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Comparing version 1.0.5 to 1.0.6



import { AlgorithmIdentifier } from "@peculiar/asn1-x509";
export interface IAlgorithm {
* Converts WebCrypto algorithm to ASN.1 algorithm
* @param alg WebCrypto algorithm
* @returns ASN.1 algorithm or null
toAsnAlgorithm(alg: Algorithm): AlgorithmIdentifier | null;
* Converts ASN.1 algorithm to WebCrypto algorithm
* @param alg ASN.1 algorithm
* @returns WebCrypto algorithm or null
toWebAlgorithm(alg: AlgorithmIdentifier): Algorithm | null;
* Dependency Injection algorithm identifier
export declare const diAlgorithm = "crypto.algorithm";
export declare class AlgorithmProvider {
* Returns all registered algorithm providers
getAlgorithms(): IAlgorithm[];
* Converts WebCrypto algorithm to ASN.1 algorithm
* @param alg WebCrypto algorithm
* @returns ASN.1 algorithm or null
* @throws Error whenever cannot convert an algorithm
toAsnAlgorithm(alg: Algorithm): AlgorithmIdentifier;
* ConvertsASN.1 algorithm to WebCrypto algorithm
* @param alg ASN.1 algorithm
* @returns algorithm or null
* @throws Error whenever cannot convert an algorithm
toWebAlgorithm(alg: AlgorithmIdentifier): Algorithm;
export declare const diAlgorithmProvider = "crypto.algorithmProvider";



@@ -1,27 +0,9 @@

* Represents an ASN.1 data
export declare abstract class AsnData<T> {
* Gets a DER encoded buffer
readonly rawData: ArrayBuffer;
* Creates a new instance
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
* @param type ASN.1 convertible class for `@peculiar/asn1-schema` schema
constructor(raw: BufferSource, type: {
new (): T;
* ASN.1 object
* @param asn
constructor(asn: T);
* Occurs on instance initialization
* @param asn ASN.1 object
protected abstract onInit(asn: T): void;
equal(data: any): data is this;
import { Attribute as AsnAttribute } from "@peculiar/asn1-x509";
import { AsnData } from "./asn_data";
* Represents the Attribute structure
export declare class Attribute extends AsnData<AsnAttribute> {
* Gets an attribute identifier
type: string;
* Gets a list of DER encoded attribute values
values: ArrayBuffer[];
* Crates a new instance
* @param type Attribute identifier
* @param values List of DER encoded attribute values
constructor(type: string, values?: BufferSource[]);
* Crates a new instance from DER encoded buffer
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
protected onInit(asn: AsnAttribute): void;
import { Attribute } from "../attribute";
* Static class to manage X509 attributes
export declare class AttributeFactory {
private static items;
* Registers a new X509 Attribute class. If id already exists replaces it
* @param id Attribute identifier
* @param type Attribute class
* @example
* ```js
* AttributeFactory.register(asnPkcs9.id_pkcs9_at_challengePassword, ChallengePasswordAttribute);
* ```
static register(id: string, type: any): void;
* Returns X509 Attribute based on it's identifier
* @param data DER encoded buffer
* @example
* ```js
* const attr = AttributeFactory.create(asnAttrRaw);
* ```
static create(data: BufferSource): Attribute;

@@ -5,13 +5,5 @@ import * as asnX509 from "@peculiar/asn1-x509";

password: string;
* Creates a new instance from DER encoded buffer
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
* Creates a new instance
* @param value
constructor(value: string);
protected onInit(asn: asnX509.Attribute): void;

@@ -6,13 +6,5 @@ import * as asnX509 from "@peculiar/asn1-x509";

items: Extension[];
* Creates a new instance from DER encoded buffer
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
* Creates a new instance
* @param extensions
constructor(extensions: Extension[]);
protected onInit(asn: asnX509.Attribute): void;
import { AlgorithmIdentifier } from "@peculiar/asn1-x509";
import { IAlgorithm } from "./algorithm";
import { HashedAlgorithm } from "./types";
* EC algorithm provider
export declare class EcAlgorithm implements IAlgorithm {

