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@@ -1,61 +0,40 @@

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var canvasRenderer = require('@pixi/canvas-renderer');
var core = require('@pixi/core');
var PolygonUtils = require('./utils/PolygonUtils.js');
"use strict";
var canvasRenderer = require("@pixi/canvas-renderer"), core = require("@pixi/core"), PolygonUtils = require("./utils/PolygonUtils.js");
class CanvasGraphicsRenderer {
* @param renderer - A reference to the current renderer.
constructor(renderer) {
this._svgMatrix = null;
this._tempMatrix = new core.Matrix();
this.renderer = renderer;
this._svgMatrix = null, this._tempMatrix = new core.Matrix(), this.renderer = renderer;
* calculates fill/stroke style for canvas
* @private
* @param style - A graphics {@link PIXI.FILL_STYLE} where if `texture` is specified then a tinted CanvasPattern
* will be used for the fill.stroke
* @param tint - color to set the fill/stroke too.
_calcCanvasStyle(style, tint) {
let res;
if (style.texture && style.texture.baseTexture !== core.Texture.WHITE.baseTexture) {
if (style.texture.valid) {
res = canvasRenderer.canvasUtils.getTintedPattern(style.texture, tint);
this.setPatternTransform(res, style.matrix || core.Matrix.IDENTITY);
} else {
res = "#808080";
} else {
res = `#${`00000${(tint | 0).toString(16)}`.slice(-6)}`;
return res;
return style.texture && style.texture.baseTexture !== core.Texture.WHITE.baseTexture ? style.texture.valid ? (res = canvasRenderer.canvasUtils.getTintedPattern(style.texture, tint), this.setPatternTransform(res, style.matrix || core.Matrix.IDENTITY)) : res = "#808080" : res = `#${`00000${(tint | 0).toString(16)}`.slice(-6)}`, res;
* Renders a Graphics object to a canvas.
* @param graphics - the actual graphics object to render
render(graphics) {
const renderer = this.renderer;
const context = renderer.canvasContext.activeContext;
const worldAlpha = graphics.worldAlpha;
const transform = graphics.transform.worldTransform;
const renderer = this.renderer, context = renderer.canvasContext.activeContext, worldAlpha = graphics.worldAlpha, transform = graphics.transform.worldTransform;
renderer.canvasContext.setContextTransform(transform), renderer.canvasContext.setBlendMode(graphics.blendMode);
const graphicsData = graphics.geometry.graphicsData;
let contextFillStyle;
let contextStrokeStyle;
let contextFillStyle, contextStrokeStyle;
const tint = core.Color.shared.setValue(graphics.tint).toArray();
for (let i = 0; i < graphicsData.length; i++) {
const data = graphicsData[i];
const shape = data.shape;
const fillStyle = data.fillStyle;
const lineStyle = data.lineStyle;
const fillColor = data.fillStyle.color | 0;
const lineColor = data.lineStyle.color | 0;
if (data.matrix) {
if (fillStyle.visible) {
contextFillStyle = this._calcCanvasStyle(fillStyle, core.Color.shared.setValue(fillColor).multiply(tint).toNumber());
if (lineStyle.visible) {
contextStrokeStyle = this._calcCanvasStyle(lineStyle, core.Color.shared.setValue(lineColor).multiply(tint).toNumber());
context.lineWidth = lineStyle.width;
context.lineCap = lineStyle.cap;
context.lineJoin = lineStyle.join;
context.miterLimit = lineStyle.miterLimit;
if (data.type === core.SHAPES.POLY) {
const data = graphicsData[i], shape = data.shape, fillStyle = data.fillStyle, lineStyle = data.lineStyle, fillColor = data.fillStyle.color | 0, lineColor = data.lineStyle.color | 0;
if (data.matrix && renderer.canvasContext.setContextTransform(transform.copyTo(this._tempMatrix).append(data.matrix)), fillStyle.visible && (contextFillStyle = this._calcCanvasStyle(
)), lineStyle.visible && (contextStrokeStyle = this._calcCanvasStyle(
)), context.lineWidth = lineStyle.width, context.lineCap = lineStyle.cap, context.lineJoin = lineStyle.join, context.miterLimit = lineStyle.miterLimit, data.type === core.SHAPES.POLY) {

