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Comparing version 2.0.0-alpha.14 to 2.0.0-alpha.15



@@ -1,12 +0,72 @@

# v2.0.0-alpha.0
# v2.0.0
## New Features / Breaking Changes
## New Behavior and Features
- It is now possible to have the Collapse component be rendered while collapsed
and have a min height value set.
- It is now possible to create more advanced collapsible elements with the new
children render function API.
- No longer uses `react-motion` to animate the height changes with the spring
- removed the old Scss selectors for the different types since selectors are
mostly considered bad practice now as mixins should be used instead.
- The `Collapse` component will have a static transition time instead of being
based on the size of the content
- The `Collapse` component now supports a `minHeight` to create a partially
collapsed element
- Added two additional components for default transitions: `CrossFade` and
- Added hook versions for all the collapse and cross fade transitions:
- `useCollase`
- `useCrossFade`
- Created hook versions of the `react-transition-group` package to handle custom
transitions with `useTransition` and `useCSSTransition`
- Created a hook to be used with the `react-transition-group` package to fix an
element to another element within the page. (Similar to the `Layover`
## Breaking Changes
- The `Collapse` component no longer uses [react-motion] and spring
- Removed the transition placeholders and the transition class names:
- `%md-transition--sharp`
- `%md-transition--standard`
- `%md-transition--acceleration`
- `%md-transition--deceleration`
- `.md-transition--sharp`
- `.md-transition--standard`
- `.md-transition--acceleration`
- `.md-transition--deceleration`
### New SCSS Variables, Functions, and Mixins
- `$rmd-transition-enter-time: 0.2s !default` - The duration for an enter
transition used for most transitions
- `$rmd-transition-leave-time: 0.15s !default` - The duration for a leave
transition used for most transitions
- `$rmd-collapse-enter-transition-func: deceleration !default` - A customizable
variable for the collapse transition that can be one of: `sharp`, `standard`,
`acceleration`, or `deceleration`
- `$rmd-collapse-leave-transition-func: acceleration !default` - A customizable
variable for the collapse transition that can be one of: `sharp`, `standard`,
`acceleration`, or `deceleration`
- `$rmd-transition-scale-enter-duration: $rmd-transition-enter-time !default` -
The transition duration for the new scaling transition's entering phase.
- `$rmd-transition-scale-leave-duration: $rmd-transition-leave-time !default` -
The transition duration for the new scaling transition leaving phase.
- `$rmd-transition-scale-y-enter-duration: $rmd-transition-enter-time !default` -
The transition duration for the new vertical scaling transition's entering
- `$rmd-transition-scale-y-leave-duration: $rmd-transition-leave-time !default` -
The transition duration for the new vertical scaling transition leaving phase.
- `@mixin rmd-transition` - applies the correct transition/animation timing
function from one of the supported transition types.
- `@mixin rmd-transition-shadow-transition` - adds a performant version of a
`box-shadow` transition using a pseudo element and opacity changes.
### Renamed SCSS Variables, Functions, and Mixins
- `$md-transition-sharp` was renamed to `$rmd-transition-sharp`
- `$md-transition-standard` was renamed to `$rmd-transition-standard`
- `$md-transition-acceleration` was renamed to `$rmd-transition-acceleration`
- `$md-transition-deceleration` was renamed to `$rmd-transition-deceleration`
- `$md-transition-time` was renamed to `$rmd-transition-standard-time`
- `$md-cross-fade-transition-time` was renamed to
- `$md-cross-fade-distance` was renamed to `$rmd-cross-fade-translate-distance`
and changed the default value from `16px` to `-1rem`



@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ declare const _default: {

"rmd-transition-deceleration": string;
"rmd-transition-enter-time": string;
"rmd-transition-leave-time": string;
"rmd-transition-enter-duration": string;
"rmd-transition-leave-duration": string;
"rmd-transition-standard-time": string;

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ "rmd-collapse-enter-transition-func": string;

"rmd-transition-scale-y-leave-duration": string;
"rmd-transition-theme-values": {
"rmd-transitions": {
sharp: string;

@@ -21,0 +21,0 @@ standard: string;

@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ "use strict";

"rmd-transition-deceleration": "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)",
"rmd-transition-enter-time": "0.2s",
"rmd-transition-leave-time": "0.15s",
"rmd-transition-enter-duration": "0.2s",
"rmd-transition-leave-duration": "0.15s",
"rmd-transition-standard-time": "0.15s",

@@ -21,3 +21,3 @@ "rmd-collapse-enter-transition-func": "deceleration",

"rmd-transition-scale-y-leave-duration": "0.15s",
"rmd-transition-theme-values": {
"rmd-transitions": {
sharp: "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.6, 1)",

@@ -24,0 +24,0 @@ standard: "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)",

@@ -12,34 +12,43 @@ var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {

var __rest = (this && this.__rest) || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
import { isValidElement } from "react";
import { useCollapseTransition, useCollapsibleElement, } from "./useCollapseTransition";
function Collapse(_a) {
var children = _a.children, _b = _a.minHeight, minHeight = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.minPaddingBottom, minPaddingBottom = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, _d = _a.minPaddingTop, minPaddingTop = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d, _e = _a.enterDuration, enterDuration = _e === void 0 ? 250 : _e, _f = _a.leaveDuration, leaveDuration = _f === void 0 ? 200 : _f, _g = _a.disabled, disabled = _g === void 0 ? false : _g, props = __rest(_a, ["children", "minHeight", "minPaddingBottom", "minPaddingTop", "enterDuration", "leaveDuration", "disabled"]);
var config = __assign(__assign({}, props), { minHeight: minHeight,
import { Children, cloneElement } from "react";
import cn from "classnames";
import useCollapse from "./useCollapse";
* The `Collapse` component is used to transition a child element in and
* out of view by animating it's `max-height`. This means that the child must
* either be an HTMLElement or a component that forwards the `ref` to an
* HTMLElement and applies the `style`, `className`, and `hidden` props to an
* HTMLElement.
* Note: This component **should not be used for `position: absolute` or
* `position: fixed` elements**. Instead, the `ScaleTransition` or just a simple
* `transform` transition should be used instead. Animating `max-height`,
* `padding-top`, and `padding-bottom` is much less performant than `transform`
* transition since it forces DOM repaints.
export default function Collapse(_a) {
var children = _a.children, collapsed = _a.collapsed, className = _a.className, _b = _a.appear, appear = _b === void 0 ? false : _b, _c = _a.timeout, timeout = _c === void 0 ? COLLAPSE_TIMEOUT : _c, onEnter = _a.onEnter, onEntering = _a.onEntering, onEntered = _a.onEntered, onExit = _a.onExit, onExiting = _a.onExiting, onExited = _a.onExited, _d = _a.minHeight, minHeight = _d === void 0 ? DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_MIN_HEIGHT : _d, _e = _a.minPaddingTop, minPaddingTop = _e === void 0 ? DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_MIN_PADDING_TOP : _e, _f = _a.minPaddingBottom, minPaddingBottom = _f === void 0 ? DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_MIN_PADDING_BOTTOM : _f, _g = _a.temporary, temporary = _g === void 0 ? minHeight === 0 && minPaddingTop === 0 && minPaddingBottom === 0 : _g;
var _h = useCollapse(collapsed, {
appear: appear,
temporary: temporary,
className: className,
timeout: timeout,
onEnter: onEnter,
onEntering: onEntering,
onEntered: onEntered,
onExit: onExit,
onExiting: onExiting,
onExited: onExited,
minHeight: minHeight,
minPaddingBottom: minPaddingBottom,
minPaddingTop: minPaddingTop,
enterDuration: enterDuration,
leaveDuration: leaveDuration,
disabled: disabled });
// it's ok to dynamically do hooks here since I want the app to crash if the
// dev is swapping between a clonable child and a children renderer function
/* eslint-disable react-hooks/rules-of-hooks */
if (isValidElement(children)) {
return useCollapsibleElement(children, config);
var _h = useCollapseTransition(config), rendered = _h.rendered, transitionProps = _h.transitionProps;
}), rendered = _h[0], transitionProps = _h[1];
if (!rendered) {
return null;
return children(transitionProps);
var child = Children.only(children);
var transitionStyle =;
var childStyle =;
return cloneElement(child, __assign(__assign({}, transitionProps), { style: transitionStyle ? __assign(__assign({}, transitionStyle), childStyle) : childStyle, className: cn(transitionProps.className, child.props.className) }));

