BCS - Binary Canonical Serialization
This small and lightweight library implements
Binary Canonical Serialization (BCS) in TypeScript, making BCS
available in both Browser and NodeJS environments in a type-safe way.`
To install, add the @mysten/bcs
package to your
npm i @mysten/bcs
import { bcs } from '@mysten/bcs';
const UID = bcs.fixedArray(32, bcs.u8()).transform({
input: (id: string) => fromHEX(id),
output: (id) => toHEX(Uint8Array.from(id)),
const Coin = bcs.struct('Coin', {
id: UID,
value: bcs.u64(),
const bcsBytes = Coin.serialize({
id: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
value: 1000000n,
const coin = Coin.parse(bcsBytes);
const hex = bcs.option(Coin).serialize(coin).toHex();
BCS defines the way the data is serialized, and the serialized results contains no type information.
To be able to serialize the data and later deserialize it, a schema has to be created (based on the
built-in primitives, such as string
or u64
). There are no type hints in the serialized bytes on
what they mean, so the schema used for decoding must match the schema used to encode the data.
The @mysten/bcs
library can be used to define schemas that can serialize and deserialize BCS
encoded data, and can infer the correct TypeScript for the schema from the definitions themselves
rather than having to define them manually.
Basic types
bcs supports a number of built in base types that can be combined to create more complex types. The
following table lists the primitive types available:
bool | boolean | boolean | Boolean type (converts to true / false ) |
u8 , u16 , u32 | number | number | Unsigned Integer types |
u64 , u128 , u256 | string | number | string | bigint | Unsigned Integer types, decoded as string to allow for JSON serialization |
uleb128 | number | number | Unsigned LEB128 integer type |
string | string | string | UTF-8 encoded string |
bytes(size) | Uint8Array | Iterable<number> | Fixed length bytes |
import { bcs } from '@mysten/bcs';
const u8 = bcs.u8().serialize(100).toBytes();
const u64 = bcs.u64().serialize(1000000n).toBytes();
const u128 = bcs.u128().serialize('100000010000001000000').toBytes();
const str = bcs.string().serialize('this is an ascii string').toBytes();
const hex = bcs.hex().serialize('C0FFEE').toBytes();
const bytes = bcs.bytes(4).serialize([1, 2, 3, 4]).toBytes();
const parsedU8 = bcs.u8().parse(u8);
const parsedU64 = bcs.u64().parse(u64);
const parsedU128 = bcs.u128().parse(u128);
const parsedStr = bcs.string().parse(str);
const parsedHex = bcs.hex().parse(hex);
const parsedBytes = bcs.bytes(4).parse(bytes);
Compound types
For most use-cases you'll want to combine primitive types into more complex types like vectors
and enums
. The following table lists methods available for creating compound types:
vector(type: T) | A variable length list of values of type T |
fixedArray(size, T) | A fixed length array of values of type T |
option(type: T) | A value of type T or null |
enum(name, values) | An enum value representing one of the provided values |
struct(name, fields) | A struct with named fields of the provided types |
tuple(types) | A tuple of the provided types |
map(K, V) | A map of keys of type K to values of type V |
import { bcs } from '@mysten/bcs';
const intList = bcs.vector(bcs.u8()).serialize([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).toBytes();
const stringList = bcs.vector(bcs.string()).serialize(['a', 'b', 'c']).toBytes();
const intArray = bcs.array(4, bcs.u8()).serialize([1, 2, 3, 4]).toBytes();
const stringArray = bcs.array(3, bcs.string()).serialize(['a', 'b', 'c']).toBytes();
const option = bcs.option(bcs.string()).serialize('some value').toBytes();
const nullOption = bcs.option(bcs.string()).serialize(null).toBytes();
const MyEnum = bcs.enum('MyEnum', {
NoType: null,
Int: bcs.u8(),
String: bcs.string(),
Array: bcs.array(3, bcs.u8()),
const noTypeEnum = MyEnum.serialize({ NoType: null }).toBytes();
const intEnum = MyEnum.serialize({ Int: 100 }).toBytes();
const stringEnum = MyEnum.serialize({ String: 'string' }).toBytes();
const arrayEnum = MyEnum.serialize({ Array: [1, 2, 3] }).toBytes();
const MyStruct = bcs.struct('MyStruct', {
id: bcs.u8(),
name: bcs.string(),
const struct = MyStruct.serialize({ id: 1, name: 'name' }).toBytes();
const tuple = bcs.tuple([bcs.u8(), bcs.string()]).serialize([1, 'name']).toBytes();
const map = bcs
.map(bcs.u8(), bcs.string())
new Map([
[1, 'one'],
[2, 'two'],
const parsedIntList = bcs.vector(bcs.u8()).parse(intList);
const parsedStringList = bcs.vector(bcs.string()).parse(stringList);
const parsedIntArray = bcs.array(4, bcs.u8()).parse(intArray);
const parsedOption = bcs.option(bcs.string()).parse(option);
const parsedNullOption = bcs.option(bcs.string()).parse(nullOption);
const parsedNoTypeEnum = MyEnum.parse(noTypeEnum);
const parsedIntEnum = MyEnum.parse(intEnum);
const parsedStringEnum = MyEnum.parse(stringEnum);
const parsedArrayEnum = MyEnum.parse(arrayEnum);
const parsedStruct = MyStruct.parse(struct);
const parsedTuple = bcs.tuple([bcs.u8(), bcs.string()]).parse(tuple);
const parsedMap = bcs.map(bcs.u8(), bcs.string()).parse(map);
To define a generic struct or an enum, you can define a generic typescript function helper
import { bcs, BcsType } from '@mysten/bcs';
function Container<T>(T: BcsType<T>) {
return bcs.struct('Container<T>', {
contents: T,
const bytes = Container(bcs.u8()).serialize({ contents: 100 }).toBytes();
const U8Container = Container(bcs.u8());
const bytes = U8Container.serialize({ contents: 100 }).toBytes();
function VecMap<K, V>, (K: BcsType<K>, V: BcsType<V>) {
return bcs.struct(
`VecMap<${K.name}, ${V.name}>`,
keys: bcs.vector(K),
values: bcs.vector(V),
VecMap(bcs.string(), bcs.string())
keys: ['key1', 'key2', 'key3'],
values: ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'],
If you the format you use in your code is different from the format expected for BCS serialization,
you can use the transform
API to map between the types you use in your application, and the types
needed for serialization.