@@ -65,300 +44,155 @@ const tempShape = shape;

const holes = data.holes;
let outerArea;
let innerArea;
let px;
let py;
let holesDirection;
let outerArea, innerArea, px, py, holesDirection;
context.moveTo(points[0], points[1]);
for (let j = 2; j < points.length; j += 2) {
for (let j = 2; j < points.length; j += 2)
context.lineTo(points[j], points[j + 1]);
if (tempShape.closeStroke) {
if (holes.length > 0) {
holesDirection = [];
outerArea = 0;
px = points[0];
py = points[1];
for (let j = 2; j + 2 < points.length; j += 2) {
if (tempShape.closeStroke && context.closePath(), holes.length > 0) {
holesDirection = [], outerArea = 0, px = points[0], py = points[1];
for (let j = 2; j + 2 < points.length; j += 2)
outerArea += (points[j] - px) * (points[j + 3] - py) - (points[j + 2] - px) * (points[j + 1] - py);
for (let k = 0; k < holes.length; k++) {
points = holes[k].shape.points;
if (!points) {
innerArea = 0;
px = points[0];
py = points[1];
for (let j = 2; j + 2 < points.length; j += 2) {
innerArea += (points[j] - px) * (points[j + 3] - py) - (points[j + 2] - px) * (points[j + 1] - py);
if (innerArea * outerArea < 0) {
context.moveTo(points[0], points[1]);
for (let j = 2; j < points.length; j += 2) {
context.lineTo(points[j], points[j + 1]);
for (let k = 0; k < holes.length; k++)
if (points = holes[k].shape.points, !!points) {
innerArea = 0, px = points[0], py = points[1];
for (let j = 2; j + 2 < points.length; j += 2)
innerArea += (points[j] - px) * (points[j + 3] - py) - (points[j + 2] - px) * (points[j + 1] - py);
if (innerArea * outerArea < 0) {
context.moveTo(points[0], points[1]);
for (let j = 2; j < points.length; j += 2)
context.lineTo(points[j], points[j + 1]);
} else {
context.moveTo(points[points.length - 2], points[points.length - 1]);
for (let j = points.length - 4; j >= 0; j -= 2)
context.lineTo(points[j], points[j + 1]);
} else {
context.moveTo(points[points.length - 2], points[points.length - 1]);
for (let j = points.length - 4; j >= 0; j -= 2) {
context.lineTo(points[j], points[j + 1]);
holes[k].shape.closeStroke && context.closePath(), holesDirection[k] = innerArea * outerArea < 0;
if (holes[k].shape.closeStroke) {
holesDirection[k] = innerArea * outerArea < 0;
if (fillStyle.visible) {
context.globalAlpha = fillStyle.alpha * worldAlpha;
context.fillStyle = contextFillStyle;
if (lineStyle.visible) {
this.paintPolygonStroke(tempShape, lineStyle, contextStrokeStyle, holes, holesDirection, worldAlpha, context);
fillStyle.visible && (context.globalAlpha = fillStyle.alpha * worldAlpha, context.fillStyle = contextFillStyle, context.fill()), lineStyle.visible && this.paintPolygonStroke(
} else if (data.type === core.SHAPES.RECT) {
const tempShape = shape;
if (fillStyle.visible) {
context.globalAlpha = fillStyle.alpha * worldAlpha;
context.fillStyle = contextFillStyle;
context.fillRect(tempShape.x, tempShape.y, tempShape.width, tempShape.height);
if (fillStyle.visible && (context.globalAlpha = fillStyle.alpha * worldAlpha, context.fillStyle = contextFillStyle, context.fillRect(tempShape.x, tempShape.y, tempShape.width, tempShape.height)), lineStyle.visible) {
const alignmentOffset = lineStyle.width * (0.5 - (1 - lineStyle.alignment)), width = tempShape.width + 2 * alignmentOffset, height = tempShape.height + 2 * alignmentOffset;
context.globalAlpha = lineStyle.alpha * worldAlpha, context.strokeStyle = contextStrokeStyle, context.strokeRect(tempShape.x - alignmentOffset, tempShape.y - alignmentOffset, width, height);
if (lineStyle.visible) {
const alignmentOffset = lineStyle.width * (0.5 - (1 - lineStyle.alignment));
const width = tempShape.width + 2 * alignmentOffset;