@@ -8,0 +5,0 @@ toAsnAlgorithm(alg: HashedAlgorithm | EcKeyGenParams): AlgorithmIdentifier | null;

import { Extension as AsnExtension } from "@peculiar/asn1-x509";
import { AsnData } from "./asn_data";
* Represents the certificate extension
export declare class Extension extends AsnData<AsnExtension> {
* Gets an extension identifier
type: string;
* Indicates where extension is critical
critical: boolean;
* Gets a DER encoded value of extension
value: ArrayBuffer;
* Creates a new instance from DER encoded Buffer
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
* Creates a new instance
* @param type Extension identifier
* @param critical Indicates where extension is critical
* @param value DER encoded value of extension
constructor(type: string, critical: boolean, value: BufferSource);
protected onInit(asn: AsnExtension): void;

@@ -5,62 +5,15 @@ import * as asn1X509 from "@peculiar/asn1-x509";

export interface CertificateIdentifier {
* Name
name: asn1X509.GeneralName[];
* Hexadecimal string
serialNumber: string;
* Represents the Authority Key Identifier certificate extension
export declare class AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension extends Extension {
* Creates authority key identifier extension from certificate
* @param cert Certificate
* @param critical Indicates where extension is critical. Default is `false`
* @param crypto WebCrypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
static create(cert: X509Certificate, critical?: boolean, crypto?: Crypto): Promise<AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension>;
* Creates authority key identifier extension from certificate identifier
* @param certId Certificate identifier
* @param critical Indicates where extension is critical. Default is `false`
* @param crypto WebCrypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
static create(certId: CertificateIdentifier, critical?: boolean, crypto?: Crypto): Promise<AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension>;
* Creates authority key identifier extension from CryptoKey
* @param publicKey Public CryptoKey
* @param critical Indicates where extension is critical. Default is `false`
* @param crypto WebCrypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
static create(publicKey: CryptoKey, critical?: boolean, crypto?: Crypto): Promise<AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension>;
* Gets a hexadecimal representation of key identifier
keyId?: string;
* Gets a certificate identifier in the issuer name and serial number
certId?: CertificateIdentifier;
* Creates a new instance from DER encoded buffer
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
* Creates a new instance
* @param identifier Hexadecimal representation of key identifier
* @param critical Indicates where extension is critical. Default is `false`
constructor(identifier: string, critical?: boolean);
* Creates a new instance
* @param id Certificate identifier in the issuer name and serial number
* @param critical Indicates where extension is critical. Default is `false`
constructor(id: CertificateIdentifier, critical?: boolean);
protected onInit(asn: asn1X509.Extension): void;
import { Extension } from "../extension";
* Represents the Basic Constraints certificate extension
export declare class BasicConstraintsExtension extends Extension {
* Indicates whether the certified public key may be used
* to verify certificate signatures
readonly ca: boolean;
* Gets a maximum number of non-self-issued intermediate certificates that may
* follow this certificate in a valid certification path
readonly pathLength?: number;
* Creates a new instance from DER encoded buffer
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
* Creates a new instance
* @param ca
* @param pathLength
* @param critical
constructor(ca: boolean, pathLength?: number, critical?: boolean);
import { Extension } from "../extension";
* Represents the Extended Key Usage certificate extension
export declare class ExtendedKeyUsageExtension extends Extension {
* Gets a list of purposes for which the certified public key may be used
readonly usages: string[];
* Creates a new instance from DER encoded buffer
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
* Creates a new instance
* @param usages
* @param critical
constructor(usages: string[], critical?: boolean);
import { Extension } from "../extension";
* Static class to manage X509 extensions
export declare class ExtensionFactory {
private static items;
* Registers a new X509 Extension class. If id already exists replaces it
* @param id Extension identifier
* @param type Extension class
* @example
* ```js
* ExtensionFactory.register(asnX509.id_ce_basicConstraints, extensions.BasicConstraintsExtension);
* ```
static register(id: string, type: any): void;
* Returns X509 Extension based on it's identifier
* @param data DER encoded buffer
* @example
* ```js
* const ext = ExtensionFactory.create(asnExtRaw);
* ```
static create(data: BufferSource): Extension;
import { Extension } from "../extension";
* X509 key usages flags
export declare enum KeyUsageFlags {

@@ -16,21 +13,6 @@ digitalSignature = 1,

* Represents the Key Usage certificate extension
export declare class KeyUsagesExtension extends Extension {
* Gets a key usages flag
readonly usages: KeyUsageFlags;
* Creates a new instance from DER encoded buffer
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
* Creates a new instance
* @param usages
* @param critical
constructor(usages: KeyUsageFlags, critical?: boolean);
import { Extension } from "../extension";
* Represents the Subject Key Identifier certificate extension
export declare class SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension extends Extension {
* Creates subject key identifier extension from CryptoKey
* @param publicKey Public CryptoKey
* @param critical Indicates where extension is critical. Default is `false`
* @param crypto WebCrypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
static create(publicKey: CryptoKey, critical?: boolean, crypto?: Crypto): Promise<SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension>;
* Gets hexadecimal representation of key identifier
readonly keyId: string;
* Creates a new instance from DER encoded buffer
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
* Creates a new instance
* @param keyId Hexadecimal representation of key identifier
* @param critical Indicates where extension is critical. Default is `false`
constructor(keyId: string, critical?: boolean);

