
JavaScript library that serves as an API for common primitives used to implement OPRF and OT protocols.
This library provides TypeScript
libsodium wrappers for
cryptographic primitives that are often used to implement oblivious
pseudorandom function
(OPRF) and
oblivious transfer
(OT) protocols.
For more information on the underlying mathematical structures and
primitives, consult materials about the
Ed25519 system and the
Ristretto group.
Package Installation and Usage
The package is available on npm:
npm install @nthparty/oblivious
The library can be imported in the usual ways:
const Oblivious = require('path/to/dist/oblivious.js');
const Oblivious = require('path/to/dist/oblivious.slim.js')(sodium);
const { Oblivious } = require('@nthparty/oblivious');
Oblivious.ready.then(function () {
const p = Oblivious.Point.random();
The latest browser-optimized distributions can be found here.
Testing and Conventions
All unit tests are executed and their coverage measured when using
Jest (see jest.config.js
for configuration
npm test
Browser-based tests are located in test/browser/
, and you can run
them either locally, or by visiting the preview.
Style conventions are enforced using ESLint:
eslint src test/oblivious.test.ts
# -OR-
npm run-script lint
In order to contribute to the source code, open an issue or submit a
pull request on the GitHub page for this library. Remember to run
npm run-script lint
on any proposed code changes.
Beginning with version 0.1.0, the version number format for this library
and the changes to the library associated with version number increments
conform with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.