const height = tempShape.height + 2 * alignmentOffset;
context.globalAlpha = lineStyle.alpha * worldAlpha;
context.strokeStyle = contextStrokeStyle;
context.strokeRect(tempShape.x - alignmentOffset, tempShape.y - alignmentOffset, width, height);
} else if (data.type === core.SHAPES.CIRC) {
const tempShape = shape;
context.arc(tempShape.x, tempShape.y, tempShape.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
if (fillStyle.visible) {
context.globalAlpha = fillStyle.alpha * worldAlpha;
context.fillStyle = contextFillStyle;
if (lineStyle.visible) {
if (context.beginPath(), context.arc(tempShape.x, tempShape.y, tempShape.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI), context.closePath(), fillStyle.visible && (context.globalAlpha = fillStyle.alpha * worldAlpha, context.fillStyle = contextFillStyle, context.fill()), lineStyle.visible) {
if (lineStyle.alignment !== 0.5) {
const alignmentOffset = lineStyle.width * (0.5 - (1 - lineStyle.alignment));
context.arc(tempShape.x, tempShape.y, tempShape.radius + alignmentOffset, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
context.beginPath(), context.arc(tempShape.x, tempShape.y, tempShape.radius + alignmentOffset, 0, 2 * Math.PI), context.closePath();
context.globalAlpha = lineStyle.alpha * worldAlpha;
context.strokeStyle = contextStrokeStyle;
context.globalAlpha = lineStyle.alpha * worldAlpha, context.strokeStyle = contextStrokeStyle, context.stroke();
} else if (data.type === core.SHAPES.ELIP) {
const tempShape = shape;
const drawShapeOverStroke = lineStyle.alignment === 1;
if (!drawShapeOverStroke) {
this.paintEllipse(tempShape, fillStyle, lineStyle, contextFillStyle, worldAlpha, context);
if (lineStyle.visible) {
const tempShape = shape, drawShapeOverStroke = lineStyle.alignment === 1;
if (drawShapeOverStroke || this.paintEllipse(tempShape, fillStyle, lineStyle, contextFillStyle, worldAlpha, context), lineStyle.visible) {
if (lineStyle.alignment !== 0.5) {
const kappa = 0.5522848;
const alignmentOffset = lineStyle.width * (0.5 - (1 - lineStyle.alignment));
const sW = (tempShape.width + alignmentOffset) * 2;
const sH = (tempShape.height + alignmentOffset) * 2;
const sX = tempShape.x - sW / 2;
const sY = tempShape.y - sH / 2;
const sOx = sW / 2 * kappa;
const sOy = sH / 2 * kappa;
const sXe = sX + sW;
const sYe = sY + sH;
const sXm = sX + sW / 2;
const sYm = sY + sH / 2;
context.moveTo(sX, sYm);
context.bezierCurveTo(sX, sYm - sOy, sXm - sOx, sY, sXm, sY);
context.bezierCurveTo(sXm + sOx, sY, sXe, sYm - sOy, sXe, sYm);
context.bezierCurveTo(sXe, sYm + sOy, sXm + sOx, sYe, sXm, sYe);
context.bezierCurveTo(sXm - sOx, sYe, sX, sYm + sOy, sX, sYm);
const kappa = 0.5522848, alignmentOffset = lineStyle.width * (0.5 - (1 - lineStyle.alignment)), sW = (tempShape.width + alignmentOffset) * 2, sH = (tempShape.height + alignmentOffset) * 2, sX = tempShape.x - sW / 2, sY = tempShape.y - sH / 2, sOx = sW / 2 * kappa, sOy = sH / 2 * kappa, sXe = sX + sW, sYe = sY + sH, sXm = sX + sW / 2, sYm = sY + sH / 2;
context.beginPath(), context.moveTo(sX, sYm), context.bezierCurveTo(sX, sYm - sOy, sXm - sOx, sY, sXm, sY), context.bezierCurveTo(sXm + sOx, sY, sXe, sYm - sOy, sXe, sYm), context.bezierCurveTo(sXe, sYm + sOy, sXm + sOx, sYe, sXm, sYe), context.bezierCurveTo(sXm - sOx, sYe, sX, sYm + sOy, sX, sYm), context.closePath();
context.globalAlpha = lineStyle.alpha * worldAlpha;
context.strokeStyle = contextStrokeStyle;
context.globalAlpha = lineStyle.alpha * worldAlpha, context.strokeStyle = contextStrokeStyle, context.stroke();
if (drawShapeOverStroke) {
