Legacy Whirlpools SDK
Whirpools is an open-source concentrated liquidity AMM contract on the Solana blockchain.
The legacy Whirlpools Typescript SDK (@orca-so/whirlpools-sdk
) allows for easy interaction with a deployed Whirlpools program and is a solid choice if you are working the Solana Web3.js.
The contract has been audited by Kudelski and Neodyme.
In your project, run:
yarn add "@orca-so/whirlpools-sdk"
yarn add "@orca-so/common-sdk"
yarn add "@coral-xyz/anchor@0.29.0"
yarn add "@solana/web3.js"
yarn add "@solana/spl-token"
yarn add "decimal.js"
Visit our documentation site on GitHub to to learn more about how to use this SDK.
To run tests for the SDK, setup your anchor environment and run:
anchor test
Apache 2.0