This package contains an override that enables Cloud Interop for InteropBroker
's unlocking Interop across applications and devices. It is powered by the @openfin/cloud-interop-core-api package which provides an API client to communicate with the Cloud Interop Service.
Overrides are passed to fin.Platform.init
when initializing a platform or to fin.Interop.init
when creating an InteropBroker
Once overriden the InteropBroker
will connect to the given Cloud Interop Service upon initialization. Context
will be sent to the Cloud Interop Service when the override broker calls setContext
and the broker will also subscribe Context
updates from other any other connected brokers in the shared session.
The Cloud Interop Service also supports Intent
's. Connected InteropBroker
's info calls (handleInfoForIntent
, handleInfoForIntentsByContext
, fdc3.findIntent
, fdc3.findIntentsByContext
) will include results for remote sessions and decorate those app identifiers with additional metadata which can then be used to raise Intent
's on remote sessions.
Override Options
url | string | URL of the Cloud Interop service | N/A | Yes |
platformId | string | Platform ID | N/A | Yes |
sourceId | string | Source ID | N/A | Yes |
reconnectRetryLimit | number (optional) | Limit for reconnect retries | N/A | No |
keepAliveIntervalSeconds | number (optional) | Interval in seconds to keep the connection alive | N/A | No |
findIntentTimeout | number (optional) | How long to wait for connected clients to respond. Do not make this too high. | 3 seconds | No |
authenticationType | 'jwt' | 'basic' | 'default' (optional) | Type of authentication to use | N/A | No |
basicAuthenticationParameters | { username: string, password: string } (optional) | Parameters for basic authentication | N/A | No |
jwtAuthenticationParameters | { jwtRequestCallback: () => string | object, authenticationId: string } (optional) | Parameters for JWT authentication | N/A | No |
logger | (logLevel: 'log' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error', message: string, ...args: unknown[]) => void (optional) | If provided, will defer to this logger, otherwise logs to console.debug , reduced by LogLevel | console.debug | No |
logLevel | 'log' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' (optional) | The level at which cloud-interop override will log. | 'warn' | No |
In a Platform with other overrides:
import { cloudInteropOverride } from "@openfin/cloud-interop";
import { ExampleOverride } from "./example";
const cloudConfig = {
platformId: "my-platform",
sourceId: "my-desktop"
const InitializedCloudInteropOverride = await cloudInteropOverride(cloudConfig);
await fin.Platform.init({
interopOverride: [ExampleOverride, InitializedCloudInteropOverride],
When creating an InteropBroker
import { cloudInteropOverride } from "@openfin/cloud-interop";
const cloudConfig = {
platformId: "my-platform",
sourceId: "my-desktop"
const InitializedCloudInteropOverride = await cloudInteropOverride(cloudConfig);
await fin.Interop.init(fin.me.uuid, InitializedCloudInteropOverride);
The Cloud Interop API client offers various authentication methods which can be enabled through configuration.
Interactive session based authentication using cookies (default):
import { cloudInteropOverride } from "@openfin/cloud-interop";
const cloudConfig = {
platformId: "my-platform",
sourceId: "my-desktop",
const InitializedCloudInteropOverride = await cloudInteropOverride(cloudConfig);
Basic authentication with credentials provisioned per Cloud Interop Service:
import { cloudInteropOverride } from "@openfin/cloud-interop";
const cloudConfig = {
platformId: "my-platform",
sourceId: "my-desktop",
authenticationType: "basic",
basicAuthenticationParameters: {
username: "bob@acme.com",
password: "password"
const InitializedCloudInteropOverride = await cloudInteropOverride(cloudConfig);
JWT token authentication:
import { cloudInteropOverride } from "@openfin/cloud-interop";
const cloudConfig = {
platformId: "my-platform",
sourceId: "my-desktop",
authenticationType: "jwt",
jwtAuthenticationParameters: {
authenticationId: "00b671f2-e1a9-4c29-9fa9-55f1988a11fb",
jwtRequestCallback: () => "my-token"
const InitializedCloudInteropOverride = await cloudInteropOverride(cloudConfig);