this.paintEllipse(tempShape, fillStyle, lineStyle, contextFillStyle, worldAlpha, context);
drawShapeOverStroke && this.paintEllipse(tempShape, fillStyle, lineStyle, contextFillStyle, worldAlpha, context);
} else if (data.type === core.SHAPES.RREC) {
const tempShape = shape;
const drawShapeOverStroke = lineStyle.alignment === 1;
if (!drawShapeOverStroke) {
this.paintRoundedRectangle(tempShape, fillStyle, lineStyle, contextFillStyle, worldAlpha, context);
if (lineStyle.visible) {
const tempShape = shape, drawShapeOverStroke = lineStyle.alignment === 1;
if (drawShapeOverStroke || this.paintRoundedRectangle(tempShape, fillStyle, lineStyle, contextFillStyle, worldAlpha, context), lineStyle.visible) {
if (lineStyle.alignment !== 0.5) {
const width = tempShape.width;
const height = tempShape.height;
const alignmentOffset = lineStyle.width * (0.5 - (1 - lineStyle.alignment));
const sRx = tempShape.x - alignmentOffset;
const sRy = tempShape.y - alignmentOffset;
const sWidth = tempShape.width + 2 * alignmentOffset;
const sHeight = tempShape.height + 2 * alignmentOffset;
const radiusOffset = alignmentOffset * (lineStyle.alignment >= 1 ? Math.min(sWidth / width, sHeight / height) : Math.min(width / sWidth, height / sHeight));
const width = tempShape.width, height = tempShape.height, alignmentOffset = lineStyle.width * (0.5 - (1 - lineStyle.alignment)), sRx = tempShape.x - alignmentOffset, sRy = tempShape.y - alignmentOffset, sWidth = tempShape.width + 2 * alignmentOffset, sHeight = tempShape.height + 2 * alignmentOffset, radiusOffset = alignmentOffset * (lineStyle.alignment >= 1 ? Math.min(sWidth / width, sHeight / height) : Math.min(width / sWidth, height / sHeight));
let sRadius = tempShape.radius + radiusOffset;
const sMaxRadius = Math.min(sWidth, sHeight) / 2;
sRadius = sRadius > sMaxRadius ? sMaxRadius : sRadius;
context.moveTo(sRx, sRy + sRadius);
context.lineTo(sRx, sRy + sHeight - sRadius);
context.quadraticCurveTo(sRx, sRy + sHeight, sRx + sRadius, sRy + sHeight);
context.lineTo(sRx + sWidth - sRadius, sRy + sHeight);
context.quadraticCurveTo(sRx + sWidth, sRy + sHeight, sRx + sWidth, sRy + sHeight - sRadius);
context.lineTo(sRx + sWidth, sRy + sRadius);
context.quadraticCurveTo(sRx + sWidth, sRy, sRx + sWidth - sRadius, sRy);
context.lineTo(sRx + sRadius, sRy);
context.quadraticCurveTo(sRx, sRy, sRx, sRy + sRadius);
sRadius = sRadius > sMaxRadius ? sMaxRadius : sRadius, context.beginPath(), context.moveTo(sRx, sRy + sRadius), context.lineTo(sRx, sRy + sHeight - sRadius), context.quadraticCurveTo(sRx, sRy + sHeight, sRx + sRadius, sRy + sHeight), context.lineTo(sRx + sWidth - sRadius, sRy + sHeight), context.quadraticCurveTo(sRx + sWidth, sRy + sHeight, sRx + sWidth, sRy + sHeight - sRadius), context.lineTo(sRx + sWidth, sRy + sRadius), context.quadraticCurveTo(sRx + sWidth, sRy, sRx + sWidth - sRadius, sRy), context.lineTo(sRx + sRadius, sRy), context.quadraticCurveTo(sRx, sRy, sRx, sRy + sRadius), context.closePath();
context.globalAlpha = lineStyle.alpha * worldAlpha;
context.strokeStyle = contextStrokeStyle;
context.globalAlpha = lineStyle.alpha * worldAlpha, context.strokeStyle = contextStrokeStyle, context.stroke();
if (drawShapeOverStroke) {
this.paintRoundedRectangle(tempShape, fillStyle, lineStyle, contextFillStyle, worldAlpha, context);
drawShapeOverStroke && this.paintRoundedRectangle(tempShape, fillStyle, lineStyle, contextFillStyle, worldAlpha, context);
* Paint stroke for polygon and holes
* @private
* @param shape - Shape to be drawn
* @param lineStyle - Line style for the shape
* @param contextStrokeStyle - The strokeStyle for the canvas context