@@ -59,10 +68,19 @@ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {

enterDuration: PropTypes.number,
leaveDuration: PropTypes.number,
isEmptyCollapsed: PropTypes.bool,
timeout: PropTypes.oneOfType([
appear: PropTypes.number,
enter: PropTypes.number,
exit: PropTypes.number,
temporary: PropTypes.bool,
children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element])
onExpanded: PropTypes.func,
onCollapsed: PropTypes.func,
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
onEnter: PropTypes.func,
onEntering: PropTypes.func,
onEntered: PropTypes.func,
onExit: PropTypes.func,
onExiting: PropTypes.func,
onExited: PropTypes.func,

@@ -72,3 +90,2 @@ }

export default Collapse;

@@ -23,27 +23,74 @@ var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {

import React from "react";
import CSSTransition from "react-transition-group/CSSTransition";
enter: 300,
exit: 0,
appear: "rmd-cross-fade",
appearActive: "rmd-cross-fade--active",
enter: "rmd-cross-fade",
enterActive: "rmd-cross-fade--active",
import React, { Children, cloneElement, forwardRef, isValidElement, } from "react";
import cn from "classnames";
import { applyRef } from "@react-md/utils";
import useCrossFade from "./useCrossFade";
* This is a very simpel wrapper for the CSSTransition component from
* `react-transition-group` this is used to do a cross fade animation.
* The `Collapse` is really just a convenience wrapper for the `useCrossFade`
* hook that triggers the transition by cloning the `ref` and `className` into
* the `children` of this component.
* By default, this animation will occur immediately when the component
* mounts, but you can set the `in` prop manually to dynamically trigger
* the animation instead.
* This transition will only fire on mount and when the `appear` prop is set to
* `true`, so the way to trigger new animations is by changing the `key` for
* this component so it re-mounts. However it is generally not recommended to
* fire this transition on first page load especially when dealing with server
* side rendering. A simple way to work around this is have the `CrossFade` near
* the root of the app and just disable the `appear` prop until the first
* render.
* If you want more fine-grain control over the transition, it is recommended to
* use the `useCrossFade` hook instead.
function CrossFade(_a) {
var _b =, propIn = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = _a.appear, appear = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = _a.timeout, timeout = _d === void 0 ? DEFAULT_CROSS_FADE_TIMEOUT : _d, _e = _a.classNames, classNames = _e === void 0 ? DEFAULT_CROSS_FADE_CLASSNAMES : _e, _f = _a.mountOnEnter, mountOnEnter = _f === void 0 ? true : _f, _g = _a.unmountOnExit, unmountOnExit = _g === void 0 ? true : _g, children = _a.children, props = __rest(_a, ["in", "appear", "timeout", "classNames", "mountOnEnter", "unmountOnExit", "children"]);
return (React.createElement(CSSTransition, __assign({}, props, { in: propIn, appear: appear, timeout: timeout, classNames: classNames, mountOnEnter: mountOnEnter, unmountOnExit: unmountOnExit }), children));
function CrossFade(_a, forwardedRef) {
var _b = _a.wrap, wrap = _b === void 0 ? false : _b, _c = _a.appear, appear = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = _a.temporary, temporary = _d === void 0 ? false : _d, propClassName = _a.className, _e = _a.transitionIn, transitionIn = _e === void 0 ? true : _e, children = _a.children, onEnter = _a.onEnter, onEntering = _a.onEntering, onEntered = _a.onEntered, onExit = _a.onExit, onExiting = _a.onExiting, onExited = _a.onExited, props = __rest(_a, ["wrap", "appear", "temporary", "className", "transitionIn", "children", "onEnter", "onEntering", "onEntered", "onExit", "onExiting", "onExited"]);
var _f = useCrossFade({
appear: appear,
className: propClassName,
onEnter: onEnter,
onEntering: onEntering,
onEntered: onEntered,
onExit: onExit,
onExiting: onExiting,
onExited: onExited,
temporary: temporary,
transitionIn: transitionIn,
}), rendered = _f[0], _g = _f[1], ref = _g.ref, className = _g.className;
if (!rendered) {
return null;
if (!wrap && isValidElement(children)) {
var child = Children.only(children);
return cloneElement(child, {
ref: ref,
className: cn(child.props.className, className),
return (React.createElement("div", __assign({}, props, { className: className, ref: function (instance) {
applyRef(instance, forwardedRef);
ref.current = instance;
} }), children));
export default CrossFade;
var ForwardedCrossFade = forwardRef(CrossFade);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
try {
var PropTypes = require("prop-types");
ForwardedCrossFade.propTypes = {
wrap: PropTypes.bool,
appear: PropTypes.bool,
temporary: PropTypes.bool,
style: PropTypes.object,
className: PropTypes.string,
transitionIn: PropTypes.bool,
onEnter: PropTypes.func,
onEntering: PropTypes.func,
onEntered: PropTypes.func,
onExit: PropTypes.func,
onExiting: PropTypes.func,
onExited: PropTypes.func,
children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.element]),
catch (e) { }
export default ForwardedCrossFade;

@@ -7,5 +7,9 @@ export { default as Collapse } from "./Collapse";

export * from "./ScaleTransition";
export { useCollapseTransition, useCollapsibleElement, } from "./useCollapseTransition";
export { default as useFixedPositioning } from "./useFixedPositioning";
export * from "./useFixedPositioning";
export * from "./constants";
export { default as useCollapse } from "./useCollapse";
export { default as useCrossFade } from "./useCrossFade";
export { default as useTransition, } from "./useTransition";
export { default as useCSSTransition, } from "./useCSSTransition";

@@ -26,24 +26,3 @@ var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {

import { ConditionalPortal, } from "@react-md/portal";
export var SCALE_CLASSNAMES = {
appear: "rmd-transition--scale-enter",
appearActive: "rmd-transition--scale-enter-active",
enter: "rmd-transition--scale-enter",
enterActive: "rmd-transition--scale-enter-active",
enterDone: "",
exit: "rmd-transition--scale-exit",
exitActive: "rmd-transition--scale-exit-active",
export var SCALE_Y_CLASSNAMES = {
appear: "rmd-transition--scale-y-enter",
appearActive: "rmd-transition--scale-y-enter-active",
enter: "rmd-transition--scale-y-enter",
enterActive: "rmd-transition--scale-y-enter-active",
enterDone: "",
exit: "rmd-transition--scale-y-exit",
exitActive: "rmd-transition--scale-y-exit-active",
export var SCALE_TIMEOUT = {
enter: 200,
exit: 150,

@@ -61,3 +40,3 @@ * This `ScaleTransition` component is used to trigger an animation that

function ScaleTransition(_a) {
var visible = _a.visible, children = _a.children, propClassNames = _a.classNames, vertical = _a.vertical, _b = _a.timeout, timeout = _b === void 0 ? SCALE_TIMEOUT : _b, _c = _a.portal, portal = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, portalInto = _a.portalInto, portalIntoId = _a.portalIntoId, _d = _a.mountOnEnter, mountOnEnter = _d === void 0 ? true : _d, _e = _a.unmountOnExit, unmountOnExit = _e === void 0 ? true : _e, props = __rest(_a, ["visible", "children", "classNames", "vertical", "timeout", "portal", "portalInto", "portalIntoId", "mountOnEnter", "unmountOnExit"]);
var visible = _a.visible, children = _a.children, propClassNames = _a.classNames, _b = _a.vertical, vertical = _b === void 0 ? false : _b, _c = _a.timeout, timeout = _c === void 0 ? SCALE_TIMEOUT : _c, _d = _a.portal, portal = _d === void 0 ? false : _d, portalInto = _a.portalInto, portalIntoId = _a.portalIntoId, _e = _a.mountOnEnter, mountOnEnter = _e === void 0 ? true : _e, _f = _a.unmountOnExit, unmountOnExit = _f === void 0 ? true : _f, props = __rest(_a, ["visible", "children", "classNames", "vertical", "timeout", "portal", "portalInto", "portalIntoId", "mountOnEnter", "unmountOnExit"]);
var classNames = propClassNames;