The address
type used by Move code is a good example of this. In many cases, you'll want to
represent an address as a hex string, but the BCS serialization format for addresses is a 32 byte
array. To handle this, you can use the transform
API to map between the two formats:
const Address = bcs.bytes(32).transform({
input: (val: string) => fromHEX(val),
output: (val) => toHEX(val),
const serialized = Address.serialize('0x000000...').toBytes();
const parsed = Address.parse(serialized);
When using a transform, a new type is created that uses the inferred return value of output
as the
return type of the parse
method, and the type of the input
argument as the allowed input type
when calling serialize
. The output
type can generally be inferred from the definition, but the
input type will need to be provided explicitly. In some cases, for complex transforms, you'll need
to manually type the return
transforms can also handle more complex types. For instance, @mysten/sui
uses the following
definition to transform enums into a more TypeScript friends format:
type Merge<T> = T extends infer U ? { [K in keyof U]: U[K] } : never;
type EnumKindTransform<T> = T extends infer U
? Merge<(U[keyof U] extends null | boolean ? object : U[keyof U]) & { kind: keyof U }>
: never;
function enumKind<T extends object, Input extends object>(type: BcsType<T, Input>) {
return type.transform({
input: ({ kind, ...val }: EnumKindTransform<Input>) =>
[kind]: val,
}) as Input,
output: (val) => {
const key = Object.keys(val)[0] as keyof T;
return { kind: key, ...val[key] } as EnumKindTransform<T>;
const MyEnum = enumKind(
bcs.enum('MyEnum', {
A: bcs.struct('A', {
id: bcs.u8(),
B: bcs.struct('B', {
val: bcs.string(),
const A = MyEnum.serialize({ kind: 'A', id: 1 }).toBytes();
const B = MyEnum.serialize({ kind: 'B', val: 'xyz' }).toBytes();
const parsedA = MyEnum.parse(A);
Formats for serialized bytes
When you call serialize
on a BcsType
, you will receive a SerializedBcs
instance. This wrapper
preserves type information for the serialized bytes, and can be used to get raw data in various
import { bcs, fromB58, fromB64, fromHex } from '@mysten/bcs';
const serializedString = bcs.string().serialize('this is a string');
const bytes: Uint8Array = serializedString.toBytes();
const hex: string = serializedString.toHex();
const base64: string = bcsWriter.toBase64();
const base58: string = bcsWriter.toBase58();
const str1 = bcs.string().parse(bytes);
const str2 = bcs.string().parse(fromHex(hex));
const str3 = bcs.string().parse(fromB64(base64));
const str4 = bcs.string().parse(fromB58(base58));
console.assert((str1 == str2) == (str3 == str4), 'Result is the same');
Inferring types
BCS types have both a type
and an inputType
. For some types these are the same, but for others
(like u64
) the types diverge slightly to make inputs more flexible. For instance, u64
always be string
for it's type, but can be a number
, string
or bigint
for it's input type.
You can infer these types in one of 2 ways, either using the $inferType
and $inferInput
properties on a BcsType
, or using the InferBcsType
and InferBcsInput
type helpers.
import { bcs, type InferBcsType, type InferBcsInput } from '@mysten/bcs';
const MyStruct = bcs.struct('MyStruct', {
id: bcs.u64(),
name: bcs.string(),
type MyStructType = typeof MyStruct.$inferType;
type MyStructInput = typeof MyStruct.$inferInput;
type MyStructType = InferBcsType<typeof MyStruct>;
type MyStructInput = InferBcsInput<typeof MyStruct>;