Kendo UI for Vue Animation Package
- This package is а part of Kendo UI for Vue—a commercial UI library.
- You will need to install a license key when adding the package to your project. For more information, please refer to the Kendo UI for Vue My License page.
- To receive a license key, you need to either purchase a license or register for a free trial. Doing so indicates that you accept the Kendo UI for Vue License Agreement.
- The 30-day free trial gives you access to all the Kendo UI for Vue components and their full functionality. Additionally, for the period of your license, you get access to our legendary technical support provided directly by the Kendo UI for Vue dev team!
Start using Kendo UI for Vue and speed up your development process!
Vue Animation
Starting with version 6.0.0, Kendo UI for Vue Native components no longer support Vue 2. Please check our Vue 2 End of Support article for more details.
Among the features which the Kendo UI for Vue Animation component delivers are:
- Types—The Animation components animate their content by using various animation effects (Fade, Expand, Push, Reveal, Slide and Zoom).
- Disabled animations—The Animations allow you to enable or disable their showing or hiding effect.
- Life-cycle hooks—When you declaratively add or remove a child element, all Animations call specific hooks during the entering or exiting of the element.
- Duration—All Animation types enable you to control the duration of the entering and exiting animation effects.
- Direction—Except for the Fade Animation, the Animations provide a set of the predefined directions which allow you to control their entering and exiting effect
- Exiting child components—While an exiting child component is rendered because it still exists in the Vue Virtual DOM, it is no longer available in the DOM.
- Theme support—The Kendo UI for Vue Animation, as well as all 80+ components in the Kendo UI for Vue suite, are styled in four polished themes (Bootstrap, Material, Default and Fluent) and can be further customized to match your specific design guidelines.
Support Options
For any issues you might encounter while working with the Kendo UI for Vue animation, use any of the available support channels:
- Industry-leading technical support—Kendo UI for Vue paid license holders and users with an active (free) trial license can take advantage of our outstanding customer support. To submit a ticket, use the dedicated Kendo UI for Vue support system.
- Product forums—The Kendo UI for Vue forums are part of the free support you can get from the community and from the Kendo UI for Vue team.
- Feedback portal—The Kendo UI for Vue feedback portal is where you can request and vote for new features to be added.
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