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Comparing version 0.50.0 to 0.51.0




@@ -9,2 +9,5 @@ 'use strict';

var isArray = _interopDefault(require('lodash/isArray'));
var isFunction = _interopDefault(require('lodash/isFunction'));
var d3TimeFormat = require('d3-time-format');
var d3Format = require('d3-format');
var core = require('@nivo/core');

@@ -14,5 +17,2 @@ var React = require('react');

var PropTypes = _interopDefault(require('prop-types'));
var isFunction = _interopDefault(require('lodash/isFunction'));
var d3Format = require('d3-format');
var d3TimeFormat = require('d3-time-format');
var compose = _interopDefault(require('recompose/compose'));

@@ -166,2 +166,15 @@ var withPropsOnChange = _interopDefault(require('recompose/withPropsOnChange'));

var getFormatter = function getFormatter(format, scale) {
if (!format || isFunction(format)) return format;
if (scale.type === 'time') {
var f = d3TimeFormat.timeFormat(format);
return function (d) {
return f(new Date(d));
return d3Format.format(format);
var AxisTick = function (_PureComponent) {

@@ -300,3 +313,3 @@ inherits(AxisTick, _PureComponent);

tickRotation = _props.tickRotation,
tickValueFormat = _props.tickValueFormat,
format = _props.format,
renderTick = _props.renderTick,

@@ -377,3 +390,3 @@ legend = _props.legend,

tickIndex: tickIndex,
format: tickValueFormat,
format: format,
rotate: tickRotation,

@@ -435,3 +448,3 @@ textBaseline: textBaseline,

tickIndex: tickIndex,
format: tickValueFormat,
format: format,
textBaseline: textBaseline,

@@ -501,13 +514,5 @@ textAnchor: textAlign,

scale = _ref3.scale;
if (!format || isFunction(format)) {
return { format: format };
} else if (scale.type === 'time') {
var f = d3TimeFormat.timeFormat(format);
return { format: function format(d) {
return f(new Date(d));
} };
} else {
return { format: d3Format.format(format) };
return {
format: getFormatter(format, scale)
}), pure);

@@ -523,3 +528,3 @@

tickRotation: PropTypes.number,
tickFormat: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]),
format: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]),
renderTick: PropTypes.func,

@@ -627,3 +632,3 @@ legend: PropTypes.node,

tickRotation = _ref$tickRotation === undefined ? 0 : _ref$tickRotation,
tickValueFormat = _ref.tickValueFormat,
format = _ref.format,
theme = _ref.theme;

@@ -669,3 +674,3 @@

var value = tickValueFormat !== undefined ? tickValueFormat(tick.value) : tick.value;
var value = format !== undefined ? format(tick.value) : tick.value;

@@ -683,6 +688,45 @@;

var positions$1 = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];
var renderAxesToCanvas = function renderAxesToCanvas(ctx, _ref2) {
var xScale = _ref2.xScale,
yScale = _ref2.yScale,
width = _ref2.width,
height = _ref2.height,
top =,
right = _ref2.right,
bottom = _ref2.bottom,
left = _ref2.left,
theme = _ref2.theme;
var axes = { top: top, right: right, bottom: bottom, left: left };
positions$1.forEach(function (position) {
var axis = axes[position];
if (!axis) return null;
var isXAxis = position === 'top' || position === 'bottom';
var ticksPosition = position === 'top' || position === 'left' ? 'before' : 'after';
var scale = isXAxis ? xScale : yScale;
var format = getFormatter(axis.format, scale);
renderAxisToCanvas(ctx, _extends({}, axis, {
axis: isXAxis ? 'x' : 'y',
x: position === 'right' ? width : 0,
y: position === 'bottom' ? height : 0,
scale: scale,
format: format,
length: isXAxis ? width : height,
ticksPosition: ticksPosition,
theme: theme
exports.Axes = Axes;
exports.Axis = Axis$1;
exports.renderAxisToCanvas = renderAxisToCanvas;
exports.renderAxesToCanvas = renderAxesToCanvas;
exports.axisPropTypes = axisPropTypes;
exports.axisPropType = axisPropType;
"name": "@nivo/axes",
"version": "0.50.0",
"version": "0.51.0",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -19,2 +19,3 @@ "author": {


@@ -24,3 +25,3 @@ "umd/"

"dependencies": {
"@nivo/core": "0.50.0",
"@nivo/core": "0.51.0",
"d3-format": "^1.3.2",

