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Advanced tools
A CLI tool to validate mocks against swagger/OpenApi specs.
A CLI tool to validate mocks against swagger/OpenApi specs.
For a list of all the validation features see FEATURES.md.
Note: Beginning from v12+, this package is ESM-only, so you may need to upgrade your tooling to support this.
Install the tool globally using npm
npm install --global @pactflow/swagger-mock-validator
Install the tool a single project
npm install --save-dev @pactflow/swagger-mock-validator
Download and run the tool directly, without a global install, see Usage
npx @pactflow/swagger-mock-validator /path/to/swagger.json /path/to/pact.json
Invoke the tool with a path or url to a Swagger or OpenApi file and a path or url to a mock file. These files should be in json format.
swagger-mock-validator /path/to/swagger.json /path/to/pact.json
swagger-mock-validator https://api.com/swagger.json https://pact-broker.com/pact.json
swagger-mock-validator /path/to/swagger.json https://pact-broker.com/pact.json
Invoking this command will confirm the Swagger/OpenApi spec and mock are compatible with each other. FEATURES.md contains the details of what is verified.
If the two files are compatible with each other an exit status of 0 is returned.
If the two files are not compatible with each other an exit status of 1 is returned, along with a message containing the reason why the two files are not compatible.
The depth of the objects in the output can be modified by using --outputDepth
flag, default depth is 4.
swagger-mock-validator spec.json mock.json --outputDepth 5
For more options on how to use the command run the command with the help flag.
swagger-mock-validator --help
Usage: swagger-mock-validator [options] <swagger> <mock>
Confirms the swagger spec and mock are compatible with each other.
Basic Usage:
The <swagger> and <mock> arguments should paths to the json files or urls to the json files.
Supported Mock Formats:
Pact Broker:
For providers using the pact broker the <mock> argument should be the url to the root of the
pact broker and the provider name should be passed using the --provider option. This will
automatically find the latest versions of the consumer pact file(s) uploaded to the broker for
the specified provider name. The <swagger> argument should be the path or url to the swagger
json file. Optionally, pass a --tag option alongside a --provider option to filter the retrieved
pacts from the broker by Pact Broker version tags. Pass the --publish flag together with
--providerApplicationVersion to publish the result to the pact broker.
If the pact broker has basic auth enabled, pass a --user option with username and password joined by a colon
(i.e. THE_USERNAME:THE_PASSWORD) to access the pact broker resources.
If the pact broker has bearer token auth enabled, pass a --token option along with the token to access the pact broker resources.
You can also set the following environment variables
- Basic Auth
- Bearer Auth
Note: command line options will take precedence over environment variables.
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --provider [string] The name of the provider in the pact broker
-t, --tag [string] The tag to filter pacts retrieved from the pact broker
-u, --user [USERNAME:PASSWORD] The basic auth username and password to access the pact broker (env - PACT_BROKER_USERNAME:PACT_BROKER_PASSWORD)
-u, --token [string] The bearer token to access the pact broker (env - PACT_BROKER_TOKEN)
-a, --analyticsUrl [string] The url to send analytics events to as a http post
-o, --outputDepth [integer] Specifies the number of times to recurse while formatting the output objects. This is useful in case of large complicated objects or schemas. (default: 4)
-A, --additionalPropertiesInResponse [boolean] allow additional properties in response bodies, default false
-R, --requiredPropertiesInResponse [boolean] allows required properties in response bodies, default false
--publish Allows publication of verification result to pact broker, default false
--providerApplicationVersion [string] Version of provider, used when publishing result to broker, required if --publish is set
--buildUrl [string] Url to build/pipeline, used when publishing result to broker
--providerBranch [string] Branch of provider, used when publishing result to broker
--providerTags [string] Tags of provider, used when publishing result to broker, comma separated
-h, --help display help for command
We will demonstate with a sample Pact file and Swagger PetStore Example.
Included in this repository is a sample Pact file and the Swagger Petstore Example file.
The swagger file has been modified to include additionalProperties: true
in the Pet
schema. This will be ignored with the default settings.
set --additionalPropertiesInResponse true
to preserve the intended behaviour.