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ import "reflect-metadata";

export * from "./name";
export * from "./pem_converter";
export * from "./pkcs10_cert_req";

@@ -13,0 +14,0 @@ export * from "./pkcs10_cert_req_generator";

import { Name as AsnName } from "@peculiar/asn1-x509";
* JSON representation of Attribute and Value
export interface JsonAttributeAndValue {
[type: string]: string[];
* JSON array of Attribute and Value
export declare type JsonName = Array<JsonAttributeAndValue>;
* UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names
export declare class Name {
* ASN.1 Name
private asn;
* Creates a new instance
* @param data
constructor(data: BufferSource | AsnName | string | JsonName);
* Returns string serialized Name
toString(): string;
* Returns a JSON representation of the Name
toJSON(): JsonName;
* Creates AsnName object from string
* @param data
private fromString;
* Creates AsnName from JSON
* @param data
private fromJSON;
* Returns Name in DER encoded format
toArrayBuffer(): ArrayBuffer;

@@ -6,37 +6,11 @@ import { Attribute } from "./attribute";

export declare type Pkcs10CertificateRequestCreateParamsName = string | JsonName;
* Pkcs10CertificateRequest create parameters
export interface Pkcs10CertificateRequestCreateParams {
* Subject name
name?: Pkcs10CertificateRequestCreateParamsName;
* Extensions
extensions?: Extension[];
* Attributes
attributes?: Attribute[];
* Signing algorithm
signingAlgorithm: Algorithm | EcdsaParams;
* Crypto key pair
keys: CryptoKeyPair;
* Generator of PKCS10 certificate requests
export declare class Pkcs10CertificateRequestGenerator {
* Creates a new PKCS10 Certificate request
* @param params Create parameters
* @param crypto Crypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
static create(params: Pkcs10CertificateRequestCreateParams, crypto?: Crypto): Promise<Pkcs10CertificateRequest>;
import { CertificationRequest } from "@peculiar/asn1-csr";
import { HashedAlgorithm } from "./types";
import { AsnData } from "./asn_data";
import { Attribute } from "./attribute";
import { Extension } from "./extension";
import { PublicKey } from "./public_key";
* Representation of PKCS10 Certificate Request
export declare class Pkcs10CertificateRequest extends AsnData<CertificationRequest> {
* ToBeSigned block of CSR
import { AsnEncodedType, PemData } from "./pem_data";
export declare class Pkcs10CertificateRequest extends PemData<CertificationRequest> {
protected readonly tag: string;
private tbs;
* Gets a string subject name
subject: string;
* Gets a signature algorithm
signatureAlgorithm: HashedAlgorithm;
* Gets a signature
signature: ArrayBuffer;
* Gets a public key of CSR
publicKey: PublicKey;
* Gets a list fo CSR attributes
attributes: Attribute[];
* Gets a list of CSR extensions
extensions: Extension[];
* Creates a new instance fromDER encoded buffer
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
* Creates a new instance from ASN.1 CertificationRequest
* @param asn ASN.1 CertificationRequest
constructor(raw: AsnEncodedType);
constructor(asn: CertificationRequest);
protected onInit(asn: CertificationRequest): void;
* Returns attribute of the specified type
* @param type Attribute identifier
* @returns Attribute or null
getAttribute(type: string): Attribute | null;
* Returns a list of attributes of the specified type
* @param type Attribute identifier
getAttributes(type: string): Attribute[];
* Returns extension of the specified type
* @param type Extension identifier
* @returns Extension or null
getExtension(type: string): Extension | null;
* Returns a list of extension of the specified type
* @param type Extension identifier
getExtensions(type: string): Extension[];
* Validates CSR signature
* @param crypto Crypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
verify(crypto?: Crypto): Promise<boolean>;