@@ -64,0 +43,0 @@ if (!classNames) {

@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {

import { useCallback, useRef, useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { getFixedPosition, useResizeListener, useScrollListener, getViewportSize, } from "@react-md/utils";
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { getFixedPosition, getViewportSize, useResizeListener, useScrollListener, } from "@react-md/utils";
function getFixedTo(fixedTo) {

@@ -45,5 +45,8 @@ if (!fixedTo) {

var _m = useState(), style = _m[0], setStyle = _m[1];
var element = useRef(null);
var updateStyle = useCallback(function () {
var node = element.current;
var _o = useState(null), element = _o[0], setElement = _o[1];
var updateStyle = useCallback(function (nextElement) {
var node = nextElement !== null && nextElement !== void 0 ? nextElement : element;
if (typeof nextElement !== "undefined") {
if (!node) {

@@ -71,3 +74,4 @@ return;

var actual = { x: actualX, y: actualY };
if (onPositionChange && (anchor.x !== actual.x || anchor.y !== actual.y)) {
if (onPositionChange &&
(anchor.x !== actual.x || anchor.y !== actual.y)) {
onPositionChange(anchor, actual);

@@ -93,7 +97,4 @@ }

var updateNodeAndStyle = useCallback(function (node) {
element.current = node;
}, [updateStyle]);
var handleEnter = useCallback(function (node, appear) {

@@ -103,4 +104,4 @@ if (onEnter) {

}, [onEnter, updateNodeAndStyle]);
}, [onEnter, updateStyle]);
var handleEntering = useCallback(function (node, appear) {

@@ -110,4 +111,4 @@ if (onEntering) {

}, [onEntering, updateNodeAndStyle]);
}, [onEntering, updateStyle]);
var handleEntered = useCallback(function (node, appear) {

@@ -117,4 +118,4 @@ if (onEntered) {

}, [onEntered, updateNodeAndStyle]);
}, [onEntered, updateStyle]);
var handleExited = useCallback(function (node) {

@@ -124,6 +125,6 @@ if (onExited) {

element.current = null;
}, [onExited]);
enabled: !!element.current,
enabled: !!element,
onResize: function (event) {

@@ -137,20 +138,20 @@ if (onResize) {

enabled: !!element.current,
enabled: !!element,
onScroll: function (event) {
if (onScroll) {
var container = getFixedTo(fixedTo);
var rect = container && container.getBoundingClientRect();
var containerRect = container && container.getBoundingClientRect();
var elementRect = element && element.getBoundingClientRect();
var visible = false;
if (rect) {
if (containerRect && elementRect) {
var vh = getViewportSize("height");
var vw = getViewportSize("width");
var top_1 =, left = rect.left;
visible =
top_1 >= vhMargin &&
top_1 <= vh - vhMargin &&
left >= vwMargin &&
left <= vw - vwMargin;
var top_1 = Math.min(,;
var right = Math.max(elementRect.right, containerRect.right);
var bottom = Math.max(elementRect.bottom, containerRect.bottom);
var left = Math.min(elementRect.left, containerRect.left);
visible = bottom >= 0 && top_1 <= vh && right >= 0 && left <= vw;
onScroll(event, {
element: element.current,
element: element,
fixedTo: container,

@@ -157,0 +158,0 @@ visible: visible,

@@ -13,36 +13,49 @@ "use strict";

var __rest = (this && this.__rest) || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var react_1 = require("react");
var useCollapseTransition_1 = require("./useCollapseTransition");
var classnames_1 = __importDefault(require("classnames"));
var constants_1 = require("./constants");
var useCollapse_1 = __importDefault(require("./useCollapse"));
* The `Collapse` component is used to transition a child element in and
* out of view by animating it's `max-height`. This means that the child must
* either be an HTMLElement or a component that forwards the `ref` to an
* HTMLElement and applies the `style`, `className`, and `hidden` props to an
* HTMLElement.
* Note: This component **should not be used for `position: absolute` or
* `position: fixed` elements**. Instead, the `ScaleTransition` or just a simple
* `transform` transition should be used instead. Animating `max-height`,
* `padding-top`, and `padding-bottom` is much less performant than `transform`
* transition since it forces DOM repaints.
function Collapse(_a) {
var children = _a.children, _b = _a.minHeight, minHeight = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.minPaddingBottom, minPaddingBottom = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, _d = _a.minPaddingTop, minPaddingTop = _d === void 0 ? 0 : _d, _e = _a.enterDuration, enterDuration = _e === void 0 ? 250 : _e, _f = _a.leaveDuration, leaveDuration = _f === void 0 ? 200 : _f, _g = _a.disabled, disabled = _g === void 0 ? false : _g, props = __rest(_a, ["children", "minHeight", "minPaddingBottom", "minPaddingTop", "enterDuration", "leaveDuration", "disabled"]);
var config = __assign(__assign({}, props), { minHeight: minHeight,
var children = _a.children, collapsed = _a.collapsed, className = _a.className, _b = _a.appear, appear = _b === void 0 ? false : _b, _c = _a.timeout, timeout = _c === void 0 ? constants_1.COLLAPSE_TIMEOUT : _c, onEnter = _a.onEnter, onEntering = _a.onEntering, onEntered = _a.onEntered, onExit = _a.onExit, onExiting = _a.onExiting, onExited = _a.onExited, _d = _a.minHeight, minHeight = _d === void 0 ? constants_1.DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_MIN_HEIGHT : _d, _e = _a.minPaddingTop, minPaddingTop = _e === void 0 ? constants_1.DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_MIN_PADDING_TOP : _e, _f = _a.minPaddingBottom, minPaddingBottom = _f === void 0 ? constants_1.DEFAULT_COLLAPSE_MIN_PADDING_BOTTOM : _f, _g = _a.temporary, temporary = _g === void 0 ? minHeight === 0 && minPaddingTop === 0 && minPaddingBottom === 0 : _g;
var _h = useCollapse_1.default(collapsed, {
appear: appear,
temporary: temporary,
className: className,
timeout: timeout,
onEnter: onEnter,
onEntering: onEntering,
onEntered: onEntered,
onExit: onExit,
onExiting: onExiting,
onExited: onExited,
minHeight: minHeight,
minPaddingBottom: minPaddingBottom,
minPaddingTop: minPaddingTop,
enterDuration: enterDuration,
leaveDuration: leaveDuration,
disabled: disabled });
// it's ok to dynamically do hooks here since I want the app to crash if the
// dev is swapping between a clonable child and a children renderer function
/* eslint-disable react-hooks/rules-of-hooks */
if (react_1.isValidElement(children)) {
return useCollapseTransition_1.useCollapsibleElement(children, config);
var _h = useCollapseTransition_1.useCollapseTransition(config), rendered = _h.rendered, transitionProps = _h.transitionProps;
}), rendered = _h[0], transitionProps = _h[1];
if (!rendered) {
return null;
return children(transitionProps);
var child = react_1.Children.only(children);
var transitionStyle =;
var childStyle =;
return react_1.cloneElement(child, __assign(__assign({}, transitionProps), { style: transitionStyle ? __assign(__assign({}, transitionStyle), childStyle) : childStyle, className: classnames_1.default(transitionProps.className, child.props.className) }));
exports.default = Collapse;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {

@@ -61,10 +74,19 @@ try {

enterDuration: PropTypes.number,
leaveDuration: PropTypes.number,
isEmptyCollapsed: PropTypes.bool,
timeout: PropTypes.oneOfType([
appear: PropTypes.number,
enter: PropTypes.number,
exit: PropTypes.number,
temporary: PropTypes.bool,
children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.element])
onExpanded: PropTypes.func,
onCollapsed: PropTypes.func,
disabled: PropTypes.bool,
onEnter: PropTypes.func,
onEntering: PropTypes.func,
onEntered: PropTypes.func,
onExit: PropTypes.func,
onExiting: PropTypes.func,
onExited: PropTypes.func,

@@ -74,3 +96,2 @@ }

exports.default = Collapse;

@@ -24,2 +24,9 @@ "use strict";

var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (, k)) result[k] = mod[k];
result["default"] = mod;
return result;
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {

@@ -29,27 +36,74 @@ return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var react_1 = __importDefault(require("react"));
var CSSTransition_1 = __importDefault(require("react-transition-group/CSSTransition"));
enter: 300,
exit: 0,
appear: "rmd-cross-fade",
appearActive: "rmd-cross-fade--active",
enter: "rmd-cross-fade",
enterActive: "rmd-cross-fade--active",
var react_1 = __importStar(require("react"));
var classnames_1 = __importDefault(require("classnames"));
var utils_1 = require("@react-md/utils");
var useCrossFade_1 = __importDefault(require("./useCrossFade"));
* This is a very simpel wrapper for the CSSTransition component from
* `react-transition-group` this is used to do a cross fade animation.
* The `Collapse` is really just a convenience wrapper for the `useCrossFade`
* hook that triggers the transition by cloning the `ref` and `className` into
* the `children` of this component.
* By default, this animation will occur immediately when the component
* mounts, but you can set the `in` prop manually to dynamically trigger
* the animation instead.
* This transition will only fire on mount and when the `appear` prop is set to
* `true`, so the way to trigger new animations is by changing the `key` for
* this component so it re-mounts. However it is generally not recommended to
* fire this transition on first page load especially when dealing with server
* side rendering. A simple way to work around this is have the `CrossFade` near
* the root of the app and just disable the `appear` prop until the first
* render.
* If you want more fine-grain control over the transition, it is recommended to
* use the `useCrossFade` hook instead.
function CrossFade(_a) {
var _b =, propIn = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = _a.appear, appear = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = _a.timeout, timeout = _d === void 0 ? DEFAULT_CROSS_FADE_TIMEOUT : _d, _e = _a.classNames, classNames = _e === void 0 ? DEFAULT_CROSS_FADE_CLASSNAMES : _e, _f = _a.mountOnEnter, mountOnEnter = _f === void 0 ? true : _f, _g = _a.unmountOnExit, unmountOnExit = _g === void 0 ? true : _g, children = _a.children, props = __rest(_a, ["in", "appear", "timeout", "classNames", "mountOnEnter", "unmountOnExit", "children"]);
return (react_1.default.createElement(CSSTransition_1.default, __assign({}, props, { in: propIn, appear: appear, timeout: timeout, classNames: classNames, mountOnEnter: mountOnEnter, unmountOnExit: unmountOnExit }), children));
function CrossFade(_a, forwardedRef) {
var _b = _a.wrap, wrap = _b === void 0 ? false : _b, _c = _a.appear, appear = _c === void 0 ? true : _c, _d = _a.temporary, temporary = _d === void 0 ? false : _d, propClassName = _a.className, _e = _a.transitionIn, transitionIn = _e === void 0 ? true : _e, children = _a.children, onEnter = _a.onEnter, onEntering = _a.onEntering, onEntered = _a.onEntered, onExit = _a.onExit, onExiting = _a.onExiting, onExited = _a.onExited, props = __rest(_a, ["wrap", "appear", "temporary", "className", "transitionIn", "children", "onEnter", "onEntering", "onEntered", "onExit", "onExiting", "onExited"]);
var _f = useCrossFade_1.default({
appear: appear,
className: propClassName,
onEnter: onEnter,
onEntering: onEntering,
onEntered: onEntered,
onExit: onExit,
onExiting: onExiting,
onExited: onExited,
temporary: temporary,
transitionIn: transitionIn,
}), rendered = _f[0], _g = _f[1], ref = _g.ref, className = _g.className;
if (!rendered) {
return null;
if (!wrap && react_1.isValidElement(children)) {
var child = react_1.Children.only(children);
return react_1.cloneElement(child, {
ref: ref,
className: classnames_1.default(child.props.className, className),
return (react_1.default.createElement("div", __assign({}, props, { className: className, ref: function (instance) {
utils_1.applyRef(instance, forwardedRef);
ref.current = instance;
} }), children));
exports.default = CrossFade;
var ForwardedCrossFade = react_1.forwardRef(CrossFade);
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
try {
var PropTypes = require("prop-types");
ForwardedCrossFade.propTypes = {
wrap: PropTypes.bool,
appear: PropTypes.bool,
temporary: PropTypes.bool,
style: PropTypes.object,
className: PropTypes.string,
transitionIn: PropTypes.bool,
onEnter: PropTypes.func,
onEntering: PropTypes.func,
onEntered: PropTypes.func,
onExit: PropTypes.func,
onExiting: PropTypes.func,
onExited: PropTypes.func,
children: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.node, PropTypes.element]),
catch (e) { }
exports.default = ForwardedCrossFade;

@@ -15,8 +15,14 @@ "use strict";

var useCollapseTransition_1 = require("./useCollapseTransition");
exports.useCollapseTransition = useCollapseTransition_1.useCollapseTransition;
exports.useCollapsibleElement = useCollapseTransition_1.useCollapsibleElement;
var useFixedPositioning_1 = require("./useFixedPositioning");
exports.useFixedPositioning = useFixedPositioning_1.default;
var useCollapse_1 = require("./useCollapse");
exports.useCollapse = useCollapse_1.default;
var useCrossFade_1 = require("./useCrossFade");
exports.useCrossFade = useCrossFade_1.default;
var useTransition_1 = require("./useTransition");
exports.useTransition = useTransition_1.default;
var useCSSTransition_1 = require("./useCSSTransition");
exports.useCSSTransition = useCSSTransition_1.default;

@@ -31,24 +31,3 @@ "use strict";

var portal_1 = require("@react-md/portal");
appear: "rmd-transition--scale-enter",
appearActive: "rmd-transition--scale-enter-active",
enter: "rmd-transition--scale-enter",
enterActive: "rmd-transition--scale-enter-active",
enterDone: "",
exit: "rmd-transition--scale-exit",
exitActive: "rmd-transition--scale-exit-active",
appear: "rmd-transition--scale-y-enter",
appearActive: "rmd-transition--scale-y-enter-active",
enter: "rmd-transition--scale-y-enter",
enterActive: "rmd-transition--scale-y-enter-active",
enterDone: "",
exit: "rmd-transition--scale-y-exit",
exitActive: "rmd-transition--scale-y-exit-active",
exports.SCALE_TIMEOUT = {
enter: 200,
exit: 150,
var constants_1 = require("./constants");

@@ -66,6 +45,6 @@ * This `ScaleTransition` component is used to trigger an animation that

function ScaleTransition(_a) {
var visible = _a.visible, children = _a.children, propClassNames = _a.classNames, vertical = _a.vertical, _b = _a.timeout, timeout = _b === void 0 ? exports.SCALE_TIMEOUT : _b, _c = _a.portal, portal = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, portalInto = _a.portalInto, portalIntoId = _a.portalIntoId, _d = _a.mountOnEnter, mountOnEnter = _d === void 0 ? true : _d, _e = _a.unmountOnExit, unmountOnExit = _e === void 0 ? true : _e, props = __rest(_a, ["visible", "children", "classNames", "vertical", "timeout", "portal", "portalInto", "portalIntoId", "mountOnEnter", "unmountOnExit"]);
var visible = _a.visible, children = _a.children, propClassNames = _a.classNames, _b = _a.vertical, vertical = _b === void 0 ? false : _b, _c = _a.timeout, timeout = _c === void 0 ? constants_1.SCALE_TIMEOUT : _c, _d = _a.portal, portal = _d === void 0 ? false : _d, portalInto = _a.portalInto, portalIntoId = _a.portalIntoId, _e = _a.mountOnEnter, mountOnEnter = _e === void 0 ? true : _e, _f = _a.unmountOnExit, unmountOnExit = _f === void 0 ? true : _f, props = __rest(_a, ["visible", "children", "classNames", "vertical", "timeout", "portal", "portalInto", "portalIntoId", "mountOnEnter", "unmountOnExit"]);
var classNames = propClassNames;
if (!classNames) {
classNames = vertical ? exports.SCALE_Y_CLASSNAMES : exports.SCALE_CLASSNAMES;
classNames = vertical ? constants_1.SCALE_Y_CLASSNAMES : constants_1.SCALE_CLASSNAMES;

@@ -72,0 +51,0 @@ return (react_1.default.createElement(portal_1.ConditionalPortal, { portal: portal, portalInto: portalInto, portalIntoId: portalIntoId },

@@ -46,5 +46,8 @@ "use strict";

var _m = react_1.useState(), style = _m[0], setStyle = _m[1];
var element = react_1.useRef(null);
var updateStyle = react_1.useCallback(function () {
var node = element.current;
var _o = react_1.useState(null), element = _o[0], setElement = _o[1];
var updateStyle = react_1.useCallback(function (nextElement) {
var node = nextElement !== null && nextElement !== void 0 ? nextElement : element;
if (typeof nextElement !== "undefined") {
if (!node) {