* @param holes - Holes to be added to the shape
* @param holesDirection -
* @param worldAlpha - The multiplied alpha of the displayObject
* @param context - The canvas context
paintPolygonStroke(shape, lineStyle, contextStrokeStyle, holes, holesDirection, worldAlpha, context) {
if (lineStyle.alignment !== 0.5) {
const alignmentOffset = lineStyle.width * (0.5 - (1 - lineStyle.alignment));
let offsetPoints = PolygonUtils.PolygonUtils.offsetPolygon(shape.points, alignmentOffset);
let points;
context.moveTo(offsetPoints[0], offsetPoints[1]);
for (let j = 2; j < offsetPoints.length; j += 2) {
let offsetPoints = PolygonUtils.PolygonUtils.offsetPolygon(shape.points, alignmentOffset), points;
context.beginPath(), context.moveTo(offsetPoints[0], offsetPoints[1]);
for (let j = 2; j < offsetPoints.length; j += 2)
context.lineTo(offsetPoints[j], offsetPoints[j + 1]);
if (shape.closeStroke) {
shape.closeStroke && context.closePath();
for (let k = 0; k < holes.length; k++) {
points = holes[k].shape.points;
offsetPoints = PolygonUtils.PolygonUtils.offsetPolygon(points, alignmentOffset);
if (holesDirection[k]) {
if (points = holes[k].shape.points, offsetPoints = PolygonUtils.PolygonUtils.offsetPolygon(points, alignmentOffset), holesDirection[k]) {
context.moveTo(offsetPoints[0], offsetPoints[1]);
for (let j = 2; j < offsetPoints.length; j += 2) {
for (let j = 2; j < offsetPoints.length; j += 2)
context.lineTo(offsetPoints[j], offsetPoints[j + 1]);
} else {
context.moveTo(offsetPoints[offsetPoints.length - 2], offsetPoints[offsetPoints.length - 1]);
for (let j = offsetPoints.length - 4; j >= 0; j -= 2) {
for (let j = offsetPoints.length - 4; j >= 0; j -= 2)
context.lineTo(offsetPoints[j], offsetPoints[j + 1]);
if (holes[k].shape.closeStroke) {
holes[k].shape.closeStroke && context.closePath();
context.globalAlpha = lineStyle.alpha * worldAlpha;
context.strokeStyle = contextStrokeStyle;
context.globalAlpha = lineStyle.alpha * worldAlpha, context.strokeStyle = contextStrokeStyle, context.stroke();
* Paint Ellipse
* @private
* @param shape - Shape to be drawn
* @param fillStyle - Fill for the shape
* @param lineStyle - Line style for the shape
* @param contextFillStyle - The canvas context fill style
* @param worldAlpha - The multiplied alpha of the displayObject
* @param context - The canvas context
paintEllipse(shape, fillStyle, lineStyle, contextFillStyle, worldAlpha, context) {
const w = shape.width * 2;
const h = shape.height * 2;
const x = shape.x - w / 2;
const y = shape.y - h / 2;
const kappa = 0.5522848;
const ox = w / 2 * kappa;
const oy = h / 2 * kappa;
const xe = x + w;
const ye = y + h;
const xm = x + w / 2;
const ym = y + h / 2;
if (lineStyle.alignment === 0) {;
context.moveTo(x, ym);
context.bezierCurveTo(x, ym - oy, xm - ox, y, xm, y);
context.bezierCurveTo(xm + ox, y, xe, ym - oy, xe, ym);
context.bezierCurveTo(xe, ym + oy, xm + ox, ye, xm, ye);
context.bezierCurveTo(xm - ox, ye, x, ym + oy, x, ym);
if (lineStyle.alignment === 0) {
if (fillStyle.visible) {
context.globalAlpha = fillStyle.alpha * worldAlpha;
context.fillStyle = contextFillStyle;
if (lineStyle.alignment === 0) {
const w = shape.width * 2, h = shape.height * 2, x = shape.x - w / 2, y = shape.y - h / 2, kappa = 0.5522848, ox = w / 2 * kappa, oy = h / 2 * kappa, xe = x + w, ye = y + h, xm = x + w / 2, ym = y + h / 2;
lineStyle.alignment === 0 &&, context.beginPath(), context.moveTo(x, ym), context.bezierCurveTo(x, ym - oy, xm - ox, y, xm, y), context.bezierCurveTo(xm + ox, y, xe, ym - oy, xe, ym), context.bezierCurveTo(xe, ym + oy, xm + ox, ye, xm, ye), context.bezierCurveTo(xm - ox, ye, x, ym + oy, x, ym), context.closePath(), lineStyle.alignment === 0 && context.clip(), fillStyle.visible && (context.globalAlpha = fillStyle.alpha * worldAlpha, context.fillStyle = contextFillStyle, context.fill()), lineStyle.alignment === 0 && context.restore();
