Advanced tools
([#1451], thanks [@Avan2021])shop=groundskeeping
([#1448], thanks [@Avan2021])shop=bbq
([#1430], thanks [@andrewharvey])fire_hydrant/position
field by default for all Hydrants ([#1441], thanks [@sun-geo])wheelchair
field to Cycle Barrier preset ([#1232], thanks [@k-yle])operator
field to highway=street_lamp
([#1327], thanks [@CorruptComputer])craft=upholsterer
([#1462], thanks [@westnordost])vacant
[#1457], art
[#1458], craft
[#1459], e-cigarette
[#1460], amenity=marketplace
[#1461], thanks [@westnordost])cycle_barrier
type, cycle_barrier:installation
, deflection
angle, maxwidth:physical
, opening
width, overlap
width and spacing
distance ([#1232], thanks [@k-yle])irrigation=pivot
([#1320], thanks [@arch0345])entrance=shop
value also to Entrance Type field ([#1446])amenity=fast_food
as moreFileds
([#1454], thanks [@Avan2021])bridge
and tunnel
values also in structure
and tilework
to Artwork Type field ([#1443], thanks [@okainov])shop=photo_studio
directory in main branch (it's now available in a dedicated branch called interim
) ([#1307])Changelog
([#1298], thanks [@deevroman])highway=path + path=crossing
([#1201], thanks [@tordans])shop=gold_buyer
([#1374], thanks [@matkoniecz])natural=arch
([#1352], thanks [@jake-low])entrance=shop
([#1299], thanks [@deevroman])cycleway=traffic_island
([#1068], thanks [@k-yle])building
(with default value yes
) field to Funeral Service Hall preset ([#1324], thanks [@arch0345])shop=yes
to reuse the name "Shop (Unspecified type)" ([#1415], thanks [@Dimitar5555])layer=1
on newly created building=roof
objects ([#1342]) and tweak fields of roof presetcamp_site
(type) field to Campground preset ([#1286], thanks [@osmuser63783])internet_access
field ([#1346], thanks [@mnalis])e-cigarettes
to vending
field of Vending Machine preset ([#1371], thanks [@tiuck])map_type
tag ([#1373], thanks [@tiuck])sac_scale=strolling
to Hiking Path Difficulty field ([#1383], thanks [@felagund])parking
field ([#1402], thanks [@Nekzuris])panoramax
photo ids ([#1344], thanks [@mnalis])addr:town
in list of tags of the Address field ([#1433])meadow=meadow_orchard
, orchard=meadow_orchard
([#1218], thanks [@tordans])highway=path-
based bicycle-foot path tagging in some European countries ([#1384], thanks [@olafkryus])information=map + map_type=tactile_map
~~ with information=tactile_map ([#1373], thanks [@tiuck])information=map + map_type=tactile_model
~~ with information=tactile_model ([#1373], thanks [@tiuck])parking:lane:*=*
~~ with parking:*
tags ([#1390], thanks [@tiptoptom])cycleway*=opposite
~~ with oneway:bicycle=no
([#1295], thanks [@tordans])Changelog
([#1274], thanks [@osmuser63783])hairdresser=barber
([#1165], thanks [@kjonosm])man_made=footwear_decontamination
([#1187], thanks [@Asteliks])activity
field to Trail Marker preset ([#1197], thanks [@danieldegroot2])maxweight
field to Helipad preset ([#1234])organic
field to the following presets: Cafe, Fast Food, Ice Cream Shop, Restaurant ([#1247], thanks [@ToastHawaii])maxheight
field to Parking Garage Entrance/Exit preset ([#232], thanks [@cicku])armrest
field for Bench preset ([#1227], thanks [@bompstable])surface
field: clay
, concrete:lanes
, concrete:plates
, grass_paver
, pebblestone
, tartan
([#1198], thanks [@michalgwo])alt_name
, loc_name
, nat_name
, official_name
, reg_name
, short_name
([#215], thanks [@1ec5])ghost_bike
to the memorial type field ([#1302], thanks [@mnalis])sidewalk=none
to sidewalk=no
([#1245], thanks [@Dimitar5555])matchScore
property from Kitchen Garden preset ([#1253])dist
directory for searching in VS Code ([#1219])interim