@@ -1,42 +0,11 @@

* Crypto provider
export declare class CryptoProvider extends Map<string, Crypto> {
static DEFAULT: string;
* Returns `true` if data is CryptoKeyPair
* @param data
static isCryptoKeyPair(data: any): data is CryptoKeyPair;
static isCryptoKey(data: any): data is CryptoKey;
* Creates a new instance
* Returns default crypto
* @throws Error whenever default provider not set
get(): Crypto;
* Returns crypto by name
* @param key Crypto name
* @throws Error whenever provider with specified identifier does not exist
get(key: string): Crypto;
* Sets default crypto
* @param value
set(value: Crypto): this;
* Sets crypto with specified identifier
* @param key Identifier
* @param value crypto provider
set(key: string, value: Crypto): this;
* Singleton crypto provider
export declare const cryptoProvider: CryptoProvider;
import { SubjectPublicKeyInfo } from "@peculiar/asn1-x509";
import { AsnData } from "./asn_data";
* Representation of Subject Public Key Info
export declare class PublicKey extends AsnData<SubjectPublicKeyInfo> {
* Gets a key algorithm
import { AsnEncodedType, PemData } from "./pem_data";
export declare class PublicKey extends PemData<SubjectPublicKeyInfo> {
protected readonly tag: string;
algorithm: Algorithm;
* Returns a public CryptoKey
* @param crypto Crypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
constructor(asn: SubjectPublicKeyInfo);
constructor(raw: AsnEncodedType);
export(crypto?: Crypto): Promise<CryptoKey>;
* Returns a public CryptoKey with specified parameters
* @param algorithm Algorithm
* @param keyUsages A list of key usages
* @param crypto Crypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
export(algorithm: Algorithm | EcKeyImportParams, keyUsages: KeyUsage[], crypto?: Crypto): Promise<CryptoKey>;
protected onInit(asn: SubjectPublicKeyInfo): void;
* Returns a SHA-1 public key thumbprint
* @param crypto Crypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
getThumbprint(crypto?: Crypto): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
* Returns a public key thumbprint for specified mechanism
* @param algorithm Hash algorithm
* @param crypto Crypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
getThumbprint(algorithm: globalThis.AlgorithmIdentifier, crypto?: Crypto): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
import { AlgorithmIdentifier } from "@peculiar/asn1-x509";
import { IAlgorithm } from "./algorithm";
import { HashedAlgorithm } from "./types";
* RSA algorithm provider
export declare class RsaAlgorithm implements IAlgorithm {

@@ -8,0 +5,0 @@ toAsnAlgorithm(alg: HashedAlgorithm): AlgorithmIdentifier | null;

@@ -5,30 +5,9 @@ import { Extension } from "./extension";

export declare type X509CertificateCreateParamsName = string | JsonName;
* Base arguments for certificate creation
export interface X509CertificateCreateParamsBase {
* Hexadecimal serial number
serialNumber: string;
* Date before which certificate can't be used
notBefore: Date;
* Date after which certificate can't be used
notAfter: Date;
* List of extensions
extensions?: Extension[];
* Signing algorithm
signingAlgorithm: Algorithm | EcdsaParams;
* Parameters for X509 Certificate generation
export interface X509CertificateCreateParams extends X509CertificateCreateParamsBase {

@@ -40,5 +19,2 @@ subject?: X509CertificateCreateParamsName;

* Parameters for self-signed X509 Certificate generation
export interface X509CertificateCreateSelfSignedParams extends X509CertificateCreateParamsBase {

@@ -48,18 +24,5 @@ name?: X509CertificateCreateParamsName;

* Generator of X509 certificates
export declare class X509CertificateGenerator {
* Creates a self-signed certificate
* @param params Parameters
* @param crypto Crypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
static createSelfSigned(params: X509CertificateCreateSelfSignedParams, crypto?: Crypto): Promise<X509Certificate>;
* Creates a certificate signed by private key
* @param params Parameters
* @param crypto Crypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
static create(params: X509CertificateCreateParams, crypto?: Crypto): Promise<X509Certificate>;
import { Certificate } from "@peculiar/asn1-x509";
import { HashedAlgorithm } from "./types";
import { Extension } from "./extension";
import { AsnData } from "./asn_data";
import { PublicKey } from "./public_key";
* Verification params of X509 certificate
import { AsnEncodedType, PemData } from "./pem_data";
export interface X509CertificateVerifyParams {

@@ -14,90 +11,24 @@ date?: Date;

