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@owja/ioc - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.0-alpha.2 to 2.0.0-alpha.3



@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

export { Container } from "./ioc/container";
export { Container, Plugin } from "./ioc/container";
export { createDecorator } from "./ioc/decorator";
export { createWire } from "./ioc/wire";
export { createResolve } from "./ioc/resolve";
export { NOCACHE } from "./ioc/symbol";
export { NOCACHE, NOPLUGINS } from "./ioc/symbol";
export { token } from "./ioc/token";

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

function t(t){return"symbol"!=typeof t}function n(n){return t(n)?`Token(${n.type.toString()})`:n.toString()}function o(n){return t(n)?n.type:n}class e{constructor(t){this.t=void 0,this.t=t}inSingletonScope(){this.t.singleton=!0}}class i{constructor(t){this.t=void 0,this.t=t}to(t){return this.t.object=t,new e(this.t)}toFactory(t){return this.t.factory=t,new e(this.t)}toValue(t){if(void 0===t)throw"cannot bind a value of type undefined";this.t.value=t}}const r=Symbol("NOCACHE");function s(t,n,o,e,i){Object.defineProperty(t,n,{get:function(){const t=o.get(e);return-1===i.indexOf(r)&&Object.defineProperty(this,n,{value:t,enumerable:!0}),t},configurable:!0,enumerable:!0})}exports.Container=class{constructor(){this.o=new Map,this.i=[]}bind(t){return new i(this.u(t))}rebind(t){return this.remove(t).bind(t)}remove(t){if(void 0===this.o.get(o(t)))throw`${n(t)} was never bound`;return this.o.delete(o(t)),this}get(t){const e=this.o.get(o(t));if(void 0===e)throw`nothing bound to ${n(t)}`;const{object:i,factory:r,value:s,cache:u,singleton:c}=e,h=t=>c&&void 0!==u?u:c?(e.cache=t(),e.cache):t();if(void 0!==s)return s;if(void 0!==i)return h(()=>new i);if(void 0!==r)return h(()=>r());throw`nothing is bound to ${n(t)}`}snapshot(){return this.i.push(new Map(this.o)),this}restore(){return this.o=this.i.pop()||this.o,this}u(t){if(void 0!==this.o.get(o(t)))throw`object can only bound once: ${n(t)}`;const e={singleton:!1};return this.o.set(o(t),e),e}},exports.NOCACHE=r,exports.createDecorator=function(t){return function(n){return(o,e)=>{s(o,e,t,n,[],1))}}},exports.createResolve=function(t){return function(n){let o;return()=>(-1===[],1).indexOf(r)&&void 0!==o||(o=t.get(n)),o)}},exports.createWire=function(t){return function(n,o,e){s(n,o,t,e,[],3))}},exports.token=function(t){return{type:Symbol(t)}};
function t(t){return"symbol"!=typeof t}function n(n){return t(n)?`Token(${n.type.toString()})`:n.toString()}function i(n){return t(n)?n.type:n}const r=Symbol("NOCACHE"),o=Symbol("NOPLUGINS");class e{constructor(t){this.t=void 0,this.t=t}withPlugin(t){return this.t.plugins.push(t),this}}class s extends e{inSingletonScope(){return this.t.singleton=!0,this}}class u{constructor(t){this.t=void 0,this.t=t}to(t){return this.t.factory=()=>new t,new s(this.t)}toFactory(t){return this.t.factory=t,new s(this.t)}toValue(t){if(void 0===t)throw"cannot bind a value of type undefined";return this.t.value=t,new e(this.t)}}function h(t,n,i,o,e){Object.defineProperty(t,n,{get:function(){const t=i.get(o,e,this);return-1===e.indexOf(r)&&Object.defineProperty(this,n,{value:t,enumerable:!0}),t},configurable:!0,enumerable:!0})}exports.Container=class{constructor(){this.i=new Map,this.o=[],this.u=[]}bind(t){return new u(this.h(t))}rebind(t){return this.remove(t).bind(t)}remove(t){if(void 0===this.i.get(i(t)))throw`${n(t)} was never bound`;return this.i.delete(i(t)),this}get(t,r,e){void 0===r&&(r=[]);const s=this.i.get(i(t));if(void 0===s)throw`nothing bound to ${n(t)}`;const{factory:u,value:h,cache:c,singleton:f,plugins:a}=s,d=n=>{if(-1!==r.indexOf(o))return n;for(const i of this.u.concat(a))i(n,e,r,t,this);return n};if(void 0!==h)return d(h);if(void 0!==u)return d((l=()=>u(),f&&void 0!==c?c:f?(s.cache=l(),s.cache):l()));var l;throw`nothing is bound to ${n(t)}`}addPlugin(t){return this.u.push(t),this}snapshot(){return this.o.push(new Map(this.i)),this}restore(){return this.i=this.o.pop()||this.i,this}h(t){if(void 0!==this.i.get(i(t)))throw`object can only bound once: ${n(t)}`;const r={plugins:[]};return this.i.set(i(t),r),r}},exports.NOCACHE=r,exports.NOPLUGINS=o,exports.createDecorator=function(t){return function(n){return(i,r)=>{h(i,r,t,n,[],1))}}},exports.createResolve=function(t){return function(n){var i=[],1);let o;return function(){return-1===i.indexOf(r)&&void 0!==o||(o=t.get(n,i,this)),o}}},exports.createWire=function(t){return function(n,i,r){h(n,i,t,r,[],3))}},exports.token=function(t){return{type:Symbol(t)}};
import { MaybeToken } from "./token";
interface IConfig<T> {
object?: INewAble<T>;
interface Item<T> {
factory?: Factory<T>;
value?: Value<T>;
cache?: T;
singleton: boolean;
singleton?: boolean;
plugins: Plugin<T>[];
interface INewAble<T> {
export declare type Plugin<Dependency = any, Target = any> = (dependency: Dependency, target: Target | undefined, args: symbol[], token: MaybeToken<Dependency>, container: Container) => void;
interface NewAble<T> {
new (...args: any[]): T;

