Potygen CLI (Postgres typescript generator)
Command line tool for generating types for potygen
yarn add --dev @ovotech/potygen-cli
If we had sql string templates like this:
import { sql } from '@ovotech/potygen';
import { Client } from 'pg';
const db = new Client(process.env.POSTGRES_CONNECTION);
async function main() {
await db.connect();
const productsSql = sql`SELECT product FROM orders WHERE region = $region`;
const data = await productsSql(db, { region: 'Sofia' });
await db.end();
We could then run the potygen cli tool to generate types for them
yarn potygen -n postgres://localhost:5432/postgres examples/simple.ts
After that you can import the types and use them, which will type both parameters of the query as well as the results
import { sql } from '@ovotech/potygen';
import { Client } from 'pg';
import { ProductsSqlQuery } from './simple-typed.queries';
const db = new Client(process.env.POSTGRES_CONNECTION);
async function main() {
await db.connect();
const productsSql = sql<ProductsSqlQuery>`SELECT product FROM orders WHERE region = $region`;
const data = await productsSql(db, { region: 'Sofia' });
await db.end();
You can define potygen.config.json or provide a json file to the --config property. The full list of parameters are:
Usage: potygen [options]
Convert postgres query files into typescript types
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config <config> A configuration file to load (default: "potygen.config.json")
-f, --files <files> A glob pattern to search files by (default: "**/*.sql")
-w, --watch Watch for file changes and update live
-v, --verbose Show verbose logs
-a, --cache-file <cacheFile> Cache file to be used by --cache (default: ".cache/potygen.cache")
-r, --cache-clear Clear the cache
-e, --cache Cache which files have been processed, defaults .cache/potygen.cache
-s, --silent Only show error logs
-p, --typePrefix <typePrefix> Prefix generated types
-l, --preload Load all data at once. Slower start but faster for a lot of files
-r, --root <root> Set the root directory (default: ~/Projects/potygen/packages/cli)
-n, --connection <connection> Connection to the postgres database. URI (default: "postgres://localhost:5432/db")
-t, --template <template> A template of the path, where to generate the typescript type files. The parameters are the response from node's path.parse function (default:
-h, --help display help for command