An easy way to start an Electron project
Compatibility Note:
Some templates require a higher Node.js version to work, please upgrade if your package manager warns about it.
With npm:
$ npm create @quick-start/electron
With Yarn:
$ yarn create @quick-start/electron
With pnpm:
$ pnpm create @quick-start/electron
Then follow the prompts!
You can also directly specify the project name and the template you want to use via additional command line options. For example, to scaffold an Electron + Vue project, run:
npm create @quick-start/electron my-app --template vue
npm create @quick-start/electron my-app -- --template vue
yarn create @quick-start/electron my-app --template vue
pnpm create @quick-start/electron my-app --template vue
Currently supported template presets include:
- Use
ESLint + Prettier
to better lint and style your code, help you to write high-quality code.
- Use electron-vite, a fast build tooling integrated with Vite 3, support for
, hot reloading
, debugging
and source code protection
- Use electron-toolkit to help you develop. For example: TSconfig extends, easily expose Electron APIs to renderers in preload scripts, etc.
- Use electron-builder and pre-configured to pack your app.
- Use electron-updater for auto-update, based on electron-builder.