@@ -14,13 +15,16 @@ }

declare type Value<T> = T;
declare class Options<T> {
private _target;
constructor(_target: IConfig<T>);
inSingletonScope(): void;
declare class PluginOptions<T> {
protected _target: Item<T>;
constructor(_target: Item<T>);
withPlugin(plugin: Plugin<T>): PluginOptions<T>;
declare class Options<T> extends PluginOptions<T> {
inSingletonScope(): PluginOptions<T>;
declare class Bind<T> {
private _target;
constructor(_target: IConfig<T>);
to(object: INewAble<T>): Options<T>;
constructor(_target: Item<T>);
to(object: NewAble<T>): Options<T>;
toFactory(factory: Factory<T>): Options<T>;
toValue(value: Value<T>): void;
toValue(value: Value<T>): PluginOptions<T>;

@@ -30,10 +34,12 @@ export declare class Container {

private _snapshots;
private _plugins;
bind<T = never>(token: MaybeToken<T>): Bind<T>;
rebind<T = never>(token: MaybeToken<T>): Bind<T>;
remove(token: MaybeToken): Container;
get<T = never>(token: MaybeToken<T>): T;
get<T = never>(token: MaybeToken<T>, args?: symbol[], target?: unknown): T;
addPlugin(plugin: Plugin): Container;
snapshot(): Container;
restore(): Container;
private _add;
private _create;
export {};
import { Container } from "./container";
import { MaybeToken } from "./token";
export declare function createDecorator(container: Container): <T>(token: MaybeToken<T>, ...args: MaybeToken[]) => <TTarget extends { [key in TProp]: T; }, TProp extends string>(target: TTarget, property: TProp) => void;
export declare function createDecorator(container: Container): <T>(token: MaybeToken<T>, ...args: symbol[]) => <Target extends { [key in Prop]: T; }, Prop extends string>(target: Target, property: Prop) => void;
import { Container } from "./container";
import { MaybeToken } from "./token";
export declare function define<TVal, TTarget extends {
[key in TProp]: TVal;
}, TProp extends string>(target: TTarget, property: TProp, container: Container, token: MaybeToken<TVal>, argTokens: MaybeToken[]): void;
export declare function define<T, Target extends {
[key in Prop]: T;
}, Prop extends string>(target: Target, property: Prop, container: Container, token: MaybeToken<T>, args: symbol[]): void;
import { Container } from "./container";
import { MaybeToken } from "./token";
export declare function createResolve(container: Container): <T = never>(token: MaybeToken<T>, ...args: MaybeToken[]) => () => T;
export declare function createResolve(container: Container): <T = never>(token: MaybeToken<T>, ...args: symbol[]) => (this: unknown) => T;
export declare const NOCACHE: unique symbol;
export declare const NOPLUGINS: unique symbol;
import { Container } from "./container";
import { MaybeToken } from "./token";
export declare function createWire(container: Container): <TVal, TTarget extends { [key in TProp]: TVal; }, TProp extends string>(target: TTarget, property: TProp, token: MaybeToken<TVal>, ...args: MaybeToken[]) => void;
export declare function createWire(container: Container): <Value, Target extends { [key in Prop]: Value; }, Prop extends string>(target: Target, property: Prop, token: MaybeToken<Value>, ...args: symbol[]) => void;
"name": "@owja/ioc",
"version": "2.0.0-alpha.2",
"version": "2.0.0-alpha.3",
"description": "dependency injection for javascript",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/ioc.js",

