A React-implementation of the Nodl framework.
This library is powered by MobX under the hood; and may be observed by an external MobX-instance for UI reactivity.

Getting Started
# Using NPM
npm install @nodl/core @nodl/react
# Using Yarn
yarn add @nodl/core @nodl/react
# Using Bun
bun install @nodl/core @nodl/react
Additional dependencies
Make sure to also install the following packages:
# Using NPM
npm install react react-dom rxjs zod
# Using Yarn
yarn add react react-dom rxjs zod
# Using Bun
bun install react react-dom rxjs zod
The fundamental piece which renders a surface with fully interactive Nodes & Connections.
Supports the following props:
store: CircuitStore
A Circuit store which holds the internal circuit state along with associated nodes.
className?: string
An optional className to assign the Circuit.
onConnection?(connection: Connection<unknown>)
An optional callback which fires when new connections are made.
onConnectionRemoval?(connection: Connection<unknown>)
An optional callback which fires when connections are removed.
onNodeRemoval?(node: Node)
An optional callback which fires when nodes are removed.
onSelectionChanged?(nodes: Node[])
An optional callback which fires when selected nodes changes.
export const App = () => {
const store = new CircuitStore();
React.useEffect(() => {
[additionNode1, { x: -220, y: 100 }],
[additionNode2, { x: -220, y: -100 }],
[additionNode3, { x: 220, y: 0 }]
return () => {
}, []);
return (
onConnection={connection => console.log('NEW CONNECTION', connection)}
onConnectionRemoval={connection => console.log('REMOVED CONNECTION', connection)}
onNodeRemoval={node => console.log('REMOVED NODE', node)}
onSelectionChanged={nodes => console.log('SELECTION CHANGED', nodes)}
Circuit Store
The manager which is responsible for the circuit state.
nodes: Node[]
The associated nodes.
selectedNodes: Node[]
The currently selected nodes.
selectionBounds: Bounds | null
The current selected area's bounds.
mousePosition: MousePosition
Current mouse position within the Circuit surface.
setNodes(nodesWithPosition: [Node, {x: number, y: number}][])
Used to initialize the store with nodes along with their position.
removeNode(nodeId: Node['id'])
Removes a node from the store.
selectNodes(nodes: Node[])
Selects the given nodes.
Disposes the store and its internal reactions.
import { Node, Input, Output } from '@nodl/core';
import { Circuit, CircuitStore } from '@nodl/react';
import * as React from 'react';
import { combineLatest, map } from 'rxjs';
import { z } from 'zod';
const NumberSchema = z.number();
class Addition extends Node {
inputs = {
a: new Input({ name: 'A', type: NumberSchema, defaultValue: 0 }),
b: new Input({ name: 'B', type: NumberSchema, defaultValue: 0 })
outputs = {
output: new Output({
name: 'Output',
type: NumberSchema,
observable: combineLatest([this.inputs.a, this.inputs.b]).pipe(
map(inputs => inputs.reduce((sum, value) => sum + value), 0)
const additionNode1 = new Addition();
const additionNode2 = new Addition();
const additionNode3 = new Addition();
export const App = () => {
const store = new CircuitStore();
React.useEffect(() => {
[additionNode1, { x: -220, y: 100 }],
[additionNode2, { x: -220, y: -100 }],
[additionNode3, { x: 220, y: 0 }]
return () => {
}, []);
return (
onConnection={c => console.log('NEW CONNECTION', c)}
onConnectionRemoval={c => console.log('REMOVED CONNECTION', c)}
onNodeRemoval={n => console.log('REMOVED NODE', n)}
onSelectionChanged={s => console.log('SELECTION CHANGED', s)}