Orbs contracts js
Orbs contracts js is a library that provides easy to use interfaces to communicate with the Orbs contracts that are deployed on the Ethereum blockchain.
npm install @orbs-network/contracts-js
1.Initialize a web3 object (in this specific example we will use the 'ethereum provider' injected by MetaMask)
import Web3 from "web3";
const ethereumProvider = (window as any).ethereum;
const web3 = new Web3(ethereumProvider as any);
2.Initialize an instance of a service (They all have the same constructor parameters)
import { IOrbsTokenService, OrbsTokenService } from '@orbs-network/contracts-js';
const orbsTokenService: IOrbsTokenService = new OrbsTokenService(web3);
3.Use the service to interact with the ethereum contracts in a js native way -- easy and convenient way to interact with the contracts that are deployed on Ethereum.
const myOrbsAccountAddress = '0x12BF4263560Ce9a3cADD20B0b36208d131b64f87';
const balance = await orbsTokenService.readBalance(myOrbsAccountAddress);
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.