@@ -72,3 +75,4 @@ return;

var actual = { x: actualX, y: actualY };
if (onPositionChange && (anchor.x !== actual.x || anchor.y !== actual.y)) {
if (onPositionChange &&
(anchor.x !== actual.x || anchor.y !== actual.y)) {
onPositionChange(anchor, actual);

@@ -94,7 +98,4 @@ }

var updateNodeAndStyle = react_1.useCallback(function (node) {
element.current = node;
}, [updateStyle]);
var handleEnter = react_1.useCallback(function (node, appear) {

@@ -104,4 +105,4 @@ if (onEnter) {

}, [onEnter, updateNodeAndStyle]);
}, [onEnter, updateStyle]);
var handleEntering = react_1.useCallback(function (node, appear) {

@@ -111,4 +112,4 @@ if (onEntering) {

}, [onEntering, updateNodeAndStyle]);
}, [onEntering, updateStyle]);
var handleEntered = react_1.useCallback(function (node, appear) {

@@ -118,4 +119,4 @@ if (onEntered) {

}, [onEntered, updateNodeAndStyle]);
}, [onEntered, updateStyle]);
var handleExited = react_1.useCallback(function (node) {

@@ -125,6 +126,6 @@ if (onExited) {

element.current = null;
}, [onExited]);
enabled: !!element.current,
enabled: !!element,
onResize: function (event) {

@@ -138,20 +139,20 @@ if (onResize) {

enabled: !!element.current,
enabled: !!element,
onScroll: function (event) {
if (onScroll) {
var container = getFixedTo(fixedTo);
var rect = container && container.getBoundingClientRect();
var containerRect = container && container.getBoundingClientRect();
var elementRect = element && element.getBoundingClientRect();
var visible = false;
if (rect) {
if (containerRect && elementRect) {
var vh = utils_1.getViewportSize("height");
var vw = utils_1.getViewportSize("width");
var top_1 =, left = rect.left;
visible =
top_1 >= vhMargin &&
top_1 <= vh - vhMargin &&
left >= vwMargin &&
left <= vw - vwMargin;
var top_1 = Math.min(,;
var right = Math.max(elementRect.right, containerRect.right);
var bottom = Math.max(elementRect.bottom, containerRect.bottom);
var left = Math.min(elementRect.left, containerRect.left);
visible = bottom >= 0 && top_1 <= vh && right >= 0 && left <= vw;
onScroll(event, {
element: element.current,
element: element,
fixedTo: container,

@@ -158,0 +159,0 @@ visible: visible,

"name": "@react-md/transition",
"version": "2.0.0-alpha.14",
"version": "2.0.0-alpha.15",
"description": "A package for working with react-md to use some simple transitions.",

@@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ "scripts": {

"dependencies": {
"@react-md/portal": "^2.0.0-alpha.13",
"@react-md/theme": "^2.0.0-alpha.14",
"@react-md/utils": "^2.0.0-alpha.14",
"@types/react-transition-group": "^4.2.3",
"@react-md/portal": "^2.0.0-alpha.15",
"@react-md/theme": "^2.0.0-alpha.15",
"@react-md/utils": "^2.0.0-alpha.15",
"@types/react-transition-group": "^4.2.4",
"classnames": "^2.2.6",

@@ -56,3 +56,3 @@ "react-transition-group": "^4.3.0"

"gitHead": "2c22440705bce3fb3cfc5876011e7b3df8be1c03"
"gitHead": "c20671308497530c59f6563eafd1914b55122b8c"
# @react-md/transition
Create CSS transitions using the provided transition timing functions for fluid
animations. Also includes a `Collapse` component to animate height changes.
Create simple CSS transitions using the provided transition hooks and components
utilizing the default transition timing functions. This package also provides a
collapse transition, scaling transition, vertical only scaling transition, and a
new page transition named cross fade.
## Installation
Provided components and hooks:
$ npm install --save @react-md/transition
- `Collapse` or `useCollapse` - transition an element in and out of view based
on the height of the element
- `CrossFade` or `useCrossFade` - a transition generally used for a full page
transition that fades and slightly moves a child component into view
- `ScaleTransition` - transition an element in and out of view with a `scale`
transform that can be updated to just be `scaleY`
- `useTransition` - a hook implementation of the `Transition` component from
- `useCSSTransition` -a hook implementation of the `CSSTransition` component
from `react-transition-group`
- `useFixedPositioning` - hooks into the `CSSTransition` component from
`react-transition-group` to fix an element to another element within the

@@ -18,1 +30,50 @@ The `rmd-transition-shadow-transition` mixin allows you to "performantly"

are triggered. The code below will help explain this part a bit more.
## Installation
$ npm install --save @react-md/transition
It is also recommended to install the following packages as they work
hand-in-hand with this package:
$ npm install --save @react-md/theme \
<!-- DOCS_REMOVE -->
## Documentation
You should check out the
[full documentation]( for live
examples and more customization information, but an example usage is shown
## Usage
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { Button } from "@react-md/button";
import { Collapse } from "@react-md/transition";
const App = () => {
const [collapsed, setCollapsed] = useState(true);
return (
<Button onClick={() => setCollapsed(!collapsed)}>Toggle</Button>
<Collapse collapsed={collapsed}>
<div>This is my collapsible content!</div>
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

@@ -10,8 +10,17 @@ export { default as Collapse } from "./Collapse";

export {
} from "./useCollapseTransition";
export { default as useFixedPositioning } from "./useFixedPositioning";
export * from "./useFixedPositioning";
export * from "./constants";
export * from "./types";
export { default as useCollapse } from "./useCollapse";
export { default as useCrossFade, CrossFadeOptions } from "./useCrossFade";
export {
default as useTransition,
} from "./useTransition";
export {
default as useCSSTransition,
} from "./useCSSTransition";

@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ /** this is an auto-generated file from @react-md/dev-utils */

"rmd-transition-deceleration": "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)",
"rmd-transition-enter-time": "0.2s",
"rmd-transition-leave-time": "0.15s",
"rmd-transition-enter-duration": "0.2s",
"rmd-transition-leave-duration": "0.15s",
"rmd-transition-standard-time": "0.15s",

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ "rmd-collapse-enter-transition-func": "deceleration",

"rmd-transition-scale-y-leave-duration": "0.15s",
"rmd-transition-theme-values": {
"rmd-transitions": {
sharp: "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.6, 1)",

@@ -22,0 +22,0 @@ standard: "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)",

@@ -1,6 +0,16 @@

import { TransitionProps } from "react-transition-group/Transition";
import { CSSTransitionProps } from "react-transition-group/CSSTransition";
import { CSSProperties, MutableRefObject } from "react";
import {
} from "react-transition-group/CSSTransition";
import {
} from "react-transition-group/Transition";
export type TransitionTimeout = TransitionProps["timeout"];
// Convenience Types since I reuse the react-transition-group package a decent
// amount in other `react-md` packages
export type TransitionTimeout = Required<TransitionProps>["timeout"];
// Don't want the children stuff when overriding/reusing in react-md components

@@ -10,5 +20,2 @@ // as well as the [prop: string]: any, so pick the reusable ones

| "in"
| "appear"
| "enter"
| "exit"
| "mountOnEnter"

@@ -27,3 +34,4 @@ | "unmountOnExit"

export interface OverridableTransitionProps
extends Pick<TransitionProps, TransitionKeys> {
extends TransitionActions,
Pick<TransitionProps, TransitionKeys> {
timeout?: TransitionTimeout;