* Paint Rounded Rectangle
* @private
* @param shape - Shape to be drawn
* @param fillStyle - Fill for the shape
* @param lineStyle - Line style for the shape
* @param contextFillStyle - The canvas context fill style
* @param worldAlpha - The multiplied alpha of the displayObject
* @param context - The canvas context
paintRoundedRectangle(shape, fillStyle, lineStyle, contextFillStyle, worldAlpha, context) {
const rx = shape.x;
const ry = shape.y;
const width = shape.width;
const height = shape.height;
const rx = shape.x, ry = shape.y, width = shape.width, height = shape.height;
let radius = shape.radius;
const maxRadius = Math.min(width, height) / 2;
radius = radius > maxRadius ? maxRadius : radius;
if (lineStyle.alignment === 0) {;
context.moveTo(rx, ry + radius);
context.lineTo(rx, ry + height - radius);
context.quadraticCurveTo(rx, ry + height, rx + radius, ry + height);
context.lineTo(rx + width - radius, ry + height);
context.quadraticCurveTo(rx + width, ry + height, rx + width, ry + height - radius);
context.lineTo(rx + width, ry + radius);
context.quadraticCurveTo(rx + width, ry, rx + width - radius, ry);
context.lineTo(rx + radius, ry);
context.quadraticCurveTo(rx, ry, rx, ry + radius);
if (lineStyle.alignment === 0) {
if (fillStyle.visible) {
context.globalAlpha = fillStyle.alpha * worldAlpha;
context.fillStyle = contextFillStyle;
if (lineStyle.alignment === 0) {
radius = radius > maxRadius ? maxRadius : radius, lineStyle.alignment === 0 &&, context.beginPath(), context.moveTo(rx, ry + radius), context.lineTo(rx, ry + height - radius), context.quadraticCurveTo(rx, ry + height, rx + radius, ry + height), context.lineTo(rx + width - radius, ry + height), context.quadraticCurveTo(rx + width, ry + height, rx + width, ry + height - radius), context.lineTo(rx + width, ry + radius), context.quadraticCurveTo(rx + width, ry, rx + width - radius, ry), context.lineTo(rx + radius, ry), context.quadraticCurveTo(rx, ry, rx, ry + radius), context.closePath(), lineStyle.alignment === 0 && context.clip(), fillStyle.visible && (context.globalAlpha = fillStyle.alpha * worldAlpha, context.fillStyle = contextFillStyle, context.fill()), lineStyle.alignment === 0 && context.restore();
setPatternTransform(pattern, matrix) {
if (this._svgMatrix === false) {
if (!this._svgMatrix) {
const svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg");
if (svg?.createSVGMatrix) {
this._svgMatrix = svg.createSVGMatrix();
if (this._svgMatrix !== !1) {
if (!this._svgMatrix) {
const svg = document.createElementNS("", "svg");
if (svg?.createSVGMatrix && (this._svgMatrix = svg.createSVGMatrix()), !this._svgMatrix || !pattern.setTransform) {
this._svgMatrix = !1;
if (!this._svgMatrix || !pattern.setTransform) {
this._svgMatrix = false;
this._svgMatrix.a = matrix.a, this._svgMatrix.b = matrix.b, this._svgMatrix.c = matrix.c, this._svgMatrix.d = matrix.d, this._svgMatrix.e = matrix.tx, this._svgMatrix.f = matrix.ty, pattern.setTransform(this._svgMatrix.inverse());
this._svgMatrix.a = matrix.a;
this._svgMatrix.b = matrix.b;
this._svgMatrix.c = matrix.c;
this._svgMatrix.d = matrix.d;
this._svgMatrix.e = matrix.tx;
this._svgMatrix.f = matrix.ty;
/** destroy graphics object */
destroy() {
this.renderer = null;
this._svgMatrix = null;
this._tempMatrix = null;
this.renderer = null, this._svgMatrix = null, this._tempMatrix = null;