* Representation of X509 certificate
export declare class X509Certificate extends AsnData<Certificate> {
* ToBeSigned block of certificate
export declare class X509Certificate extends PemData<Certificate> {
protected readonly tag: string;
private tbs;
* Gets a hexadecimal string of the serial number
serialNumber: string;
* Gets a string subject name
subject: string;
* Gets a string issuer name
issuer: string;
* Gets a date before which certificate can't be used
notBefore: Date;
* Gets a date after which certificate can't be used
notAfter: Date;
* Gets a signature algorithm
signatureAlgorithm: HashedAlgorithm;
* Gets a signature
signature: ArrayBuffer;
* Gts a list of certificate extensions
extensions: Extension[];
* Gets a private key of the certificate
privateKey?: CryptoKey;
* Gets a public key of the certificate
publicKey: PublicKey;
* Creates a new instance from ASN.1 Certificate object
* @param asn ASN.1 Certificate object
constructor(asn: Certificate);
* Creates a new instance from DER encoded buffer
* @param raw DER encoded buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
constructor(raw: AsnEncodedType);
protected onInit(asn: Certificate): void;
* Returns an extension of specified type
* @param type Extension identifier
* @returns Extension or null
getExtension<T extends Extension>(type: string): T | null;
* Returns a list of extensions of specified type
* @param type Extension identifier
getExtensions<T extends Extension>(type: string): T[];
* Validates a certificate signature
* @param params Verification parameters
* @param crypto Crypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
verify(params: X509CertificateVerifyParams, crypto?: Crypto): Promise<boolean>;
* Returns a SHA-1 certificate thumbprint
* @param crypto Crypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
getThumbprint(crypto?: Crypto): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
* Returns a certificate thumbprint for specified mechanism
* @param algorithm Hash algorithm
* @param crypto Crypto provider. Default is from CryptoProvider
getThumbprint(algorithm: globalThis.AlgorithmIdentifier, crypto?: Crypto): Promise<ArrayBuffer>;
isSelfSigned(): Promise<boolean>;

@@ -0,38 +1,14 @@

import { AsnEncodedType, AsnExportType } from "./pem_data";
import { X509Certificate } from "./x509_cert";
* X509 Certificate collection
export declare class X509Certificates extends Array<X509Certificate> {
* Creates a new instance
* Creates a new instance from DER encoded PKCS7 buffer
* @param raw DER encoded PKCS7 buffer
constructor(raw: BufferSource);
* Creates a new instance form X509 certificate
* @param cert X509 certificate
constructor(raw: AsnEncodedType);
constructor(cert: X509Certificate);
* Creates a new instance from a list of x509 certificates
* @param certs List of x509 certificates
constructor(certs: X509Certificate[]);
* Returns a DER encoded PKCS7 buffer
export(): ArrayBuffer;
* Import certificates from DER encoded PKCS7 buffer
* @param data
import(data: BufferSource): void;
* Removes all items from collection
export(): string;
export(format: "raw"): ArrayBuffer;
export(format?: AsnExportType): string;
import(data: AsnEncodedType): void;
clear(): void;
toString(format?: AsnEncodedType): string;
import { X509Certificate } from "./x509_cert";
import { X509Certificates } from "./x509_certs";
* Represents a chain-building engine for X509Certificate certificates
* @example
* ```js
* const chain = new x509.X509ChainBuilder({
* certificates: [
* new x509.X509Certificate(raw1),
* new x509.X509Certificate(raw2),
* // ...
* new x509.X509Certificate(rawN),
* ],
* });
* const cert = x509.X509Certificate(raw);
* const items = await;
* ```
export declare class X509ChainBuilder {

@@ -21,0 +4,0 @@ certificates: X509Certificate[];

"name": "@peculiar/x509",
"version": "1.0.5",
"version": "1.0.6",
"description": "@peculiar/x509 is an easy to use TypeScript/Javascript library based on @peculiar/asn1-schema that makes generating X.509 Certificates and Certificate Requests as well as validating certificate chains easy",
"main": "build/cjs/index.js",
"module": "build/es2015/index.js",
"main": "build/x509.cjs.js",
"module": "build/",
"browser": "build/x509.js",
"types": "build/types/index.d.ts",

@@ -14,5 +15,3 @@ "scripts": {

"build": "npm run build:module && npm run build:types",
"build:module": "npm run build:cjs && npm run build:es2015",
"build:cjs": "tsc -p tsconfig.json --removeComments --module commonjs --outDir build/cjs",
"build:es2015": "tsc -p tsconfig.json --removeComments --module ES2015 --outDir build/es2015",
"build:module": "rollup -c",
"prebuild:types": "rimraf build/types",