@@ -34,1 +42,305 @@ }

Pick<CSSTransitionProps, "classNames">;
// ============================================================================
// `react-md` specific types below
* This is basically the same as the `EnterHandler` from
* `react-transition-group` except that this allows for the element type to be
* provided.
export type EnterHandler<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLDivElement> = (
node: E,
isAppearing: boolean
) => void;
* This is basically the same as the `ExitHandler` from `react-transition-group`
* except that this allows for the element type to be provided.
export type ExitHandler<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLDivElement> = (
node: E
) => void;
export interface TransitionCallbacks<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLDivElement> {
* An optional enter handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles. This will also be fired for `appear` transitions.
* This will be fired right after the `transitionIn` is set to `true`.
onEnter?: EnterHandler<E>;
* An optional entering handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles. This will also be fired for `appear` transitions.
* This will be fired almost immediately after the `onEnter` callback.
* However, if the `repaint` option was enabled, it will ensure the DOM as
* been repainted before firing to help with CSS transitions.
onEntering?: EnterHandler<E>;
* An optional entered handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles. This will also be fired for `appear` transitions.
* This will be fired once the transition has finished.
onEntered?: EnterHandler<E>;
* An optional exit handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles.
* This will be fired right after the `transitionIn` is set to `false`.
onExit?: ExitHandler<E>;
* An optional exit handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles.
* This will be fired almost immdiately after the `onExit` callback. However,
* if the `repaint` option was enabled, it will ensure the DOM as been
* repainted before firing to help with CSS transitions.
onExiting?: ExitHandler<E>;
* An optional entered handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles. This will also be fired for `appear` transitions.
* This will be fired once the transition has finished.
* Note: If the `temporary` option was enabled, the `rendered` result will be
* `false` and the node actually won't exist in the DOM anymore.
onExited?: ExitHandler<E>;
* The options availabe for the `useTransition` hook. This was once again
* heavily inspired by the `Transition` and `CSSTransition` components from
* `react-transition-group`.
export interface TransitionOptions<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLDivElement>
extends TransitionCallbacks<E> {
* Changing this boolean will trigger a transition between the six stagees:
* - `ENTER`
* - `EXIT`
* - `EXITED`
* Changing from `false` to `true`, the stagees will change in this order:
* Changing from `true` to `false`, the stagees will change in this order:
transitionIn: boolean;
* Boolean if the transition should also be triggered immediately once the
* component mounts. This is generally not recommended for server side
* rendering/initial page load so it is set to `false` by default.
appear?: boolean;
* Boolean if the component should mount and unmount based on the current
* `transitionIn` stage with a default value of `false`. When this is
* `false`, the first result (`rendered`) in the return value array will
* always be `true`.
* When this is set to `true`, the first result (`rendered`) in the return
* value array will be `true` only while the `transitionIn` option is `true`
* or the transition is still happening.
* Note: **Changing this option while the hook/component is mounted will not
* do anything**. If you want to dynamically change the component's temporary
* state, you will need to also change the `key` to get the component to
* re-mount.
temporary?: boolean;
* Boolean if the transition should force a DOM repaint before triggering the
* next stage. Defaults to `false` since it's only really recommended for DOM
* and CSS transitions.
repaint?: boolean;
* The transition timeout to use for each stage. Just like in
* `react-transition-group`, this can either be a `number` which will a static
* duration to use for each stage. Otherwise, this can be an object of
* timeouts for the `appear`, `enter`, and `exit` stages which default to `0`
* if omitted.
* Note: If any of the timeout values are set to `0`, the transition will be
* considered disabled and skip the `ENTERING`/`EXITING` stages.
* Note: If the `appear` stage is omitted in the timeout object but the
* `appear` option was enabled for the transition, it will instead default to
* the `enter` duration.
timeout: TransitionTimeout;
export interface CSSTransitionOptions<E extends HTMLElement>
extends Omit<TransitionOptions<E>, "repaint"> {
* An optional className that should ge merged with the CSS transition class
* name based on the current transition stage.
className?: string;
* The transition class names to apply. Unlike in `react-transition-group`, if
* this is a `string` instead of an object, the different states will be
* `--{state}` instead of `-{state}`.
* Example:
* ```ts
* const options = {
* classNames: "scale"
* }
* // creates
* const classNames = {
* enter: "scale--enter",
* enterActive: "scale--enter-active",
* exit: "scale--exit",
* exitActive: "scale--exit-active",
* }
* ```
* ```ts
* const options = {
* classNames: "scale"
* appear: true,
* }
* // creates
* const classNames = {
* appear: "scale--enter",
* appearActive: "scale--enter-active",
* enter: "scale--enter",
* enterActive: "scale--enter-active",
* exit: "scale--exit",
* exitActive: "scale--exit-active",
* }
* ```
classNames: CSSTransitionClassNames | string;
export interface CSSTransitionProvidedProps<E extends HTMLElement> {
* A ref that **must** be passed to the element that is triggering a CSS
* transition change. An error will be thrown if the transition starts, but
* the ref is still `null` or the `ref` was passed to a component instance
* instead of a DOM node.
ref: MutableRefObject<E | null>;
* The current class name based on the provided `className` options and the
* state in the transition.
className: string | undefined;
export interface CollapseOptions<E extends HTMLElement>
extends Omit<TransitionOptions<E>, "repaint" | "transitionIn" | "timeout"> {
* An optional className to merge with the current collapse transition
* className.
className?: string;
* The timeout for the collapse transition. This will default to 250ms enter
* and 200ms exit.
timeout?: TransitionTimeout;
* The minimum height that the collapsed element can be which defaults to `0`.
* This can either be a number of pixels or a string CSS height value.
* Setting this value to any non-zero value will allow for the element to
* shrink to the defined min-height, and then expand to the full height once
* no longer collapsed.
* Note: If the `minHeight`, `minPaddingTop`, and `minPaddingBottom` options
* are all set to `0` (default), the child will be removed from the DOM while
* collapsed.
minHeight?: number | string;
* The minimum padding-top that the collapsed element can be which defaults to
* `0`. This can either be a number of pixels or a string CSS `padding-top`
* value.
* Note: If the `minHeight`, `minPaddingTop`, and `minPaddingBottom` options
* are all set to `0` (default), the child will be removed from the DOM while
* collapsed.
minPaddingTop?: number | string;
* The minimum padding-bottom that the collapsed element can be which defaults
* to `0`. This can either be a number of pixels or a string CSS
* `padding-bottom` value.
* Note: If the `minHeight`, `minPaddingTop`, and `minPaddingBottom` options
* are all set to `0` (default), the child will be removed from the DOM while
* collapsed.
minPaddingBottom?: number | string;
export interface CollapseTransitionProvidedProps<
E extends HTMLElement = HTMLDivElement
> {
* A ref that **must** be passed to the element that is triggering a CSS
* transition change. An error will be thrown if the transition starts, but
* the ref is still `null` or the `ref` was passed to a component instance
* instead of a DOM node.
ref: MutableRefObject<E | null>;
* The `hidden` DOM attribute that will be enabled if the component is fully
* collapsed with no height and padding but still rendered within the DOM.
hidden: boolean;
* A conditional style that will provide the required `max-height`,
* `padding-top`, `padding-bottom`, and `transition-duration` styles required
* for the collapse transition.
style?: CSSProperties;
* The class name to apply that will allow for the element to transition
* between collapsed states.
className: string;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { CSSProperties, useCallback, useRef, useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { CSSProperties, useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { TransitionProps } from "react-transition-group/Transition";

@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ import {

} from "@react-md/utils";

@@ -145,67 +145,70 @@

const [style, setStyle] = useState<CSSProperties | undefined>();
const [element, setElement] = useState<HTMLElement | null>(null);
const element = useRef<HTMLElement | null>(null);
const updateStyle = useCallback(
(nextElement?: HTMLElement | null) => {
const node = nextElement ?? element;
if (typeof nextElement !== "undefined") {
const updateStyle = useCallback(() => {
const node = element.current;
if (!node) {
if (!node) {
const anchor = {
x: currentAnchor.x || "center",
y: currentAnchor.y || "below",
const overrides = typeof getOptions === "function" ? getOptions(node) : {};
const opts: FixedPositionOptions = {
const anchor = {
x: currentAnchor.x || "center",
y: currentAnchor.y || "below",
const overrides =
typeof getOptions === "function" ? getOptions(node) : {};
const opts: FixedPositionOptions = {
container: getFixedTo(fixedTo),
element: node,
const { style, actualX, actualY } = getFixedPosition(opts);
const actual = { x: actualX, y: actualY };
if (
onPositionChange &&
(anchor.x !== actual.x || anchor.y !== actual.y)
) {
onPositionChange(anchor, actual);
container: getFixedTo(fixedTo),
element: node,
const { style, actualX, actualY } = getFixedPosition(opts);
const actual = { x: actualX, y: actualY };
if (onPositionChange && (anchor.x !== actual.x || anchor.y !== actual.y)) {
onPositionChange(anchor, actual);
}, [
const updateNodeAndStyle = useCallback(
(node: HTMLElement) => {
element.current = node;

