What is @react-aria/progress?
@react-aria/progress is a library that provides accessible progress indicators for React applications. It is part of the React Aria collection of hooks and components that help build accessible web applications.
What are @react-aria/progress's main functionalities?
The ProgressBar component provides a visual representation of progress. It uses the useProgressBar hook to manage accessibility attributes and the useProgressBarState hook to manage the state of the progress bar.
import { useProgressBar } from '@react-aria/progress';
import { useProgressBarState } from '@react-stately/progress';
function ProgressBar(props) {
let { progressBarProps } = useProgressBar(props);
let state = useProgressBarState(props);
return (
<div {...progressBarProps} style={{ width: '100%', backgroundColor: '#e0e0e0' }}>
<div style={{ width: `${state.value}%`, backgroundColor: '#0078d4', height: '100%' }} />
The CircularProgress component provides a circular progress indicator. It uses the useProgressCircle hook for accessibility and the useProgressCircleState hook to manage the state of the circular progress.
import { useProgressCircle } from '@react-aria/progress';
import { useProgressCircleState } from '@react-stately/progress';
function CircularProgress(props) {
let { progressCircleProps } = useProgressCircle(props);
let state = useProgressCircleState(props);
return (
<svg {...progressCircleProps} viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="100" height="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="45" fill="none" stroke="#e0e0e0" strokeWidth="10" />
strokeDasharray={Math.PI * 2 * 45}
strokeDashoffset={Math.PI * 2 * 45 * (1 - state.value / 100)}
Other packages similar to @react-aria/progress
react-progressbar is a simple and customizable progress bar component for React. It is less feature-rich compared to @react-aria/progress but provides basic progress bar functionality with easy customization.
react-circular-progressbar is a library for creating circular progress bars in React. It offers more customization options for circular progress indicators compared to @react-aria/progress but does not include linear progress bars.
react-loader-spinner provides a variety of loading spinners and progress indicators for React applications. It offers more visual variety compared to @react-aria/progress but may not be as focused on accessibility.
This package is part of react-spectrum. See the repo for more details.