"consumer": {
"name": "MyConsumer"
"provider": {
"name": "pactWith"
"interactions": [
"description": "A get request to get a pet 1845563262948980200",
"providerState": "A pet 1845563262948980200 exists",
"request": {
"method": "GET",
"path": "/v2/pet/1845563262948980200",
"headers": {
"api_key": "[]"
"response": {
"status": 200,
"headers": {
"body": {
"someField": "some string"
"matchingRules": {
"$.body.someField": {
"match": "type"
"metadata": {
"pactSpecification": {
"version": "2.0.0"
Default behaviour, as per the following flags
falsenpx @pactflow/swagger-mock-validator ./docs/swagger.json ./docs/pact.json
Mock file "./docs/pact.json" is not compatible with spec file "https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json"
1 error(s)
response.body.incompatible: 1
0 warning(s)
warnings: [],
errors: [
code: 'response.body.incompatible',
message: 'Response body is incompatible with the response body schema in the spec file: should NOT have additional properties - someField',
mockDetails: {
interactionDescription: 'A get request to get a pet 1845563262948980200',
interactionState: 'A pet 1845563262948980200 exists',
location: '[root].interactions[0].response.body',
mockFile: './docs/pact.json',
value: { someField: 'some string' }
source: 'spec-mock-validation',
specDetails: {
location: '[root].paths./pet/{petId}.get.responses.200.schema.additionalProperties',
pathMethod: 'get',
pathName: '/pet/{petId}',
specFile: 'https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json',
value: undefined
type: 'error'
Error: Mock file "./docs/pact.json" is not compatible with spec file "https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json"
falsenpx @pactflow/swagger-mock-validator --additionalPropertiesInResponse true --requiredPropertiesInResponse false docs/swagger.json ./docs/pact.json
0 error(s)
0 warning(s)
truenpx @pactflow/swagger-mock-validator --additionalPropertiesInResponse false --requiredPropertiesInResponse true docs/swagger.json ./docs/pact.json
Mock file "./docs/pact.json" is not compatible with spec file "docs/swagger.json"
3 error(s)
response.body.incompatible: 3
0 warning(s)
warnings: [],
errors: [
code: 'response.body.incompatible',
message: 'Response body is incompatible with the response body schema in the spec file: should NOT have additional properties - someField',
mockDetails: {
interactionDescription: 'A get request to get a pet 1845563262948980200',
interactionState: 'A pet 1845563262948980200 exists',
location: '[root].interactions[0].response.body',
mockFile: './docs/pact.json',
value: { someField: 'some string' }
source: 'spec-mock-validation',
specDetails: {
location: '[root].paths./pet/{petId}.get.responses.200.schema.additionalProperties',
pathMethod: 'get',
pathName: '/pet/{petId}',
specFile: 'docs/swagger.json',
value: undefined
type: 'error'
code: 'response.body.incompatible',
message: "Response body is incompatible with the response body schema in the spec file: should have required property 'name'",
mockDetails: {
interactionDescription: 'A get request to get a pet 1845563262948980200',
interactionState: 'A pet 1845563262948980200 exists',
location: '[root].interactions[0].response.body',
mockFile: './docs/pact.json',
value: { someField: 'some string' }
source: 'spec-mock-validation',
specDetails: {
location: '[root].paths./pet/{petId}.get.responses.200.schema.required',
pathMethod: 'get',
pathName: '/pet/{petId}',
specFile: 'docs/swagger.json',
value: [ 'name', 'photoUrls' ]
type: 'error'
code: 'response.body.incompatible',
message: "Response body is incompatible with the response body schema in the spec file: should have required property 'photoUrls'",
mockDetails: {
interactionDescription: 'A get request to get a pet 1845563262948980200',
interactionState: 'A pet 1845563262948980200 exists',
location: '[root].interactions[0].response.body',
mockFile: './docs/pact.json',
value: { someField: 'some string' }
source: 'spec-mock-validation',
specDetails: {
location: '[root].paths./pet/{petId}.get.responses.200.schema.required',
pathMethod: 'get',
pathName: '/pet/{petId}',
specFile: 'docs/swagger.json',
value: [ 'name', 'photoUrls' ]
type: 'error'
Error: Mock file "./docs/pact.json" is not compatible with spec file "docs/swagger.json"
truenpx @pactflow/swagger-mock-validator --additionalPropertiesInResponse true --requiredPropertiesInResponse true docs/swagger.json ./docs/pact.json
Mock file "./docs/pact.json" is not compatible with spec file "docs/swagger.json"
