Enables Postman support of the WSDL specification
browserify index.js --standalone xsd2jsonschemafaker > xsd2jsonschemafaker.js
Check out complete list of options and their usage at
Command Line Interface
The converter can be used as a CLI tool as well. The following command line options are available.
wsdl2postman [options]
, --version
Specifies the version of the converter
-s <source>
, --spec <source>
Used to specify the WSDL specification (file path) which is to be converted
-o <destination>
, --output <destination>
Used to specify the destination file in which the collection is to be written
, --test
Used to test the collection with an in-built sample specification
, --pretty
Used to pretty print the collection object while writing to a file
, --options
Used to supply options to the converter, for complete options details see here
, --options-config
Used to supply options to the converter through config file, for complete options details see here
, --help
Specifies all the options along with a few usage examples on the terminal
Sample usage examples of the converter CLI
- Takes a specification (spec.wsdl) as an input and writes to a file (collection.json) with pretty printing and using provided options
$ wsdl2postman -s spec.wsdl -o collection.json -p -O folderStrategy=Service
- Takes a specification (spec.wsdl) as an input and writes to a file (collection.json) with pretty printing and using provided options via config file
$ wsdl2postman -s spec.wsdl -o collection.json -p -c ./examples/cli-options-config.json
$ wsdl2postman --test
Conversion Schema data example values
integer, int, number, decimal, double, float, long, short, unsignedInt, unsignedLong, unsignedShort | random between 2 and 100 | if there are defined min and max use them and generates random value between those boundaries |
string | the word "string" | if there is a pattern a random string that conforms to that pattern, if there is minimum or maximum a string that conforms to that length e.g. the word "string....." for minimum (11) or "str.." for maximum (5) |
date | today's date | in xsd dateTime format according to: |