@@ -23,2 +23,14 @@ # @owja/ioc

## Install
npm install --save-dev @owja/ioc
Latest preview/dev version (alpha or beta)
npm install --save-dev @owja/ioc@next
## The Container API

@@ -241,3 +253,3 @@

## Type-Safe Token (2.0 beta)
## Type-Safe Token (new in 2.0)

@@ -244,0 +256,0 @@ With version 2 we added the possibility to use a type-safe way to identify our dependencies. This is done with tokens:

@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

export {Container} from "./ioc/container";
export {Container, Plugin} from "./ioc/container";
export {createDecorator} from "./ioc/decorator";
export {createWire} from "./ioc/wire";
export {createResolve} from "./ioc/resolve";
export {NOCACHE} from "./ioc/symbol";
export {NOCACHE, NOPLUGINS} from "./ioc/symbol";
export {token} from "./ioc/token";
import {getType, MaybeToken, stringifyToken} from "./token";
import {NOPLUGINS} from "./symbol";
interface IConfig<T> {
object?: INewAble<T>;
interface Item<T> {
factory?: Factory<T>;
value?: Value<T>;
cache?: T;
singleton: boolean;
singleton?: boolean;
plugins: Plugin<T>[];
interface INewAble<T> {
export type Plugin<Dependency = any, Target = any> = (
dependency: Dependency,
target: Target | undefined,
args: symbol[],
token: MaybeToken<Dependency>,
container: Container,
) => void;
interface NewAble<T> {
new (...args: any[]): T;
type Registry = Map<symbol, IConfig<any>>;
type Registry = Map<symbol, Item<any>>;

@@ -20,7 +29,15 @@ type Factory<T> = () => T;

class Options<T> {
constructor(private _target: IConfig<T>) {}
class PluginOptions<T> {
constructor(protected _target: Item<T>) {}
inSingletonScope() {
withPlugin(plugin: Plugin<T>): PluginOptions<T> {
return this;
class Options<T> extends PluginOptions<T> {
inSingletonScope(): PluginOptions<T> {
this._target.singleton = true;
return this;

@@ -30,6 +47,6 @@ }

class Bind<T> {
constructor(private _target: IConfig<T>) {}
constructor(private _target: Item<T>) {}
to(object: INewAble<T>): Options<T> {
this._target.object = object;
to(object: NewAble<T>): Options<T> {
this._target.factory = () => new object();
return new Options<T>(this._target);

@@ -43,3 +60,3 @@ }

toValue(value: Value<T>): void {
toValue(value: Value<T>): PluginOptions<T> {
if (typeof value === "undefined") {

@@ -49,2 +66,3 @@ throw "cannot bind a value of type undefined";

this._target.value = value;
return new PluginOptions<T>(this._target);

@@ -54,7 +72,8 @@ }

export class Container {
private _registry: Registry = new Map<symbol, IConfig<any>>();
private _registry: Registry = new Map<symbol, Item<any>>();
private _snapshots: Registry[] = [];
private _plugins: Plugin[] = [];
bind<T = never>(token: MaybeToken<T>): Bind<T> {
return new Bind<T>(this._add<T>(token));
return new Bind<T>(this._create<T>(token));