@@ -39,3 +40,3 @@ "d3-time-format": "^2.1.3",

"gitHead": "934117e4d2873a2a5684aa8e713d5b0e788cc67a"
"gitHead": "a17dfedf502a75b969e205620231a5c1fb6a1d67"
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('lodash/isNumber'), require('lodash/isArray'), require('@nivo/core'), require('react'), require('prop-types'), require('lodash/isFunction'), require('d3-format'), require('d3-time-format'), require('recompose/compose'), require('recompose/withPropsOnChange'), require('recompose/pure'), require('recompose/setDisplayName'), require('react-motion')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'lodash/isNumber', 'lodash/isArray', '@nivo/core', 'react', 'prop-types', 'lodash/isFunction', 'd3-format', 'd3-time-format', 'recompose/compose', 'recompose/withPropsOnChange', 'recompose/pure', 'recompose/setDisplayName', 'react-motion'], factory) :
(factory((global.nivo = global.nivo || {}),global['lodash/isNumber'],global['lodash/isArray'],global.nivo,global.React,global.PropTypes,global['lodash/isFunction'],global.d3,global.d3,global.RecomposeCompose,global.RecomposeWithPropsOnChange,global.RecomposePure,global.RecomposeSetDisplayName,global.ReactMotion));
}(this, (function (exports,isNumber,isArray,core,React,PropTypes,isFunction,d3Format,d3TimeFormat,compose,withPropsOnChange,pure,setDisplayName,reactMotion) { 'use strict';
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('lodash/isNumber'), require('lodash/isArray'), require('lodash/isFunction'), require('d3-time-format'), require('d3-format'), require('@nivo/core'), require('react'), require('prop-types'), require('recompose/compose'), require('recompose/withPropsOnChange'), require('recompose/pure'), require('recompose/setDisplayName'), require('react-motion')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'lodash/isNumber', 'lodash/isArray', 'lodash/isFunction', 'd3-time-format', 'd3-format', '@nivo/core', 'react', 'prop-types', 'recompose/compose', 'recompose/withPropsOnChange', 'recompose/pure', 'recompose/setDisplayName', 'react-motion'], factory) :
(factory((global.nivo = global.nivo || {}),global['lodash/isNumber'],global['lodash/isArray'],global['lodash/isFunction'],global.d3,global.d3,global.nivo,global.React,global.PropTypes,global.RecomposeCompose,global.RecomposeWithPropsOnChange,global.RecomposePure,global.RecomposeSetDisplayName,global.ReactMotion));
}(this, (function (exports,isNumber,isArray,isFunction,d3TimeFormat,d3Format,core,React,PropTypes,compose,withPropsOnChange,pure,setDisplayName,reactMotion) { 'use strict';
isNumber = isNumber && isNumber.hasOwnProperty('default') ? isNumber['default'] : isNumber;
isArray = isArray && isArray.hasOwnProperty('default') ? isArray['default'] : isArray;
isFunction = isFunction && isFunction.hasOwnProperty('default') ? isFunction['default'] : isFunction;
var React__default = 'default' in React ? React['default'] : React;
PropTypes = PropTypes && PropTypes.hasOwnProperty('default') ? PropTypes['default'] : PropTypes;
isFunction = isFunction && isFunction.hasOwnProperty('default') ? isFunction['default'] : isFunction;
compose = compose && compose.hasOwnProperty('default') ? compose['default'] : compose;

@@ -159,2 +159,15 @@ withPropsOnChange = withPropsOnChange && withPropsOnChange.hasOwnProperty('default') ? withPropsOnChange['default'] : withPropsOnChange;

var getFormatter = function getFormatter(format, scale) {
if (!format || isFunction(format)) return format;
if (scale.type === 'time') {
var f = d3TimeFormat.timeFormat(format);
return function (d) {
return f(new Date(d));
return d3Format.format(format);
var AxisTick = function (_PureComponent) {

@@ -293,3 +306,3 @@ inherits(AxisTick, _PureComponent);

tickRotation = _props.tickRotation,
tickValueFormat = _props.tickValueFormat,
format = _props.format,
renderTick = _props.renderTick,

@@ -370,3 +383,3 @@ legend = _props.legend,

tickIndex: tickIndex,
format: tickValueFormat,
format: format,
rotate: tickRotation,

@@ -428,3 +441,3 @@ textBaseline: textBaseline,

tickIndex: tickIndex,
format: tickValueFormat,
format: format,
textBaseline: textBaseline,

@@ -494,13 +507,5 @@ textAnchor: textAlign,

scale = _ref3.scale;
if (!format || isFunction(format)) {
return { format: format };
} else if (scale.type === 'time') {
var f = d3TimeFormat.timeFormat(format);
return { format: function format(d) {
return f(new Date(d));
} };
} else {
return { format: d3Format.format(format) };
return {
format: getFormatter(format, scale)
}), pure);

@@ -516,3 +521,3 @@

tickRotation: PropTypes.number,
tickFormat: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]),
format: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]),
renderTick: PropTypes.func,

@@ -620,3 +625,3 @@ legend: PropTypes.node,

tickRotation = _ref$tickRotation === undefined ? 0 : _ref$tickRotation,
tickValueFormat = _ref.tickValueFormat,
format = _ref.format,
theme = _ref.theme;

@@ -662,3 +667,3 @@

var value = tickValueFormat !== undefined ? tickValueFormat(tick.value) : tick.value;
var value = format !== undefined ? format(tick.value) : tick.value;

@@ -676,5 +681,44 @@;

var positions$1 = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'];
var renderAxesToCanvas = function renderAxesToCanvas(ctx, _ref2) {
var xScale = _ref2.xScale,
yScale = _ref2.yScale,
width = _ref2.width,
height = _ref2.height,
top =,
right = _ref2.right,
bottom = _ref2.bottom,
left = _ref2.left,
theme = _ref2.theme;
var axes = { top: top, right: right, bottom: bottom, left: left };
positions$1.forEach(function (position) {
var axis = axes[position];
if (!axis) return null;
var isXAxis = position === 'top' || position === 'bottom';
var ticksPosition = position === 'top' || position === 'left' ? 'before' : 'after';
var scale = isXAxis ? xScale : yScale;
var format = getFormatter(axis.format, scale);
renderAxisToCanvas(ctx, _extends({}, axis, {
axis: isXAxis ? 'x' : 'y',
x: position === 'right' ? width : 0,
y: position === 'bottom' ? height : 0,
scale: scale,
format: format,
length: isXAxis ? width : height,
ticksPosition: ticksPosition,
theme: theme
exports.Axes = Axes;
exports.Axis = Axis$1;
exports.renderAxisToCanvas = renderAxisToCanvas;
exports.renderAxesToCanvas = renderAxesToCanvas;
exports.axisPropTypes = axisPropTypes;

@@ -681,0 +725,0 @@ exports.axisPropType = axisPropType;

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