Octokit routes
machine-readable, always up-to-date GitHub REST API route specifications
Example route definition
"name": "Lock an issue",
"enabledForApps": true,
"method": "PUT",
"path": "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/lock",
"params": [
"name": "lock_reason",
"type": "string",
"description": "The reason for locking the issue or pull request conversation. Lock will fail if you don't use one of these reasons: \n\\* `off-topic` \n\\* `too heated` \n\\* `resolved` \n\\* `spam`",
"required": false
"description": "Users with push access can lock an issue or pull request's conversation.\n\nNote that, if you choose not to pass any parameters, you'll need to set `Content-Length` to zero when calling out to this endpoint. For more information, see \"[HTTP verbs](/v3/#http-verbs).\"",
"documentationUrl": "https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/#lock-an-issue"
Usage as Node module
const ROUTES = require('@octokit/routes')
returns an object with keys being the route scopes such as activity
, issues
, etc (one for navigation header in the sidebar at https://developer.github.com/v3/).
The value for each scope is an array of REST API endpoint specification.
If you don’t need all routes definitions, you can require a scope or a specific
route definition instead
const REPO_ROUTES = require('@octokit/routes/routes/repos')
const GET_REPO_ROUTE = require('@octokit/routes/routes/repos/get')
How it works
This package updates itself using a daily cronjob running on Travis. All
files as well as index.js
generated by bin/octokit-rest-routes.js
. Run
node bin/octokit-rest-routes.js --usage
for instructions.
The update script is scraping GitHub’s REST API
documentation pages and extracts the meta information using cheerio
and a ton of regular expressions :)
For simpler local testing and tracking of changes all loaded pages are cached
in the cache/
1. Find documentation pages
Opens https://developer.github.com/v3/, find all documentation page URLs
in the side bar navigation.
2. On each documentation page, finds sections
Loads HTML of each documentation page, finds sections in page.
3. In each section, finds endpoints
Loads HTML of documentation page section. Turns it into routes/*.json
In some cases the HTML cannot be turned into an endpoint using the implemented patterns.
For these cases custom overrides are defined.