2 error(s)
response.body.incompatible: 2
0 warning(s)
warnings: [],
errors: [
code: 'response.body.incompatible',
message: "Response body is incompatible with the response body schema in the spec file: should have required property 'name'",
mockDetails: {
interactionDescription: 'A get request to get a pet 1845563262948980200',
interactionState: 'A pet 1845563262948980200 exists',
location: '[root].interactions[0].response.body',
mockFile: './docs/pact.json',
value: { someField: 'some string' }
source: 'spec-mock-validation',
specDetails: {
location: '[root].paths./pet/{petId}.get.responses.200.schema.required',
pathMethod: 'get',
pathName: '/pet/{petId}',
specFile: 'docs/swagger.json',
value: [ 'name', 'photoUrls' ]
type: 'error'
code: 'response.body.incompatible',
message: "Response body is incompatible with the response body schema in the spec file: should have required property 'photoUrls'",
mockDetails: {
interactionDescription: 'A get request to get a pet 1845563262948980200',
interactionState: 'A pet 1845563262948980200 exists',
location: '[root].interactions[0].response.body',
mockFile: './docs/pact.json',
value: { someField: 'some string' }
source: 'spec-mock-validation',
specDetails: {
location: '[root].paths./pet/{petId}.get.responses.200.schema.required',
pathMethod: 'get',
pathName: '/pet/{petId}',
specFile: 'docs/swagger.json',
value: [ 'name', 'photoUrls' ]
type: 'error'
Error: Mock file "./docs/pact.json" is not compatible with spec file "docs/swagger.json"
Provider services can easily verify all the consumer pact files uploaded to a Pact Broker using this tool. Invoke the tool with a url to the Pact Broker along with the name of the provider service and the tool will automatically discover and validate the latest versions of the consumer pact files for the provider service.
swagger-mock-validator /path/to/swagger.json https://pact-broker.com --provider my-provider-name
Additionally, provide a Pact Broker version tag alongside the name of the provider service to filter the retrieved consumer pacts for the provider by the given tag.
swagger-mock-validator /path/to/swagger.json https://pact-broker.com --provider my-provider-name --tag production
If the Pact Broker is behind basic auth, you can pass credentials with the --user
option while invoking the tool.
swagger-mock-validator /path/to/swagger.json https://pact-broker.com --provider my-provider-name --user BASIC_AUTH_USER:BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD
You can also use environment variables
PACT_BROKER_USERNAME=BASIC_AUTH_USER PACT_BROKER_PASSWORD=BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD swagger-mock-validator /path/to/swagger.json https://pact-broker.com --provider my-provider-name
If the Pact Broker is behind bearer auth, you can pass credentials with the --token
option while invoking the tool.
swagger-mock-validator /path/to/swagger.json https://pact-broker.com --provider my-provider-name --token bar
You can also use environment variables
PACT_BROKER_TOKEN=bar swagger-mock-validator /path/to/swagger.json https://pact-broker.com --provider my-provider-name
The tool can be configured to send analytics events to a server of your choosing. Use the --analyticsUrl
flag to pass a url that the tool should post the event to. The tool will send this event via a http post request and will timeout after 5 seconds. See analytics.ts for the post body schema.
swagger-mock-validator /path/to/swagger.json /path/to/pact.json --analyticsUrl https://analytics-server.com/event
Any errors sending the analytic events are ignored and do not impact the validation results, a successful validation that had an error while trying to send the analytic event is still a successful validation.
By default analytics are disabled. To protect your privacy this is an opt-in feature.
See FAQ.md
This repository is a fork of Atlassians swagger-mock-validator which resides on BitBucket https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/swagger-mock-validator/src/master/
A CLI tool to validate mocks against swagger/OpenApi specs.
The npm package @pactflow/swagger-mock-validator receives a total of 259 weekly downloads. As such, @pactflow/swagger-mock-validator popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that @pactflow/swagger-mock-validator demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Security News
TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
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