React UI
React UI component library for use at Pattern.
There are 2 ways to run this project:
- Run
pnpm dev
and set a frontend override in the application you are working with (Predict, Shelf, etc) in order to see your updates.
- Run
pnpm storybook
to see a local instance of our Library in Storybook.
When making updates, it is important to get changes approved by the UX team and front-end team leads. Please utilize Chromatic to demo your updates before getting your PRs raised. Chromatic command - npx chromatic --project-token=cb8f4bc760a6
. This will allow you to get quick feedback on UI / UX before getting your code reviewed.
Adding/Updating Types
Typescript typechecking happens at build-time, so setting a frontend override won't help with typechecking. To ensure your types still work, you'll need to:
After that, you can easily push out updates/changes from here (react-ui) to the other repos by doing:
Note: you can either install yalc
globally, or prefix all the previous commands with npx
, e.g. npx yalc publish
Updating package.json version
Do either of the following:
- Run
npm version patch
- Manually update the
version field by opening package.json
and incrementing the last number
Removing yalc from Apps
Once you've tested the types, run
yalc remove @patterninc/react-ui
in the repo where this code was tested (Predict/Shelf/Marketshare/etc) to remove yalc changes
Workflow for Publishing NPM Versions and Bumping Related Repositories Versions
npm-publish.yml Github workflow automates the process of publishing a new version of a react-ui package to NPM and bumping the version in another repository. The workflow will run whenever a new commit is pushed to a master branch in react-ui Git repository. It automatically updates the versions of the following repositories.
- predict
- shelf-ui
- marketshare-ui
- toggle
- admin
- connect
The steps below describe how to bump the version of a newly added react repository.
Step 1: Add Github Actions Workflow to new repository.
Copy the workflow file from the admin repository and replace the repo name with the new repo name from the workflow file and push to master/main branch of repository
Step 2: Modify the npm-publish.yml Workflow to include the new repository version upgrade.
Inside the npm-publish.yml workflow, add a new job before "notify-slack-on-failure"
needs: [publish]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: <new-repo-name>-upgrade-package
if: needs.publish.outputs.publish_type != 'none'
- name: Execute <new-repo-name> GHA workflow to upgrade react-ui package with latest version
uses: convictional/trigger-workflow-and-wait@v1.3.0
owner: patterninc
repo: <new-repo-name>
github_token: ${{ secrets.GHA_RUNNER_TOKEN }}
workflow_file_name: react-ui-package-upgrade.yml
ref: main
We can enable react-ui version bumping for new repositories by making the changes listed above.