@@ -219,5 +222,5 @@

[onEnter, updateNodeAndStyle]
[onEnter, updateStyle]

@@ -231,5 +234,5 @@

[onEntering, updateNodeAndStyle]
[onEntering, updateStyle]

@@ -243,5 +246,5 @@

[onEntered, updateNodeAndStyle]
[onEntered, updateStyle]

@@ -255,3 +258,3 @@

element.current = null;

@@ -262,4 +265,4 @@ [onExited]

enabled: !!element.current,
onResize: event => {
enabled: !!element,
onResize: (event) => {
if (onResize) {

@@ -274,22 +277,22 @@ onResize(event);

enabled: !!element.current,
onScroll: event => {
enabled: !!element,
onScroll: (event) => {
if (onScroll) {
const container = getFixedTo(fixedTo);
const rect = container && container.getBoundingClientRect();
const containerRect = container && container.getBoundingClientRect();
const elementRect = element && element.getBoundingClientRect();
let visible = false;
if (rect) {
if (containerRect && elementRect) {
const vh = getViewportSize("height");
const vw = getViewportSize("width");
const { top, left } = rect;
const top = Math.min(,;
const right = Math.max(elementRect.right, containerRect.right);
const bottom = Math.max(elementRect.bottom, containerRect.bottom);
const left = Math.min(elementRect.left, containerRect.left);
visible =
top >= vhMargin &&
top <= vh - vhMargin &&
left >= vwMargin &&
left <= vw - vwMargin;
visible = bottom >= 0 && top <= vh && right >= 0 && left <= vw;
onScroll(event, {
element: element.current,
fixedTo: container,

@@ -296,0 +299,0 @@ visible,

@@ -1,28 +0,31 @@

import { CSSProperties, ReactElement, RefObject } from "react";
import { CollapseOptions } from "./useCollapseTransition";
export interface CollapseChildrenProps {
import { ReactElement } from "react";
import { CollapseOptions } from "./types";
export interface CollapseProps extends CollapseOptions<HTMLElement> {
* A conditional style that should be applied to the child element. This will
* be provided if one or more of the `minHeight`, `minPaddingBottom`, or
* `minPaddingTop` props are greater than 0 OR the `isEmptyCollapsed` prop is
* set to `false` OR there are prop styles defined.
* Boolean if the the child is currently collapsed.
style?: CSSProperties;
collapsed: boolean;
* The class name to apply that will allow for the child element to transition
* between collapsed states.
* The child element to trigger an animation for. This child **must**
* either be an HTMLElement or a component that:
* - forwards the ref to a DOM element
* - applies the `style`, `className`, and `hidden` attributes correctly.
className: string;
* A ref that **must** be applied to the child element. The value provided to
* this has to be an html element so that the dynamic max-height style can be
* calculated.
ref: RefObject<HTMLElement>;
children: ReactElement;
export declare type CollapseChildrenRenderer = (props: CollapseChildrenProps) => ReactElement;
export interface CollapseProps extends CollapseOptions {
children: ReactElement<HTMLElement> | CollapseChildrenRenderer;
declare function Collapse({ children, minHeight, minPaddingBottom, minPaddingTop, enterDuration, leaveDuration, disabled, ...props }: CollapseProps): ReactElement | null;
* The `Collapse` component is used to transition a child element in and
* out of view by animating it's `max-height`. This means that the child must
* either be an HTMLElement or a component that forwards the `ref` to an
* HTMLElement and applies the `style`, `className`, and `hidden` props to an
* HTMLElement.
* Note: This component **should not be used for `position: absolute` or
* `position: fixed` elements**. Instead, the `ScaleTransition` or just a simple
* `transform` transition should be used instead. Animating `max-height`,
* `padding-top`, and `padding-bottom` is much less performant than `transform`
* transition since it forces DOM repaints.
declare function Collapse({ children, collapsed, className, appear, timeout, onEnter, onEntering, onEntered, onExit, onExiting, onExited, minHeight, minPaddingTop, minPaddingBottom, temporary, }: CollapseProps): ReactElement | null;
declare namespace Collapse {

@@ -36,11 +39,13 @@ var propTypes: {

minPaddingBottom: any;
enterDuration: any;
leaveDuration: any;
isEmptyCollapsed: any;
timeout: any;
temporary: any;
children: any;
onExpanded: any;
onCollapsed: any;
disabled: any;
onEnter: any;
onEntering: any;
onEntered: any;
onExit: any;
onExiting: any;
onExited: any;
export default Collapse;

@@ -1,13 +0,32 @@

import { ReactElement } from "react";
import { CSSTransitionProps } from "react-transition-group/CSSTransition";
export declare type CrossFadeProps = Partial<CSSTransitionProps>;
* This is a very simpel wrapper for the CSSTransition component from
* `react-transition-group` this is used to do a cross fade animation.
* By default, this animation will occur immediately when the component
* mounts, but you can set the `in` prop manually to dynamically trigger
* the animation instead.
declare function CrossFade({ in: propIn, appear, timeout, classNames, mountOnEnter, unmountOnExit, children, ...props }: CrossFadeProps): ReactElement;
export default CrossFade;
import React, { HTMLAttributes } from "react";
import { CSSTransitionClassNames } from "react-transition-group/CSSTransition";
import { TransitionTimeout } from "./types";
import { CrossFadeOptions } from "./useCrossFade";
export interface CrossFadeProps extends CrossFadeOptions<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {
* The default behavior for the `CrossFade` is to clone a `ref` and
* `className` into the `children` if it is a single element to keep unneeded
* `<div>`s from being rendered in the DOM just for transition purposes.
* However, this means that the `children` must be a single element that
* forwards the `ref` correctly to a DOM node which might be a hassle.
* Enabling this prop will just update the `CrossFade` to wrap the `children`
* in a `<div>` and apply that transition to that instead.
* Note: The `HTMLAttributes` for the `HTMLDivElement` other than the
* `className` are only valid for this component when this prop is set to
* `true`.
wrap?: boolean;
* The timeout to use for the cross fade animation. This should not be
* changed unless the `classNames` prop is also changed.
timeout?: TransitionTimeout;
* The transition class names to use for the cross fade animation.
classNames?: CSSTransitionClassNames;
declare const ForwardedCrossFade: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<CrossFadeProps & React.RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>;
export default ForwardedCrossFade;

@@ -7,5 +7,9 @@ export { default as Collapse } from "./Collapse";

export * from "./ScaleTransition";
export { useCollapseTransition, useCollapsibleElement, } from "./useCollapseTransition";
export { default as useFixedPositioning } from "./useFixedPositioning";
export * from "./useFixedPositioning";
export * from "./constants";
export * from "./types";
export { default as useCollapse } from "./useCollapse";
export { default as useCrossFade, CrossFadeOptions } from "./useCrossFade";
export { default as useTransition, TransitionReturnValue, TransitionState, } from "./useTransition";
export { default as useCSSTransition, CSSTransitionReturnValue, } from "./useCSSTransition";
import { ReactElement, ReactNode } from "react";
import { CSSTransitionClassNames } from "react-transition-group/CSSTransition";
import { RenderConditionalPortalProps } from "@react-md/portal";
import { OverridableCSSTransitionProps, TransitionTimeout } from "./types";
export declare const SCALE_CLASSNAMES: CSSTransitionClassNames;
export declare const SCALE_Y_CLASSNAMES: CSSTransitionClassNames;
export declare const SCALE_TIMEOUT: TransitionTimeout;
import { OverridableCSSTransitionProps } from "./types";
export interface ScaleTransitionProps extends OverridableCSSTransitionProps, RenderConditionalPortalProps {

