:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@mux/mux-uploader"></script>
If you are using ECMAScript modules, you can also load the mux-uploader.mjs
file with type=module
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@mux/mux-uploader/dist/mux-uploader.mjs"></script>
<mux-uploader url="authenticated-url" type="bar" status></mux-uploader>
<mux-uploader url="authenticated-url" type="bar" disable-drop></mux-uploader>
<mux-uploader-drop mux-uploader="uploader" overlay overlay-text="Show this while dragging file over me">
<mux-uploader id="uploader" url="authenticated-url"></mux-uploader>
<div>Other stuff you want in the mux-uploader-drop drop zone container</div>
Drag and Drop
is available for drag and drop functionality. It works like a <div>
or other "container" element in the sense that you can style it and populate it with whatever children you see fit (including but not necessarily a <mux-uploader>
). Similar to <input>
and <label>
relationships, you associate a <mux-uploader-drop>
with its corresponding <mux-uploader>
via id
using the mux-uploader
attribute (See example above). When a file is dropped, this will dispatch a custom file-ready
event to the corresponding <mux-uploader>
with the relevant file.
This also means you can implement your own drag and drop (or other) components for specific use cases, so long as you dispatch a custom file-ready
event when you need to upload. <mux-uploader>
will handle the upload upon receiving the event.
const muxUploader = document.querySelector('mux-uploader');
new CustomEvent('file-ready', {
composed: true,
bubbles: true,
detail: file,
endpoint | string | Promise | Either a) the authenticated URL that your file will be uploaded to or b) an async function that yields a promise that resolves to that url. Check out the direct uploads docs. Required. | undefined |
id | string | An ID that allows mux-uploader-drop to locate mux-uploader . Required if you use mux-uploader-drop . | N/A |
type | "bar" | Specifies the visual type of progress bar. A radial type is in-progress. | "bar" |
upload-in-progress | boolean | (Read-only) Toggles visual status of progress bar while upload is in progress. Can be targeted with CSS if you want to control styles while in progress i.e. mux-uploader[upload-in-progress]. | false |
upload-error | boolean | (Read-only) Toggles visual status of progress bar when upload encounters an error. Can be targeted with CSS if you want to control styles when an error occurs i.e. mux-uploader[upload-error]. | false |
status | boolean | Toggles text status visibility of progress bar. The text that is displayed is a percentage by default. If you prefer just the progress bar with no text upload status, don't include this attribute. | false |
dynamic-chunk-size | boolean | Toggles uploading with dynamic chunk sizes. Chunk sizes will change with upload speed to attempt to optimize upload. | false |
overlay | boolean | Toggles showing an overlay on dragover. | false |
overlay-text | string | Optional text to display on dragover when overlay is on. | '' |
mux-uploader | string | Must match the id on MuxUploader . Required. | N/A |
formatProgress | function | A function that accepts numeric percent and is expected to return a string. Allows for customizing how the progress should be rendered - whether you want to display only the number or a sentence with the number etc. i.e. formatProgress={(percent: number) => ${percent} percent uploaded} | A function that yields only the percent as a string i.e. "60%" |
has a handful of events - using Upchunk under the hood - to monitor uploading state.
uploadstart | Fired when the upload begins. |
chunkattempt | Fired immediately before a chunk upload is attempted. |
chunksuccess | Fired when an indvidual chunk is successfully uploaded. Sample response: { detail: { chunk: Integer, attempts: Integer, response: XhrResponse } } |
uploaderror | Fired when an error occurs in the chunked upload process. |
progress | Fired continuously with incremental upload progress. This returns the current percentage of the file that's been uploaded. Sample response: { detail: [0..100] } |
success | Fired when the entire file has successfully completed uploading. |
and <mux-uploader-drop>
can be styled with standard CSS, but also includes these CSS variables for "under the hood" styling.
--uploader-font-family | font-family | Arial | font family of the component | Applies to other elements as well: upload status and error status |
--uploader-font-size | font-size | 16px | font size for text within the component | Also applies to <mux-uploader-drop> i.e. overlay text |
--uploader-background-color | background-color | inherit | background color of area surrounding the upload | |
--button-background-color | background | #fff | background color of upload button | |
--button-border-radius | border-radius | 4px | border radius of the upload button | |
--button-border | border | 1px solid #000000 | border of the upload button | |
--button-padding | padding | 16px 24px | padding of the upload button | |
--button-hover-text | color | #fff | text color of upload button on button hover | |
--button-hover-background | background | #404040 | background color of upload button on button hover | |
--button-active-text | color | #fff | color of upload button text when button is active | |
--button-active-background | background | #000000 | background color of upload button when button is active | Applied via :active pseudo selector |
--progress-bar-fill-color | background | #000000 | background color for progress bar div | |
--progress-radial-fill-color | stroke | black | stroke color for circle SVG (wip) | |
--overlay-background-color | background-color | rgba(226, 253, 255, 0.95) | background color of the overlay div | Visible only when component has fullscreen attribute |