@@ -76,21 +95,30 @@

get<T = never>(token: MaybeToken<T>): T {
const regItem = this._registry.get(getType(token));
get<T = never>(token: MaybeToken<T>, args: symbol[] = [], target?: unknown): T {
const item = this._registry.get(getType(token));
if (regItem === undefined) {
if (item === undefined) {
throw `nothing bound to ${stringifyToken(token)}`;
const {object, factory, value, cache, singleton} = regItem;
const {factory, value, cache, singleton, plugins} = item;
const execPlugins = (item: T): T => {
if (args.indexOf(NOPLUGINS) !== -1) return item;
for (const plugin of this._plugins.concat(plugins)) {
plugin(item, target, args, token, this);
return item;
const cacheItem = (creator: () => T): T => {
if (singleton && typeof cache !== "undefined") return cache;
if (!singleton) return creator();
regItem.cache = creator();
return regItem.cache;
item.cache = creator();
return item.cache;
if (typeof value !== "undefined") return value;
if (typeof object !== "undefined") return cacheItem(() => new object());
if (typeof factory !== "undefined") return cacheItem(() => factory());
if (typeof value !== "undefined") return execPlugins(value);
if (typeof factory !== "undefined") return execPlugins(cacheItem(() => factory()));

@@ -100,2 +128,7 @@ throw `nothing is bound to ${stringifyToken(token)}`;

addPlugin(plugin: Plugin): Container {
return this;
snapshot(): Container {

@@ -111,3 +144,3 @@ this._snapshots.push(new Map(this._registry));

private _add<T>(token: MaybeToken<T>): IConfig<T> {
private _create<T>(token: MaybeToken<T>): Item<T> {
if (this._registry.get(getType(token)) !== undefined) {

@@ -117,7 +150,7 @@ throw `object can only bound once: ${stringifyToken(token)}`;

const conf = {singleton: false};
this._registry.set(getType(token), conf);
const item = {plugins: []};
this._registry.set(getType(token), item);
return conf;
return item;

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ import {Container} from "./container";

export function createDecorator(container: Container) {
return <T>(token: MaybeToken<T>, ...args: MaybeToken[]) => {
return <TTarget extends {[key in TProp]: T}, TProp extends string>(target: TTarget, property: TProp): void => {
return <T>(token: MaybeToken<T>, ...args: symbol[]) => {
return <Target extends {[key in Prop]: T}, Prop extends string>(target: Target, property: Prop): void => {
define(target, property, container, token, args);

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ };

@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ import {Container} from "./container";

export function define<TVal, TTarget extends {[key in TProp]: TVal}, TProp extends string>(
target: TTarget,
property: TProp,
export function define<T, Target extends {[key in Prop]: T}, Prop extends string>(
target: Target,
property: Prop,
container: Container,
token: MaybeToken<TVal>,
argTokens: MaybeToken[],
token: MaybeToken<T>,
args: symbol[],
) {
Object.defineProperty(target, property, {
get: function () {
const value = container.get<any>(token);
if (argTokens.indexOf(NOCACHE) === -1) {
const value = container.get<any>(token, args, this);
if (args.indexOf(NOCACHE) === -1) {
Object.defineProperty(this, property, {

@@ -18,0 +18,0 @@ value,

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import {Container} from "./container";

export function createResolve(container: Container) {
return <T = never>(token: MaybeToken<T>, ...args: MaybeToken[]) => {
return <T = never>(token: MaybeToken<T>, ...args: symbol[]) => {
let value: T;
return (): T => {
return function (this: unknown): T {
if (args.indexOf(NOCACHE) !== -1 || value === undefined) {
value = container.get<T>(token);
value = container.get<T>(token, args, this);

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ return value;

export const NOCACHE = Symbol("NOCACHE");
export const NOPLUGINS = Symbol("NOPLUGINS");

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import {Container} from "./container";

export function createWire(container: Container) {
return <TVal, TTarget extends {[key in TProp]: TVal}, TProp extends string>(
target: TTarget,
property: TProp,
token: MaybeToken<TVal>,
...args: MaybeToken[]
return <Value, Target extends {[key in Prop]: Value}, Prop extends string>(
target: Target,
property: Prop,
token: MaybeToken<Value>,
...args: symbol[]
) => {

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ define(target, property, container, token, args);

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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