@@ -9,0 +5,0 @@ /**

@@ -1,9 +0,275 @@

import { TransitionProps } from "react-transition-group/Transition";
import { CSSTransitionProps } from "react-transition-group/CSSTransition";
export declare type TransitionTimeout = TransitionProps["timeout"];
declare type TransitionKeys = "in" | "appear" | "enter" | "exit" | "mountOnEnter" | "unmountOnExit" | "onEnter" | "onEntering" | "onEntering" | "onEntered" | "onExit" | "onExiting" | "onExited";
export interface OverridableTransitionProps extends Pick<TransitionProps, TransitionKeys> {
import { CSSProperties, MutableRefObject } from "react";
import { CSSTransitionClassNames, CSSTransitionProps } from "react-transition-group/CSSTransition";
import { TransitionActions, TransitionProps } from "react-transition-group/Transition";
export declare type TransitionTimeout = Required<TransitionProps>["timeout"];
declare type TransitionKeys = "in" | "mountOnEnter" | "unmountOnExit" | "onEnter" | "onEntering" | "onEntering" | "onEntered" | "onExit" | "onExiting" | "onExited";
export interface OverridableTransitionProps extends TransitionActions, Pick<TransitionProps, TransitionKeys> {
timeout?: TransitionTimeout;
export declare type OverridableCSSTransitionProps = OverridableTransitionProps & Pick<CSSTransitionProps, "classNames">;
* This is basically the same as the `EnterHandler` from
* `react-transition-group` except that this allows for the element type to be
* provided.
export declare type EnterHandler<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLDivElement> = (node: E, isAppearing: boolean) => void;
* This is basically the same as the `ExitHandler` from `react-transition-group`
* except that this allows for the element type to be provided.
export declare type ExitHandler<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLDivElement> = (node: E) => void;
export interface TransitionCallbacks<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLDivElement> {
* An optional enter handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles. This will also be fired for `appear` transitions.
* This will be fired right after the `transitionIn` is set to `true`.
onEnter?: EnterHandler<E>;
* An optional entering handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles. This will also be fired for `appear` transitions.
* This will be fired almost immediately after the `onEnter` callback.
* However, if the `repaint` option was enabled, it will ensure the DOM as
* been repainted before firing to help with CSS transitions.
onEntering?: EnterHandler<E>;
* An optional entered handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles. This will also be fired for `appear` transitions.
* This will be fired once the transition has finished.
onEntered?: EnterHandler<E>;
* An optional exit handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles.
* This will be fired right after the `transitionIn` is set to `false`.
onExit?: ExitHandler<E>;
* An optional exit handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles.
* This will be fired almost immdiately after the `onExit` callback. However,
* if the `repaint` option was enabled, it will ensure the DOM as been
* repainted before firing to help with CSS transitions.
onExiting?: ExitHandler<E>;
* An optional entered handler that can be used to determine additional
* transition styles if you need access to the DOM node to calculate those
* styles. This will also be fired for `appear` transitions.
* This will be fired once the transition has finished.
* Note: If the `temporary` option was enabled, the `rendered` result will be
* `false` and the node actually won't exist in the DOM anymore.
onExited?: ExitHandler<E>;
* The options availabe for the `useTransition` hook. This was once again
* heavily inspired by the `Transition` and `CSSTransition` components from
* `react-transition-group`.
export interface TransitionOptions<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLDivElement> extends TransitionCallbacks<E> {
* Changing this boolean will trigger a transition between the six stagees:
* - `ENTER`
* - `EXIT`
* - `EXITED`
* Changing from `false` to `true`, the stagees will change in this order:
* Changing from `true` to `false`, the stagees will change in this order:
transitionIn: boolean;
* Boolean if the transition should also be triggered immediately once the
* component mounts. This is generally not recommended for server side
* rendering/initial page load so it is set to `false` by default.
appear?: boolean;
* Boolean if the component should mount and unmount based on the current
* `transitionIn` stage with a default value of `false`. When this is
* `false`, the first result (`rendered`) in the return value array will
* always be `true`.
* When this is set to `true`, the first result (`rendered`) in the return
* value array will be `true` only while the `transitionIn` option is `true`
* or the transition is still happening.
* Note: **Changing this option while the hook/component is mounted will not
* do anything**. If you want to dynamically change the component's temporary
* state, you will need to also change the `key` to get the component to
* re-mount.
temporary?: boolean;
* Boolean if the transition should force a DOM repaint before triggering the
* next stage. Defaults to `false` since it's only really recommended for DOM
* and CSS transitions.
repaint?: boolean;
* The transition timeout to use for each stage. Just like in
* `react-transition-group`, this can either be a `number` which will a static
* duration to use for each stage. Otherwise, this can be an object of
* timeouts for the `appear`, `enter`, and `exit` stages which default to `0`
* if omitted.
* Note: If any of the timeout values are set to `0`, the transition will be
* considered disabled and skip the `ENTERING`/`EXITING` stages.
* Note: If the `appear` stage is omitted in the timeout object but the
* `appear` option was enabled for the transition, it will instead default to
* the `enter` duration.
timeout: TransitionTimeout;
export interface CSSTransitionOptions<E extends HTMLElement> extends Omit<TransitionOptions<E>, "repaint"> {
* An optional className that should ge merged with the CSS transition class
* name based on the current transition stage.
className?: string;
* The transition class names to apply. Unlike in `react-transition-group`, if
* this is a `string` instead of an object, the different states will be
* `--{state}` instead of `-{state}`.
* Example:
* ```ts
* const options = {
* classNames: "scale"
* }
* // creates
* const classNames = {
* enter: "scale--enter",
* enterActive: "scale--enter-active",
* exit: "scale--exit",
* exitActive: "scale--exit-active",
* }
* ```
* ```ts
* const options = {
* classNames: "scale"
* appear: true,
* }
* // creates
* const classNames = {
* appear: "scale--enter",
* appearActive: "scale--enter-active",
* enter: "scale--enter",
* enterActive: "scale--enter-active",
* exit: "scale--exit",
* exitActive: "scale--exit-active",
* }
* ```
classNames: CSSTransitionClassNames | string;
export interface CSSTransitionProvidedProps<E extends HTMLElement> {
* A ref that **must** be passed to the element that is triggering a CSS
* transition change. An error will be thrown if the transition starts, but
* the ref is still `null` or the `ref` was passed to a component instance
* instead of a DOM node.
ref: MutableRefObject<E | null>;
* The current class name based on the provided `className` options and the
* state in the transition.
className: string | undefined;
export interface CollapseOptions<E extends HTMLElement> extends Omit<TransitionOptions<E>, "repaint" | "transitionIn" | "timeout"> {
* An optional className to merge with the current collapse transition
* className.
className?: string;
* The timeout for the collapse transition. This will default to 250ms enter
* and 200ms exit.
timeout?: TransitionTimeout;
* The minimum height that the collapsed element can be which defaults to `0`.
* This can either be a number of pixels or a string CSS height value.
* Setting this value to any non-zero value will allow for the element to
* shrink to the defined min-height, and then expand to the full height once
* no longer collapsed.
* Note: If the `minHeight`, `minPaddingTop`, and `minPaddingBottom` options
* are all set to `0` (default), the child will be removed from the DOM while
* collapsed.
minHeight?: number | string;
* The minimum padding-top that the collapsed element can be which defaults to
* `0`. This can either be a number of pixels or a string CSS `padding-top`
* value.
* Note: If the `minHeight`, `minPaddingTop`, and `minPaddingBottom` options
* are all set to `0` (default), the child will be removed from the DOM while
* collapsed.
minPaddingTop?: number | string;
* The minimum padding-bottom that the collapsed element can be which defaults
* to `0`. This can either be a number of pixels or a string CSS
* `padding-bottom` value.
* Note: If the `minHeight`, `minPaddingTop`, and `minPaddingBottom` options
* are all set to `0` (default), the child will be removed from the DOM while
* collapsed.
minPaddingBottom?: number | string;
export interface CollapseTransitionProvidedProps<E extends HTMLElement = HTMLDivElement> {
* A ref that **must** be passed to the element that is triggering a CSS
* transition change. An error will be thrown if the transition starts, but
* the ref is still `null` or the `ref` was passed to a component instance
* instead of a DOM node.
ref: MutableRefObject<E | null>;
* The `hidden` DOM attribute that will be enabled if the component is fully
* collapsed with no height and padding but still rendered within the DOM.
hidden: boolean;
* A conditional style that will provide the required `max-height`,
* `padding-top`, `padding-bottom`, and `transition-duration` styles required
* for the collapse transition.
style?: CSSProperties;
* The class name to apply that will allow for the element to transition
* between collapsed states.
className: string;
export {};

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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