@@ -371,4 +205,3 @@ }

exports.CanvasGraphicsRenderer = CanvasGraphicsRenderer;

@@ -1,11 +0,8 @@

'use strict';
var canvasRenderer$1 = require('@pixi/canvas-renderer');
var core = require('@pixi/core');
var graphics = require('@pixi/graphics');
"use strict";
var canvasRenderer$1 = require("@pixi/canvas-renderer"), core = require("@pixi/core"), graphics = require("@pixi/graphics");
let canvasRenderer;
const tempMatrix = new core.Matrix();
graphics.Graphics.prototype.generateCanvasTexture = function generateCanvasTexture(scaleMode, resolution = 1) {
const bounds = this.getLocalBounds();
graphics.Graphics.prototype.generateCanvasTexture = function(scaleMode, resolution = 1) {
const bounds = this.getLocalBounds(new core.Rectangle());
bounds.width = Math.max(bounds.width, 1 / resolution), bounds.height = Math.max(bounds.height, 1 / resolution);
const canvasBuffer = core.RenderTexture.create({

@@ -17,23 +14,13 @@ width: bounds.width,

if (!canvasRenderer) {
canvasRenderer = new canvasRenderer$1.CanvasRenderer();
tempMatrix.tx -= bounds.x;
tempMatrix.ty -= bounds.y;
canvasRenderer.render(this, { renderTexture: canvasBuffer, clear: true, transform: tempMatrix });
const texture = core.Texture.from(canvasBuffer.baseTexture._canvasRenderTarget.canvas, { scaleMode });
return texture;
canvasRenderer || (canvasRenderer = new canvasRenderer$1.CanvasRenderer()), this.transform.updateLocalTransform(), this.transform.localTransform.copyTo(tempMatrix), tempMatrix.invert(), tempMatrix.tx -= bounds.x, tempMatrix.ty -= bounds.y, canvasRenderer.render(this, { renderTexture: canvasBuffer, clear: !0, transform: tempMatrix });
const texture = core.Texture.from(
{ scaleMode }
return texture.baseTexture.setResolution(resolution), texture;
graphics.Graphics.prototype.cachedGraphicsData = [];
graphics.Graphics.prototype._renderCanvas = function _renderCanvas(renderer) {
if (this.isMask === true) {
graphics.Graphics.prototype._renderCanvas = function(renderer) {
this.isMask !== !0 && (this.finishPoly(),;

@@ -1,11 +0,5 @@

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
var CanvasGraphicsRenderer = require('./CanvasGraphicsRenderer.js');
"use strict";
var CanvasGraphicsRenderer = require("./CanvasGraphicsRenderer.js");
exports.CanvasGraphicsRenderer = CanvasGraphicsRenderer.CanvasGraphicsRenderer;