data to a dedicated branch, instead of the main
development branch ([#1307])Changelog
traffic_calming=island + area=yes
was falsely upgraded to area:highway=traffic_calming
instead of …=traffic_island
traffic_calming=island + area=yes
to area:highway=traffic_island
([#1091], thanks [@arch0345])amenity=dog_toilet
([#1095], thanks [@cnotin])amenity=library_dropoff
) ([#1037], thanks [@arch0345])leisure=hot_tub
) ([#1008], thanks [@arch0345])emergency=disaster_response
([#1108], thanks [@andrewharvey])amenity=luggage_locker
([#1121], thanks [@kjonosm])leisure=garden
+ garden:type=kitchen
) ([#1135], thanks [@imagoiq])historic=cannon
([#1134], thanks [@qugebert])amenity=bicycle_wash
([#1032], thanks [@mcliquid])ref
field to railway=switch
preset ([#1083], thanks [@gy-mate])bottle
field to optional fields in the Drinking Water preset ([#1101])via
field to Ferry Route preset ([#1127], thanks [@k-yle])changing_table
as optional field to several POI presets ([#1139], thanks [@mangerlahn])oneway
as optional field to Crossing ways, Footways, Paths, Steps and Track Roads ([#1143], thanks [@tordans])ref
(Line Number) and railway:track_ref
(Track Number) fields to the railway=rail
preset ([#1083], thanks [@gy-mate])railway:switch
(Switch Type) field to railway=switch
preset ([#1084], thanks [@gy-mate])summit:cross
tag on natural=peak
objects ([#1088], thanks [@qugebert])unleashed
as an option for the dog
to the field for the historic
tag ([#1067])toilets:menstrual_products
) on Toilets and POIs with the toilet
field ([#1116], thanks [@moan0s])sport_pub
field and add value for sport=darts
to it as well as the generic sport
field ([#1029], thanks [@kjonosm])kerb
tag for features mapped as archaeological_site=fortification
([#1129], thanks [@k-yle])bridge
field for man_made=bridge
features ([#1002], thanks [@kjonosm])left
are meant to be mapped relative to the driving direction for highway=cyclist_waiting_aid
features ([iD#10128])emergency=lifeguard_tower/lifeguard_base/lifeguard_platform
and emergency=water_rescue_station
as deprecated in favor of emergency=lifeguard + lifeguard=*
([#1098], thanks [@westnordost])tourism=resort
as deprecated in favor of leisure=resort
([#1103], thanks [@westnordost])tourism=picnic_table
as deprecated in favor of leisure=picnic_table
([#1104], thanks [@westnordost])industrial=brickworks
as deprecated in favor of industrial=brickyard
([#1105], thanks [@qugebert])amenity=ses_station
as deprecated in favor of emergency=disaster_response
([#1109], thanks [@qugebert])leisure=maze
as deprecated in favor of attraction=maze
([#1102], thanks [@westnordost])amenity=lockers
as deprecated in favor of amenity=locker
([#1124], thanks [@kjonosm])lpg
values of the Fuel field ([#1130], thanks [@k-yle])building=yes
on man_made=works
objects ([#1132])traffic_calming=island
preset ([#1076])historic=ruins
to be mapped as lines ([#1149])Changelog
([#1020], thanks [@tordans])highway=cyclist_waiting_aid
([#1069], thanks [@k-yle])vending=food
+ food=snacks
) ([#1038], thanks [@arch0345])support
& colour
fields to Letter Box preset ([#1005], thanks [@mnalis])vending=sweets
to Candy Vending Machine ([#1038], thanks [@arch0345])traffic_calming=island
preset to Traffic Calming Island ([#1074], thanks [@ireun])opening_hours:drive_through
([#999], thanks [@arch0345])fhrs:id
reference code for food establishments in the UK (, thanks [@Cj-Malone])gnis:feature_id
field ([#1007], thanks [@watmildon])crossing:markings
types in Poland ([#1030], thanks [@Zaczero])ref:edubase
reference code for schools (and similar facilities) in the UK ([#1000], thanks [@arrival-spring])