@@ -88,12 +87,20 @@ "build:types": "tsc -p tsconfig.json --outDir build/types --declaration --emitDeclarationOnly",

"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.11.6",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.11.5",
"@peculiar/webcrypto": "^1.1.3",
"@rollup/plugin-babel": "^5.2.1",
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^15.1.0",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^9.0.0",
"@types/mocha": "^8.0.3",
"@types/node": "^14.11.1",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.1.1",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.1.1",
"@types/node": "^14.11.2",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^4.3.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^4.3.0",
"coveralls": "^3.1.0",
"eslint": "^7.9.0",
"eslint": "^7.10.0",
"mocha": "^8.1.3",
"nyc": "^15.1.0",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"rollup": "^2.28.2",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "^7.0.2",
"rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.27.2",
"ts-node": "^9.0.0",

@@ -111,3 +118,3 @@ "typedoc": "^0.19.2",

"@peculiar/asn1-x509": "^2.0.22",
"pvtsutils": "^1.0.12",
"pvtsutils": "^1.0.13",
"reflect-metadata": "^0.1.13",

@@ -114,0 +121,0 @@ "tslib": "^2.0.1",

@@ -12,2 +12,3 @@ # @peculiar/x509

- [Usage](#usage)
- [Browser](#browser)
- [Set crypto provider for Node.js](#set-crypto-provider-for-nodejs)

@@ -37,2 +38,16 @@ - [Create a self-signed certificate](#create-a-self-signed-certificate)

### Browser
Every release of `@peculiar/x509` will have new build of `./build/x509.js` for use in the browser. To get access to module classes use `x509` global variable.
> WARN: We recommend hosting and controlling your own copy for security reasons
<script src=""></script>
A simple web application examples
- [Generate X509 certificate](
- [Generate PKCS#10 certificate request](
### Set crypto provider for Node.js

@@ -54,4 +69,2 @@

import * as x509 from "@peculiar/x509";
const alg = {

@@ -78,2 +91,4 @@ name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5",

console.log(cert.toString("pem")); // Certificate in PEM format

@@ -83,8 +98,5 @@

import * as x509 from "@peculiar/x509";
const base64 = "MIIDljCCAn6gAwIBAgIOSETcxtRwD...S+kAFXIwugUGYEnTWp0m5bAn5NlD314IEOg4mnS8Q==";
const raw = Buffer.from(base64, "base64");
const cert = new x509.X509Certificate(raw);
const cert = new x509.X509Certificate(base64);
console.log(cert.subject); // CN=Test, O=PeculiarVentures LLC

@@ -95,4 +107,2 @@ ```

import * as x509 from "@peculiar/x509";
const alg = {

@@ -115,2 +125,4 @@ name: "ECDSA",

console.log(cert.toString("base64")); // Certificate request in Base64 format

@@ -186,4 +198,2 @@

import * as x509 from "@peculiar/x509";
const chain = new x509.X509ChainBuilder({

@@ -205,11 +215,8 @@ certificates: [

import * as x509 from "@peculiar/x509";
const certs = new x509.X509Certificates([
new x509.X509Certificate(Buffer.from("MIIDljCCAn6gAwIBAgIOSETcxtRwD...S+kAFXIwugUGYEnTWp0m5bAn5NlD314IEOg4mnS8Q==", "base64")),
new x509.X509Certificate(Buffer.from("MIIDljCCAn6gAwIBAgIOSETcxtRwD...w8Y/o+hk3QzNBVa3ZUvzDhVAmamQflvw3lXMm/JG4U=", "base64")),
new x509.X509Certificate("MIIDljCCAn6gAwIBAgIOSETcxtRwD...S+kAFXIwugUGYEnTWp0m5bAn5NlD314IEOg4mnS8Q=="),
new x509.X509Certificate("MIIDljCCAn6gAwIBAgIOSETcxtRwD...w8Y/o+hk3QzNBVa3ZUvzDhVAmamQflvw3lXMm/JG4U="),
const base64 = Buffer.from(await cert.export()).toString("base64");
console.log(base64); // "MIICTAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIICPTCCAjkCAQAxADACBgCgggIq...F7EZPNo3pjbfznpIilRMRrmwf5dkgCdSKDdE94xAA==");
console.log(certs.export("base64")); // "MIICTAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIICPTCCAjkCAQAxADACBgCgggIq...F7EZPNo3pjbfznpIilRMRrmwf5dkgCdSKDdE94xAA==");

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