@@ -1,68 +0,64 @@

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
"use strict";
class PolygonUtils {
* Calculate points of an offset polygon
* @see {@link}
* @private
* @param {number[]} points - polygon coordinates
* @param {number} offset
* @returns {number[]} - offset points
static offsetPolygon(points, offset) {
const offsetPoints = [];
const length = points.length;
const offsetPoints = [], length = points.length;
offset = PolygonUtils.isPolygonClockwise(points) ? offset : -1 * offset;
for (let j = 0; j < length; j += 2) {
let i = j - 2;
if (i < 0) {
i += length;
i < 0 && (i += length);
const k = (j + 2) % length;
let v1x = points[j] - points[i];
let v1y = points[j + 1] - points[i + 1];
let len = Math.sqrt(v1x * v1x + v1y * v1y);
v1x /= len;
v1y /= len;
v1x *= offset;
v1y *= offset;
const norm1x = -v1y;
const norm1y = v1x;
const pij1 = [points[i] + norm1x, points[i + 1] + norm1y];
const pij2 = [points[j] + norm1x, points[j + 1] + norm1y];
let v2x = points[k] - points[j];
let v2y = points[k + 1] - points[j + 1];
len = Math.sqrt(v2x * v2x + v2y * v2y);
v2x /= len;
v2y /= len;
v2x *= offset;
v2y *= offset;
const norm2x = -v2y;
const norm2y = v2x;
const pjk1 = [points[j] + norm2x, points[j + 1] + norm2y];
const pjk2 = [points[k] + norm2x, points[k + 1] + norm2y];
const intersectPoint = PolygonUtils.findIntersection(pij1[0], pij1[1], pij2[0], pij2[1], pjk1[0], pjk1[1], pjk2[0], pjk2[1]);
if (intersectPoint) {
let v1x = points[j] - points[i], v1y = points[j + 1] - points[i + 1], len = Math.sqrt(v1x * v1x + v1y * v1y);
v1x /= len, v1y /= len, v1x *= offset, v1y *= offset;
const norm1x = -v1y, norm1y = v1x, pij1 = [points[i] + norm1x, points[i + 1] + norm1y], pij2 = [points[j] + norm1x, points[j + 1] + norm1y];
let v2x = points[k] - points[j], v2y = points[k + 1] - points[j + 1];
len = Math.sqrt(v2x * v2x + v2y * v2y), v2x /= len, v2y /= len, v2x *= offset, v2y *= offset;
const norm2x = -v2y, norm2y = v2x, pjk1 = [points[j] + norm2x, points[j + 1] + norm2y], pjk2 = [points[k] + norm2x, points[k + 1] + norm2y], intersectPoint = PolygonUtils.findIntersection(pij1[0], pij1[1], pij2[0], pij2[1], pjk1[0], pjk1[1], pjk2[0], pjk2[1]);
intersectPoint && offsetPoints.push(...intersectPoint);
return offsetPoints;
* Determine the intersection point of two line segments
* @see {@link here}
* @private
* @param {number} x1 - x-coordinate of start point at first line
* @param {number} y1 - y-coordinate of start point at first line
* @param {number} x2 - x-coordinate of end point at first line
* @param {number} y2 - y-coordinate of end point at first line
* @param {number} x3 - x-coordinate of start point at second line
* @param {number} y3 - y-coordinate of start point at second line
* @param {number} x4 - x-coordinate of end point at second line
* @param {number} y4 - y-coordinate of end point at second line
* @returns [x, y] coordinates of intersection
static findIntersection(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
const denominator = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1);
const numeratorA = (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3);
const numeratorB = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3);
if (denominator === 0) {
if (numeratorA === 0 && numeratorB === 0) {
return [(x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2];
return null;
const denominator = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1), numeratorA = (x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3), numeratorB = (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3);
if (denominator === 0)
return numeratorA === 0 && numeratorB === 0 ? [(x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2] : null;
const uA = numeratorA / denominator;
return [x1 + uA * (x2 - x1), y1 + uA * (y2 - y1)];
* Determine polygon are clockwise or counterclockwise
* @see {@link}
* @private
* @param {number[]} polygon - polygon coordinates
* @returns {boolean} - true if polygon is clockwise
static isPolygonClockwise(polygon) {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0, j = polygon.length - 2; i < polygon.length; j = i, i += 2) {
for (let i = 0, j = polygon.length - 2; i < polygon.length; j = i, i += 2)
sum += (polygon[i] - polygon[j]) * (polygon[i + 1] + polygon[j + 1]);
return sum > 0;
exports.PolygonUtils = PolygonUtils;
"name": "@pixi/canvas-graphics",
"version": "7.2.4",
"version": "7.3.0-rc",
"main": "lib/index.js",

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ "module": "lib/index.mjs",

"peerDependencies": {
"@pixi/canvas-display": "7.2.4",
"@pixi/canvas-renderer": "7.2.4",
"@pixi/core": "7.2.4",
"@pixi/graphics": "7.2.4"
"@pixi/canvas-display": "7.3.0-rc",
"@pixi/canvas-renderer": "7.3.0-rc",
"@pixi/core": "7.3.0-rc",
"@pixi/graphics": "7.3.0-rc"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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