PeoplePlus Auth
This package builds on top of lucia auth to provide handlers with preconfigured behaviour that is
in line with the requirements of most if not all apps we maintain and build at PeoplePlus.
Adding to a project
Depending on what database backend you are using you may need to add the following to your schema:
User <|-- Session: user_id
class User {
id: string
auth0_id: string
...user attributes
class Session {
id: string
user_id: string
expires_at: datetime
id_token: string
access_token: string
Here's an example drizzle schema:
import { pgTable, text, varchar, timestamp } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';
export const usersTable = pgTable('user', {
id: varchar('id', { length: 15 }).primaryKey(),
auth0ID: text('auth0_id').notNull(),
export const sessionsTable = pgTable('session', {
id: varchar('id', { length: 128 }).primaryKey(),
userId: varchar('user_id', { length: 15 })
.references(() =>,
expiresAt: timestamp('expires_at', { mode: 'date', withTimezone: true }).notNull(),
accessToken: text('access_token').notNull(),
idToken: text('id_token').notNull(),
Set Up
Install this package
npm i -D @peopleplus/auth
Create a file at $lib/server/auth.ts
with content similar to this:
import { dev } from '$app/environment';
import { queryClient } from './database';
import { PeoplePlusAuth } from '@peopleplus/auth';
import { PostgresAdapter } from '@peopleplus/auth/database/postgres';
import {
} from '$env/static/private';
declare module '@peopleplus/auth' {
interface Provide {
Auth: Auth;
DatabaseUserAttributes: DatabaseUserAttributes;
export type Auth = typeof auth;
type DatabaseUserAttributes = {
export const auth = new PeoplePlusAuth({
adapter: new PostgresAdapter(queryClient, {
user: 'user',
session: 'session',
auth0: {
createUserAttributes({ idToken }) {
return {
exposeUserAttributes(attributes) {
return {
auth0ID: attributes.auth0_id,
exposeSessionAttributes(attributes) {
return {
export const { handleAuthCallback, handleSignInRedirect, handleSignOut, hook } = auth.handlers();
Set up your route handlers and actions:
export { handleAuthCallback as GET } from '$lib/server/auth';
export { handleSignInRedirect as GET } from '$lib/server/auth';
import { handleSignOut } from '$lib/server/auth';
export const actions = { logout: handleSignOut };
import { hook } from '$lib/server/auth';
export const handle = hook;
declare global {
namespace App {
interface Locals {
user: import('@peopleplus/auth').User | null;
session: import('@peopleplus/auth').Session | null;
export {};
Access the session from your server load functions
export async function load({ locals }) {
const { user, session } = locals;
return { session, user };
Add sign in / sign out buttons
To sign in, simply direct the user to your chosen sign in route:
<a href="/auth/signin">Sign in</a>
To sign out, create a form that posts to your logout action
<form method="post" action="/?/logout">
<button>Sign out</button>
Why not Auth.js?
Auth.js was originally chosen as the authentication solution for our SvelteKit apps. Over time we
realised many shortcomings of Auth.js and found ourselves battling with the lack of flexibilty it
A few of the issues we ran in to:
- Lack of federated logout (logging out of auth0 after logging out of the app), with friction around
adding it manually
- Need to manually update fields in the database when a user logs in (e.g. access token, profile
data etc.)
- No cosmos database adapter, we had to create our own.
- Sign in/out cannot be done (by default) in a server side friendly way, as the APIs provided assume
a browser environment. You're on your own to implement this server side.
- Auth.js assumes/expects that only one user exists per email. It either straight up denies it, or
you can allow account linking by email but this no the desired behaviour. We need to, for example,
support the case where a user has two distinct auth0 accounts with the same email and allow this
to map to two distict users on the app side. (This was the final nail in the coffin.)
Why Lucia?
Lucia takes a slightly different approach to Auth.js' all inclusive apprach. Lucia provides JS APIs
to create your auth implementation. This is more work than Auth.js, but it allows authentication
to be tailored to our specific needs very naturally (read: without a mountain of hacks).
The downside is this would mean we would need to reimplement the handlers in every project, and this
is where this package comes in. In a way it could be thought of as our very own custom Auth.js. It
effectively adds back the opinion to Lucia, but this time it is our opinion!