Basic web development server for nebula.js visualizations.
npm install @nebula.js/cli @nebula.js/cli-serve -g
nebula serve -h
Start a development server
--version Show version number [boolean]
--config, -c Path to JSON config file
[string] [default: "nebula.config.js"]
--entry File entrypoint [string]
--type Generic object type [string]
--keyboardNavigation [boolean] [default: false]
--build [boolean] [default: true]
--host [string] [default: "localhost"]
--port [number]
--disableHostCheck [boolean] [default: false]
--resources Path to a folder that will be served as static files under
/resources [string]
--scripts Array of scripts to inject [array]
--stylesheets Array of stylesheets to inject [array]
--enigma.host [string] [default: "localhost"]
--enigma.port [number] [default: 9076]
--webIntegrationId [string]
--fixturePath Path to a folder that will be used as basis when locating
fixtures [string] [default: "test/component"]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Start the server and connect to enigma on port 9077
nebula serve --enigma.port 9077
Config file
module.exports = {
serve: {
Serve properties:
- types: Additional types to load into the serve instance. Useful in conjunction with useEmbed.
ex: types: [{ name: 'barchart', url: "https://unpkg.com/@nebula.js/sn-bar-chart"}],
- themes: Theme files to load
ex: themes: [{ id: 'sense', theme: { /* valid sense json theme */ } }],
- renderConfigs: configuration for the test renderer
- flags: Additional flag settings for feature toggling
flags: { SOME_FEATURE: true }
- resources: Adds path to /resources
- snapshots: Snapshots property structure, generally used for automated tests.
node.js API
const serve = require('@nebula.js/cli-serve');
port: 3000,
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, 'sn.js')
enigma: {
port: 9077
}).then(s => {
3.0.0-alpha2 (2022-06-28)
Bug Fixes
- horizontal listbox (#862) (375e36a)
- listbox: prop to disable confirming selections on blur events (#866) (d680826)
- the selections is missing in dependency arrays (#865) (#867) (88fa194)