ERC-7812 Reference Implementation
This EIP introduces an on-chain registry system for storing abstract statements, where the state of the system can be proven in zero knowledge without disclosing anything about these statements. Developers may use the singleton EvidenceRegistry
contract to integrate custom business-specific registrars for statement processing and proving.
Link to the ERC-7812.
You will find Solidity smart contracts implementation in the contracts
directory and Circom circuits in the circuits
Install all the required dependencies:
npm install
The proper tests have been written for both the smart contracts and circuits leveraging hardhat-zkit.
To run the all the tests, execute:
npm run test-all
The EvidenceRegistry
is deployed via a deterministic factory to the address 0x781268D46a654D020922f115D75dd3D56D287812
To reproduce the deployment on other chains, run npx hardhat compile && npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.ts --network <network>
Do not modify the code, lint solidity files, or update compiler / hardhat settings as this will change the smart contracts bytecode.