What is @react-aria/select?
@react-aria/select is a React library that provides accessible components for building custom select menus. It is part of the React Aria collection, which focuses on providing high-quality, accessible UI components.
What are @react-aria/select's main functionalities?
Basic Select
This code demonstrates a basic select component using @react-aria/select. It includes a label, a button to trigger the select menu, and a list of items to choose from.
import { useSelectState } from '@react-stately/select';
import { useSelect } from '@react-aria/select';
import { Item } from '@react-stately/collections';
function SelectExample() {
let state = useSelectState({
items: [
{ key: 'red', name: 'Red' },
{ key: 'green', name: 'Green' },
{ key: 'blue', name: 'Blue' }
let ref = React.useRef();
let { labelProps, triggerProps, valueProps, menuProps } = useSelect({
label: 'Favorite Color',
items: state.collection,
selectedKey: state.selectedKey,
onSelectionChange: state.setSelectedKey
}, state, ref);
return (
<label {...labelProps}>Favorite Color</label>
<button {...triggerProps} ref={ref}>
<span {...valueProps}>{state.selectedItem ? state.selectedItem.name : 'Select an option'}</span>
{state.isOpen && (
<ul {...menuProps}>
{[...state.collection].map(item => (
<Item key={item.key}>{item.name}</Item>
Custom Styling
This example shows how to apply custom styling to the select component using CSS classes. The custom styles are defined in an external CSS file.
import { useSelectState } from '@react-stately/select';
import { useSelect } from '@react-aria/select';
import { Item } from '@react-stately/collections';
import './customStyles.css';
function CustomStyledSelect() {
let state = useSelectState({
items: [
{ key: 'apple', name: 'Apple' },
{ key: 'banana', name: 'Banana' },
{ key: 'cherry', name: 'Cherry' }
let ref = React.useRef();
let { labelProps, triggerProps, valueProps, menuProps } = useSelect({
label: 'Favorite Fruit',
items: state.collection,
selectedKey: state.selectedKey,
onSelectionChange: state.setSelectedKey
}, state, ref);
return (
<div className="custom-select">
<label {...labelProps}>Favorite Fruit</label>
<button {...triggerProps} ref={ref} className="custom-trigger">
<span {...valueProps}>{state.selectedItem ? state.selectedItem.name : 'Select an option'}</span>
{state.isOpen && (
<ul {...menuProps} className="custom-menu">
{[...state.collection].map(item => (
<Item key={item.key} className="custom-item">{item.name}</Item>
Other packages similar to @react-aria/select
react-select is a flexible and customizable select input control for React. It provides a wide range of features including multi-select, async options, and custom styling. Compared to @react-aria/select, react-select offers more out-of-the-box customization options but may require additional work to ensure full accessibility.
downshift is a library that provides primitives to build accessible, flexible, and customizable dropdowns and comboboxes. It offers a lower-level API compared to @react-aria/select, giving developers more control over the behavior and appearance of their components. However, this also means more effort is needed to implement common patterns.
react-autosuggest is a library for building accessible and customizable autocomplete components in React. It focuses on providing a great user experience for search and suggestion inputs. While it is not a direct replacement for select components, it can be used for similar use cases where suggestions and selections are needed.
This package is part of react-spectrum. See the repo for more details.